Teen Titans: New Generation - Neutral Characters

Emperor Of Embers

The Red Kaiser of Flame


Hero Name:










Unique Trait:



Villain name:










Unique Trait:










Country of origin:



Legends of Creature? If so, tell us.:

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@Silvey Accepted.


Vladimir Reznov




The Guillotine




160 (looks 16)


April 29, 1855

| gender|







Vlad is just like any normal russian teenager, but he is also a bit quirky. Especially with weapons in the conversation, since he is a Child of the world’s greatest blacksmiths in Russia, however, he will be friendly around others, until he is offended in any way due to his short temper. He is also very compulsive, and cannot stand still. this benefits him in battle, and loves hanging around females (But will not try to seduce them, for this goes against his morals.). he can be too chatty and nerdy on certain subjects, but he is respectable. he is also very cocky. He also has a fear inducing part of his brain removed, since as a child he was Born without it, making him fearless, and extremely aggressive towards enemies.


Vlad was born in the mid 1850s, where his village was at war with a vampiric plague, but however, his mother was a vampire, and was captured and killed her at the stake by stone. He was next, until his Father, a vampire hunter, stood in their way, giving him time to escape with what little money they had, since he was going to need it, and his father died at the guillotine, charged with treason. Now he is being hunted by his former friends and family due to him being a ‘halfblood of the plague’. He also rarely speaks, since he was born with a defective voice box, and will randomly hiss.


Super strength: lift 100 tons

Super speed: runs at the speed as a race car at max speed

Photographic memory: Only good for memorizing blueprints for anything, needs to be refreshed every few weeks.

Enhanced senses: Can hear from 70 miles away, smell anything from 20 miles, and see about 2x the distance of a normal person. But, the smell and hearing can be fooled by sonic disruption and with certain drugs that destroys the nose (Cocaine, etc.).

Predictive Visions: he has visions of future events minutes before they happen, lots of lives were saved this way.

Enhanced reflexes: Can dodge a bullet seconds after it is fired, unless the assailant can predict where he will dodge to. Aids in dodging things bigger than a bullet too.

Vampiric thirst: Drinks up to a gallon of blood to sate his thirst for 2 hours, and heal himself. But also eats like a normal human as well.

He can also walk in the sun without injury, unlike pureblood vampires. His human half negates ultraviolet injury from the sun.

Telepathy: Can communicate with anyone with his mind, when he does not want to use his voice. (which is the case most of the time).

Weapon mastery: He has also mastered many different weapon types, from swords to axes, guns to launchers.

(Note, this is a cs from a different teen titans rp that i was a part of until it died.)
Name: Duke Adams

Hero name: Kang

Age: 17

Species: Human

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a6031e_guyforrp.jpg.f7923d6d18e05ed55da12ca6a5339251.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a6031e_guyforrp.jpg.f7923d6d18e05ed55da12ca6a5339251.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


the same as in the picture but when he activates the power of Gale his eyes turn white

Bio: His father raised him after his mother died due to an illness. His father was an skillful fighter that had the power of Gale, a mystical power that was gave to him by Gale the fighting spirit of Gartrum ( a mystical world where fighters go after they die)that gave him the ability to copy any fighting style, seeing the weak point of any object and gave him super strength. He taught Duke(He inherited the ability) how to controlled and taught him every single martial art he new, when Duke was 16 his father got killed by some terrorists and from that day on he decided to protect the innocent and punish the evil.

Abilities: Super strength

He can see the weak point in every object and later developed the ability to see the body of a person and see if it's injured and were

He can copy any fighting style and create a counter attack

Weapons: He rarely uses weapons but if he does he uses a staff.

Likes: Play video games



Dislikes: Spoiled brats

Unpunctual people

Being disrupted while training or meditating

Unique trait: He has the power of Gale a special ability that gave him his powers.

