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Fandom Tears: Rebirth

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus
The 10th Doctor: New York, MCU

The Time Lord let out a moan in pain and rubbed the side of his head. Despite being in a daze, he managed to stand to his feet, leaning against the TARDIS console. As his vision restored to normal, he knew something was wrong. There were no lights on in the TARDIS. She'd crashed before, taken damage before, even lost power before but this was something different.

As hard as he tried to think about it, he had hardly any memory of the crash. The Doctor placed his head in his hands and ran both hands down his face, struggling to remember. Caught in mid-thought The Doctor leaned against the TARDIS console. He couldn't get wrapped up in self-reflection, not now. He had to figure out what was wrong with his TARDIS and just where she'd crashed. As The Doctor stood up straight, he heard a footstep behind him and spun around. He was greeted by a bearded man wearing a fedora and carrying a suitcase. The Librarian

Upon noticing that the Time Lord was looking at him, The Librarian set his suitcase at his feet and rubbed his hands together.

"Did you do this?" The Doctor asked in a bitter tone

"Yep." The Librarian smiled, getting an angry yet horrified look from The Doctor in response "Oh, don't look so worried." The Librarian continued to speak in a jokey tone "She'll only be like that for...Let me see, half an hour at best. In case you're wondering..." He spoke with a Manchester accent

He approached the Time Lord so that their faces met and leaned forwards, whispering into The Doctor's ear "I did this to tell you to stay out of my way. A little message."

"No one should have that much power." The Doctor muttered in a grim tone

"Oh? Maybe I should take away her ability to time travel. After all, who should have the ability to alter time? The Time Lord Victorious?" He asked in a mocking, sarcastic tone "What was it you said, The Laws of time are mine and they will obey me!" As he quoted The Doctor's words, he spoke in The Doctor's voice, causing a shiver to run down the Time Lord's spine.

"Again. This is just my way of telling you to keep out of my way." The Librarian stated with a grin and a sarcastic shrug

The Librarian picked up his suitcase and walked past him, towards the TARDIS doors with a smug look on his face. In response The Doctor activated his sonic screwdriver, locking the doors with a grim look on his face. The Librarian stopped in front of the doors, lowered his head and began to chuckle

"A locked door ain't gonna stop me, Doctor."

"Well, you can't blame me for trying." The Doctor replied, approaching The Librarian. "What are you?"

"I'm a traveller." The Librarian admitted, shrugging "Like you, I travel across time and space. Alone for the most part. The only thing is I can handle being alone. I don't turn into a bloody megalomaniac when I'm alone, I don't"

The Doctor stepped towards The Librarian and began to scan him with his sonic screwdriver, he had to know just what this man, no this creature was. If he or it could disable a TARDIS just to "send a message", he feared just what else this creature was capable of. In response to the scanning, The Librarian rolled his eyes.

"Good luck with that." He sighed "Anyway, Doctor I must be off. I have other things to take care of."

With the snap of his fingers, The Librarian vanished, leaving The Doctor alone in the process. He lowered his sonic screwdriver and stepped back towards The TARDIS console, pulling a lever only to find that the Librarian had been accurate. Was he telling the truth about how long she would be inactive for?

Theories ran through the Time Lord's brain about The Librarian, about his abilities. His thought process was interrupted by a knock on the door. Just where had the TARDIS been left? The Doctor told himself that there was really only one was to find out and stepped towards the door, opening it slightly.

"Can I help you?" He asked, coming face to face with a small platoon of SHIELD agents all holding night-night guns "Oh brilliant, more guns." The Doctor sighed, stepping out of the TARDIS with his hands up.

"Are you The Doctor?" A voice behind the agents asked

"Yes?" The Doctor replied

"My name is Agent Stevenson, representing the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. We need your help."

"Get your men to put their guns down first." The Doctor replied in a serious tone

Stevenson nodded in response, signaling his agents to lower their weapons.

Nikola Tesla: New York, MCU

On the other side of the city, a tear opened and Nikola Tesla stepped out. As Tesla had been working on an invention in his lab, a tear had opened several miles away. Lovecraft had talked about alternate dimensions before and so Nikola's curiosity had gotten the better of him as he put his lab under lock and key, geared up and walked through the portal. According to maps he had found, this was New York city but not the New York he knew.

