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Technological Revenge, and It's Effect... (Saph and Neshimo)

Once she had all of the arrows again she walked to the center, a bit further away. In her minds eye all the targets were the throats of a human, dead center the point where hitting it was death. It would be quick, painless, powerful... in went her breath, out the shot... and another bullseye. This time each shot was a different target, save twice at the same one to ensure equal numbers of arrows, and if one were to look at her eyes... they'd see focus and little else.
"You look beautiful." She looked beautiful too him, from form, to focus, ingenuity of the shots. For something he'd been a natural at ever since going into the training, hers had the innocence of wishing to cause as least pain as possible. That was good, she'd not wish to make everyone who'd follow him suffer, but whether that'd be out of human conciseness, or some other form of self restraint, that'd be for her too make of it.
The last arrow hit the target, her bow lowered as well... and suddenly she was back in the world. A quick look around revealed that the area had slowly been populated by archers who'd planned on taking a target... and they had begun clapping. Why? She was using it for the sake of killing people, there wasn't much good about that. Shaking her head in confusion she moved over to the targets, going down the line and taking her arrows out, looking at none of them.
"It's an art form first I suppose." He'd began to clap with them after a while, whether it be for a joke, or it be for her truly doing well. For a while, he'd felt happy for than astounded. They really did, or at least the soldiers, loved her, or at least respected her enough to do this. That hopefully was enough, adding hope to his own drive, yet for her, well she'd probably be wondering what this is, being clapped for a performance.
A small frown, her carrying the bow with her. It had been a while since she'd used the bow physically, aside from the one time she'd borrowed Jamil's. Did that matter, or should she just forget it. No, now wasn't the time for that... "S-sorry, Jamil." She'd reached him, realizing that she'd hogged the area to herself, a pink tint to her. "I... didn't mean to take up more than my fair share of space."
"You didn't. I just needed to test out how much I could pull without stretching my skin too much for discomfort. I think even if I'm retired, I'll still always remember how too aim & draw back my bow." A grin, massively erupts from his face when he sees the blush, as he'd make mostly, his appreciation to her known by not saying much else. He'd had wished to practice a bit more, yet his skin doesn't handicap him much, he'd just have less time to keep drawn back before the soreness kicked in.
A nod, so he'd been acting on a plan. While she'd just... reacted as soon as she drew the arrow. A small shake of her head, "Let's go elsewhere, it looks like the archers are beginning practice." Said just as an arrow went past behind her, hair swaying slightly in the wind of it. It was enough that she'd had the time to practice, and frankly... Jamil was good at bowwork, she was only ok. It wasn't more than a safer method of ending someone's life.
"Alright, what else could we work on." Frankly, she'd been in bed much longer than him, so she needed the practice in anything she wished. He wished to help out as much as he could with that, some of that being partially his fault, making her have nightmares, along with bringing her down there. Still, no matter how much it might have or hasn't been, he'd probably still help. He'd felt this way about her even before her feelings were known to him, plus as payment for her helping him as well.
"I think I need to practice my knife work, so... follow me." If he had self-defense stuff he needed to practice she'd let him do so as well. They might even spar, though she felt that was not going to be a good idea. Down into the building, up to the attic so as to avoid causing problems, into a relatively clear area... she moved quickly, already having her plan set up so that they could work on it without an audience. This time, at least, she wanted to work in secret. You never knew how many spies your enemy might have near you, after all.
"Knife work...I see." A nod, as he may have somewhat of an idea of what she means. Throwing knives, or maybe her twinblades. Might be for if she meets more trained by him, which is bound to happen, as for right now, being the only who survived experimentation, she is the strongest, probably even in this.
She nodded, and walked almost silently. Up the stairs, through the trapdoor, and into the attic they went. "You can practice whatever you want, but I'm going to be heading over here." Down the rout to a place with roughly human-shaped wooden carvings, many holes and nicks, scratches and other signs of use for combat practice. A deep breath, out went one of her knives... hand holding the point, aim... and it flew from her extended hand and into the wood right at the heart.
"Alright..." He begin stripping his clothes down too his pants only, going into a meditation stance, his fist together, as well as the palms of his feet. He'd be like this for a while, as he'd always need too. When not resting, he'd rid his problems through this, so his hands wouldn't shake. His mind wavered, and trigger finger, unstaggering. If listening closely, under his small breaths, was an unnoticeable chant oozing from his lips, barely audible to the naked eye.
Saphire focused, each dagger hitting on target, some with more force than others. Over time she got better and better, more of them growing so deep into the wood that only the handle was visible.. when she managed to do ten she was satisfied, and moved to remove the knives, moving onto her twin-swords style afterwards, closing her eyes so she could fight an imaginary enemy, as she'd no peers to fight at the moment.
