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Fandom Teen Titans: New Generation

(fixed it)

Autumn looked up at everyone and then gazed at vlad and the hand he had extended. She took it, delicately not sure how to handle this situation. "Ni..Nice to meet.. You too?" She said questioning her words. "My name is Autumn," she smiled back at the boy.
Soon after Tabitha and Midnight entered the tower they quickly found a group of people and a rather large creature next to them chatting away who was obliviously the new titans but rather instead of greeting them Tabitha and Midnight tried to avoid getting noticed so they wouldn't have to talk to them if one thing was for sure Tabitha had a horrible time talking to new people she would just make a complete fool out of herself and she would much rather explore the tower anyway to see if her old room was still there from the time she spent with the original titans. So now both Midnight and Tabitha were quietly sneaking past the large group silently begging to themselves that they didn't get caught.
"Alrighty then, we shall do tryouts! you all will be a member, filling a role that brings our ship to a just land!" Vlad said telepathically. "Follow me to the training room, and one at a time please, the room can only hold two people." he added, minerva sniffing around, since she feels suddenly cold, and found new smells. She followed the scents, to find Midnight and Tabitha hiding in the shadows. She just stood there, looking at them, but saw them as no threat, and then hugged tabitha gently. @Archangel Galdrael @DemonKitten @Suki19 @Dlabell9 @DamagedGlasses @NetherLightGod @nighttimecatplayer
While all this occurred Enforcer stood in the back watch all his unfold. "Let's see if you all are worthy"he stated calmly
Hero- Soul

Soul chose not to follow the apparent leader to the room, as he thought everyone could simply fight and prove themselves outside the Titan Tower's training room. "If it can only hold two people, then fine. I'll train and prove myself outside, so that's one less person on the waitin' list." Soul said, still annoyed at the leader. Making his way outside the tower, he flinched slightly as something felt off in his mind, however it did not seem too important.

Villain- Bloody Star

She built up the energy, careful not to alert Soul or the annoying angel that prevented most of her attempted possessions. Bloody-Star had been collecting and storing energy for the past several months to possess the body at night, which was when the angel was weakest along with her being her strongest. However, she couldn't help but burst out in rage and speak through Soul's mouth before, as the ignorant vampire hurt her love. Something she didn't expect, was that their would be females on the team, and wanted to rip the one who seemed to be intrigued about Soul to shreds. Bloody-Star kept herself in check, as she knew the chance would come when the sun went down.
Illianna,still under the guise of a young heroine looked everyone up and down. She wanted to blow all of them up and harvest their bodies for future endeavors,but her short term goal and long term goal at the moment prevented that. Illianna looked at the vampric being and spoke,"Uh.....if it can only hold two people,shouldn't we go outside or on the roof?"Anna questioned not just to keep up the mask,but because she thought the idea was incredibly stupid,at least it did show on her face.
"Alrighty then friend, I will check on you as train." Phoenix said. "And to answer your question, it only holds two people, and has a one way mirror for the ones outside to watch. It is no contests, it is a way of knowing each other's abilities."he said telepathically to the rest of the titans. "If you insist on going outside, then train with minerva, for she will be willing to train." He added as Minerva nodded. "And besides, if you do not see what each and everyone of you can do, then we will not be am efficient team. The original titans knew each other and worked together by combining abilities." He stops, and waits for any rebuttals.
"Well i'm fine training anywhere really" Jay mumbled as looked around the room, curious to her surroundings "But maybe the training room would be the best option" she suggested, not too excited on the idea of spectators, for it was something that made her feel pressured "Though, that's true, we barely know each other"
"You should not feel pressure, but pride and confidence for showing off your abilities." Phoenix said as he opened up the training room. "Anyone want to go in first?" He asked as he walked in.
"That would be me" Vivian said as she gave a step forward, awaiting orders as to what to do and where to go, she had remained quiet in the conversation up until this point, she was ready to show her capabilities and wanted to be the first to do so.
Tabitha was caught off guard when she noticed that the other creature in the room had spotted them but to her surprise instead of the creature alerting the others the creature went up and hugged her "Uhh?" Tabitha stuttered not really finding what to say while the creature hugged her while midnight just watched from the shadows not being able to figure out what to do without drawing more attention meanwhile the group continued to talk not even noticing the presence of Tabitha and her dragon companion before finally Tabitha had manged to slip of of the creatures grasp as she quickly nodded to Midnight as they continued to sneak in the shadows away from the group.
Vivian nodded, taking a step forward into the room, upon entering it she brought her hands close together forming what appeared to be a small shadow ball, better to start small she thought, releasing it as hard as she could sending it towards Vald.
Vlad dodges it. "Nice one, but keep going!" Vkad said telepathically as he looked at her smugly. Meanwhile, Minerva begins searching for midnight and Tabitha, then sadly grumbling as she searched.
Vivian gives a light smile before she charges at Vlad to take a more psychical approach, while trying to slip in some of her powers; she tried a kick then quickly sending out a wave of darkness, finding herself to be a little tired, she tried not to show it as she stood tall, awaiting for Vlad.
Hero- Soul

