Teen Titans RP!


Junior Member
Welcome to Jump City, the perfect place for your every day need of crime fighting! Choose your path of “good” or “evil”. Or better said by everybody’s favorite Titan leader, Robin:

“It's simple: There is good and there is evil. There are those who commit crimes and those who stop them. The two sides are opposite, as different as day and night. And the line between them is clear... Or at least, it's supposed to be.”

Follow the journey your life takes you. Fight villains, defeat heroes, uncover your destiny alongside the elite team of young heroes (Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, and Starfire) as you set your stance in this deadly game of cat and mouse.

So as new evils (and old enemies) erupt across the globe, it’s not only up to the TT but also to the NEW fighters spawned in a web of power; to keep our world secure.

What side are you on?

Where do you stand?

Are you up to the challenge?

(You know who you are, if you've decided to join and have already posted a character sheet in the other thread. May the force be with you, as you live long and prosper in our beautiful world we shall now enter)


The young girl simply scowled. It was not an expression of anger, or even strong distaste, yet one regarding a powerful formation of annoyance. But as quickly as the ill-tempered look engulfed her pale complexion, it was directly replaced by her usual cool and collected look of intelligent determination. With dark eyes narrowed fiercely, metal-covered arms crossed over in an impatience of sort, she had to withhold a humored smirk. Straightening her back, the girl adjusted the positions of her thick boots along the lining of the warehouse rooftop. Now this is just absurd. It’s been exactly 23 (make that 24, now) seconds since she broke through the roof. In fact, the gaping hole she had shot through still excreted dramatic smoke in a flare of splintered and broken metallic tiles. I certainly did NOT alter my schedule to be left waiting for this ridiculous over-grown piece of sushi. Well, Paradox knew quite accurately that the mechanical being indeed consisted of a miraculously tough mixture containing platinum, steel, organic tissue, and the usual titanium for one of its kind, and was NOT actual suitable sushi material for fairly normal humans, but she believed in the obviousness of her point suitably enough.

25 seconds.

26 seconds.

The girl glanced to her left appendage, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. A glimmer of moonlight had caught itself in a smooth reflection across a thin panel of armor clasped to her upper arm, momentarily catching the female’s attention in return. Yet clouds moved back over the glowing mass, covering the entire skies in a blanket of expected darkness. In reaction, her vision swiftly snapped back to the view of the other domes surmounts. There was nothing but stillness, silence, and the occasional interruption caused by tendrils of water whipping along the dock borders.

27 seconds.

28 seconds.

The time she had estimated for the situation to activate was drawing ever so closer. Better things to do, better places to be. But by whatever heavenly essence may be lingering in space, I want that damned sample before I convince myself to participate in more “daring” accounts. She was careful in the mental usage of the term “need”, opposed to “want”. This predicament (if you even have the desire to refer to it as that) was merely a sector between one of her few personal hobbies, nothing more and nothing less. Paradox had only allowed herself this accursed distraction in reward to her recent endeavors. Granted, she almost never did this, so considering the extensively mild excitement ahead it was a rare little……treat.

29 seconds.

30 seconds.

Her plans, of course, extended SIGNIFICANTLY beyond the somewhat INSIGNIFICANT rendezvous about to occur. Though naturally, all rendezvous held some small form of significance to say in the least. Every movement, every moment, counted towards the upcoming future, providing opportunities just awaiting her to completely and utterly control them. It was excellently brilliant, the delicate strands of time so cleverly weaving throughout each other as they prepared the circulating present for the upcoming future. Everything counted, even this small “exclusive animation” of events.

31 seconds.

32 seconds.

Paradox shook her head, her short hair giving an uplifting little wave due to the motion. She was allowing her mind to wander. Never, ever, should she allow her mind to wander. Concentration and focus at all times were of the utmost importance. Always to be exercised and controlled in every way, never to be relaxed and vulnerable. Because it was moments in which her mind drifted that the young girl believed herself to be transforming into a weak waste of space. Though lately, the constant throbbing in her brain caused points of convergence (though she would never admit it) strangely difficult to direct. It also didn’t help that her sub-conscious thoughts screamed the language of treachery and dark manipulation even louder than usual. Curses.

