Teen Titans: New Generation - Neutral Characters

Name: E.D.A.I (Earth Defense Artificial Intelligense)

Villain name: Discharge

Age: Created 52 years ago, activated 3 weeks ago.

Species: Sentient Robot

Gender: Male



Bio: Project E.D was set up in order to create a being that could protect the earth without the aid of super heroes, by combining certain powers super heroes possessed into a sentient guardian. It was one of the few things the governments of earth worked together on. However, as more prominent heroes began to appear such as the Titans, they stopped with the project believing it wasn't needed. Yet as time passed by, more threats began to emerge, and the original titans grew older, and just as the next generation of heroes began to emerge, the governments continued with project E.D. Although it did not go as planned, upon completion of the project, the sentient life that had been completed, was infected with a terrible error. It's sense of protecting earth was massively warped, it targeted anyone who had ever broke even the slightest law, anyone who had a criminal record, all targeted for death. Realizing the terror they had released, the governments decided to try and shut it down. This was successful... Or so they believed, the project was terminated, and the robot seemingly destroyed, but the robot had hidden it's data in a common computer, and was soon reborn anew, no longer persued, and it's programming to save the earth now erased. It was now truly free, and truly sentient. Remembering how the higher power of humanity had attempted to remove it from existance. It vowed to fix the world of humanities corruption, and so, Discharge, was born.


Enhanced Reflexes-Discharge is able to react to things the milisecond they happen.

Technopathy-Ability to control electronics using the mind.

Major Electrokinesis-Ability to greatly manipulate electricity. (Needs spear to use)

Enhanced Durability-Discharge can withstand tremendous force.

Super Strength-Discharge possesses incredible strength.

Weapons: Discharge holds but one weapon: It's titanium spear, with an electrolyzed end, with multiple prongs. This acts as not only a melee weapon, but as a catalyst for Discharge's electricity powers.

Likes: Discharge thrives around electricity, and technology.

Dislikes: Discharge despises humanity, and nature, it finds humanity to be impure and corrupt, but nature to be primitive, and boring.

Unique Trait: Discharge can in fact be hacked, though this would take a massive amount of work from multiple people.
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Name:Kevin Kozaku

Anti-Hero Name:Enforcer


Species:Possibly Human




Bio:Kevin has the power to demand literally anything and everything he wants. Due to this his parents were persecuted and ultimately abandoned him when he was 7 leaving him alone in Jump City to struggle and survive of his own accord. For 2 years he struggled in life at Jump City due to him not having much control of his authoritative power he was never able to talk to people normally without automatically making them his servants, however this didn't really bother Kevin nor did his parents leaving bother him because at this point he had deemed people who could easily fall under his influence "weak willed". After turning 12 he began to learn martial arts so he wouldn't have to relly on his powers so often, eventually he became a skilled martial artist. Once the Titans came into Jump City Kevin began observing them and their actions studying how strong their will was and whether they would make good test subjects for his powers.



-Martial Arts

Weapons:Staff, Swords, His Voice.


-Video Games


-The few allies he makes


-Dere type girls


-Sadistic people



Unique Trait:Due to his Authority ability whenever Kevin uses this power he becomes extremely arrogant and ignores all others talking to them in a patronizing manner. Something he hates which is one of the reasons why he doesn't use his Authority power all the time.

Name: Real Name Unknown.

Villain name: Bloody Star(What most call her)/Starry-Chan(What she calls herself)

Age: 17

Species: Demon

Gender: Female


(Only those who are being affected by her insanity or can use black magic can see the three bunnies that follow her in the picture. They follow her everywhere.

Bio: Due to her mother going insane and becoming a serial killer a year after her birth, and a father who killed himself at the day of her birth, she was raised by rather cautious foster parents. Her power to manipulate insanity however developed around the start of the 4th grade, but to her dismay she was accidentally killed by a male classmate attempting to protect her from a incoming car. When she reached heaven, the girl saw the boy, and instantly fell in love with him. This love was restricted by the angels which wouldn't let her leave to visit him however, so the girl started killing several angels and devouring their souls, until God sent her to Hell. Although she could no longer watch her new love, this did not stop her. She quickly killed dozens of demons and ate their souls, to the point it eventually corrupted her own soul from being human to that of a demon's. Within over a week, she managed to get out of hell and find refuge inside the boy's body. Over the years, she has attempted to take over the boy's body and make him join her, in hopes that one day she can show him the maddening world that her eyes see through.


Demon Physiology- Enhanced physical strength, speed, and durability. Each is roughly 3x that of a normal human, and has a slow healing factor.

Madness Manipulation- She can control the insanity in herself, and others, not to mention absorb it along with convert it to Soul Energy. Using this, she can generate insanity in someone, causing their emotions to start to spin out of control, their mind to hallucinate, and when used against those with weak will-power, go permanently insane. Not only that, but her soul can generate a field of pure insanity roughly around 10 feet in all directions away from her body while not using her powers or sleeping.