As he wandered the streets, Tesla passed a man reading a newspaper. According to the date it was 2015. Had he travelled in time just as the character from the H.G Wells novel had done? He attempted to talk to the man but he took no notice of the inventor.

"Pretpostavljam da je moguće. (I suppose it is possible)" He muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Gregory Nelson: American Frontier 1791

Gregory awoke to something he had not heard in years, the chirping of birds. He smiled, assuming it was some kind of dream only to feel a cold breeze move over him. He opened his eyes to find himself leaning against a tree with a black duffle back lying next to him. Gregory opened it to find his gear and weapons inside and began to glance around.

"Shit, Toto I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." He muttered to himself as he began to put on his armour and equip his weapons. Had the ship crashed? As that thought flooded through his mind, as did major feelings of dread, were his crew, his family hurt? Were they dead.

Gregory's thoughts continued as he saw some smoke rising in the distance. He had to theories, it was either a sign of civilization or a sign of a crash. He swung the duffle back over his back and began to walk towards it, spotting wolf tracks in the snow.

He knelt down and scanned them with his helmet. What would Earth wolves be doing on a frozen outer-rim planet? He thought
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Axiom Nexus, Home to the Transcendent Technomorphs - The Trans Tech - Observers of the Multiverse.


From their control room in the center of the city, the Trans Tech track anomalies in order to maintain balance among countless parallel Universes.

A Siren alarm blared out a Green Trans Tech who was monitoring the multiverse cried out, "It can't be!"

"Rhinox, what is it? What's going on?" asked a white Trans Tech.

"We're registering Multiple phenomena across corresponding clusters," answered Rhinox.

"Are those..." said the White Trans Tech before being cut off by Rhinox.

"Dimensional tears, Prowl... it's like something is tearing through the very fabric of reality itself!"

"Should we alert the Convoy about this?" suggested Prowl.

"At this large of a scale... We might as well! Who knows what's behind this..."

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Harleen and Groot: Commonwealth, Fallout Universe (Five years before Fallout 4)

A tear opened not too far from Abernathy farm (South east of Vault 111) out from it tumbled a woman who landed face first on the concrete with a painful "Uff!" She steadied herself, dusting herself off before turning around to see a large, living tree calmly walk out of the tear with a smile on his face.

"I am Groot?" He asked

"No...No, I didn't fall." Harleen muttered, avoiding eye contact with the living tree. She looked upwards, examining the wasteland that now surrounded the two "Well...This looks horrible." She said with a smile "I don't think this is where either of us live."

"I am Groot." Groot shrugged in response

"Civilization? I suppose we could take a look."

The two started to walk further into the wasteland, heading south west.
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Lea(Kingdom Hearts universe)

Lea was currently facing a hoard of heartless, called shadows. They were the weakest of all of the heartless, but there were well over a thousand of them around him. He didn't want to use his chakrams at the moment as this was practice for welding his keyblade. He was backed into a corner by the heartless and panting heavily. He also had various wounds all over his body, with his clothes torn in places. He had thought he could get rid of them without his chakrams and his ultimate move, now he was beginning to doubt that. That's when he noticed a giant shadow start to appear and it raised from the ground, it turned into a neoshadow. A neoshadow was the weakest boss, normally Lea wouldn't have a problem dealing with him but he was badly injured and the neoshadow had the thousands of shadows at his command. The neoshadow summoned a ball of dark energy just as a weird looking portal appeared behind him and threw the ball at Lea. It hit him in the gut as his vision had already started to get blurry from blood loss and he was seeing double of everything therefore he dodged the imaginary ball of energy and the real one slammed into his gut. It threw him through the portal and in front of Gregory, though he didn't know that was his name, then it closed behind him. He was panting heavily and his keyblade disappeared back into his pocket space that also housed his chakrams. Black spots started dancing across his vision as he layer on the ground covered in his bleeding wounds. This included a new circular burn mark, about the size of a beach ball, on his stomach and chest. It was where the attack from the neoshadow hit as it acted like fire if the neoshadow put enough energy into it and if it did, it would leave a scar. Apparently, this one did put enough energy into it. It had also singed off the clothes where it had hit. All in all, Lea dud not look to be in good shape. If he only had enough strength to cast curaga, which that and the other versions of cure was the only spell he bothered to learn, or to reach one of his mega potions in his pocket, that somehow had an infinite amount of space. If he could reach one of the potions and drink it, it would heal all of his wound, even the newly gained scar. The potion was that strong, which why they were extremely expensive and Lea had to save up a small fortune just to spend it all on two mega potions. Though Lea knew it would be worth it in the end. Now he was wishing he could reach it. Lea noticed his eyes growing heavy and struggled even more to stay awake. That's when he finally noticed Gregory.

