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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

T e r r a L o g a n


The cat let another another hiss, one that sounded a bit friendlier than the other. The cat soon began to morph and in a matter of seconds, was a fully formed cheetah. Two shifts, 13 to go. Letting out an invisible sigh, the girl took Darrin's statement as a challenge. Smiling to herself, she ran full speed only to miss and hit the podium. Stupid. Letting out one last growl, the girl tried again, leaping on time with she hit a platform. Her body arched in the slightest as she continued the force, using but her nails whenever she would only miss a platform a bit. When she reached the top, she huffed and collapsed, licking her mouth area.

Tags: Darrin -
@RedIncubus Jorden - @lostviolence

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It honestly didn't surprise Kylie that her intended target would be the one to find her. If he was good at anything, it was snooping. That and running away for no reason at all. The break-up was old history, but the wounds never healed properly. And she was prone to scratching the scars on her heart. The girl flicked the drive at her ex-partner, knowing he'd catch it in mid air.

"I'm not allowed here on my own will, dipthrong." she seethed, crossing her bare arms out of habit. This was her defensive mode with him. "Of course, I'm probably the only person who can get in without a 'boom'. Where's Darrin? I wanna tell him hello?" she said, keeping her true intentions low-key. It was a half-lie. While she missed the brooding bastard, she mainly wanted to get her hands on the remote access grid. Like her Mom was famous for saying, 'One step ahead rather than dead'.



Darrin smirked at the efforts of the two girls. The acrobatic abilities Ivy had given her mother were not lost on Jordan. She was quite on par with his movements. In another life, she could have been part of the Grayson act his father never talked about. Terra, on the other hand, was fully capable with her own skills. The animorphic shifting was just as flawless as her father's, even more so without the green tint to her skin or furs. Darrin deemed that useful if they ever needed to get information with no trace. He couldn't wait to see the extent of the creatures she could shift into. Darrin felt her tension ease and relaxed himself. He executed a flip from his platform, hands grasping a bar and swinging off it. He landed on the ceiling, his powers keeping him grounded despite gravitational pull. "Okay, girls. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have reports to make. JL stuff. Caio." he said, disappearing in another soul-spell.

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Robin caught the drive in the palm of his hand and glanced at it, then back up at Kylie. His eyes had narrowed now, as he knew her better then this. She didn't want to just say hi to Darrin, he knew there was an ulterior motive behind that, but wasn't sure exactly what it was. Her hostility was a little disconcerting, as he really wished to never be on bad terms. "What, you think you own the place?" Robin cracked a smile, hoping to lighten the atmosphere between them.

Of course, it didn't seem change anything, and possibly even annoyed her, so he added "Uh, yeah, they're up in the training room" he sighed, hoping to avoid any sort of confrontation "I can show you there, just, try to call ahead next time you show up, we've got a pretty uptight security system" he tried to ease the news gently "I mean, no big deal, right? Cmon" He gave a social smile, then turned and walked through the hallway until he arrived at a door. Behind the door was a staircase "It's just one story up, not worth taking the elevator" He explained. This entire time, he hoped she was lighten up a little bit, since that was usually his effect on people.

Just up the stairs on the second floor was the training room where the others were at. Robin walked up to the door and paused, glancing back at her "Yeah, you go on ahead, this is as far as I go" he smiled vaguely. He had chosen to escort her not because she could be a threat, but just to make sure she didn't try anything sneaky on the way. Even now, Robin had no intention on stepping into the training room, and figured that he wasn't needed anymore since they were practically there. "Darrin is training with the others" Robin turned to go, not aware that he had left just a few moments ago "Will that be all?" He smiled with sarcastic humor.



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Jordan stopped at a platform and sat down in hopes of regaining her breath. She hasn't quite a good workout like that for years. "Stupid Arkham.." Quinn muttered to herself. "Okay, girls. I'm sorry to cut this short but I have reports to make. JL stuff. Caio." Darrin said goodbye then disappeared. Quinn got up and jumped off the platform and onto the ground elegantly. She grabbed her bat that was dumped on the floor and slipped her gun back into it's place. She ran her fingers through her hair and huffed. She felt a sweat drop trickled down her face. Quinn wiped the tear away with her hand and left the training room. As Quinn went through the training room door, she noticed someone familiar. "Kitty?" Quinn questioned. Jordan squinted her eyes to focus on the lady. A massive grin formed on her face when she saw one of her best friends. "Kitty!" Jordan squealed and ran up to Kylie.