Hearing the blades of plasma unsheathe from their states, he places a hand up. Eyes open, with the shout, "Wait!" He'd go around, taking out a small plasma dagger. "Snagged this off of one of the guys who chased you while they brought back our things they said. I could serve as a quick practice if you'd like." Again, he'd been through basic training with weapons as he'd always had, but focused on the bow & sniper rifle, & one close combat style for his power gloves. In fact, if he'd gone too get them, he could, most likely on more or less terms, with her going incredibly easy, help her.
A turn, head tilting, and eyes open to meet his own. So, he knew some of the self-defense? A nod. "If you want to. I was just going to go until I couldn't stand steadily to regain my speed. Might be nice to practice with a live opponent for once. A good stretch of my mind, actually." Rarely did she fight organic foes outside of for-death moves, so she set the blades to nonlethal, ready to fight again. Worst they'd give him would be a stinging in the arm, a very weak shock, but she figured he might not know how to do that for his own weapon, so she made sure to always be ready to dodge.
"Alright...yet, knife isn't best for me, so I'll just be going fist for now." Truly, he'd only used the knife too block them, but taking some old wraps found in this attic, hopefully they'd be enough padding on his legs & hands that if he'd hit her, it would lessen the blow. With that, taking a Oyomado Boxing stance, hands in a palm strike pose, he was ready for her. "Lets see how your speed is doing first. Few quick slashes too me, alright? I'll do my best too parry them."
She nodded, standing in a calm position.... and in went one breath. As soon as it was out she was striking, sometimes with the right, others the left, and always aiming at a different location. She started fast, but still easily blocked... and slowly grew faster and faster, turning into a blur almost incapable of being seen as someone attacking... how fast depended on him. She'd keep herself at a speed he could handle... being able to block at least half of the time.
"Gotcha..." She'd gotten the same, maybe ever faster, parrying only the hits he could read, the others taking his stomach, arms, & chest. For just speed, these attacks seemed planned, one after the other, very carefully at an almost blinding rate. His eye winces after about twenty hits later, as he still continues her assault on his upper body, when he decides too stop parrying, then once done, going to grab her wrist in order to stop it. "Good, at least that hasn't changed about you."
"R-right... are you ok? I didn't set it too high?" She was worried, halfway through he'd started to look like he was in a bad shape. Her twin swords deactivated, one going into it's holster so she could grab his arm gently. "I can give you a break, you know... you don't have to do this." He never had to do anything that would get him hurt... as long as it wasn't a mission.
"Hmm, you had it well, just a bit of stun pain." He'd circle his other arm around, then doing his accredited, petting of her hair too calm her. "I can keep going, it'd be weird if I couldn't handle a bit of pain right? Though you're doing phenomenal, so I'd rather say, lets up the anti a bit. Sparring maybe, as I think you may a have a weakness...I'd rather show you than tell you though."
"A weakness?" Well. If there was one it was because of the ones she trained. If she knew it, then she could defend herself... and exploit it in others. A serious look crossed her face, her posture widening to ensure perfect balance... and without a warning she moved forwards, keeping the intensity at the same level... one strike to his shoulder, legs with the other arm, little to no force, she didn't need it for the laser weapons.
He'd again start blocking the best he could, letting her get into it like before, so much that her target would obviously be overwhelmed, the stinging of her hits, until he'd use all his strength to wrap his arms around her jab. Her offense & defense for hits are flawless, he can see that, yet holds are a different story, as he'd make a cross shape on her, beginning too pull. She'd been trained to kill quickly then move on, so holds may have not been a problem for her until now. "Do your best."
A grip?! Her movements had stopped once she'd reached her peak of strength... narrowed eyes. So. He was talking about grappling, was he? True, she hadn't been trained in them... but there were things that she could do. She'd been taught some of how to fight unarmed, after all, so that she could kill even when captured. One knee rose to meet his torso, extending when she hadn't quite met him, and she jumped up to meet him with her other leg. Even if her arm broke, it'd be back to normal quick enough...
"Exposed." Her jumping, making her airborne made it easier, even after the knee too his torso, he'd quickly wrap his arm, then slam her down, bringing her arm behind her, & knees on her so her legs would become useless. "Don't put everything into one go, not all of your opponents, are weak trained soldiers, others, like us, will have been trained to feel pain, & keep holding until they truly feel it." More like a lesson, her speed is all well, but her strength, a bigger opponent could hold her down if he'd gotten just one finger on her, wishing for this never too happen again, me makes her to etch this into her mind. "Though the torso shot...really?" He'd again, been able to grapple this way also because the pain from his gun wound almost forced him to pass out, bringing all his weight down onto her.
"Trained to use every weakness." Ouch. So that's what that felt like. She thought through everything she knew how to do... was there anything tha- Armor activation? Y/N N, If she couldn't do it without that random prompting then she wasn't ready to fight Him. A growl, her again refusing the 'limitless strength' option as well, blinking twice as though to close the windows. "That's getting distracting... Ok, then how would you have gotten out of it?" Because this was a lesson, and as much as she'd hurt her pride she needed to get past this weakness.

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