(I think I have explained all the abilities that the power of Gale gives if not please tell me)



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Name: Kelsey, but prefers to go by Hero Name

Hero Name: Autumn


Age: 16

Species: Gifted Human (source of powers unknown)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Autumn is a lovely, small framed girl with green, hazel eyes that change colors often. Her hair is a mix of browns,reds, and some golden blonde. She is ivory toned with light freckles and usually wears loose clothing.



Bio: Autumn grew up as Kelsey Saison. She was the youngest daughter to a well off family with no times on their hands. Autumn was a very optimistic child and was raised with her sister Chelsea. They got along better than most siblings, in fact, Autumn adored her older sister. When Chelsea's hair started to turn white, their parents disowned her and so she put her anger onto her baby sister. The 8 years of bliss was gone and she was tortured to no end by her once loving sister. Autumn's change came soon after and, not wanting to deal with it, their parents shipped them off to boarding school. It didn't last long for Chelsea escaped and Autumn, not being able to leave her sister, went after her. Now she is here, becoming a titan to find and help her sister and others like her.

Abilities: Autumn is a nature manipulator. She is still learning, but has lots of potential. Most the things listed here are not very powerful at the moment. This gives her the following abilities

  • Ability to communicate with all things of nature. (plants, animals) This in turn (when power develop) can make nature obey ever command and work as a hive mind. (at the moment, nature doesn't always want to listen)

  • Can influence weather and nature depending on emotions or desire. (At the moment she is young so she tends to express emotions a lot causing a ruckus)

  • Purify, heal and generally influence health of nature (can heal minor injuries at the moment, but really good at gardening)

  • Has little control and low self esteem preventing her from doing every thing she can

Autumn has many skills to make up for her lack of control

  • Her mind. She absorbs things like a plant absorbs water. If you want to know anything she probably knows it. It makes her a great researcher.

  • Can stand on own in hand to hand combat. She may not be the best, but her endurance is of the highest and she can keep going. She tends to be very skilled with taking a hit.

  • Has bombs that she made containing different effects.

Likes: Autumn likes many things more than she dislikes

  • Shades of Autumn are her favorite, but she also likes the colder colors of winter

  • Loves animals and everything nature

  • Prefers the solitude of the gardens and outside world

  • Likes hearing the movement and conversations of people because it makes her feel not alone

  • Sister Snow

Dislikes: Autumn isn't a hateful or easily angered girl so her dislikes are small.

  • She doesn't like being abandoned

  • Doesn't like when people harm those she cares about

  • Does not like when people destroy or kill nature without reason, unless for survival.

Unique Trait: Autumn tends to be very withdrawn and lacks confidence. She stays quite most the time unless she finds something very interesting. She tends to be a sweet, nurturing person that cares for everyone and is hard to anger. She prefers to be outside and she likes hearing the sound of life around her. Autumn, though quite and recluse, hates to be alone or abandoned.

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Name: Illianna "Anna" Vanglor

Age: 17

Species: Human Magi-Demon Hybrid

Gender: Female


Abilities: Magic - The young demoness is a master of earth magic,and proficient in other elemental magic. Majority of her magic is elemental,but just like Raven she is able to manifest her energy to construct items and other stuff. Illianna is has gone toe-to-toe with Raven and Zatanna,lost but they have both said that she is a formidable foe,but her arrogance is her downfall.

Enhanced Condition - Illianna's body is naturally stronger than other humans. She is strong enough to lift a car,and her acrobatics are top notch.

Enhanced Combat - Illianna has been in many battles and her combat skills are unparalleled.

Weapons: Anna has mastered the use of firearms,swords,and battle fans

Likes: Ice Cream,peanut butter, food, sunsets,destruction,murder,killing,dancing,babies,music,some animals

Dislikes:People,arrogant humans,Trigon,ruining her clothes

Unique Trait: For a evil demon she can be quite caring,well as long as you are helping advance her plan.