"H-help" Lea begged before passing out.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"Are they here yet?" Carol complained, as she and Lilac sat by the side of the road "Feels like we've been waiting here for days."

"We haven't been here for that long, Carol. I'm sure they'll be here soon." Lilac replied to her companion, keeping an eye on the road. Gong and Neera usually made their rounds through here at around this time, and the two wanted to try and negotiate with them a bit for the gems that they usually ended up stealing from the two instead. Hopefully they could find some kind of peaceful solution, though Carol was less enthusiastic about the whole ordeal.

"Do we have to do this? Can't we just take 'em and skip all of this?"

"I want to at least give it a shot. They should be more willing to give us something now. We did save the Kingdom Stone, after all."

"Except you kinda didn't... It got destroyed and transformed into that sparkly dust stuff in the air, right?"

"Brevon still didn't get away with it. And besides, we can still get power from it, so it's not like the stone was lost or anything." Lilac said, turning her attention back to the road. It was quickly yanked away by something appearing in the distance "Hey, what's that?"

"Prob'ly just another one of Mayor Zao's attempts at advertising his kingdom." Carol told her.

"I don't think Zao's ads look like that." Lilac pointed out "Come on, let's check it out." She said, before using her Dragon Boost to head in the direction of the tear that had appeared on top of a hill.

"Lilac!" Carol called after her, sighing "I hate it when she does that..." She complained before she climbed onto her motorcycle and chased after the Dragon. She eventually caught up to her, at the tear's location.

"Woah. What's this thing?" Carol asked, looking at the tear.

"I don't know. Want to head in and see?" Lilac replied, looking at Carol before jumping into the tear. Carol shrugged and jumped in after her, internally lamenting how quick Lilac tends to act.

And also that she left her bike behind. Whoops.

The two ended up in a place that, ironically, looked kind of like Shang Mu. Though they didn't recognize any of the buildings, not even the one that they had ended up in front of. It definitely had a foreign look to it, despite its similarities to Shang Mu.


Mood: Adventurous

Condition: Doing okay

Location: Dragon Valley -> New York MCU

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American Frontier: 1791

Gregory stepped away from the tear as it opened, drawing his revolver. "What the fook?" He muttered. A man fell out of the tear but before he could ask him any questions, the man passed out. Gregory scanned him with his helmet and looked around. "Not the best place to bleed out." He muttered, reaching down and allowing the young man to lean on him. He began to walk even further towards the smoke, finding that it was a log cabin.

Gregory sighed and gently pushed the door open, finding the place to be empty. However the interior was completely covered in blood, with a trail leading out of the front door. He quickly set Lea down on a nearby table and searched his duffle bag, taking out a first aid kit.

"I haven't got any anesthetic...But I guess you're unconscious anyway so that's one part of the job done." He spoke with a half-smile and began to work on Lea's wounds.


Emma: MCU

Another group of SHIELD agents, not too far from Stevenson and The Doctor's position intercepted Lilac and Carol, surrounding them with four vehicles.


A team of around ten SHIELD agents stepped out with Emma at their side. Before any could raise a weapon or say something, Emma began to gently step forwards "Hello." She began, a reassuring look in her eyes "My friends and I aren't going to hurt you."


Lea remained unconscious until the man was done treating him. He slowly opened his eyes, but was still weak, he leaned forward to reach into his pocket, where he pulled out a green vile. It had a green liquid on it and Lea pulled off the cork with his teeth and spit it out and drank the whole bottle. As soon as he finished it, it shattered into particles as per usual for any potion from his world. Now that he had drank the potion all of his wounds began to close up and disappear completely. He then laid back down on the table and sighed in relief. Though he was now healed it didn't mean he wasn't still weak from blood loss, the potion could not replace the blood he had lost of course. Though it wasn't enough to where he would need a blood transfusion but enough to have made him pass out. The only reason he was able to move after he woke, even the little bit that he did move, was mainly through will power and the fact that his wounds were wrapped. Though it was mainly will power.

