Tea-house Bakery - Sign Up

@Murfemra you did a a wonderful job, and are excitedly accepted and welcomed into this role play.

I love the background and his connection to Harlow!

Love it!
Unfortunately no, the position has been filled.

There is one other human position open if you're interested in joining though.

paipai900 said:
I shall be taking a human, please!~ This is just a spot holder.
Your character is accepted @paipai900

Love him ;3
For sure, here's my character for the humans spot

Name: Ananias Redford


Ananias is a terribly disfigured man; his entire right leg has been completely blown to shreds from an old war of long ago, a mechanical leg now sits in its place. A wonderful scar runs from the top of his shoulder spiraling to the front of his wrist. On his right arm a sleeve of tattoos ranging from telling the story of his life. His right forearm is covered with names of old friends who have come and gone. Ananias’ right bicep is adorned with a compass, a Labrador retriever, a lion, and an octopus wrapped with its tentacles wrapped around his arm, every tattoo carefully drawn in black and white. His tired and worn face carried many bags and lines from laughter and sorrow, an unkempt grey beard hung wonderfully from his chin and would dance when Ananias stroked it in deep thought


Ananias stopped caring about the way he looked somewhere between a long time ago and forever. Mind you, he always remembered to wash and scrub behind his ears, and always kept a little bottle of rubbing alcohol tucked away in the inside pocket of his worn leather jacket that had lost its shine ages ago. Ananias always wore these long black cargo pants with a lot of pockets so he could keep all sort doodads. His dark brown leather boots commented his jacket well. But the laces were a little mismatched one black and the other a nice dirt covered grey, which he rummaged from an old shoe a few weeks ago. Ananias knew he wasn’t fashionable or that special but he was happy.


He loved to draw; it was one of those passions that never left him from childhood. When he drew it was the only time he ever held a look of stern focus that reflected his internal feelings. On the outside however Ananias always seemed rather unsympathetic, his scraggly beard hid whatever emotion that would peep from his lips. But his outward appearance acted only as a façade to the imagination and emotions that roared inside him constantly.


Some people live a normal life, others start out with a hard life and then one day they become a hero and they overcome whatever troubles them. Ananias was different he lived the Cinderella story, minus the fairy god mother or the happy ending. His mother died when he was seven. His father fell into a deep depression and started to drink spending all his money on booze. By the time Ananias was thirteen he started stealing like none other, and would sell what he stole too feed himself. Eventually his father sobered up and fell in love with a stripper named Kandy. When he was seventeen he was caught red handed trying to sell some stolen gems to an undercover officer and was sent to be incarcerated for two years. During this time his father never visited, and only called him once to demand Ananias to tell him where he had stashed the leftover cash from his older sales. When he got out he had nothing; his father had disappeared. So he started walking.

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Adding on another character to interact with Mufemra's antagonist.


Name: Temperance

Nicknames: Temp

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Birth Date: January 31st, 1993

Birth Place: Plymouth, England

Species: Devil Hound/Black Dog - English Myth

Ethnicity / Race: Caucasian/British

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Insanity__by_glitterscene.jpg.12c4298dbc5f847e96214f4a03e88524.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Insanity__by_glitterscene.jpg.12c4298dbc5f847e96214f4a03e88524.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> - Human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Black_Dog_by_Emryswolf.jpg.db4a4e304723f5f7d45a69735bb92c01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Black_Dog_by_Emryswolf.jpg.db4a4e304723f5f7d45a69735bb92c01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> - Her true form

Weight: Frame / Build: Temperance is very thin, however she has lean strong muscles, she's also rather tall for a female. Athletic body type.

Tattoo(s): Both of her arms have sleeve tattoo's. They are the bloody faces of those she's murdered

Scar(s): Many, the most notable is across her left eye.

Other notable accessories: N/A

Any other identifying mark(s): N/A


Biography: Temperance has been Jakoth's side-kick for two years, she started following him around after seeing his ruthless killings. She is quite taken with him which is why she sticks around, even though all he wants is Harlow. Honestly the only reason she is still around is because she's waiting for Jakoth's plan to fall through so she can make her move.

Temperance herself is a blood-thirsty killer, she has no mercy as her kind are the omens, the harbingers of death. When she is in her true form nothing can put a stop to her path of destruction. She was raised thinking this was the only way of life, there is nothing more than death in this world, and Temperance lives by these words.

Personality: Temperance has no soul, she is fearless, ruthless, and blood thirsty. There is no mercy from her. She is mean, and thrives on the pain and suffering of others. She hates any other girl who catches Jakoth's attention, and wants Harlow dead. She will stop at nothing to get her way, and often times in underhanded.



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