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Name: Tabitha Rose

Hero Name: Nighttime

Age: 18

Species: Human as far as known

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexuality

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/739ae3125e559204300c75520b0cc4cc.jpg.4f4d85821a3887cd1972cc356cf562a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/739ae3125e559204300c75520b0cc4cc.jpg.4f4d85821a3887cd1972cc356cf562a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Outfit style: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images.jpg.85f5801b066ac11249b88985ca8b69c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images.jpg.85f5801b066ac11249b88985ca8b69c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She also has a orange oval gem on her forehead which is the source of her power it changes color depending on her emotion and power she is using it is also the source of her life if her gem was to shatter so would she.

Personality: Quite mysterious at most times she tends to keep to herself and would rather spend time with her dragon more then anything else. She is quiet in front of new people and often has a hard time talking to people she don't know but once she warms up to you it would be as if she was a entire new person a fun loving perky character she can often tend to be a bit clueless and this often gets her into trouble but one thing for certain is she is extremely loyal she would do anything to protect the ones she cared about and wouldn't think twice having to sacrifice herself which often makes her a fierce opponent. If one of her friends was to get hurt she would burst into a collapse of total rage and would appear to have zero sanity and would merciless destroy anyone or anything in her path her dragon which is also very loyal would follow in her steps and would burst into a rage as well as if they where emotionally combined.

History: Not much is known about Tabitha she had lost her memory of her past she only has a few clips of memory but they don't seem to add up. The first thing Tabitha remembered was waking up in a barren waste land a white dragon white as snow curled up around her Tabitha was twelve at the time she had little memory whatsoever and the only living thing aside from her was the dragon that appeared to follow her like a lost puppy dog soon after they where attacked by what appeared to be a group of creatures as when Tabitha discovered her powers she and her dragon fended off the creatures as long as they could before having to retreat as they where getting overun. Tabitha and her dragon on the run the creatures seemed to follow her wherever they went as if they had a bounty on their head the strange creatures determined to capture Tabitha and soon after that Tabitha and her dragon spent the next few years on the run surviving out in the wild and learning new ability's each day growing stronger by the second. That is when finally at the age of sixteen Tabitha and her dragon discovered jump city taking cover in the shadows it seemed as if for some reason the creatures wouldn't follow her into the city. After that for a few months Tabitha spent the Tabitha living in the sewers staying out of site trying to steal as much food she could before one day while stealing she caught the hive on a stealing spree themselves that's when Tabitha stopped them but soon after the cops came to the scene making Tabitha retreat to the sewers below earning Tabitha the nickname nighttime since she would only come out in the nighttime soon after she was the hero of the month stopping crimes and helping anyone in need when finally the new titans caught her but instead of getting sent to jail they let her join the titans and ever since then she and her dragon spent the rest of their years working with the titans while helping anyone in need while trying to discover her past of what really happen.

Ability's: Aside from her crime fighting sidekick and loyal pet dragon which is already powerful on its own having the ability to slow down time its gashing teeth able to bite through any surface and the ability to create gem like stones which makes a light blast Tabitha has a wide variety of ability's her gem which is the source of her power embed on her forehead can control any of the elements varying from creating massive tornadoes to causing earthquakes to putting out fires with vast body's of water or creating the fires Tabitha is the full package her gem also changes color adapting to the ability she is using while at the same time having a faint glow. But one problem can tend to be is her gem reacts to her emotion which can often get out of hand.

Weapon: Tabitha is basically a weapon herself but she will hardly use one weapon which is a custom dullaxe she made herself.

Likes: Her dragon

Star gazing


Anything Sweet

Sleeping in

Anything involving video games

Helping her friends

Staying in the shadows


Waking up early

Anyone treating her friends like garbage

Being seen at nighttime

Being told what to do

When someone talks trash about her taste

The sound Velcro makes

Talking about her past

Unique Trait: She appears to have a emotional bond with her dragon whatever she feels the dragon feels as well if the dragon was to get hurt so would Tabitha.

