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Teach Me

Xan blushed still and looked to the floor. "...Is there a different reason for me being here that you didn't tell me..?" He asks quietly, seeming embarrassed but not opposed to what had just happened.
Fujio paused again, sucking in a breath. He bit his lip, and slowly, he nodded. "...I...I know this...isn't quite right but..." he couldn't seem to explain himself. It was too hard to do that. He just shook his head, turning away from Xan. "Maybe...maybe this just wasn't a good idea."
Xan frowned deeply at that and looked away from him. "I-I never said that I didn't like it... b-but if that's how you feel...I-I'll go... I doubt you want to tutor me now huh..." He mumbles, now upset by both the grade and that Fujio thought it wasn't a good idea.
"You don't need me to tutor you!" Fujio suddenly blurted out, and paused as he realised what he came out with. There was no going back from this now. He turned around, looking slightly ashamed of his actions. "Your...your test was almost flawless. I lied about the grade. It was the only way to...well, get you over here without it looking suspicious any other way." He rubbed his arm, clearly ashamed of what he did.
Xan's eyes widened and he looked at Fujio. He seemed relieved on some note and walked over to him. Xan looked at the ground for a couple moments and chewed his lip, blushing slightly now. "Do...Do you like me...?" He asks quietly, looking up at him with big blue eyes. He didn't seem to even be thinking about the fake grade now, instead he was just hoping that Fujio liked him back.
(I thought I replied to this the other day ;.; sorry!)

Fujio glanced away for a few moments, unable to look at the boy. Then he asked the question. When he looked around, he looked into those big blue eyes, his own brown ones frozen in place as he just stared, and stared at him, the question swirling around in his head. Slowly, subconciously, Fujio slowly nodded, whispering, "I do..."
//Haha it's okay, I had a feeling you didn't notice//

Xan seemed even more surprised at that but he grabbed onto Fujio's hand. "I wish you just told me that rather then telling me that I failed a test to get me here.." He said quietly, blushing brightly.
Fujio went red as Xan grabbed his hand, and with the other, he rubbed the back of his neck. "I know, I...I was never very good at this whole...admitting thing." He murmured, glancing to Xan once again.
"Well... Now you don't have to worry about it..." He said as he looked up to him, he was blushing a bit still and intertwined their fingers. "I'm glad I know now..." He said quietly.
Fujio nodded a little, squeezing Xan's hand with his as their fingers had intertwined. Then, seeing as he had gone silent, he slowly leaned in, softly kissing Xan's lips.
Xan blushed brightly and kissed Fujio back, he felt giddy to know the teacher returned his feelings and was happy to be able to do this, even though he felt a little upset about the fact Fujio lied to him to get him here.
Fujio felt butterflies flutter in his stomach the more his lips brushed off Xan's own lips. He was proud that the two could express their feelings like this, that they could be together without anyone watching them. But he knew the two had to keep a tab on this, they had to work around it, especially with their school life. No one else could know about this, Fujio knew that.
Xan moved his arms around Fujio's shoulders. He knew this was wrong but he didn't care, it felt so right that he just couldn't stop. He leaned into the kiss, enjoying every moment of it. He didn't want the kiss to end at all, but knew he had to get air eventually. So he hesitantly pulled away and tried to catch his breath, his cheeks were red as he looked up to Fujio.
Fujio's arms had moved to his waist as they were kissing, trying to make the moment last as much as he could. It was as if they were the only two people in the world, just being together. So, when Xan pulled away, he was a little disappointed, but he knew the two couldn't keep up a kiss for so long. Fujio looked down at Xan. Slowly, he brushed a stand of hair out of his face, and he softly smiled at the boy.
Xan blushed more but smiled seeing Fujio happy "I really do like seeing you smile." He says giving him a small peck after. "What does this make us now though..?" He asks, hoping this was going to be a serious relationship rather than a fling. He knew either way he couldn't refuse Fujio, but he didn't want to end up hurt.
Fujio looked at him for a few moments, blinking. He wasn't quite sure what they were. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "We'll...we'll have a test run. See how this all works out." He stated, smiling a little. He still kept that thought of how Xan liked his smile inside his head. He'd have to smile a lot more now.
He chewed his lip and nodded "Okay.. A test run would be good.. Wouldn't it." He said looking up to him. He hoped everything worked out okay. He seemed happy to see Fujio smile, but he still was a bit nervous. "So whay should we do..?"
Fugio looked around for a few moments, thinking about it what they should do. "Well, erm...since you're here now, we may as well have dinner."

(Sorry, I've had a very busy week!)
//it's fine.//

Xan nodded, blushing still. "Okay, what did you make?" He asked as he looked up to him and went to leave the room with him.

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