33 seconds.

34 seconds.

She had the powerful urge to shift her weight to the side in displeasure, but refused to allow her posture any alteration (the girl was subliminally aware that this was most likely because of her trained physical advent). Any moment now, and she would finally get this over with. Her patience was running low. Her temper was coming to a gradual rise in its controlled state. It was supposed to happen:




Nothing. 35 seconds, and absolutely no change in the environment. Paradox furrowed her brows, turning to be sure of the lack of adjustment in her surroundings. Total squat. My calculations are almost never incorrect, with its body weight in addition to the mass of the tunnels, as well as the volume in the warehouses, there is absolutely no way I could possibly not-

Her train of thought was immediately interrupted by a sudden screeching sound. Paradox returned her sights to the warehouse, her body tensing beneath her battle suit. Hell yes, here we go. Then it finally came out. The hole where she had only recently protruded from exploded into a vast and wide circular arrangement. In fact, the entire roof of the warehouse suddenly lunged forward, bursting from the binding rafters that had held it in place. Her sharp hearing felt a responsive blazed feeling from the shrieking scream of tile scraping against blatant mechanics. And then just in that single juncture, the sounds were accompanied by a massive shadowy figure discharging from the source of noise. The creature provided the exhibition of appearing out of nowhere, as though it simply had spawned from thin air and ruptured a random zone of compaction. It’s large; cylindrical-dome shaped head was curved in a menacingly dark form of intimidation. Hulking whips of metal flung upwards around the head, curling and swirling in a lashing rod. Each panel of thick armor was accompanied by a raw, meaty tendon, just flexible enough to stretch around the neighboring warehouses. The creature’s body continued to emit the piercing scream as flashes of red light lingered along the tentacles. The young girl finally allowed a small, mischievous grin to submit on her expression. For a moment, it appeared as though her eyes flashed with something OTHER than determination. It was a hungry stare, starving for a fight. Paradox calmly observed the creature, watching with a vague interest as the enormous circle on the center of the head opened, revealing a vibrant scanner hurriedly searching for its next victim. The eye of the device found its crimson stare laying direction on the apparently tiny human female. The programmed instinct built into its censors wasted no time for assault, as that second it saw her it sent multiple tendrils of armor and muscle in that direction. With a blinding speed, the giant weaponry swung closer to Paradox's calamity.

It smacked down into the exact space where the girl had been positioned, sending bits and pieces of the roof all over the place. The creature once again emitted the harsh sound as it slowly raised the tentacles. Scanning the newly-smashed crater, it found itself not picking up a single trace of the female’s heat signature. Slinging its body around, it only was just able to catch a glimpse of the missing girl from the corner of its censor, as her body arched with the intense blow building up in her fists…..aiming right for the center.

The power excreted by her hands was only intensified by the collision. Both of her arms swung forward, their strength smashing into the THING’s optical region with a force which by an outside perspective may be considered fueled by rage. Yet her face remained a cool wall of certitude despite the excessive dynamism so obviously engaged. She was not at all angry, no, her dark eyes flashed with a light of even darker amusement and intelligent energy. Paradox found this little “get together” to be nothing more than a simple game. A hobby. So as the game goes, the creature’s scream magnified, accentually striking at her ears. It joined in a synced formation with her own mental screams which taunted her mind as it fought for control and concentration. Again, no, she must stay totally intact as she sent these severe blows in a cycle of repetition towards her current opponent. Focus. The sparks and flares of scarlet energy retracting from the zone curled around her and the creature with a deadly brightness, then for a moment, illuminated her terrifyingly fierce grin. It flickered and faded, and the thing sent a barrage of several thick tentacles towards her. But the girl was fast enough to release her position and fall backwards to a centralized decent within the air. One particular tendril streamed past her head, and with natural instinct her gloved hand shot out and grabbed it with a grip to match that of an iron clamp. The rest of the tentacles that had been aimed towards her re-adjusted their alignment, setting course for these new set of coordinates upon her whereabouts. As they now fired to the girl, while she tightly hung on the violently swinging perch, Paradox smirked confidently. Then just in the very fraction of a second before the tentacles struck her with a deadly hit, the girl threw herself forward once more. The blast from the gun she had been clinging to missed and hit a different weapon, which recoiled as it fell with a drastic thud. In her jump she grabbed two other tendrils, one in each hand. They threatened to pull her apart, to tear her in half with a separate and powerful force. Though without even wincing, without even breaking a sweat, Paradox pulled them BOTH to each other, and then brought her legs and knees up to her chest before cannon-balling backwards. The two mechanical limbs gave a dramatic smash within a lovely shower of even more sparks and loose wires. The creature’s roars grew more technological and strained. The programming must be short-circuiting. Excellent.

