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Telios & Narumi

"You should get back to the Palace, Princess... The King and Queen are worried about you and Tarond..." The soldier said.
Charlotte just stood up and then wandered deeper into the woods. "Why should I?" She mutters.
"You are needed... It's very urgent since Prince Tarond was nowhere to be found..." The soldier said.
"Selfish..." The soldier mumbled before continuing to search.

Tarond was pondering about if he could kill himself or not.
Charlotte had heard what the soldier had said then, and just slumped her shoulders, feeling unwanted then. She sat on the edge of a high cliff that had a sea of water at the end.
The soldier couldn't find her and gave up.

Tarond was starting to pierce through his scales again.
Charlotte did jump down from the cliff, she had scraped herself and bled as she fell and then sunk down into the water, she drowned though didn't die, was just unconscious.
A nearby villager heard the loud splash and went over to investigate. When he saw a body down there, he jumped in and tried to said he or she. A while later, he helped Charlotte to got on the shore. "Princess Charlotte...?" He said, trying to revive her.

Tarond had broken through his scales and started to bleed once again.
Charlotte of course couldn't reply to the young man and stayed in the curled up position she had been in when she hit the water.

A young girl was walking through the woods and came across the dragon. She went over to him and then room hold of his claws gently to stop him from making his scales bleed, she didn't know it was the prince but felt bad for him and didn't want to leave him by himself, so she tried to calm him down and gently began to patch up his scales.
The small girl watched as her brother came running towards her. "Hey sis! Apparently the princess, whatever her name is, Charlotte tried to commit suicide! Let's to and see her dead body!" He called loud enough for Tarond to hear.
Tarond heard about it and flinched. He ran away before curling up under a tree. "N-No..." He continued to bleed through his scales before he wounded himself more.
The girl raised an eyebrow and nodded, letting him pull her along before saying goodbye to the dragon. They returned to the same spot, several minutes later. "That was a rip off, I thought she'd be dead, y'know, all blood and stuff!" He says and watches as his sister glares at him.
The young girl went towards he dragon and tapped him lightly, her brother began to pull her away and then told her that the dragon was the prince of their Kingdom and that they should bring someone out there to collect him, he began to wander, tugging his sister to the palace.
The two siblings bought a soldier out into the woods to where the unconscious dragon was.
The two siblings were struggling though managed to help the soldier bring him back to the palace.

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