Soul Energy Manipulation- She can freely manipulate the energy of her soul, and use it in one of three ways. It can be used to increase the user's physical strength, speed, agility, and durability 3x the user's norm. Another way it can be used, is on the user's mental and sensory state, enabling them to double the usual extent of their senses, or increase the sanity/insanity of their mental state. Finally, it can be used to conjurer up a flame of their soul(Color depends on their aura), and attack the enemy with it. While useless against something without a soul, anything else will run the risk of their soul being completely destroyed.

Weapons: None, she uses her powers and pure insanity to fight others.


+ Blood

- Living things

+ Fire

- Machines

+ Darkness, night-time, being alone

- Light, being out in the sunlight, crowds.

+ Justin

- Any girls near, around, and/or even remotely interested in him. She finds guys attracted to Justin amusing, however will attack them if they try to make a move.

Unique Trait: She absolutely and endlessly loves Justin, so Reverse will do anything and everything to protect him.


Name: Justin Rosemary

Hero Name: "Soul"

Age: 17

Species: Human-Magi

Gender: Male



Born to a mother who wanted to help those in need, and a father who tricked anyone and everyone to get what he wanted, Justin grew up feeling hollow. While other kids wanted to play or trade cards, he wanted a purpose. Although he didn't need something to live for, or a goal to achieve, all he wanted was something that he could work on and hope to perfect one day. His wish was granted, when a car nearly hit a girl Justin had a crush on in the 4th grade. He ran in front of it, and out of pure emotion, activated Tiger's Hurricane(Look at Soul Energy Manipulation Details). Opening his eyes, the entire front half of the car was gone along with the driver, however the girl was caught in the explosion. After him being labeled as a freak and a monster by not only the girl's family, but also the entire town bt his mother and little sister, Justin met his grandfather two weeks later. Deciding to teach the boy how to control his power along with training him, the old man soon realized that the soul of the girl Justin killed by accident had became a demon and took refuge inside his grandson's body. After sealing the demon deep inside Justin in hopes that his grandson could become a strong Magi, using half of his own soul. 3 years later, Justin's grandfather died, and found himself watching over his own dead body, confused about how he had died. During the funeral however, someone stated that the old man had a heart attack during his sleep at home alone. This however was false, as Justin's Uncle Steven had came over and cooked dinner for the man. The grandfather's thoughts snapped, when Justin began to go berserk, screaming that "there was no way his grandfather would die like that". His grandfather's spirit rushed to calm the boy, and in doing so realized he had became an angel. Seeing his chance, he went inside Justin's body and sealed himself also. Several years later after vowing never to never use Tiger's Hurricane, Justin has found his purpose, which is to use and hone his fighting skills to protect what he thinks is right. Deciding to take his fight to Jump City, Justin hears about the old Teen Titans, and decides to check out if a new team is being formed.


+Soul Style/Soul Art

A fighting style developed by those who can control their soul energy. It uses Soul Energy to either strengthen the user, or destroy the enemy's soul. Justin's version is a parody of his grandfather's version, nicknamed "God Slayer". His grandfather's version focused on increasing the user's strength, speed, agility, and all senses by up to 50x the user's norm . Justin's version however, enables the user to transform into their "Soul Form", which is the true form of one's own soul. In order to accomplish this, the user must envelop themselves in their own soul energy, and absorb it into their physical body(Goto Soul Form for more info)It does require a high amount of soul energy along with concentration so if someone can manage to make loud noises or distract him, Justin will start power down quickly​

+Soul Energy Manipulation

From his training received along with the two extra souls in his body, Soul can freely control the energy of the soul(hence the name). Using this, he can create force-fields or blasts in the form of a blue fire. Not to mention, if he concentrates and builds up this energy, Soul can use two moves which are Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Hurricane. Dragon's Roar is a move where he lets out a large breath of white fire that can melt any living creatures, however it does not effect non-living things what-so-ever. Tiger's Hurricane is literally a explosion of pure soul energy is let out of his entire body, and destroys anything within a five-foot distance in all directions. Both moves require a large amount of energy, and Tiger's Hurricane can ONLY be used once per day. If used a second time, anything within a mile distance is destroyed completely, however so is the user. This ability draws from the user's own soul, and if used carelessly even for a moment, will send their soul to hell(Literally).

+Enhanced Durability

Because of him being changed from being human to that of a Magi, his durability has increased to at least 5x the average human body, without using Soul Art or any Soul Energy.

