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Telios & Narumi

The young girl's brother turned to the soldier as the dragon was being patched up. "If you're looking for the princess, let's just say that she had a little fall and drowned" He told him.
"We already knows the news..." The soldier said before looking at the unconscious princess being brought back.
The young girl bit her lip as she watched, worried for the young princess as they lay her down.
The two siblings watched as people tried to cure Tarond, panicking. "I though the princess had healing powers?" The brother of the two points out.
"She needs to be conscious to do that..." The soldier said.

Tarond stopped bleeding but he didn't resume breathing.
The young girl watched as a young maid got Tarond's breathing back, and his heart going.
The young brother of the two watched as the princess began to become conscious again, water spilling from her mouth as her eyes fluttered open after a short while.
Charlotte's eyes fluttered open and she felt a maid pull her hands towards Tarond, so she could heal him.
Tarond finally woke up two months later, growling quietly when he woke up. He looked around, trying to get his bearings.
Charlotte watched along with the other people in the room, though she looked down quickly as she felt guilty for making him in this situation.
Charlotte watched as the room feel silent and only one soldier owned up to what had, happened.
"You had been in coma two months..." A soldier said. "How childish of me..." Tarond sighed before walking over to Charlotte and looked at her. "How had you been?
Charlotte didn't look at him and stared down at the floor and gave a light shrug. She had been awful, though who really cared anyways?

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