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Technological Revenge, and It's Effect... (Saph and Neshimo)

"I can feel that now..." He raises off of her, rubbing the soreness of his torso slightly clenching before shaking his head & breathing. "Lets see... you remember the hold correct?" He would place out his arm for her, with a slight smile. He got no kicks out of this, but just trying to make the knee go away easier. "Like I had you, with your current ability, I'd say you have about two options that could work in your favor, depending on how desperate the person is to cling onto you."
"Those options are?" She said, letting him lead her into it... and she herself took said position, grabbing him with a serious look. There was no playfulness, no happiness, only pure concentration and trust. One could see her actively memorizing both his words and actions, even as she tried to think through the proper methods on her own.
"Kick step." He'd place his leg between hers. "Depending on where he has you locked, kick in the direction where your arm will come more towards you than her, its usually always the leg closest to you, then you kick the back of the knee with your heel. This isn't really a sweep, since they'll still be on your feet, then afterwards, flip them over with your weight." He'd then kick her leg, using the momentum in order too go flip her over. "During that time when their above you, a good kick will usually dislodge, & as you said, you're good at finding weak points."
She nodded, too focused to notice the position they somehow ended up in. Instead she was going over what he'd taught her, considering how to add the use of her weapons, deadlier moves, and pressure points to it. Over and over she reviewed the movement, making sure she knew how to do it and what to do about it. She wanted to know every possible movement, that way she could react on instinct if the time came, and still act effectively.
"Got it?" She seems to have blanked out for some reason or another, yet that wasn't the only hold available. There was holds from all over the world that he knew, most of them apparently deadly, but those would have too wait. "Saphire, you've blanked out on me again, come back out of your mind for about 12 seconds." Her with deadly holds, as much as she likes quick kills, will probably focus on them more, though she needs to learn escaping before the actual acrobatics.
She blinked, looking up at him... "Sorry?" The laser-like focus had faded, leaving her looking oddly calm and open. there was no time for possible bashfulness, "This was option one, right?" It was a simple question, her still half-focused on the various moves and additions she could make. she managed to shift slightly, only to pause as a jolt of pain from her arm warned her to stop. No, she didn't want to lead to her arm breaking.
"Yes, only the first one, but from the counter you seem a bit shaken. Come on, I have something for you." He'd sit up, dusting himself off & making an attempt at trying to wipe the sweat out of his eyes, hair a tiny bit mopish. "Care for a massage? I've been told my hands are just the right amount f roughness & tenderness for them."
"I was just going over the move and possible alterations. Sorry." She sat up, stretching and looking the tiniest bit ashamed of herself. should she explain further? No, not if he didn't ask. Still, it was embarrassing to have been caught up in that situation... boh having been flipped over and unmoving while she thought about stuff. Ahh... those were some stiff shoulders she had... she thoroughly moved her shoulders, trying to work it out.
"Come on..." He'd wrap his arm, tugging at her upper arm & shoulder, giving them a slight massage seeing her obvious discomfort. "You don't stretch alot do you? In fact, never during your training have I seen you stretch at all." Another observation, but again easily explainable. She never had time too with all the hardness she did, no time to stretch, just train to kill. "Come on, you've got some serious tension in your body right now."
"Not really. Stretching won't train you to be ready at any time." A small shrug, but then... the mini-massage nearly made her let out a sigh of relief. It felt nice, she admitted to herself... and though the tension was a bit too thick to have been easily let go she felt much better. At least in that one arm/shoulder. "So I would never stretch, even when I knew there was going to be a fight beforehand. It might make me more flexible, but it'd be at the expense of readiness." Sure, there were some who thought different, but she didn't understand it.
"You don't need to be ready, you need to be prepared. Preparation wins battles, not readiness...Your readiness too die doesn't make you win, its our preparation of missions. Stretching, is a part of preparation, which is why the bow is a good weapon. Help stretch the muscle groups you don't normally use." He'd switch up too her other arm, again pulling & contracting her muscles too loosen them up. "Why do you think it's bad to be ready to fail? Be as prepared as you can, then you can say at your best, you couldn't do it."
She couldn't meet his gaze. To be asked that... at a time like this.... biting her lip she tried not to let him realize that she was hiding something. "There is a very bad thing that might have happened any time I failed. So, until the end... I never failed a mission. At least, not that he, Udo-sama.... knew." Since she'd try to get them out of danger, once she realized that there was something wrong going on. How did he kno- ohh, that felt good, right there. Wait, no! I can't be distracted or I'll tell him that every mission was do or die!