Note: The dragons name is midnight given by the towns folk of jump city.



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Name: Chelsea (Only goes by snow. Most don't know name)

Villain name: Snow


Age: 19

Species: Human, Gifted (Doesn't know Source)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Snow is a Ivory skinned small framed girl with a decent size chest that makes it hard for her lolita habits. She loves cute things and is usually seen dressing as such. She has vibrant red eyes and snow white hair that she puts up in many styles.


Minus the shoes. She wears thick, small heeled boots.


Bio: Snow was treated pretty poorly even before her hair turned white. Everything was put onto her shoulders and she never had down time for herself. Her parents were strict and she tried to keep her sister from having to experience that. When the change happen, something inside of Snow changed and she went insane. She was cruel and pushed away her sister. When they were sent away, she ran off. No longer the Chelsea that her sister once knew. She had a new agenda now.

Snow has a greater handle on her powers than her sister and can make a dangerous foe.

  • Dark ice manipulation. She is a dark element user, but it usually appears as ice in a sinister black appearance.One of her greatest skills his her dark ice breath that leaves things in a fire of ice.

  • Frostbite. Causes temporary freezing of the place touched causing agonizing pain, but can be unthawed by heat or warm healing.

  • Teleportation . She can cover herself with frosty black energy and teleport to places she sees fit. She cannot do this at long distances.

Weapons: All her skills that aren't power based.

  • She is mainly a far away fighter, but can use her ice staff to fight if someone gets to close.

  • She also is very good at coming up with strategies and coming out on top or at least escaping.

  • Her greatest weapon is her ability to lead. She has a very powerful command for such a small girl.


Likes: She actually likes quite a bit

  • Cute things that aren't other people

  • Beautiful, cruel things

  • The cold

  • Lolita dresses of dark colors

  • Winter colors and dark nightmare colors

  • Peace and quite

  • Her sister Autumn, though she is cute not cuter than her.

Dislikes: A very spiteful little thing

  • People that don't follow her orders to a T when they ask her to lead

  • Others messing up her plans

  • Cute people

  • Being rejected or told she isn't cute (Might die from this one ;) )

  • Crowded places

Unique Trait: Snow is a cruel, manipulative and a trickster. She may be 19, but she dresses in Lolita Gothic outfits and does not like looking older. She does not appreciate being cold old and she absolutely hates anyone cuter than her. She is also a huge flirt and likes both beautiful men and woman. She doesn't mind sexier people just not cute.

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Villain Name: Black Death real name is unknown

Age: Human form is 22

Species: Appears to be a human but its true form is known as Vloiro a terrible race of creatures that died out long ago

Gender: Male in human form but its true form is unknown

Human Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeBoy.jpg.cadf7cdf855f852ccba158f445dcd84d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeBoy.jpg.cadf7cdf855f852ccba158f445dcd84d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Creature Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28e98049_Insteadofgettingtofightthesebaddassesthecharacterhas_87ec9752f1f817639360c58432c394ad.jpg.f9146c10c31725c10bd521a5dd73b4d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53745" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28e98049_Insteadofgettingtofightthesebaddassesthecharacterhas_87ec9752f1f817639360c58432c394ad.jpg.f9146c10c31725c10bd521a5dd73b4d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This monster only has one thing on its mind destroying all who gets in its way. It deceives others in its human form by pretending to be caring and kind but once it gains the trust of its victim its true form emerges. Once it shows is true form it is totally heartless it will make no haste in killing its victims quick silent and most of all making them suffer a terribly cruel creature indeed the only cares is about watching its victims suffer even its own race had died out due to their own kind killing each other before finally they all had murdered themselves. It has no mercy and refuses to listen to all attempts of pleading from its victims it is also the current leader of the pack of creatures which is after Tabitha a ruthless heartless blood thirsty warrior.