Jordan jumped onto Kylie and hugged her. "I missed you!" Quinn whined with a flirty pout. "How ya doing?" Quinn asked Kylie. The last time she saw Kylie was before the cops took her to Arkham with her brothers as partners in crime. "How's Aunt Selina?" Quinn asked again. Then she noticed Ricardo leave. "C'mon, wanna go out and have fun?" Quinn smirked evilly.

Darrin & Kylie -
@RedIncubus | Terra - @Pyromaniac


Terra Logan


As the cheetah lay resting on the high platform, she heard Darrin say something along the lines of completing a report. That was fine by Terra. To be honest, she was fine just sitting on the platform, lounging. But of course, the peace and tranquility was soon interuppted by a new comer, someone who had cat like qualities. Letting out a sigh, the feline jumped off the platform with ease before walking shyly towards the group. Hearing a few names being tossed around, the cat seemed confused, but continued to listen.

Aunt Selina? Like Catwoman?

Could these off springs even be trusted? However, Terra was not one to talk, not with her own lineage. But at least her mother wasn't a full on villain like these other people. She didn't say much when she shifted back into human. She turned to Ricardo in the others. Her voice, compared to before, seemed colder, more distant, but she spoke,

"I'm pretty tired. I'll be taking a cat nap."

And with that the girl left.

When she finally made it to an unoccupied room, the girl tossed herself on the bed, letting out some kind of noise, a purr, and stretched, feeling every bone in her body cracking slightly. Looking around the room, she decided it'd be best if she


took a nap. She was tired. And cranky. And hungry. Her stomach growled rather loudly and she let out a rather loud sigh before getting up once more.

I could stay here and actually rest. Or I could get food. But getting food would require me to socialize, and I'm not feeling that.

The decision was tough. Her stomach let out a growl of protest and the girl got up once more before heading back down to find food.

Tag(s): @everyone present near the training room

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It was okay if Darrin stood this far away from him. He was in the newly occupied room of Alec Kent, child of WonderWoman and Superman--someone he'd been admiring from afar for a long time. This life he had been given differed so drastically from that of his crush. Alec was bathed in night and admiration while Darrin himself was cloaked in shadows of the unknown. He presumed that he'd developed this fanboy fantasy from the depths of wanting a taste of his life. Darrin sighed and he leaned over the boy and shook him lightly. It was what he'd come to do, having felt the boy's charismatic optimism from the moment he was beamed in. "Wake up Wonderboy." he sighed, his voice light and smooth.


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"I've been fine, babe. Father has me cooped up in my cage, but Ma insisted I stretch my legs for a bit." She reached up and swung her arm over Rick's shoulder, hitching her other thumb through her belt loop. "I was just dropping off something for Rick to keep care of for me. But, why are you here, Sweet Pea? Did Wally neuter you again?" she asked, a toothy smile spreading over her face. It was all going according to her own plan.

@Knightly @karmaa

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Robin was about to leave before Alleycat caught him with her arm around the shoulder. Now he stood there, surprised and at a loss for words at her unexpected actions. It only took him a few seconds to figure the situation out, she was probably up to something fishy. Deciding to check his pockets later, Robin stood tall and gave a calm smile as if everything was normal.

From Hostility to affection, she never ceased to surprise him, the only constant being ulterior motives. "You never know when Jordan could lose her head..." Robin joked quietly, the dark side of his humor showing through. Casually slipping his arm around Kylies Waist, he adjusted his mask with his other hand and began to wonder where Darrin went.

Sure, they weren't exactly best of friends, but due to his newly found knowledge, he felt a little more inclined to stick with Grayson. Of course, that would have to wait for later, since he couldn't resist playing it smooth when given the opportunity.


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''Did someone say...Boom?'' Christopher said as he slid up behind Alleycat. ''...I was too slow, wasn't I?''

Christopher looked around and admired the designs on all the costumes he could see.

''Well, isn't everyone looking...colorful. Not that I'm one to talk, but I can't help that red and yellow look so good on me.

I mean, come on, look at this booty.'' Christopher cheekily slapped his ass before turning to watch the action in the training room. ''Ohh...don't know what I think about the 5th Cheetah Girl over there. As long as she aint as fast as me, I'm sure we'll get on fine.'' Christopher quickly sped to a nearby cart of, supposedly, post-training food and, grabbing a protein shake, sped back to watching the training after leaving it only a few milliseconds before. ''Not that anyone actually could be.'' Christopher smirked before he began to slurp the shake down aggressively.