"That sound irrational, though I wont press further into it. Though, I will press further into here..." He'd lift make his hand into a hard palm, then rub & knead her collar line down, as if trying to smooth out her stress down into certain areas. "Either way, all I'm saying is, being prepared is more fun, & healthier than just being ready. Like~..." After a long series of kneads, he'd take his hands then work below her arms more towards her back, massaging the lower shoulder bone. "This kind of prepared."
Ok, now he was doing it on purpose. If he kept going much longer she could feel herself falling asleep again... long before she was supposed to. This was supposed to be a training day, after all. "You really are good, Jamil." It wasn't at all grudging, this was her purely enjoying the massage... and she felt much of the stress in her upper body start fading away. Even if occasionally it hurt, just a bit. "I don't know who told you, but... they knew their stuff." Not that I've ever had experience with massages, though.
"Self taught thank you, just something I got accustomed too doing while being...well that's an entirely different story. We are focused, on you right now." He'd continue working up & down her waist n'd upper back, carefully of trying to touch the back of her neck or anything that could sabotage the nanobots in her body, as if he remembers was connected too her main nerves. "Alright, gonna bring you back a bit, try keeping your arms stretched out while I try to figure out where you're still wound up."
She nodded, keeping her arms wide out like a plane's wings.... and wondering just what he might have in his past that she hadn't heard of yet. It sounded embarrassing. Well, at least he had something like that in his past, she'd not try to get in the way of him keeping that secret. Just like I've still got a few of my own. Even if they are more along the lines of who I've saved and killed, and why. "Thanks."
"Alright, now." He'd place his hands on her waist, only gently kneading her now, as with everything that's she's been through, one session wont finish. "This will be it, once you feel either ticklish or just tired, then we can stop for today & get you back on training." This would be something he'd have too do regularly. He knew he would have too get her ready more than just too kill, but too accept that she's killed. "Tell me if you ever feel overly stressed out again, you need these more than I thought."
The desire to yawn, her resisting it just by sheer willpower, and her arms started sagging down. And then she forced them up again, shook her head a bit, and then said almost calmly "Right. Though I'm not sure I understand why you want to do this..." It wasn't like it was all that important a thing. Actually, how'd he gotten from teaching her grappling escapes to massaging her? For a short while she managed to hold onto it, and then she stopped thinking... too relaxed and a bit drowsy to think.
"It's alright. You'll understand soon enough." As soon as he felt the slump in her body, the massage for now would be discontinued. His hands form into almost like a pincer. "Can't sleep yet, wake up. Bit of acupuncture...." A small jab to her side with his hand where he'd just been massaging her, & also ready to receive a hit back, probably ten fold by her. "Ought to do the trick."
Acupu- OH HE DID NOT. Her reaction was almost immediate, she grabbed the offending hand, twisting it in a way meant to be painful, a small growl coming out. And then she let him go because she realized that as he had done it to wake her up. "S-sorry... you ok?" He wasn't hurt that bad, was he? "Right, back to training..." Wasn't it?
"Wait!-wait!-wai-!" A fast slurr of the world, only ending in him grabbing his wrist then curling up in agony, his hand feeling contorted in the strange position it was in. Even if he was prepared for a it, the twist caught him off guard, leading him to begin breathing, trying to control what ever breaths he could. Not wanting too seem too hurt though, he'd make an attempt at forcing his hand hand into a straight position, which works, but sends him too yell out again.
"Did I dislocate it?!" SHe said, turning around quickly. SHe'd hurt him... she'd HURT him. WhatdoIdo, whatdoIdo, whatdoIdo?Deep calming breaths and she gently grabbed his arm, "Let me." She grabbed his arm, concerned look, and patted it. Then she took her cloth, wrapped it around his arm, and had the grace to look ashamed at it. "Sorry..."
"J-Just a bit, but don't worry, it's back in place." Announcing only after about a good 5 minutes of breathing, then going on his way too again smooth out his hand, cracking his knuckles then slightly moving his wrist around ad too make sure everything was back to where it needed to be. "Alright, it's alright Saphire. Completely normal reaction, & if I might say a good one too."
Hands shaking slightly but she nodded, "If you're sure." And she backed up, not bothering to think about how she had just ruined his hand for a while. should he use it so soon? Yes, no, maybe? "Of course it was a good reaction." Slightly pink, definitly upset, but also sounding apologetic she touched his hand with one finger. "still... I'm sorry."
"Perfectly fine Saphire. It'll probably be good by tomorrow." A nod while he takes his arm, then wraps it around her gently pulling her in close. "Besides, you should be worried that I won't be able to train for a bit more than if my hand will be alright. While I'm disabled, remember too stretch & I can even make an obstacle course for you if wanted." A nice gesture, wanting to make a connection right now between the two, too etch himself into her life even more.

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