Teen 1x1 [Inactive]

"Cali. huh? I have an uncle there". My stomach growled so loudly, everyone could hear it. "Are we there yet Hailey? I could eat a dinosaur right now", I said rubbing my belly.
I ran up to the table with trays, not waiting for the others. I walked over and grabbed the days special, pepperoni pizza and a little carton of chocolate milk. I greedily took a bite of my pizza and my eyes caught the others.

"Haha sorry guys, sometimes I get really hungry and sorta get little crazy", I said my mouth half full and scratching my head in embarrassment.
Walking over to the trays, he picked on up and walked over to the food. He looked around. Different kinds of food were there. Pizza, the day's special, an assortment of fruits, and in fact there was sushi. "Key," Max said, "there is some here." There was also a few desserts, and in a few, there were different kinds of cookies.

He hummed slightly and grabbed three slices of cheese pizza, one just wasn't enough. He also got a bottle of water, an apple, and a chocolate chip cookie. Walking over to the table, he sat beside Alex.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Key sit at a table by herself. She seems kind of lonely, maybe I should sit with her. Pondering the thought, he got up, picked up his tray, and walked over to Key's table. Then he sat back down across from her.

Looking around at anything but her, he sighed. He felt kinda nervous sitting right in front of her. And he feels even more nervous by the fact that he's the only one that is at the table. But then again, he would feel like that anyways, even with a boy. Seeing how he usually never communicates with others. Boys would be a bit less awkward, but that's beside the point. Lost in thought, he began eating his pizza.
Snapping his eyes over to Key, he opened his mouth. "Hello, you just looked kind of lonely. Sitting here all by yourself I mean." His eyes softened a bit, "I don't really know that much about you, and you don't know all that about I. So, what kinds of things do you like to do in your free time?"

Unscrewing the lid to his bottle of water, he drank some of it. His adam's apple moving with each sip he took. Breaking contact with the bottle, he screwed the cap back on.
Key had some ginger soda as a drink. "Um... I most of the time sit alone and read a book. I don't really have friends besides you sorta. If you would count me as a friend." she said nervously. She picked up some Calfornia Roll with her chop sticks and ate it.
Grinning, he said, "Finally not some girl that only likes to be on her phone!" Then blushing, he stuttered out, "N-no offense to those girls, but they just don't really spark my interest." He looked to the side, the blush still on his face. "S-so, what kind of books do you like to read?"

Picking up his chocolate chip cookie, he broke it in half, and bit into the right side of it.
"Um..." she thought for a moment. "Mostly memoirs, non fiction and fan fictions." She popped a Spicy Tuna Roll into her mouth. "Dude, the only phone I have is a 80's flip phone that i use once a month."
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