Teatime Chats

Probably wait a bit, then slip in afterwards. That, or just stand outside the doors and listen in.
So, do you want to post next? Because that door is going to close, no 'slipping in' after Dahlia and Helbrecht entered. Unless Chantie thinks he can just knock on the door and hope that an invisible force opens it for the second sufficient for him to enter without being seen or heard.
I am not sure what those trapezoids connecting Greedo to the outside wall are. Balconies? Doorways? Windows? How good is Helbrecht at jumping? =D
Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart Official statement on what the trapezoids on the map are for the chateau? I want to know my exit points.

P.S. I make no promises Dahlia will enter the right room on her way back in. Galleria and Marine might have an unwelcome visitor in the evening. (I'm not sadistic enough to make her run into Asuran or Kiefer by entering the wrong quarters.)
Tonight I learned that if I really believe, I can, in fact, post for 6 characters at once also OH BOY I FINALLY POSTED

That took like...a humiliatingly long time. Like. Humiliatingly long. Like I stare into the mirror and want to die long

But the good news is that everyone is now finally free to respond! With one exception...you will know who you are. :,,)

Seems like there was some discussion going around while I was busy avoiding those scary little red numbers that live at the top of my screen and grow larger every day--
Speaking of which, I'll be going to answer PMs now. :''')

But anyways. Yeah, I told Succubi she could go to either Samba Square or the Banquet, and she chose the Banquet. No problems there! And it seems like everything else is more or less resolved?

I told Syren and Knight that they would not be allowed to go off by themselves every single time since that would be counter-productive to the point of a Group RP, but in this case it ended up working out for them so, as long as everyone is happy and the RP is healthy that's all that matters to me. :ghostv:

It's only the Opening Banquet... At this rate, the bachelors will have to dance with each other while the princesses go off to have adventures lmao

I mean I'm not opposed to the Everyone is Gay ending... Not sure about anyone else here though...

Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart Official statement on what the trapezoids on the map are for the chateau? I want to know my exit points.

The weird little yellow things at the back of the rooms?....uhm. I...what are those things? Uhm you can say it's a window or balcony. They are all kind of on first level. Technically there is a basement-type level is all nasty stuff like servants quarters and kitchens and storage and yuck. Commoners.

P.S. I make no promises Dahlia will enter the right room on her way back in. Galleria and Marine might have an unwelcome visitor in the evening. (I'm not sadistic enough to make her run into Asuran or Kiefer by entering the wrong quarters.)

Who's to say Kiefer will even be in his room to be run into? ;)
As such I allowed her to sew a princess's fabric into my bared flesh in a procedure that took several hours. Unfortunately, it turned out that the item was cursed and retained its previous wearer's thoughts, prompting the dress to try and eat me alive as its sutures turned to teeth chewing away at my matter

also what the what? xD

If I had been drinking something, I would have spit it out when I read that
Okay...so about the whole door thing, to avoid confusion and any future confusion, cause I think it could play an important role some day, let's understand a bit more about how the Chateau works. I will add this kind of info to the Saint Lyon page when I one day get around to it--

But first of all, locks. The doors do not lock automatically. They can be locked from the inside or the outside, and must use either magic or a key. Most doors have an anti-magic spell protection built into them so it's not like, ridiculously easy to break into places. Obviously Waltz Castle with its endless riches has all arien-proofed their locks. But anyways. They will not be locked from the outside over the course of the Ball at any point. They are only locked from the outside when they are not in use, like with Lepumir's room. Who has keys? Well, certain members of the serving staff, for one. Only the people at the top get a keyring set / master key, however, and it is supposed to never leave their side. In this case it would be the Majordomo of the Chateau. Balthazar also has a set of master keys to the Chateau for emergency purposes. There is also exactly one key for each room, each is unique, and was likely given to the recipients when they arrived. When you lock your own room is up to your discretion. Each suite has many different rooms inside of it, and each can be locked individually, but it is not a key lock, and can only be locked from the inside (unless the people living there specifically build some kind of fancy lock into the door or whatever as the attendees are allowed and encouraged to personalize their rooms).

If locked from the outside, the Suite cannot be opened from the inside. This is a safety measure.