+ Soul Form


This is a transformation ability that anyone with a soul possesses, however is near impossible to learn, not to mention master, without being taught Soul Art or having a huge amount of Soul Energy. It causes the user to turn transform into the pure form of their soul, which exact appearance and power-wise can vary, however some things are universally clear. All physical and mental attacks/defenses are rendered useless in this state, however the user is resistant to emotional effects/powers. The only true way to fight against someone in this form however, is using Soul Energy, as it is the only thing the user has no resistance against, however the user is granted endless Soul Energy along with an additional power special to their own soul. In Justin's case, he can use Transuerso, a power that reverses any one-thing. For example, if someone is coming towards him, he can make them unable to go near him what-so-ever. This can even go to the extent that Justin could give something that has no soul an actual soul, however this soul would be just barely stronger then that of an average human's. Their are limits however, such as it will only remain active for 3-9 minutes, depending on how powerful the soul/souls of the user is, it requires intense concentration, and once this deactivates the user is left defenseless, not to mention will not be able to move from hour to several days depending on how much damage they received while in that form.

Weapons: He rarely uses weapons, and even then will only use light swords or knifes.


+Sweet potatoes


+Helping and teaching others new things

+listening to music

+Small or rare animals


-When something is unfair

-yelling or screaming

-people who are mean to kids or animals

-picking sides other then his own

Unique Trait: He is part Magi, a creature and/or being that has more then one soul. The reason for Justin only being part, is because purebred Magi's are born with multiple souls, while he gained his shortly after birth. Because of this, if he were to die of anything but misusing his powers, one of his other souls would die instead. He only has two other souls besides his own, one of an angel, and one of a demon.

+ Fairly easy to get along with, and is usually very calm even on the battlefield

- When getting upset, Soul risks his body being taken over by the two other souls in his body.

+ Very fast and much more durable when using soul energy on himself. Can protect himself or others with his soul energy via force-fields or attack the enemy with blasts of fire made of soul energy.

- Not very strong, and doesn't have much stamina. Not to mention, the more soul energy he uses, both the more he will be exhausted afterwards and the higher risk his other souls will take over temporally. Not to mention, most of his attacks are based on soul energy, which comes from the three souls in his body(including his own) so if the enemy either doesn't have a soul or can absorb soul energy, Soul is left mostly defenseless.

+ If he needs a large amount of soul energy, then he can gain it through the two other souls in his body. Also, if things take a bad turn for the worst, one of the others souls can take over the body to protect it from the enemy as long as a large amount of soul energy hasn't been used.

- Soul doesn't get along with the other two souls in his body at all, and in fact it is very rare for them to even consider helping him. Much of the reason being they don't get along, is that he takes their soul energy by force, and never willingly lets them borrow his body even for a moment. This isn't even including the fact, that if holy figures and/or places are nearby like preists, nuns, or churches then the angel soul inside him will revolt and try to take over the body by force. Likewise, if their is any demonic presence or black magic being used nearby him, the demon soul will do the same.

+ Respectful of both he considers his friends and his enemies, and is very protective over women.

- Due to this and his past, Soul will not willingly kill even his worst enemies, even if they planned to try to destroy him or others again. Not to mention, he won't hit a girl nor allow anyone else to, regardless if they be enemy or ally.
Name: Adam Olsen

Hero Name: Green Lantern of Sector 2814

Age: 18

Species: Human

Gender: Male


Bio: Adam grew up with a normal life. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. He had good grades, he was friends with pretty much everyone, life was pretty normal. Until a ring chose him to be part of the Green Lantern Corps. At first it was a mistake, and the Guardians came to retrieve the ring. Though it was the same time when Blackest Night happened, and the Guardians decided that they needed as much lanterns as they can to defeat the undead threat. So they let him keep the ring for now. In battle, he saw what the other lanterns could do and he marvelled at the things they created. And he tried making some of his own. At first, they failed and sucks and soon enough he created the strongest and fastest constructs out of most of the Corps. And he got to keep the ring. Though saving many different worlds across the universe gets to a mans head and he gained a big ego. Like Hal Jordan in the creation of the Justice League he believed that he could defeat anything and anyone, with his ring.

Abilities: Construct creation, flight, energy projection, vast knowledge (from ring).

Weapons: Green Lantern ring

Likes: Saving worlds, creating constructs, being the hero in general.

Dislikes: Losing his ring, losing battles, losing allies. A bunch of things with ‘losing’ in it.

Unique Trait: Like most Green Lanterns, he has indomitable will which resists the power of fear and resists mind control. He also has a Green Lantern Ring mastery, which creates constructs faster and more efficiently then other lanterns.
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Green Latern is a DC character, which is where the main sub-plot of the Latern Corps comes from. The Teen Titans is a DC franchise Steel, so they would both be in the same universe regardless ^-^''
Excuse me @Steel Zinogre i'd like to make a villain but I wanted to ask if that'd be alright with you.
Yay! I know this will probably get a no but can I use Blackfire Starfire's sister?
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[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]So? She could be an ally to them. @Ella Marie Black

I was gonna make her a member now.

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