"There's my favorite blur of condiment choices." Kylie called from her place beside Rick. She pulled from his side, lingering a second longer than she should have. She did miss being near him and hearing his voice. She also wanted nothing more than to dip him in acid, after clawing his eyes out. She walked over to the speedster when he paused and gave him a good pat on the back before watching him leave the room.

"Well," she began, addressing the group. I really shouldn't be here at all, so I will take my leave. I wish you guys all the best." she said, blowing them kisses as she backed toward the door. "And when my Father let's me off house arrest," she said, gesturing toward the tight metal band around her wrist, "Don't even think you'll be able to catch me." With that, she entered the elevator and left them to their devices. And hers as well. She hid three radio up-links in the room, small enough for only one person to notice. It definitely wouldn't be Chris...even though one was on him. She smiled as she took out her phone and gave the command to allow her stealth access.

She really did miss Rick sometimes.


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Terra Logan


Seeing as how there was literally


to eat, Terra closed the refrigerator door, but not before she heard the familiar sound of a speedster. God how she hated those kids of heroes. She was all for speed, but the Flash kids, or in fact any speedster always seemed to get on her bad side. Gar often told her amazing stories of their adventures, but they never seemed to amuse her.

Letting out a sigh, she heard the boy speak, referring to her as "5the Cheetah Girl." Normally that wouldn't upset her; in fact name calling never bothered her. But the fact that it came from him just ticked her off. Letting out a strange noise she muttered something under her breath,

"I could beat him any day."

That was obviously a lie, even Terra knew that. But one thing she got from her mother, was her giant ass ego. It was never really prominent, unless provoked.


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11868-cap-ireland/@CAP Ireland


Christopher watched Terra as she stood by the fridge.

''Theres a cart of food just over there...'' ...this is going to be fun. ''I've heard great things about the...''

In a flash, Christopher sped back over to the post-training food wagon and grabbed a pie.

With a wicked smile, he ran to Terra and pushed the pie into her face.

''...pie.'' Christopher doubled over laughing before he wiped a tear from his eye.

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Terra Logan


It was bound to happen, and yet Terra didn't even see him coming. She heard the speedster talk about pie, but his stupid powers and the stupid pie... It was all too much. Licking her face she let out another growl, it wasn't even her favorite pie, "what is this, cherry?" Wiping the remnant of the pie off her face, her green eyes darkened and her nose wrinkled in the slightest. Her father was a jokester and she knew how to handle one with an equal amount of pranks. She'd get him back later in a light hearted kind of fashion, but right now? She was angry. Taking one more pie of unknown flavor, she slammed it on his face and titled his face, "oops."


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11868-cap-ireland/@CAP Ireland


Christopher stood absolutely still for a moment as a piece of pie dropped away from his face.

''...This is going to take forever to clean.'' He seriously, before smirking and, at super speed, completely cleaning his face and mask whilst eating the pie. ''Yep, it was cherry.''

Christopher smiled, then turned and went to join the other. He'd assumed there was a reason for him having to be here, but he was sure that it wasn't just to annoy them, though he'd do that too.

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RedIncubus said:


"There's my favorite blur of condiment choices." Kylie called from her place beside Rick. She pulled from his side, lingering a second longer than she should have. She did miss being near him and hearing his voice. She also wanted nothing more than to dip him in acid, after clawing his eyes out. She walked over to the speedster when he paused and gave him a good pat on the back before watching him leave the room.

"Well," she began, addressing the group. I really shouldn't be here at all, so I will take my leave. I wish you guys all the best." she said, blowing them kisses as she backed toward the door. "And when my Father let's me off house arrest," she said, gesturing toward the tight metal band around her wrist, "Don't even think you'll be able to catch me." With that, she entered the elevator and left them to their devices. And hers as well. She hid three radio up-links in the room, small enough for only one person to notice. It definitely wouldn't be Chris...even though one was on him. She smiled as she took out her phone and gave the command to allow her stealth access.

She really did miss Rick sometimes.


Robin held back a snicker at the condiment pun, he was rather prone to humor. Glancing over at the others, he gave a sly smile and watched Kylie leave "Yeah, we'll see about that" He stated, then grew silent. It was only now that reality crashed back into his world. "Stay away from her, she's no good!" "I gave you the mask, I can very well take it away, keep that in mind!" Robin's smile faded as he slowly looked at the ground and gave a depressed sigh.