History: There is only one thing known and its the fact that this creature is after Tabitha the reason why is unknown but it will stop at nothing in till it has her in her clutches. Tabitha is unaware of the creatures existence and only knows about the pack of creatures hunting her. The history is unknown how the creature is alive and why but it seems to hold a strong grudge against Tabitha it is the leader of the creatures after her which appears to be rather larger versions of the creature himself. There is no known way to kill the creature it is invincible only killing it will make it come back even stronger then before.

Ability's: It has many effective ways of torturing its victims but one of its most efficient methods is stabbing someone in the chest with its sharp piercing tail and pulling them off into the sky other methods include shredding and ripping apart opponents with its massive claws or grabbing a victim with its talons and smashing every bone in their body. Another known method is the creature can creature black ooze which works like acid and it burns through anything yet another method is a black like mist that ingulfs a victims body and causes them to explode from the inside out another effective ability is the creature screeches causing anyone who hears within a five mile radius to get a terrible headache while causing their ears to bleed while stunning them for a few moments.

Weapons: None it is a weapon

Likes: Suffering


World dominance

Drinking the blood of its victims



When its victims get away

Someone seeing its true form before it transforms

People living



Unique Trait: The creatures he leads are exact versions of him with the same ability's just rather larger and always sent into battle first before Black Death attacks.



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(Am I too late? If so, sorry ^^')


Name: Johanna Mason

Hero Name: Jay

Age: 17

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Appearance: (would this drawing be alright?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/naomi.jpg.e95398b3a5de48c56206644a5fe0180f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/naomi.jpg.e95398b3a5de48c56206644a5fe0180f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28ea60ce_polylink.jpg.e31a018bc2f0acb1b2b6f5af92a209f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28ea60ce_polylink.jpg.e31a018bc2f0acb1b2b6f5af92a209f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/badass.jpg.a3edc97ebe2a45ba51039d3a7690695b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/badass.jpg.a3edc97ebe2a45ba51039d3a7690695b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: How she had acquired her powers is a mystery to Jay, one morning, she just woke up with her house on fire, her family dead, she was convinced someone must've set her home on fire, from then on out she decided to become a hero, helping those who were like her before she got her powers.

Abilities: She can manipulate fire mostly offensively, but defensively too.

Weapons: She works well with anything she can find in her surroundings.




+Watching old horror movies

+Playing video games




-Waking up early

-Losing a battle

-Dark chocolate


Unique Trait: She's a tomboy at heart, she likes skateboarding. (Sorry guys, I wrote this while I was very sleepy, will edit anything if needed)



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Name: Vivian Cooper

Hero Name: Shade

Age: 16

Species: Human

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28ea90f6_wontmissout.jpg.599c202db2e31ecb3e90fbd5b5fc978f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28ea90f6_wontmissout.jpg.599c202db2e31ecb3e90fbd5b5fc978f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/wow.jpg.7737097c086d45e89392da1ee1c66806.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/wow.jpg.7737097c086d45e89392da1ee1c66806.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: For all her life Vivian lived in the shadows, guarding the city as a vigilante, it wasn't until crimes became much more often in the city that she decided to step up and do soothing about it, announcing herself as shade, she is very committed to cleaning the city.

Abilities: Vivian can control shadows

Weapons: Chains











-Loud music

Unique Trait: She's gentle and caring, Sometime after she became a known hero, she began leaving noticeable signatures on the criminals/villains she fought.



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@Suki19 @Dlabell9 Accpeted.

@nighttimecatplayer Accepted, but is that a freaking xenomorph dragon?!?!

Name: Minerva

Age: 1,000

Gender: Female

Species: Golden Rajang (Also known as the Golden Lion in japan)

Classification: Fanged Beast

Diet: Omnivorous

Demeanor: She is a kind beast, despite her massive appearance, but when angered, she will literally tear you apart limb from limb, or crush you with the earth itself. She is also very motherly towards Vlad.