Paradox found herself literally swinging from tentacle to tentacle, finding a new grip on a new metal appendage each time her presence was known on the last, so basically every two or three seconds. She smashed a couple more, silently observing as the meaty strands throbbed and pulsed in vain attempt at renovation. She moved with such speed and precision that her body was almost a blur as it punched, kicked, smashed, and twisted every single part of the creature that came her way. The girl felt another rush of that mentioned adrenaline at her boots contact with her enemy’s armor, which sent a cold metal shiver of pleasure along her hidden skin. Paradox bolted around, and revolved her slim frame mid-air to crack that very same section of armor. The thing was pushed back as she insistedly shoved it in that direction, watching while it scrapes the remaining ware-house wall as though she found this to be her daily dose of entertainment (which it in fact was, at that). It fired, it shot, it sent dozens upon dozens of miniature explosions around itself and the female who was so evidently teasing it. But the only effect was her determination growing ever so fiercer and ever so passionately contained and collected. The vibrant lights danced in her reflective armor, causing the pale coloration on her exposed face to also glow with a seemingly white light. The fires twirled and spun in her deeply brown eyes, radiantly highlighting her equivalently aphotic hair and eyelashes. Her boots tapped and skimmed the ground with perfect agility as the girl dodged each blow and strike with ease, her expression never wavering, never faltering. Alright, time to really get down to business. No more playing. Paradox straightened her back, abruptly ceasing her movements. She stood perfectly still, calmly observing a crimson parade of energy bolts sent in her direction. Her body clearly exhibited a formal military stance and strategy, but her extensive knowledge and usage of various other fighting techniques were just as (if not even more) obvious. She knew very well that had she wanted to, she could have destroyed this monstrosity in a minute at most. Yet she found this continually amusing, and a little game of cat and mouse was just the thing she had needed to brighten her dreary mood of late. Paradox whirled around with an astonishing speed, already in battle stance, and ducked. Her pupils hungrily followed the bolts as they flew past her, just barely missing the very tip of her nose. Everything seemed to slow down as she bent, even the beast she toyed with. But this stand-still did not last very long, and an instant later she was jumping in the air, her leg already twirling as it built up momentum for a fearsome kick. Now let’s REALLY start!
The steady pace of a sniper pointed at the bank, as two masked thugs ran out the alarm of the bank wrung so loud everyone could hear. With the accuracy the sniper shot and took out two guards with perfect Presidion and he ran down to get in the get away car, he lept in as the thugs laughed at the heist they just pulled.

''I don't believe it, look at all the cash we got here right morgan'' Morgan poured himself a cup of tea and sipped. ''a sip after every victory, perfection...yes we did eheh, this is our retirement boys'' He said with a sharp gleam in his eye, they heard the sirens catching up.
It has been exactly 10 years since the arrival in Jump City, and Lance felt the need to make his move. He planned on leaving the city and its chaotic nature. Lance had made it that long merely staying away from the gangs, but as of late, they had sought after him, and his ‘ability.’ He was unsure of how they found him, but none the less, he did not care. The people that were after him were not his friends, they only wanted to harm him and the innocents of this city.

“Damn spawn campers!” Lance yelled at his television.

He was playing Battlefield, one of his favorite games, but since he was a full time worker, he didn’t have much time to play, so his level was far below the other players. The good thing about his ability was, since the building he was living in, was using interconnected hard wood, he would firmly plant his feet on the wood and be ‘connected’ with it. This would allow him to find his surroundings while he was wearing his head set. It was then that he felt something that did not belong. Turning his headset off, Lance took in a quick breath.