Always taking orders, doing what he was told. He felt like he was given the suit, but never completely owned it. It seemed to be an occasional frustration in his side. Realizing that he was just standing there and staring off into space, Robin quickly looked around and headed away from the training room. "I just wish I didn't have to answer to anybody,," he muttered to himself. Now that training was over, he went ahead and entered the training room to do some personal practice.

"Time to kick some ass" Robin smirked as he picked up some disks "JASPER! Bring out the blasters! Level 2!" He readied himself as the training shooters came out of the wall and pointed in his general direction. Perhaps training would get his mind off of Kylie.



@SayGoodKnight (If any of you wanna jump in somewhere anytime)
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Alec check himself out in the mirror. He looked very nice. It was a nice button up shirt and some khaki's. It wasn't the nicest thing he owned but it got the job done. He came out of the large bathroom "Wake up Wonderboy."

Alec groaned and rolled over looking at Darrin.
"Oh! Good afternoon." he said with a smirk.

Alec grabbed his hand and pulled him into the big bed. He put his arm around Darrin and smiled at him.

"So. Who are you? Wait... No I remember you. You're uh... Garrin? Dason?" he said biting the inside of his cheek.

"You are uh. The leader? Son of Nightwing and Raven." He said nodding his head a little.

"I suck at name but I'm sure I'll remember a face as pretty as yours." Alec winked at Darrin and stood up, going over to the closet and taking out a bro tank cut all the way down the sides, and some basketball shorts. He took off his shirt and tossed it over in the empty hamper.

"So what are we supposed to be doing right now?" he asked taking off his pants and tossing them into the hamper as well. He stared at Darrin in just his boxers and then slid on his basketball shorts then shirt. He smiled at Darrin and leaned against the wall, looking at him up and down. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it and just smiled again.

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Darrin hadn't meant to say that. It was a term he'd picked up watching
Archer. But, he didn't exactly know else what to say to his Wonder-ness. He had gotten not only a few compliments but a strip show. A fierce blush rose on his face as he remembered exactly what he was supposed to be doing. "It's Darrin." he corrected, looking down at the floor. His eyes looked up to meet his partner's, blue on grey. "I'd like for you to come to the training room with me. The team is down there as we speak. I want them to get to know you better...so..."

Darrin stood up from the bed and crossed over to Alec, grabbing his hand and mentally cast the same spell, easier both because there was contact and because it was just them. The bro tank and bball shorts looked amazing on Alec--as did everything. Before he could blink, they'd arrived at their destination, before their peers. It just so happened Ricky had laser blasters ready, with their names on it. Davin reflexively suited up, his eyes hardening as JASPER powered up.

"Good Luck, guys!" she happily chirped before the first blast went off in their direction.

@Zatanna @Knightling @karmaa

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Robin held the disk ready as the first gun shot, but to the side of him. Glancing over, he noticed Darrin and Alec in the training room with him. Lowering his weapons, he stepped back, now slightly frustrated that he wasn't able to get a single moment of personal training time to himself. "If you start the blame game on me, we're going to have some Major problems,," He warned, only halfway joking. Some would classify it was a phobia, but he still had very bad memories of their training session from the previous timeline. After making sure that his gym bag had his water bottle and all the usual items, he picked it up and carried it with him out into the hallway.

Turning his head towards the stairway, Robin walked towards it, but paused as a thought passed through his mind. He should have thought of this earlier, much earlier, especially considering the circumstances at hand. Setting his stuff down so that he could have both his hands free, Robin began to check his suit and pat himself down thoroughly. Trust wasn't exactly his strong point, and sometimes it was a good thing on his part. Finding nothing, he felt tempted to give up the search, but persevered. "Aha, what do we have here?" Robin said to himself as he pulled out a tiny Radio so that he could scrutinize it with his eyes

"Hmm, seems like an uplink,," He gave a smirk, knowing exactly how it got there "Sneaky devil,," he chuckled, then dropped it to the ground and promptly stepped on it with his heel until it was dust. Had anybody else been in this situation, they would have been angry or disappointing at Kylies actions, but Robin really wasn't. He knew what to expect, this was no surprise to him, it only confirmed how well he knew her. "Only one other person she could have planted it on, as far as I know" Robin stated as he moved down the stairs to a lower level. Making his way through the building until he found Christopher "Hey, we gotta talk real quick"

@CAP Ireland
Christopher looked out of the window and watched the bay.

