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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

Robin stood at the top of the building, watching the sky intently, this was all playing out exactly was he was predicting. Of course, things could be a little bit different. Perhaps Brightfire would have another father, or it wouldn't be or but a sibling. The minute details seemed endless, but he knew that the overall picture would stay the same. He already had a firm grasp on what was and what used to be. Beast Boys kid used to be a boy, but now it's a girl, and so forth. He sighed and brought himself back into the present, noticing Darrin and Terra nearby. Giving a friendly wave, he turned his head back towards the sky, not sure if he was seeing something in the distance or not. It was incredibly hard for him not to spill the beans at that very moment and tell them that it was a tamaranian, but he had to keep things relatively normal. After her arrival, the timeline would really begin to branch out. It was at around this point that he had left the team to go off on his own, and encountered the Al Ghule kid. "The suspense is Killing me, like waiting for Christmas!" Robin grinned and folded his arms impatiently. It was at this moment that he temporarily forgot about AlleyCat, as such thoughts did frequent his mind occasionally.

@Zatanna @RedIncubus @Pyromaniac @CAP Ireland @Little Lozy @karmaa
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''Alright then.'' Christopher said at the start of the second. By the end of the second he was on the roof.

''Are you not cold in that thing?'' He asked the man dressed as Robin. ''Looks quite tight around the...ehh....'' he gestured with his hands towards a lower region.''....Dick Grayson area..''
The spacecraft was entering Manhattan sky and lit up the day, looked much like a comet falling fast towards the earth. JASPER had been right about the coordinates and the Tamaranean craft crashing through Lady Liberty’s torch and finally landing taking out a wall of Ellis Island’s historical building. The princess in this cryosleep had not once been awaken but now her head had been hit against the cabin, and just a small trickle of blood came from her hairline. The tourist and visitors of Ellis Island were in panic and began to flee.

(Sorry this is a sucky post. I promise to be better)

Terra Logan


The crash was the first thing she heard. Paying no heed to the friendly wave that Robin seemed to send her, she went into full concentration mode, something hard for the girl. Her eyes glowed green and were shaped like a cat. She did want to speed off and see what was wrong, that was what she was used to. But she contained herself by letting out a sigh. You're in a team now Terra. No use running away and doing your thing. So she'd wait for someone to give her an order.

But doing that was hard enough alone. Turning to what seemed to be the leader, Darrin, she made a last minute decision, she shifted completely into a black bird before flying off.
Finally. It had been a while since she had actually flown and she was still a bit wobbly. But in a few seconds, she was completely fine and for once, she felt like she was one with herself.

Flying over Ellis Island, it didn't take long for Terra to find the source of terror. She heard people screaming and crying, and running. Typical. The shape shifter landed on the top of Lady Liberty, at the stump where the torch used to be and picked at her wings, before letting out a strong
cawing noise.


Tag(s): @everyone

"It only gets tight when I'm around Certain people,," Robin smirked, then glanced back at the sky. "Here she comes,," he muttered, but realized that it wasn't coming for their spot like the other time. Now it was going somewhere else, and he watched as it crashed somewhere in Ellis Island. "Okay, an alien space craft shouldn't be too difficult to find,,," Robin muttered "Titans, Go!" He exclaimed as he fired his grapple onto a building. Jumping off the ledge, he swung through the air and followed the sound of the cawing. "Flight sure sounds convenient, wish I could do that" He speculated as he landed on another building, then repeated the process with his grapple gun. This time around, he wasn't in that much of a hurry to meet his cousin, there was plenty of time to get acquainted.



Alec was pretty confused on what happened but what he did know is that Darrin told him to the Point of Impact.

"Got it." he said nodding and flying through the halls and back to his room, grabbing his weapon and suiting up. Once he had his sword, his shield, the lasso on his hip, and his bracelets on his arms he was ready to go. He flew out of the T shaped tower and looked around from the sky. He didn't have super vision or whatever but if there was a major disturbance he could probably see it. He wasn't really listening to JASPER... something about a monster landing on Ellis Island. Alec looked up to see whatever this thing was, barreling towards the earth.

Alec flew behind the space craft trying to figure out what it was. It looked other worldly. It was not from this planet or anywhere near. Maybe it was Kyrptonian. He dipped down and flew straight infront of the the spaceship. He braced himself first and grabbed it, right as it hit him trying to slow it down. It was rough at first and it hurt but he finally stopped it completely. He still wasn't sure what it was. So he decided to see what was on the inside. He grabbed what seemed to be a handle and ripped it off.

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