“Seven pairs of combat boots?” Lance spoke out to himself.

“Now who could be wearing those?” Lance spoke out once again as he set the controller down upon his coffee table.

Standing up from his gaming chair, he walked over to his closet and pulled out his emergency backpack. Reaching back into the closet, he grabbed a clean t-shirt and threw it on. Walking over and placing his shoes on, he placed his hand down on the floor and felt where the combat boots were. They were almost at his door and with a smile upon his face, he leaped from his spot and burst through his front door. The door hit the first two men in the hallway, and Lance dashed towards the other men, pushing through the center of them.
(Uuugh campers....gotta hate em xD )

(Im gonna post right now, i just realized i forgot to put a code-name and im trying to think of one lolz) 
Ardour was sitting on the couch flipping through channels with a bored and almost annoyed look stuck to her face while minding her own business. She sighed and leaned her head back,"Why arent there any good channels?! Why doesnt anything exciting ever happen?!" She twisted the end of her long brown hair that was tied in a high ponytail. She gave up and threw the remote aside to the ther end of the couch. She slouched over,putting her elbows on her knees and one hand under her chin, she stared at her other hand and snapped her fingers. As soon as she snapped, a flame appeared in the palm of her hand. She snapped once again and it dissappeared. She did the several times out of boredom when all of a sudden, a siren went off. She stood up and walked to the window to see what was going on. All she saw was car driving really fast perhaps a get-away car,"Thats odd..." She said to herself.
Two figures stood amidst the wasteland that was Jump City. Something big had happened, and it wiped out every living thing in the city. A small nuclear bomb had detonated, with all fingers pointing at the Teen Titans as the cause. The Teen Titans had no idea how the bomb got there or who set off the bomb. They knew nothing of the reasons for detonating the bomb.

This conversation, us being here. It never happened Flash, you have to understand that.” One of the figures spoke. He took off his hood and looked at his companion. It was Robin, battle-scarred and visibly tired. Flash looked back at his leader.

I know.”

The U.S army is going to be here soon. They'll be looking for us. All of us. If you get caught you'll be considered a rogue. If you fail-” Robin stopped and looked at his friend with worried eyes. “Cyborg told me once you remove the other bomb from where it's placed, you'll only have ten seconds till it detonates. If you can't reach the ocean and back by the time it goes, We will be accounted responsible for the lives the first one took and the ones the second one takes.”

Flash looked out into the one building that was standing tall. Some how it stood standing, and the second bomb was in that building. Scanners indicated this one was huge, the survivors would be blasted away before they got a chance to escape.

Don't worry, I'm the fastest. I will get the bomb out of harms way.” The Flash replied confidently giving a wink to his leader.

Cyborg also told me....that you won't have enough time to reach the sea and back. He calculated almost a certain death for you. That's why I'll ask you one more time. Come with us into hiding. We can figure out who attacked Jump city before the army gets here. We......will have to take the deaths of more people, but there's no choice.” Robin spoke with disgust in his mouth. He himself could do nothing for the survivors.

I'll be back, see you at the hideout.” Flash barely finished his sentence as he dashed towards the building. Robin only had a split second to watch his friend go. He quickly turned around and sprinted off into a near alleyway, disappearing into the shadows.

Thoughts raced through the young speedster's mind as he approached the building. His family, friends, the Titans. Jinx. He had nothing to worry about, he knew he could do this mission. But fear lingered in his heart....

Flash reached the core room. He saw the small, yet devastating bomb sitting in a glass case. Time was ticking down, the bomb stated there were only twenty minutes till it would detonate. Flash knew he had only ten seconds to grab and go. The nearest large mass of water was not that far, the problem was the Flash would have to get deep into the ocean, and doing that would be much more difficult. Without a second thought he grabbed the bomb and began running towards the sea. 10....9....8....7....

Flash reached the coast, he felt the water beneath him.


He was far out enough. He chucked the bomb and ran back towards land.