"Thanks for helping me, if you hadn't then I would have likely died. I knew I should have used my chakrams instead of my keyblade. I just had to be an idiot and think I could take over a thousand shadow heartless on my own with my keyblade alone. I knew I wasn't that good with my keyblade yet, so I don't know what possed me to do that. Though that neoshadow was certainly a surprise" Lea said the things about heartless to himself.

"Anyway the potion I used is only designed to heal my wounds, not my blood so that means I have to wait a little bit before I can move again. So thanks for your help, again" Lea stated sheepishly. He still felt dizzy do to the blood loss, so he figured his best bet was to continue laying there until it passed.

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


The two girls turned to see a group of... People? They didn't look like any kind of people they knew. Anyway, they came in a group of vehicles that surrounded them. Before Lilac could suggest that the two bail and Dragon Boost her way out of there, the people's apparent leader approached them, telling them that they were friendly.

"That's not what your vehicles tell us." Carol pointed out.

Lilac stepped forward, looking at the leader "What is this place? What happened?"


Mood: Adventurous

Condition: Doing okay

Location: New York MCU

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Cairo-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Universe-New York City-Marvel Cinematic Universe

DIO: Finishing yet another book in his mansion in Cairo, DIO threw it over his shoulder onto the ground behind him. He began walking out of the dark room, stepping over the corpse of a young woman with two holes in her neck. He was growing bored. He knew the Joestars' group had arrived in Cairo, and he had more planned for them. A moment after he exited the room and approached the stairs, a form of portal opened in front of him. Too late to stop as he was midstride, DIO unwillingly entered the portal. He appeared on a rooftop of a large building overlooking a bustling city. He turned back to re-enter the portal, but it closed on him. How could this be? Where was he? All questions he would carefully have to find answers to.


Falling out a portal into the middle of an unfamiliar city with a few Boyz and a Deff Dread, the massive Ork warlord known as Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka falls head first into a sidewalk, causing the cement to crack from the force of the impact. Groggily picking himself off of the ground, Thraka looks around his surroundings and notices a large a amount of humans running away in fear. Not knowing how he could of possible ended up in thus human city, the Ork simply yells out in frustration." Where da Zog am I?"
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IDW Transformers Universe... The Lost Light which traveling through space...


The Ship's co-captain, Rodimus Prime, sees a massive tear in front of the ship, he ponders weather or not to blame it on their local mad scientist, Brainstorm.

"Rodimus, it appears there's a dimensional tear opening up within the ship..." said the ship's other co-captain, Autobot Megatron

"I know... I'm looking at a big one in front of the ship..."

"What do you think is behind this?" asked Megatron.

"I'm gonna go on a limb and blame it on Brainstorm..."
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American Frontier 1791

"Chakrams? Keyblade? Heartless? The bloody 'ell are you on about?" Gregory asked in a frustrated and confused tone. He stepped slightly away from the table and began to think to himself. His family could be in danger and this kid had more questions than answers. He had Gregory's gratitude it seemed and that was something he needed to use. "Forget all that. I need you to do something for me. Mind tellin' this geezer just what the fook is going on? How'd you end up here? What was that thing you fell through?"



"This is New York." Emma explained to Lilac, noting Carol's comment "On Earth. You stepped through a dimensional rift, a tear to another universe. It's how you ended up here." She explained in a calm and reassuring tone. These creatures, aliens she assumed seemed harmless but she knew that looks could be very deceiving. Emma, despite her calm tone was completely on guard.


Thraka was approached by Tesla "New York." He explained, speaking in English for he drew the assumption that it was a language the creature understood "Who...What are you?" He asked with curiosity, but also with caution.


Syeron Hunwess: Terminator Universe


A XJ X-wing starfighter flew above the skies of what was once Earth. Once a world full of life, progress and sometimes hope. Hope that the machines mankind created for protection would lead them into a new golden age of peace. Instead the human race faced judgement day and the age of the machines in what followed the nuclear fires.

