Teen 1x1 [Inactive]

I kind of chuckled. "Can you like come up with a convincing lie?" I giggled, and rolled my eyes. "Now really, what the hell happened." I asked.
"Really it's nothing, I just...", seeing Hailey's tenacity, I thought I'd tell her; but not in front of the other two, that would get me a one way ticket to dork-ville. "Ummm... Tell you what I'll get dry and cleaned up in my dorm and tell you later, it isn't really that great of story anyway", I said.

"So you guys going somewhere?", I asked looking at the other two.
Looking slightly uncomfortable, he mumbled his reply, "I like fantasy, adventure books." He hasn't ever really spoken to girls before. Heck, he doesn't speak to many people at all seeing how he likes to be by himself most of the time.
She sat there and decided to walk around. She saw some people talking. She heard they were talking about books. "Hello." She walked up to them.
Looking over, Max saw a girl with shoulder length red hair. Hearing her say hello, he sighed. I might as well say hi too, though I would rather be alone reading a book. "Hi," he said.
"Oh sorry to bother." she said. Key coughed and said "Well I was new here and I don't like talking I just wanted to know one persons name."
"That's a unique name," Max started. "Like one you would find in a book, the hero of something big." He smiled a bit, maybe a few friends wouldn't hurt, he thought.
"Well Max and Key nice to meet you guys!", I said rather jauntily. "I'll just go get dried up and then we can all go and get some lunch", my nervous self came back and I just briskly walked to my dorm, without looking at the others.

As I was cleaning up; I thought, "For the first time in forever I've actually got to know some people and feel self confident; which is quite exhilarating". I put on a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt and walked out of my dorm.

Everyone was still standing there. I walked up to them and asked, "So does anybody know where the cafeteria is?".
"I was looking all day." she sighed. "I was gonna ask you guys." She rubbed her arm, I am not sure if I want friends. she thought.
"Alrighty then lets go guys", I said in a perky manner. I thought maybe it's a start of an awesome friendship, all of us socially inept, all of us sort of paranoid. I might just enjoy high school I thought while smiling and poking my glasses up a bit.
Key stood waiting for the boy to move in front of him. It was just her and some other kids. It can't be as bad as living on the streets she reminded herself.
I began to follow Hailey, beckoning the other two. "So where you are you guys fr...", I stopped mid-sentence; seeing that Key looked somewhat insecure. "Hey, if you're anxious, no need, we are all introverted in our own way", I said looking at Key.

"Yep! were all jumpy", I said smiling at Max and Key, scratching the back of my head; as I usually did when nervous.

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