Wally West quickly rose up from his bed, eyes wide open. His heart was rapidly beating. Sweat dropped down his face. It was only a dream, Wally thought as he let his forehead rest on the palm of his hand. His long red hair was drenched in sweat. Another nightmare. Wally slowly got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror. People didn't know it, but Wally was having recent nightmares lately. Ever since Robin had gone to train by himself in a secluded area, a lot of weight has been put on the Flash's shoulder. Quite frankly, Wally didn't think of himself as a leader. He wasn't ready. Wally walked over to his fridge and grabbed a water from his fridge. He then hopped into the shower and got ready for the day. Living in Jump City, something was bound to happen.
((This is not my rp at all, so i am only suggesting this, but can we not clutter the actual rp thread with only OOC posts?))

Lance had counted the men as he pushed his way through, and as he reached the last of them, a slight expression of shock shot across his face.

There is only five of them? Lance thought to himself as he ran through the hallway.

Passing by each of the doors, Lance soon heard the ringing of something off in the distance.

Seriously, what is going on in this town. Lance said as he slightly lost track of the men that were after him.

Snapping back into reality, Lance was met by the last two men. The closest man threw a left hook right towards Lance’s head. Seeing the punch coming in, Lance ducked under the attack and continued past the man. Leaping past the man and his attack, he speared the next man. As they both fell to the ground, Lance continued his momentum and rolled forward. Continuing his feet, Lance ran for the window at the end of the hall. Jumping at the window, Lance’s body morphed into a bright silver.

“See ya sucka’s!” Lance yelled as he vanished from sight.
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((I'm using HoneyBear-Kat entrance as my own :wink:))

Marceline sat in the passenger side of car,"You get slower and I pierce your skull."The young woman giggled as she forced the man to speed through jump city.The moon high above the city,which was always filled with chaos.The man that was forced to drive through the city shivered in fear,"W-why are you making me do this?"

"No reason,just board!Bye!"Marceline said as crystals formed inside the card piercing the mans chest and the interior/exterior of the car.Now all that was left was a giant crystal in the middle of the rode,with a girl sitting on top of it,"HAHAHAH!"The young lady laughed with pleasure from the destruction.
Ardour noticed this gigantic crystal with a girl in the middle of the road,"WHAT THE HECK?!" She pressed her hands against the glass and a shocked look on her face. She squinted a bit, to see if she could recognize this myserial girl, who had very scary laugh. She sighed,"What has happened to Jump City these days?" She asked herself.
Marceline's evil laugh died down as she took in all of the destruction.Cars crashing into the crystal,people being impaled by crystals that were growing from different spots,and the police rushing in,knowing they would be useless.Marceline hopped off of her crystal seat,with a few somersaults and flips,followed by the crystal exploding,"Boom!"She giggled as she began to walk away from the scene, boredom creeping up on her again.
Ardour quickly ran outside,"Whoa whoa whoa!" She took a look at all the damage around her.

"What the heck is going on?!" She saw crystals everywhere from little shards to big pieces coming from the ground! Her eyebrows were pinched together in confusion as she looked for the source, the soud of sirens and crashes continued.
The girl released an exasperated sigh, clasping her hands together as to excrete a small cloud of dust and debris from her fingertips. Her final time had been approximately 2 minutes and 36 seconds. Eh, it could've been better. But, in the least, she would consider it......amusing. Yes, amusing. A total of three neighboring ware-houses had been destroyed in the little "get together". No big deal, the city could pay for the damages. She just needed to collect the specimen, and be on her way. That thing was spread across the entire section, broken into hundreds of smaller, flaming metal and meaty pieces. The central control system lay exposed, the dim ruby light flickering and slowly fading into blackness. Casually, Paradox strolled through the ruins, kicking aside a random sliver of tentacle. Sparks of electricity trailed up her legs and arms, but she didn't even appear to notice. Through the smoke and fire, the female quickly reached said control system. She raised her hands, palms open and fingers outstretched. Her eyes flashed brightly in reflection to the red, and just as she was just about to touch it.....gradually, a sparking tendril of burnt metal raised behind her head. The girl appeared to not even notice, to be completely entranced by the colors before her. The tentacle struck forward, moving closer with each flaming second. Without even turning around, her arm in turn smacked the struggling assault. It flew back, and she returned to her work.