Likes: Vlad, Meat, sleeping, and interacting with teammates.

Dislikes: Ice environments (but goes where vlad goes anyway.)

Country of origin: India

Weaknesses: extremely weak to Ice, and paralyzing agents (builds up a tolerance to the agents, but it will take a long time to build a strong one)

Abilities: Minerva can shoot balls of energy or energy beams from her mouth, but when she is angered, her arms turn red and harden up, to make earth chucking easy. and she is naturally agile and horrifyingly fast for a massive brute, and she is also very intelligent. When angered, her fur teems with yellow energy, and makes her fur stand on end. She can charge up from outside sources, such as generators, but it will be very miniscule, since her nerves do that already, and not the feeling nerves, but rather nerves that store energy.

Legends of Creature? If so, tell us.: This beast is fabled to move whole mountains in the name of righteousness, and this beast’s power is said to be given to it by the gods themselves, as a manifestation of their power. Its valiant personality is fabled to be a knight reincarnated into this creature.



(Rajang lifting a piece of earth with one arm.)
@Steel Zinogre

Thank you,but she will be even hotter when she destroys half of Jump City! But before that happens,I would like to know when will we be starting?
Jailbird said:
@Steel Zinogre
Thank you,but she will be even hotter when she destroys half of Jump City! But before that happens,I would like to know when will we be starting?
Right now! the starter was posted.
Question: Do all the heros that are joining the teen titans already know each other? Or do they know OF each other/Have never hear of each other? @Steel Zinogre
Name: Andrew Drake

Alias: Quark

Age: 19

Species: human

Gender: male

Powers: can speed up his mind or slow it down. A minute could feel like an hour to him or a second. This allows him to react to situations quicker than most.

Bio: Andrew dropped out of school at an early age to devote his life to enlightenment. What he found through meditating is the mental ability to change how fast he perceives reality. Along with this, he devoted his life to ending corruption everywhere.


Likes: Justice, sparring, meditation

Dislikes: impatience in others, ignorance, apathy

Unique quality: He has a code that he lives by and will never break, including no murdering or being dishonest.
Name: Midnight

Age: Unknown

Species: Blizzard Dragon (Other known as ????????? or Buriz?dodoragon)

Classification: Elder dragon

Diet: Carnivorous

Demeanor: She is often quiet and tends to keep to herself the only person she would ever interact with would be Tabitha as she follows her around like a lost puppy she refuses to make contact with anyone else but acts very kind with Tabitha she hates being touched by anyone other then Tabitha and reacts in a violent manor if touched she is very loyal and despite her manor of ignoring everyone but Tabitha she would spring into action to protect the love ones around her even if she does not seem to care she does inside she just doesn't show it.

Likes: Tabitha

Being alone



Any other creature or animal besides humans


Dislikes: Being touched by anyone besides Tabitha

Loud noises



Being woken up

Failing to protect loved ones

Country of origin: Tibet

Weakness: Anything fire Midnight even freaks out if someone just lights a flame in the same room aside from fire the only other known weakness is any creature or any living thing that fly's since Midnight does not have wings.

Abilities: Midnight is able to slow down time with a icy chill she freezes everything past the breaking point so it seems as if everything was in slow motion while Midnight dues away with anyone in her way while to everyone else Midnight would just be a white blur. Midnight has the ability to bite through any sufferance varying from metal to concrete to even rocks such hard as diamonds making snapping foes in half easy. She also has the ability to create icy like rocks that smash out of the ground that works like a magnifying glass creating a icy energy beam that blasts anything within its blast radius to nothing but ash aside from that she also has minor ability's such as being able to freeze opponents in place creating very deadly and not to mention sharp icy spikes that smash out of the ground and pierce anything it touches or creating blizzards that rage on for days.