A cold desolate world sat in the place of what was once Earth with all that remained of the human race at war for it's very survival against the machine, Skynet. Even in the skies above the young Jedi flying the ship felt a disturbance in the force. She sighed deeply and took the ship downwards and into a battle between the human Resistance and the machines of Skynet. Noticing the human forces being gunned down by several HK tanks Syeron began to fire upon the tanks, destroying them with several laser blasts. The Resistance fighters looked upwards, first with confusion however they started to cheer as Syeron continued to gun down more and more HK tanks, as well as the other T-600 and T-700 units on the ground. Many attempted to shoot her out of the sky, but the young Jedi was too quick for them.

With the arrival of the XJ X-wing, the Resistance fighters on the ground began to push forwards, having been given a morale boost. They started to gun down what was left of the small army. With each push forward they made, Syeron circled around and began another run at the Skynet forces, gunning them down. Terminator after Terminator fell until finally, one Resistance fighter stepped forwards. His presence alone caused silence to fill the battlefield.


He continued to step forwards and armed with a rifle finished off the final Terminator, causing a cheer to erupt. The battle had been won, but every single brave man and woman knew that this was a far cry from the end of Skynet itself.
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Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"Huh, I see." Lilac replied "So that rift took us to another planet?"

"It's not that big of a deal. Torque had a spaceship and everything after all." Carol reminded her.

"I know, but that's not the point." Lilac told her. This was the first time they had set foot anywhere that wasn't on Avalice. She didn't bother arguing the point with Carol, though, and turned back to the alien instead "So, I take it you guys created that dimensional rift, then?"


Mood: Curious

Condition: Still okay

Location: MCU

Warrior, MCU

Warrior fell from a tear and onto a building. "AaaAAAA WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!" shouted the OWN. An elderly man approached him. "Welcome to New York City, True Believer!" mustache'd the old man before walking into the elevator. Warrior didn't take the easy path to the ground floor, as he pumped his fist, ran to ground level.

"Created?" No." Emma shook her head "But we're trying to figure out what is creating those things. They've been opening all over the place, it's a great big pain in the arse." She paused before asking "What planet are you from?"


Tesla heard the ferocious shouting of Warrior "What in God's name was that?" He muttered, turning to face the building that Warrior was in with caution. Were there two of these ogre-like creatures? He wondered

Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"We're from planet Avalice." Lilac told them, looking around for the tear that they had come through.

"And... I hope it's not too far from here, cause it looks like our ride vanished on us." Carol commented.

"Yeah, it looks that way..." Lilac agreed, looking back at the alien "I guess it looks like we're staying for a while."


Mood: A little bit worried

Condition: Still okay

Location: MCU


Hearing someone talking to him, Ghazghkull turn around and spots a small human standing behind him. Growling in annoyance, Ghazghkull glares down at the human as he speaks." Da name's Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka and I'm da greatest Ork Warboss dere iz! So ya better watch yerself humie, or else I'll stomp ya!"
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Tesla heard the ferocious shouting of Warrior "What in God's name was that?" He muttered, turning to face the building that Warrior was in with caution. Were there two of these ogre-like creatures? He wondered

The muscular man rushed over to Tesla, tassels flowing in the wind. "Mustache Man! AaAaAaAaA TELL ME OF THIS LAND! WHAT YEAR IS IT?! HAVE I FALLEN INTO A COMA?! IS THIS A TRICK BY HUKK HOGAAAAN?!" Warrior was confused by the atmosphere being cleaner and the cars looking slightly different than the ones of his time period.

"It might not even be in this universe." Emma spoke in a sympathetic tone "For now, you can stay with SHIELD. HQ will have questions for ya."


Tesla found himself surrounded by two brutes, one a man in warrior face paint, the other an Ogre-like creature. He turned to address the Ogre-like creature first "My name is Nikola Tesla...Erm...Pleased to meet you, I suppose." Tesla then turned his attention to Warrior "The year is twenty fifteen and this is New York." He explained "Like me, you have possibly time travelled or perhaps even stepped through from another world entirely. I have come from the dawn of the twentieth century."


Sash Lilac

Dragon Energy


"Sounds like a plan." Lilac agreed, nodding.

"Sorry to just up and pop in on ya like this." Carol told her "I hope you guys don't mind."