The young female's hands touched to pulsing heated metal. At her contact, it flashed a vibrant crimson. She intently stared forward, her expression unwavering as always. Finally. The panels slowly opened, more smoke spilling out from the now exposed area. The creature tried to fight against her once more, but could only create a pitiful shudder. She stuck her hands deep inside of the being, arms now inside of the thing. Paradox didn't even flinch at the blue flames licking up her limbs while she did so. Her hands returned from beneath that surface, and this time they were clutching a smooth metal capsule.

Paradox frowned, repeatedly attempting to ignore this familiar noise that has plagued her for exactly three weeks this day. THEY were finally quiet. She could still clearly remember the shadowy whispers as they seeped their touch of bitterness into every single thing she did, every single thing she saw or heard. This had been the longest time....they....had not spoken, yet their lingering presence was only replaced by this constant throbbing. The young girl had only to thank the serum, a radioactively enhanced compound she had invented not to long ago. Yes, it was a highly unstable material, but she considered the risks a fair factor. It worked and that was all that mattered.

The thing's power core still in her hand, Paradox turned to walk away. Then she heard the sirens. Her senses perked up, and the girl couldn't help but grin. Just what I need. A diversion, just perfect for the assault.
Marceline had not made it far,in fact she barely made it 5 feet before Ardour made it outside,"Hmmm?"Marceline turned to see a girl looking around.Her face twisted into an evil smirk,"Looks like a missed a bitch!"Acid coming off her tongue as she began to walk over to Ardour.Marceline stopped in front of the young woman,"And who might you be?"She asked with a smile instead of her sadistic smirk.Marcelines purple hair,being blown by the wind, draped perfectly over her right should,with the rest being blown around.The girls rabbit/hare ears poked out the top of her head,they were pure white,except for the pink inside of them.
Ardour lifted an eyebrow and thought fo a moment,'dont trust her...shes the only one not freaking out about whats going on right now...it must be her...'

She crossed her arms with her usual angry/bothered look,"Whats it to you?" She replied to her question. She didnt mean to give off attitude its just who she was.

Marceline looked at the girl with a blank star,"Uh...Yea,your right.What is it to me?"She said as she lifted the finger to point at Ardour.A small crystal ball began to form in front of it.By applying heat and pressure,Marceline began to generate electricity in the crystal.Electrical sparks began to dance around the ball,"Now,since your name means nothing to me,then I guess I can just kill you."Marceline said as she began to charge then fire at Ardour.The shot was undodgable for a normal human,but for someone like a superhero,then they could easily dodge it.
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Wally was drying his hair when sirens began blaring within the Titan's Tower. The Flash quickly put on his costume and checked to see what was up. Two separate events, at two ends of the city. Once seemed to be an explosion near some warehouses, another a strange maniac girl was causing havoc, but a friendly seemed to be near by to that incident. The Flash quickly bolted out of the Tower, and headed straight for where the explosion was. He passed through police vehicles and made it to the scene, and saw a strange looking metallic girl (Paradox) walking away from the scene.

“HEY! Stop!” The Flash yelled at the girl and appeared in front of her, a couple of feet away. She looked....a bit strange to say the least. “What did you do here?” The Flash asked with an authoritative voice.
((Oh guys, and I am going to make an OOC thread in a bit, that way we can just fill that up with our awesomeness and crazy nonsense! ;D))

Paradox gave a small, impressed whistle, yet she only gave a bored glance at him. "Me? Do something? Here? Well..... I'll be damned if I'd just stand around and be accused of participating in an incident of which I am ONLY an innocent bystander." Still creating the melodic tune, still walking, the girl raised an eyebrow. "Ether way, Zippy, it happens to be none of your concern." Now the ringing in her ears was more then irritating, it was a focused beat. But as she sundered past Kid Flash, it was not of the utmost importance. The last thing I need right now is to deal with Jump Cities number 1 do-gooder. Her feet were silent, even on the broken debris. She trotted right over a bright strand of power-lining, softly landing and continuing her walk as though she had simply not changed at all. And as she moved, the core was growing hotter and hotter in her firm grasp.
Flash watched as the weird looking girl walked away, almost mocking him. Well, that really ticked me off.. The Flash quickly ran around the girl, a circle with about a ten foot radius. As he ran, the wind picked up around the girl, the wind was moving at a fast pace. “Do not mock me, tell me why you came here". The Flash asked as he ran, slowly picking up speed. He pulled out his Titan communicate and called for back-up. Hopefully someone comes, the Flash thought to himself.
Her eyes quickly tracked him regarding the fast movements. Ah, his ignorance would be his downfall. And was he REALLY attempting to pull this formation on her? Please, she could blast him to high heaven had she the time, and the desire. But being that Paradox had NEITHER this moment, the least she could do was toy with him for a few moments.....just as she had done the creature.