As he watched the leader and the female volunteer enter the room, Soul spoke up before heading outside. "While you guys are waiting, lets fight each other but just not to-the-death. I'd like to at least know someone on this team is as strong as me in a fight, so come outside just in case things get...a little out of hand." Once outside, Soul got himself ready, as blue fire began to form around his body, and he got into a rather cliche boxing stance. "So whos first? Oh and like I said before, try not to touch the flames, they can burn pretty badly. If you seem strong enough, I'll even show you something special even among Magi's.." Soul said, giving a slight excited grin.
Tabitha noticed that the creature was still searching for her and midnight she wanted to say something but she didn't want to alert anyone so she just ignored it as the creature was sniffing around finally Tabitha and midnight had manged to sneak out of the room undetected allowing Tabitha to let out a sigh of relief "Well that was close huh midnight" Tabitha said as she gave midnight a little pat on the head before making her way slowly up the tower as midnight followed along her side.
Jay was a little hesitant to go head to head with Soul, she was hesitant to fight anybody really, she already knew for a fact she was weaker than anybody here, and showing that would ruin all her chances of being on the team, something she needed more than wanted "I think i'm good just watching the match thanks"
"Excellent! Keep going until you are sore!!" Vlad said, encouraging her to keep going. "I know there is more fight in you!" He said, smiling at her. Minerva then stops searching and then went to vlad and the others.
Duke entered the training room and heard souls proposal and said " I'm in! Show me what you got soul!!!" Afterwards, Duke walked towards soul ready to fight.
As the blue fire around his body began to grow to the point of covering most of his body, it quickly vanished. Although Soul couldn't use it to the same extent of his grandfather, he thought it wouldn't be smart to go all-out on this guy, since he didn't seem like much. "Soul Art: God Slayer!" Soul shouted, and he it wasn't required for him to state what the Soul Art version or particular move was being used, however it seemed to help him focus better. Using his soul energy, Soul increased his speed and agility to around 5x the average human. With his now quick speed, Soul rushed at Duke, zig-zagging left and right, just in case the guy had some secret power. "I'll use a borrowed version of Soul Art, cause' if you can't handle this, then there's no way you can beat me in a real fight!"
Adam didn't know how this happened. His ring power was drained and he was going in free-fall down onto the ground. In one hand, was his ring and the other was his power battery. "In Brightest Day and Blackest Night no evil shall escape my sight," he needed to finish the rest of the verses to save his life. "Let those who worship evil's might," he was almost going to faceplant into the ground. "Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!" he shouted. Ring at 100%. Adam quickly created a trampoline which bounced him into the air, and he caught himself from falling midair. (I know the trampoline thing would not work irl but meh)
Although Vivian was now exhausted, she decided to keep going, pushing herself to a new limit she had not been able to reach on her own. In a matter of seconds she quickly divided herself into two, the first of them attacking with punches and kicks while the other rested and re-gain energy to make another shadow attack, as soon as the first had gotten tired, the other lifted herself up as turned her hands into two shadow blade throwing her hands forward.
Adam slowly descended onto solid concrete. Coincidentally, he was right in front of the place where he was headed. He didn't know what it was called but it was the place where the Teen Titans are. He walked inside, immediately lost. He raised the fist where his ring was and said, "ring, locate nearby life." He waited a few seconds for the commanded to register and it responded. Training room. The response wasn't very helpful, since he had no idea where it was. So he just wandered around the building.
Hero- Soul

After gaining a good amount of momentum and got within range, Soul was about to strike Duke with a fist packed with Soul Energy, however stopped as the angelic soul in his body yelled at him to stop in his mind. Abruptly coming to a halt, before backing away from Duke to gain distance, Soul was irritated. "The hell is it Angel? If your going to lecture me about underestimati-" He was quickly cut off, as the demonic soul spoke up.

Villain- Bloody Star

'Silly silly Soul, whose new toy brought too much joy, and didn't notice the guy falling from the sky...' She giggled, loving it when Justin was ignorant of something. His reaction was always so adorable to her, however sadly it seemed that the annoying angel beat her to warning him about the stranger. Once she found a way, Bloody Star would send that snotty angel to hell, and find a body of her own that Justin would love. 'There is some guy who has a huge amount of sanity.....if you just give me the wheel for a bit I could handle it....'

Hero- Soul

"No, I'm not letting you take over Demon. Especially not after you caused that gang to end up in the hospital." Soul whispered back, and turned his attention back to Duke. "Sorry but it seems a challenge has came up. I'll fight you afterwards, so don't interrupt." He said, before running back into the tower. After slowing down and keeping an eye out through the tower for several minutes, he finally found what seemed to be someone like the Green Latern. Although Soul himself hadn't known much about the famous hero, apparently from what the info he did know was that the powers came from the ring. Walking up to the guy-in-the-green, Soul sensed power, however it somehow didn't seem to come from the guy's soul what-so-ever. "Hey! Were you the one who came from the sky? If not tell me where he is, I want to fight em' for practice." @Pyosimros

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