So many lives...in our hands...and we're still so young...

The idea took him a second to get his head around. Sure, hero's did this all the time, but since when was he a hero?

Christopher hadden't heard Robin's approach, so when he spoke it spooked him.

''Damn, man, you are a bloody ninja. Though, I think our definitions of real quick might differ somewhat...''Christopher smirked, but then waited for Robin to continue.


The spacecraft left New Tamaran just over a year ago. It was traveling at hyper-lightspeed to reach its destination, it's only cargo: a young Tamaranean girl who had aged another year in her cryosleep. The ship was finally nearing its destination just outside Earth’s orbit, and began its descent into Earth’s atmosphere.


“Hey, sooo satellites detected an unidentified spacecraft entering our atmosphere.” JASPER’s chipper voice rang through the Titans Tower reaching every person. “It’s trajectory is unknown, but it looks like it may be heading for the Manhattan area….Wait,” the AI giggled, “it looks like it will be landing somewhere near Ellis Island.”


As the aircraft picked up speed it began to josel by the force of pushing through Earth’s atmosphere. The cabin began to shriek but it's sole passenger remained in her hyper sleep. The auto-landing had been disengaged and the ship was preparing for a crash land.
Robin gave a slight humored smile at the reply "Huh, yeah, shoulda seen that one comin', speedster" He gave a casual shrug, then moved forward and gave Chris a friendly pat on the back "You may be quick, I'm sure, like your mentor, but sometimes you just gotta slow down and pay attention to the world around you" He gave a cheeky grin, then withdrew his arm and held up the tiny radio chip "Like this for example, a certain little kitty kat put a 'bug' on you"

The young caped crusader paused to look at the small device "I know her tricks, but that goes both ways" his fist began to glow with tamaranian power as he fried the circuits "Oh, by the way, welcome to the Titans" He stated. So far, two out of the three radio links had been found, and Robin wasn't even entirely sure if he had found them all or not. "Keep your eyes open for more of those, I don't think there are, but there might be" He explained "So, just be wary"

He turned to go, then paused as he listened to JASPER speak up. "Oh, its Bri,," Robin stopped himself, remembering that he couldn't reveal too much "Could just be a meteor, but we ought to investigate once it lands" he hinted, then moved through building towards the top floor so that he could maybe get a glimpse of the sky.

Terra Logan


The girl finally got up, and let a sigh out. Hearing JASPER, she turned to the fellow Titans before grabbing yet another protein shake. She finally spoke, her voice a little more firmer, as if she were finally okay to be around these people. "I'm down to investigate, just as long as we get food after. Don't know if I can shift as well with an empty stomach." Sending one last glare at the speedster, the girl pressed her lips together and put a hand on her hip.

Tag(s): @everyone

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11868-cap-ireland/@CAP Ireland

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11868-cap-ireland/ [mentioned]

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JASPER powered down before they'd even started, drawing a raised eyebrow with it's announcement. Something about this occurrence was familiar, like a story. But Darrin couldn't pin it and ended up putting that thought on the backburner. He was already suited up, his mask onto his face out of nowhere. He was so over hooded cloaks this year. "Wonderboy, you should get to the projected point of impact first. For all we know, it could be someone from Apokolips...or worse."

With that, he phased out of that room and into the kitchen, where Christopher and Terra stood alone. He assumed Rick went off on his own, that being the guy's usual M.O. "Chris, get over there and give Alec back-up. If you see Ricardo, tell him not to engage until we've assessed the situation." He strode over to the girl, wrapping his arm around her hip. "Terra, this might be bumpy." he warned as the shadows wrapped around them and took to the air in the form of a celestial bird.

Everyone, please make way to the destination.

@CAP Ireland \[uSER\=28392\]@Little Lozy


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Terra Logan


The shape shifter wasn't even allowed to let out a hiss of protest before she was once again wrapped into a spell of some sort, transporting her to God knows where. By the time the celestial bird had arrived at the destination, Terra was far from okay looking. Her hair was messed up, her eyes were almost wild, and she let out a hiss she had been holding in the entire time. "I could've, I don't know, flown here instead of you having to waste your powers on me." Grumbling something incoherent about being sucked into a large shadow bird, the girl rubbed the back of her neck and flicked a stray hair out of her vision.




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