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Teach Me

"Yeah...maybe I should..." Fujio murmured, still staring at the lunch for a few more moments in silence, before he dragged it towards him. Though, just as he was about to tuck into his lunch, he heard Xan say something, something about...his smile? He looked up to see his reaction, but saw the boy had quickly made his way back to his seat. Fujio sat in silence for a few moments. He...likes my smile? He wondered, staring down at his food. "...thank you...again...for the food, that is." Fujio quickly added, hoping that Xan wouldn't notice the colour rising in his cheeks himself as he quickly distracted himself with lunch.
Xan was blushing and looked down at his new lunch still. He made a small nod. "Y-You're um.. You're welcome.." He says shifting a bit in his seat now, really embarrassed. He hesitantly went to eat, not enjoying it as much as he would his own lunch, but still he didn't regret giving his lunch to Fujio. He was happy to see him smile... He was just dumb and somehow let himself slip up and vocalize some of his feelings... He felt like an idiot. He was glad he had lunch to busy himself with at least.
Fujio was quick to finish up his new lunch. Food tasted so much better cooked by someone from scratch. This tasted so much better coming from Xan alone. There was something about him he couldn't quite put his finger on. He liked his student, he got on with him fine...but there was clearly some other feeling bubbling underneath Fujio. It wasn't right...the two of them were so different. Fujio was probably twice his age or more than Xan, and the boy was quiet, subdued...yet they say opposites attract. And in the silence between the two at lunch, Fujio already started conducting an idea in his head.

After what felt like seemingly ages for him, Fujio pushed Xan's now empty lunch forward, looking to him. "Your cooking's really good."
//Sorry was at work//

Xan was still eating, he was a slow eater, he looked up to him and his eyes seemed to light up at the compliment. He swallowed the mouthful of food he had and smiled. "Thank you." He said, a warm feeling in his chest and it felt as though butterflies were flying around in his stomach. He finished up what he wanted in the lunch and brought it over to Fujio. He took the empty lunch from him. "I'm glad you could enjoy it. I can make you another tomorrow if you would like." He says, looking at him hoping he was once again invited to eat lunch with the teacher.
Fugio felt a warmth in his stomach at seeing Xan smile. Even his own smile couldn't compare to the boy's. It was genuine, lovely to look at...he took back his own lunch back, and he looked up at him, unsure of whether he should ask for more. But Fujio found himself nodding at the boy. "You can surprise me then."

(It's okay, I was asleep at that time anyway lol)
Xan smiled more and nodded "I will" He said cheerfully.He felt as if he was starting to gain Fujio's trust and that made him feel even more special. The bell rang signifying the end of lunch, Xan felt a bit disappointed but gathered his things.
A few days had past, and finally the students of Fujio's class could finally get their test results back from the quiz they did. Fujio walked along each of the student's desks, dumping papers with different grades on them. Some were great. Some were terrible. The teacher eventually got to Xan's desk, avoiding all eye contact with him, before dropping his test on his desk. There was a grade at the top, a seemingly low grade, followed by the words 'speak to me after class'. Fujio walked on to more desks, as normal, as if nothing had happened. He didn't look once at Xan.
Xan looked down at his desk and his eyes widened, he felt as if his stomach dropped seeing the grade. He never got low grades before.. He always aced his tests. How could he fail this one?! He ran a hand through his hair and chewed his lip, he didn't know what to do... He didn't look to Fujio at all, he just stared down at his desk trying to calm himself.
The man hoped he didn't scare the boy too much. Though he believed he did when he got back to the front of the class, seeing the boy biting his lips, running his hand through his soft hair...it wouldn't be long now. For now however, he continued the class as normal, as if he hadn't given back crappy papers with crappy results.
Xan tried to listen to the lesson, though he still felt terrible about his test results. He didn't look up to Fujio and chewed his lip still. The class went by slowly for him and by the time class ended he just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
Fujio was glad that had class had ended. The class dragged on after handing out those results. He knew Xan was disappointed. He hated seeing him so nervous about something. But he couldn't let him leave. Fujio walked up to his desk, just as everyone else was leaving. He stood tall, not wanting to make the leavers suspicious of a sudden change in personality, especially of how he acted towards his students. "Listen, due to the grade you got...I'm going to have to sign you up to tutoring with me." Fujio stated, glancing around him.
Xan frowned deeply and looked away from him, not making eye contact, he just made a small nod and went to leave the class. He felt ashamed and just upset in general, he didn't want to talk about it right now either, especially not with Fujio.
Fujio hated doing this to him. The way he looked so sad, that he couldn't look at him. Before he could let him leave, he grabbed his wrist, and froze. Xan's skin was so soft. It was the first time they touched. And he almost couldn't handle it. Slowly, as if it would slow time, Fujio opened the boy's hand, dropping a piece of paper into his hand. "...I want to start as soon as possible. Meet me tonight. The details are on that piece of paper."
Xan let the paper be put in his hand and then after pulled his wrist away, if he wasn't upset about his grade then he would've been blushing at the touch, but right now he was too focused on the fact that his perfect grades were messed up. He went to leave the room now.
Fujio just sighed as he watched Xan leave the room. He hoped that this was all worth it. What worried him was whether or not the boy would turn up at his doorstep tonight.

