Teen Titans: New Generation - Neutral Characters

In New 52 Blackfire did become an ally, well to to Starfire, Red Hood, and Arsenal in Red Hood and the Outlaws. This happened when Starfire got called by the Tamareans to do some space thingy cause their home planet's getting destroyed and the outlaws wrecked the enemy race and rescued Blackfire. Then Blackfire and Starfire made up like best buds, except they're sisters

Sorry imma comic book nerd (':3)
Pyosimros said:
In New 52 Blackfire did become an ally, well to to Starfire, Red Hood, and Arsenal in Red Hood and the Outlaws. This happened when Starfire got called by the Tamareans to do some space thingy cause their home planet's getting destroyed and the outlaws wrecked the enemy race and rescued Blackfire. Then Blackfire and Starfire made up like best buds, except they're sisters
Sorry imma comic book nerd (':3)
Was she ever a member of the titans?
I don't know, I'm just saying her appearance in New 52 because that's the place I'm strongest with in comics, I have no idea if she was pre Flashpoint though
Hey... uh... could I be a villain?

Name: Simon Smythe

Villain name: Killerbyte

Age: 18

Species: Human

Gender: Male



Bio: Simon is really only out for himself. When he was little his father, who was a minor politician, instilled in him that it's a dog eat dog world and every man for himself, if you can't help yourself no one else will. Simon took this to heart. It became clear that he was smarter than the average person. He decided to use this to his advantage. But he didn't want to be a doctor, or a lawyer or anything like that. He wanted money, lots of it, and recognition, fame. Thus he used his intellect, and natural affinity for machines to become the armoured mercenary and thief known as Killerbyte. His current job is getting rid of this new group of Teen Titans.

Abilities: Genius level intellect, technomancy

Weapons: His robotic suit, a mech suit for the more challenging fights

Likes: Machines, money, getting off sarcastic oneliners

Dislikes: Bloody heroes flipping ruining everything and stopping me from getting my pay check. And their goody goody attitude and the black and white, good and evil vision they have. God, they are the WORST people! I mean I'm just trying to get payed here, just trying to get a stable income, but no, they have to swoop in at the last second and ruin EVERYTHING! God I hate them...

Unique Trait: He can control machines with his mind... that's kinda unique... other than Cyborg...
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
Hey... uh... could I be a villain?
Name: Simon Smythe

Villain name: Killerbyte

Age: 18

Species: Human

Gender: Male



Bio: Simon is really only out for himself. When he was little his father, who was a minor politician, instilled in him that it's a dog eat dog world and every man for himself, if you can't help yourself no one else will. Simon took this to heart. It became clear that he was smarter than the average person. He decided to use this to his advantage. But he didn't want to be a doctor, or a lawyer or anything like that. He wanted money, lots of it, and recognition, fame. Thus he used his intellect, and natural affinity for machines to become the armoured mercenary and thief known as Killerbyte. His current job is getting rid of this new group of Teen Titans.

Abilities: Genius level intellect, technomancy

Weapons: His robotic suit, a mech suit for the more challenging fights

Likes: Machines, money, getting off sarcastic oneliners

Dislikes: Bloody heroes flipping ruining everything and stopping me from getting my pay check. And their goody goody attitude and the black and white, good and evil vision they have. God, they are the WORST people! I mean I'm just trying to get payed here, just trying to get a stable income, but no, they have to swoop in at the last second and ruin EVERYTHING! God I hate them...

Unique Trait: He can control machines with his mind... that's kinda unique... other than Cyborg...
Looks like redd has competition. Maybe a worthy foe.

Name: Gwen Lia

Villain name: Scar Face

Age: 17

Species: Demon

Gender: female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/scar.jpg.94e9e9b53f08681932b66e6feca45120.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/scar.jpg.94e9e9b53f08681932b66e6feca45120.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Gwen was summoned by Ravens father, Trigon, In order to do what Raven did not, enslave the human race. She has her flaws but is almost Ravens perfect twin. only is not as powerful

Abilities: Demonic Powers

  • Open portals
  • Summon creatures
  • create different beasts

Weapons: She does have her own

Likes: Evil and dark spirits

Dislikes: Titans

Unique Trait: She is able to deceive people very easily



  • scar.jpg
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oh ok lol


Name: Mika horu

Hero Name: Bladded mistress


Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/download1.jpg.072b0c624c5f2c1d7d7f9b2aee229942.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/download1.jpg.072b0c624c5f2c1d7d7f9b2aee229942.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Mika had been training in the mountains for 10 years. she has trained under the influence of master ishi of the winter monks