"I haven't been mocking you, Marry-Jane, but if it's mocking you want, I will gladly oblige." For effect, she allowed herself a sarcastic yawn. "Though I really must be going. I frankly do not have the ability to waste precise time with the likes of yourself." Her hair was being pulled back by the gradually increasing speed of the wind, yet her expression revealed not even the slightest annoyance at that.
The Flash stopped running and appeared ten feet in front of the girl. His emerald eyes were looking right into the dark eyes of his enemy. “You're kind of cute, how about we go out on a date and talk this through?” The Flash asked with a smile with his arms out in a defenseless manner. “You know, I've always wanted to go out on a date with a trash can, it's been on my bucket list.” He added as he started walking toward the metallic-looking girl.
She provided a humored smirk. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a tendency to date arrogant pip-squeaks with an ego far larger then what their fat heads can handle." Her voice was even, unchanging. She whistled again. "A trash can? How original. I hope you didn't hurt yourself thinking it up." Now Paradox was just dripping sarcasm as she stepped to the side, avoiding him again. Her dark eyes pierced into his, not revealing anything else but calm determination. She began going in the other direction once more, twirling the thick cylinder in her fingers.
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Wally quickly noticed the interesting looking cylinder that the strange girl was twirling between her fingers. Bingo. The Flash quickly grabbed the cylinder from her hand and appeared in front of her again, this time a good distance. "This wouldn't have to do anything with the explosion now, would it darling?" Kid Flash winked at the girl. "Catch me if you can!" With that he set off in the opposite direction of the girl, not too fast though, he wanted to see what her intentions were with this strange-feeling cylinder.
Paradox sighed, refusing to allow this irksome male the satisfaction of seeing her frustrated. "You must be even stupider then I originally thought. Congratulations." She turned around, her optical nerves flashing with the precision and execution of the act she was preparing to perform. The girl knew all to well that he was simply testing her, and could not let him play around with a device so clearly the opposite of a toy. Paradox did not reveal any physical alignment regarding her next moves, as her actions were a complete surprise. She could move faster then most beings, and though she was fully aware that were Kid Flash to move at his FASTEST, she had not a chance. But he was pacing himself at a relatively slow formation, making this all to easy. She dashed forward, yet again pertaining to the astonishing speed she had displayed in battle. Her feet appeared to barely skid the ground as she rushed to her target, like a phantom gliding above ground. A couple feet behind him, the girl charged, bending over. Her leg shot out and caught one of his, twisting the ankle to a stop. In return, her slender frame jumped up and snatched it from his fingers as he had hers. She danced back, lightly stepping on her feet. "You know, smart-guy, this is a highly radioactive form of Zynathium, class 47, grade X. If you move to fast, I assure you it will blow, and it will take both you AND your precise city into a toxic version of Hell on Earth, as to say." Paradox's eyes brightened in amusement, though contained a dark fore-telling warning. "Why do you think I had to take that thing apart? If I hadn't, then an actually dangerous explosion would engulf thousands of people. You move to fast for a gal who can't seem to think very quick on her feet. Maybe if you'd taken the damned time to pay attention, you would not have just risked unleashing this to play this silly little game." She once again held that cylinder in a firm grasp, her sights just as firm on the male. This was interesting, to say in the least.
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Wally jumped back from the girl and listened to what she had to say. All the information kind of went over his head initially. He was mostly just surprised she could move decently fast. She's pretty fast. The Flash thought to himself. He focused back in to her speech. “Listen, honey. I have no idea whether or not I should trust what you just said. For all I know you could be lying. Why would you need such a device?” The Flash asked the robotic girl.

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