Xan was hesitant to go to Fujio's house, he didn't like to think about the fact he failed a test. He got to the doorstep and sighed, holding his bag with his books with him. He was frowning slightly as he knocked on the door.
Fujio heard the knock on the door. He froze, standing in his uniform, with an apron stuck over the top of it, all the while struggling with pot of stew. He really didn't expect any visitors. Oh no, it was him, wasn't it? That really put Fujio off his game. Quickly, he dumped the apron, and made his way to the door, quickly opening it. It was him. Fujio quickly cleared his throat, fixing his hair a little, trying to act natural. "X-Xander, glad you could make it." He stumbled, not sure whether to smile or not. Just as he spoke, a white, tubby cat slid past the teacher's leg and brushed itself against Xan's leg.
Xan blinked and looked to the cat, he picked it up and held it out for Fujio to take, not looking him in the eyes still. "I brought my books with me..." He says quietly, part of him wanting to just get the tutoring session done with.
Fujio slowly took the cat from Xan, realising how heavy he was. He held him in his arms as he nodded to the boy, standing aside to let him walk through the door. He pointed down the hallway. "If you'd just head down there and into the room on your left...I'll be in with you in a minute.,"
He makes the smallest nod and goes to the room quietly. He looked around and set his bag down with a frown. He took out his books and his notes, just getting ready for the study session.
After a few breaths and a pep talk to himself, Fujio entered the room, walking over to his student. His palms were sweaty. His throat was dry. He couldn't believe he was about to do this. Suddenly Fujio took Xan's face into his hands, looking into his bright blue eyes. Then, closing his eyes over, crashed his lips onto Xan's.
Xan's eyes widened and his cheeks went bright red. His mind went blank as he tried to figure out what was happening. Fujio...was kissing him? This didn't feel real. He felt happy yet confused and nervous all at the same time.
Fujio wasn't sure what possessed him to try this. Grading his paper the way he did, inviting him to his house for tutoring - that was all risky enough. But when he finally kissed Xan, he felt a sense of achievement, a feeling he hardly experienced in his younger years. Slowly, he pulled away from the kiss, his face red. "I..."
Xan's cheeks were bright red and he looked up at Fujio. "...W-Why did you..." He trails off and shifted a little, his stomach felt like they were full of butterflies. He kept looking at Fujio, blue eyes searching for an answer for his sudden actions.
Fujio's eyes shifted away from Xan's, and he brought his hand up to his mouth, rubbing around his mouth a little. He closed his eyes again, silent for a few moments. "I...I don't know..." He mumbled. He started to go red for himself.

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