Abilities:She has mastered hand to hand and staff combat


Likes: Justice

Dislikes: Evil



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Name: Subject Alpha

Anti-Hero name: Apex/The Red Terror

Age: 17

Species: Meta-human clone

Gender: Male


Bio: Subject Alpha is a clone of Beast Boy created by an assistant of his parents, one Dr Raymond Hunter. Hunter saw the power that Garfield Logan possessed and wanted to possess this power himself. To achieve this goal the scientist created a number of clones of the boy. Alpha was the first and the only one to survive infancy. He eventually escaped from the mad scientist and made his way to Jump City, the place where his genetic donor was. He originally intended to kill Beast Boy as he was the original, but instead he learned by watching him and chose to become a hero, albeit a much more brutal one. When Alpha fights he often goes into a raging, feral state which can cause him to be very reckless and uncontrollable.

Abilities: - Enhanced strength, speed and endurance

- Animal-like senses

- Shapeshifting into any predatory animal that he knows about, including extinct ones, he can occasionally lose control when in an animal form

Weapons: Teeth and claws

Likes: Meat, nature, honest people, hurting criminals, people who don't judge him

Dislikes: Doctors, needles, people who pity him, loosing control, rules, authority figures, liers, Dr Hunter

Unique Trait: Red skin and hair, claws and sharp teeth, short fur covering body, red eyes
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Name: Eric Linman

Hero Name: The Black Cat


Species: Genetically altered human

Gender: Male


Bio: Black Cat, originally Eric Linman, stated out as the son of a very successful business man in jump city. However, Eric’s father got into some trouble with the company he worked for and was forced to choose between giving up his son, or to keep his riches. He gave up Eric who was then used as a lab rat. They cut out the lenses of his eyes and replaced them with the lenses from cat’s eyes. They then removed modified his nose and ears to smell and hear like a cats. Then they used some brain cells from a cat’s brain and graphed them into his brain, leaving them with a boy who would see, hear, smell and move like a cat. For every two steps the normal man takes, he takes five in a dead sprint. He can hear someone coming from 100 yards away and he can recognize anyone by their scent. When given a pistol, he never misses due to his amazing eyesight. They used Eric to do their dirty work. Killing whoever they told him to. However he grew tired of this life, especially because they forced him to kill children at times. However he had yet to quit but if given an opportunity to escape this life, he will gladly take it.


His senses: Due to having cat’s lenses implanted in his eyes, Black Cat’s sight is impeccable. He can see in the dark because he can reflect the little light he has. He can hear a pin drop in a crowded room and his sense of smell mean he can find anyone and follow them all day should he please.

His brain: The cat’s brain cells that were graphed into his brain have given him incredible reflexed, speed and balance. He always lands on his feet and he can react and dodge anything he can see coming at him in less than half the time a regular human can. This has also, however affected his personality, making him very feisty and unpredictable.

Weapons: He carries a pistol on him. But it’s unlikely he’ll use it if he gets recruited by the titans. Its heavy so it’s a great blunt weapon should he not nessicarily want to kill someone.

Likes: milk, TV, cats, being lazy, warm surfaces, laying on warm laptops. (yes… he does that.), catnip, the smell of bleach, sitting on the counter while the dishwasher is running.

Dislikes: Dogs, loud noises, being agitated constantly, bad smells, being surprised.

Unique Trait: Eric’s just got a ton of these and some of them are quite funny:

- He will chase a laze pointer

- Due to having a cat’s lenses in his eyes, his eyes are silted like a cat’s

- When surprised he will scream like a cat and jump like one too

- He’s got cat cells in his brain… this means he will occasionally have a spaz attack like they do

Name: Harper Blakk

Hero Name: Shadow

Age: 19

Species: half demon half angel (it's complicated)

Gender: female


Bio: She grew up on earth with her mom and dad not know about what they were. She grew up in a big house and went to school like normal people. Two months after she turned 11 a monster attacked her family. Her mother was severly injured and soon died. She found out her power when she was protecting her little brother Ace. Her dad took them to foster care and had to leave. She didn't want aything to happen to other people like her so she became a hero.

Abilities: fly, dark magic, light magic, summon demons, control animals, blend into shadows

Weapons: a black sword she creates with her magic

Likes: darkness, excint species, dragons, animals in general

Dislikes: kids, bright colors, being crowded, tight spaces (cloustriphoebia)

Unique Trait: Whenever she gets really mad her eyes get a red tent of color in it and a black power ball goes around her and starts shooting random stuff. I can be very distructive.

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