Legend: These creatures have been told to be around since the dawn of time it is said that seeing one is a rare sight and it is said that if someone catches a glimpse of this creature it is said that a blizzard shall rage on for forty days and forty nights following whoever laid eyes on the beast it is said that their coat is white as snow and glistens like ice in the moonlight it has also said that the last of the creatures kind died out long ago burrowing themselves into the earth in a internal slumber.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/dragon-love-krasivyy-belyy.jpg.f8c66c68ada7b7fa2ac6a659d7cfb984.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53888" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/dragon-love-krasivyy-belyy.jpg.f8c66c68ada7b7fa2ac6a659d7cfb984.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Adelide Zerenski

Villain name: Mistress Z

Age: 32

Species: Human

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/animegirl179edited2-1.jpg.612fd06ac8fa3c85ac015bc17488e297.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53973" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/animegirl179edited2-1.jpg.612fd06ac8fa3c85ac015bc17488e297.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Daughter of the Zerenski Family, Adelide was groomed from birth to uphold the family policy of self-advancement. She was put through viscious physical and mental trainings by her elders, then handed off when she came of age in an arranged marriage to the owner of an Umbrella Corporation known as Crescent Industries. Over the next few years she plotted on how to perfectly murder and usurp her husband for his wealth. As she did this she continued with her own training regime while pretending to enjoy the company of her eccentric husband. Eventually, her plotting was made void due to the actions of her husband. He led his company to dabble farther into genetics and mutations, eventually leading to him being irreversibly transformed by his research. After his change, her husband almost immediately steeped down from the head of his company and divorced her, leaving ownership of his company to her. He went on to pursue a solo villainous life while she, though confused by his almost immediate turnabout, capitalized on her new position. She used Crescent Industries to monopolize various assets, and used them to fund her own villainous activities in Jump City.

Abilities: Despite being human she has unbelievable agility, matched by a concerning amount of endurance and reflex. She's also quite mentally gifted

and possesses a keen eye for detail.

Weapons: Though proficient with many weapons, Mistress Z prefers hand-crafted swords.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/sword_1845shiny_w.jpg.28144e4eb039939ee5cc82e3f311db1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/sword_1845shiny_w.jpg.28144e4eb039939ee5cc82e3f311db1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: Progress and self-advancement.


Wasted Effort

Alexander Crescent

Unique Trait: Since she was born and throughout her life, Mistress Z has not once smiled, her facial displays of emotion range from bored to absolute rage and every frown in between

Name: Alexander Crescent

Villain name: Mr. Grin

Age: 44

Species: Mutant

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/the_babadook_by_herberogreen-d861n88.jpg.2f7d4942993c99490af569b966ffb5c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/the_babadook_by_herberogreen-d861n88.jpg.2f7d4942993c99490af569b966ffb5c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Born into Ownership of Crescent Industries, Alexander could have almost anything he wanted. Money, women, big boats. But what he ended up wanting most of all was a way to escape the inevitability of death. He employed nearly all of his companies medical departments to find someway he could escape death itself, to give him time to enjoy literally everything that life has to offer. They found something close to that, altercation in genes and a bit of mutated cell growth and he was soon transformed into the creature known as Mr. Grin. Now with the ability outlast the sands of time, Alexander immediately left everything to his wife and went on to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

Abilities: His body underneath his clothing is literally just a self replicating semi-solidified black oily substance that he can solidify and liquefy at will, allowing him to remove pieces of himself casually and reshape his body to his desire.

If pieces of his body are digested by another, Mr. Grin can assume moderate control over them, this only works if enough of it makes it into the digestive system. Meaning that if spat out quickly enough, one can avoid being controlled.

Weapons: He can usually make weapons out of his black residue if he wishes.

Likes: Ever since gaining the ability to outlast time, he fins himself enjoying literally everything. From his victims to the heroes who fight him off he enjoys their company even when fighting back.

Dislikes: Dying.

Unique Trait: Ever since his transformation, he's so enveloped with joy that it almost seems like he's always wearing a smile no matter what.

(@Steel Zinogre )​



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