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Fandom Teen Wolf (OOC)

It isn't a teen RP without a lesbian romance and people falling for each other on first glance. You will be surprised how many teen dramas have people hooking up within a day.
Ugh. Tell me about it! But I don't believe in love at first sight tho.

Edit: the ugh was meant for the hooking up within a day part, in case you've misunderstood me.
Ugh. Tell me about it! But I don't believe in love at first sight tho.

Edit: the ugh was meant for the hooking up within a day part, in case you've misunderstood me.
Yeah I never understood the hooking up on the first day part. Love at first sight is at least understandable because of hormones, and it’s a common trope that writers use to spice things up a bit between romantic interests. Just realized that I’m the supernatural dark and aloof love interest (Kristine) that a hapless human (Lizzy) falls for while also having a dark foreboding presence (Kyle) following them throughout. It’s almost as if we orchestrated this intentionally. Nope. Pieces sometimes just fall into place.
Yeah I never understood the hooking up on the first day part. Love at first sight is at least understandable because of hormones, and it’s a common trope that writers use to spice things up a bit between romantic interests. Just realized that I’m the supernatural dark and aloof love interest (Kristine) that a hapless human (Lizzy) falls for while also having a dark foreboding presence (Kyle) following them throughout. It’s almost as if we orchestrated this intentionally. Nope. Pieces sometimes just fall into place.
Things always work out in the end. Right? XD
Anyway, looking forward to hearing Shae’s Perspective. Who knows maybe Betty Jones will pay her a visit. Man, you picked arguably the best race to play. Banshees are very interesting to say the least.
I should do more watching to get a better feel for the Banshee's power. Because all I can find on youtube is compilation of Lydia's piercing scream.
There is more to a Banshee than their piercing scream and their ability to sense death.
Shae getting drunk is going to be fun.

Also I love the actress you picked for her.
There is more to a Banshee than their piercing scream and their ability to sense death.
Shae getting drunk is going to be fun.

Also I love the actress you picked for her.
I know. Which is why I'm so irritated when I couldn't find anything else other than Lydia screaming.

I also love Saoirse! I first saw her in her movie the City of Embers, and then in the lovely bones. She captured my heart in both and I'm very much amazed by her acting. That and I love her accent and how masterful she is at other accents.
We both choose obscure actresses, funnily enough.
Because as much as I like Saoirse, I see her in very few movies.
Same with Kaya, unless of course you count the Maze Runner series - which was also pretty obscure come to think of it. Then again, by then the young adult era of movies was pretty much dying down. At least it flared better than Vampire Academy, which became a movie at the very end of the Twilight era. Naturally that it didn't do so well.
Come to think of it. I actually never liked Twilight. Despite the fact that I have watched all of the movies in cinema and I once owned a complete collection of the books. I really like the ending in Breaking Dawn part 2 and the graphic effects tho.
How to be a Mary Sue.
1. Have no real flaws in your character, better yet have no character at all. Except maybe that your character is very unrealistically clumsy.
2. Have every character adore you for absolutely no reason.
3. Be the central character despite the fact that the side-characters are ten times more interesting.
4. Be character be utterly insecure in her self even though she is naturally beautiful, has a slim body, and has a perfect boyfriend.
5. Never have an apporiate reaction ever in the history of series. Vampires exist. That's cool. Werewolves exist. That's also cool. Mother gets kidnapped by a vampire. I'm just going to stay relatively calm with maybe a minor freak out. Boyfriend breaks up with you. END OF THE WORLD, LET'S LITERALLY FLIP OUT AND GO CRAZY FOR A WEEK! And then go zombie for six months. Because that's perfectly normal for a break up. Oh, and have nightmares every night. Then start hullincating.
6. Have full control of yourself even when you shouldn't have control over yourself.
It is very clear who I am talking about ......

Yeah. That battle sequence at the end of Breaking Dawn was pretty cool. Too bad they coped out. Such a shame too, they could have actually continued the series at that point. The one time Twilight gets interesting, and it's not even canon.
How to be a Mary Sue.
1. Have no real flaws in your character, better yet have no character at all. Except maybe that your character is very unrealistically clumsy.
2. Have every character adore you for absolutely no reason.
3. Be the central character despite the fact that the side-characters are ten times more interesting.
4. Be character be utterly insecure in her self even though she is naturally beautiful, has a slim body, and has a perfect boyfriend.
5. Never have an apporiate reaction ever in the history of series. Vampires exist. That's cool. Werewolves exist. That's also cool. Mother gets kidnapped by a vampire. I'm just going to stay relatively calm with maybe a minor freak out. Boyfriend breaks up with you. END OF THE WORLD, LET'S LITERALLY FLIP OUT AND GO CRAZY FOR A WEEK! And then go zombie for six months. Because that's perfectly normal for a break up. Oh, and have nightmares every night. Then start hullincating.
6. Have full control of yourself even when you shouldn't have control over yourself.
It is very clear who I am talking about ......

Yeah. That battle sequence at the end of Breaking Dawn was pretty cool. Too bad they coped out. Such a shame too, they could have actually continued the series at that point. The one time Twilight gets interesting, and it's not even canon.
Hahaha. Shockingly enough for me was never realizing at first that Anna Kendrick was there, and so was Bryce Dallas and Christian Serratos too.
Ha. Anna Kendrick. Who would thought she would have a career after Twilight. The rest just sort of frickled out. We hardly ever hear from Kristen Stewart anymore. Robert Pattinson was in a few projects. And Tayler Launter disappeared entirely. And the side characters didn't last long either. As a matter of fact, the only side character that become a household name was Anna Kendrick and she wasn't even a major part of the series.
Ha. Anna Kendrick. Who would thought she would have a career after Twilight. The rest just sort of frickled out. We hardly ever hear from Kristen Stewart anymore. Robert Pattinson was in a few projects. And Tayler Launter disappeared entirely. And the side characters didn't last long either. As a matter of fact, the only side character that become a household name was Anna Kendrick and she wasn't even a major part of the series.
I know! When I saw her again, I was all. "Why the heck does she look so freakin' familiar? Anyways. I think I'm gonna do my assignments first before anything else.
Really sorry that I haven't been on guys! I decided to go out Friday night and was recovering all Saturday. I'll have my first post up now, I hope everyone is still interested :)

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