Mood: Trying to stay confident

Condition: Good

Location: MCU


Seeing that this human some information about this planet, Ghazghkull asks about the planet's defense force. " Well den, since you know so much about dis 'ere planet, do ya know where I can find somethin to fight? Cuz I don't feel like wasting my time killing normal humie gitz like da ones running around like a headless Squiggoth."
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(It's slightly rushed but I don't have much time at the moment.)


The Avenger

It was mid-morning as the Commander walked into mission control. He was holding a cup of coffee and sat down at his chair in front of the holo-globe. It had been two days since the end of the war against the aliens and despite the war being over Jason was worried. "Now what?" He thought to himself. "Cyborgs and psionics armed with mind control abilities are now out of a job." The Commander stared at the holo-globe as he sipped his his coffee. He and kind of hoped for something to come up. The holo-globe flashed and the base began to shake. "Shit." He thought. "The last time this happened, we were attacked." Jason was about to start barking orders but when he opened his mouth, there was a flash of light as the XCOM base moved though a tear. The Avenger was now resting over New York City in the MCU.

XCOM noticed their new location and several soldiers including the Commander began preparing for trip to the ground. Meanwhile the scientists began to try and figure out what happened. The Skyranger took off and began flying down to New York.

Dead Space

The Sprawl

Isaac was quietly making his way through the Sprawl and out of nowhere a small horde of Nercomorphs attacked. Isaac cut through the group of Nercomorphs. He dismembered the zombies with his Plasma Cutter and everything was quiet again. Isaac used a small Med Pack to heal his wounds. He then came across a tear. "I am hallucinating?" He thought. "That thing can't be real." Isaac's curiosity got the better of him and he went through the tear. He found himself in the middle of a group of Resistance fighters. Seeing that he was surrounded, his helmet unfolded and he dropped his Plasma Cutter.

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"Well I was facing a hoard of heartless, which are creatures that are created when someone gives into the darkness in their heart and if their heart is strong enough they also create a nobody, a being without a heart, the ones I was facing were the weakest ones of them, as their are several different kinds, they were called shadow heartless. It would have been easy for me to take all of them down had I not been an idiot in thinking that I should use them as practice wielding my keyblade, seeing as I just recently got it. The keyblade and other magic weapons are the only kind of weapons that can get kill the heartless. It can also open any lock and this is my keyblade, it looks different for every wielder" Lea stated summoning his keyblade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c746ccf11_Leas_Keyblade_KH3D.png.d03ba1fef9a5d033eeec5fdcce41ea27.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c746ccf11_Leas_Keyblade_KH3D.png.d03ba1fef9a5d033eeec5fdcce41ea27.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Anyway, if I had just used my chakrams I would have been fine and came out with no wounds at all. There were well over a thousand of the heartless there. Then a neoshadow, the weakest boss heartless, appeared and slammed me through a strange portal so I have no idea what that thing I came through was" Lea stated, dismissing his keyblade and summoning his chakrams and he said "These are my chakrams" then he dismissed them too.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/axel_chakrams___eternal_flames_by_angeldad83-d41zxwz.png.56aada7686b27397a628a2ff37ff52f7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/axel_chakrams___eternal_flames_by_angeldad83-d41zxwz.png.56aada7686b27397a628a2ff37ff52f7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • Lea's_Keyblade_KH3D.png
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"It's kind of our job..." Emma smiled, gesturing towards one of the vehicles. However her attention shifted upwards as XCOM arrived. She placed a finger against her ear and started to speak into the radio "Stevenson...We've got a situation." She spoke in a grim tone

"I see it too." He replied "We already have The Doctor."

"Orders?" Emma asked

"Get those two new arrivals back to HQ for questioning but be on high alert. This could be a code red invasion scenario."

"Understood." Emma sighed in a grim tone "Over and out."


Disappointed that the human couldn't answer his question, Ghazghkull turns around and begins to shout at his small group consisting of twenty Boyz and one Deff Dread." Lissen up ya grots n' squigs, cuz I ain't gonna repeat myself. Somehow, we ended up dis 'ere planet, but dat doesn't matter, cuz we'z da Orks we'll fight anywhere at anytime! So pick up yer gunz and start killin everyfing in yer path!" Right after Ghazghkull raises his Big Shoota and begins to wildly fire it at anything that moves while his small horde also begins their attack.
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