If locked from the inside, the Suite can be opened from the outside with the key. Unless the lock is jammed somehow or whatever.

The Chateau has its own set of servants (cleaning, attendants, cooks, so on), but it is a relatively small staff as, most of the time, there is only one person living there (The Princess). The staff is slightly bloated for the Ball, but not to a ridiculous degree. Only a tiny handful of core servants sleep in the Chateau's serving quarters (which are incidentally quite nice, as it is considered a privilege to be sent to work there). This core staff tends to be older, as it is kind of seen like a retirement option type deal. Also they are the most trusted and ones who have proven their worth over the years. The rest either sleep in the main serving quarters or their homes.
The Chateau shares their guards with the main castle. Like the servants their presence is very low most of the year, though it has been doubled down thanks to the Ball. Even so, it's not like there is a guard at each door every night...that would be considered intrusive. However they do walk the perimeter and stand by the entrances.

Please do not forget that the Chateau is an entirely separate building from the main Castle. To get to it one can walk through the gardens, an outdoor hallway, or across the front courtyard (like where the parade was). All these areas will be decently guarded at all times of day and night.

Alright. I'm like half asleep so I hope this helps and makes sense. Like I said I will add this sort of thing to the Library when I get a chance.
I'm sorry to everyone about how long that post was, I had to find an excuse for my what, 6 month absence from this RP.

But also YOU CAN'T STOP me from detailing what an utter mess Naomi is.
All that talk about the mechanism of locked rooms has me anticipating a locked room murder mystery somewhere down the line lmao I mean Prince of Greedo was supposed to die in the last rendition... But I don't really want anyone in the current cast to die, so maybe that won't happen and I'm just being paranoid
All that talk about the mechanism of locked rooms has me anticipating a locked room murder mystery somewhere down the line lmao I mean Prince of Greedo was supposed to die in the last rendition... But I don't really want anyone in the current cast to die, so maybe that won't happen and I'm just being paranoid
See, all I was concerned about was someone being locked into their room by a nefarious force, but that's even more worrisome.
Goodness haha yeah I was more thinking along the lines of 'yeah but if the door can not be opened from the inside if it was locked on the outside... then someone could be locked in...'
From there I guess is only a small leap to having one murdered. It would be sad to see any of the current ones murdered but damn would that be a sweet twist of events
All that talk about the mechanism of locked rooms has me anticipating a locked room murder mystery somewhere down the line lmao I mean Prince of Greedo was supposed to die in the last rendition... But I don't really want anyone in the current cast to die, so maybe that won't happen and I'm just being paranoid

Hey now, I said he died in one of the simulations we ran for one of the scenes in the RP. Also he wasn't the only one haha. But I've gone through countless variations of things like that to prepare myself to build a plot around whatever state the rp happens to be in at that point.

I will never plot specifically around the idea of killing characters since I would also prefer for the core cast to stay alive. But if people say "hey you can kill off so and so" I'm going all in for it fufu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I only brought it up because there was discussion about people being locked out of rooms and felt that with a political intrigue plot it was something important to know. ;>
That was an interesting peek into the world of essential contingency plans for the GM. But I'm glad that there won't be any murder (at least not of characters that currently exist)

I didn't expect Luciano's POV to be as funny as it was. Make way for Princess Ava, the newest of the phantom representatives!
That was an interesting peek into the world of essential contingency plans for the GM. But I'm glad that there won't be any murder (at least not of characters that currently exist)

I didn't expect Luciano's POV to be as funny as it was. Make way for Princess Ava, the newest of the phantom representatives!

Haha was it? Or just more evidence that I have no life and spend too much time daydreaming? xD

But yeah...there are lots of plans for the "big events" of this rp......though I have a feeling yahll will continue to find ways to surprise me--

And lol I'm glad if you found it funny. Wizard excelled with humor writing so I try to carry on the spirit of her voice-- ; e; )/
I do hope Eva doesn't die by accident XD in some whole turn of events where that can be the only outcome that makes sense.
That would be hard to explain to people if it gets known the 'princess' is dead and suddenly the princess shows up all happy asking cheerfully why all the gloomy faces XD
Zombie RP confirmed

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