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[QUOTE="Aidan Rowtag]Looking for an antagonist?

Indeed, good sir.

The main plot consists of the Female owners past coming back to haunt her.

Her former dragon kin, after finding out she has been cursed with amnesia,

begin to murder her clients (NPC's for now)

It would be hard to start without the antagonist, as I want darker character spots to open up.
Name: Lorenzo Valdez

Nicknames: Enzo

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birth Date: June 19

Birth Place: The Philippines

Species: Human

Ethnicity / Race: Mix of Hispanic and Asian with slightly more focus on hispanic features

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance:


Weight: 160lbs

Frame / Build: 5'6, Average building leaning toward a slightly heavier frame

Tattoo(s): N/A

Scar(s): One on his right palm

Other notable accessories: White headphones that never seem to leave his neck

Any other identifying mark(s): N/A


Biography/ Personality:

Having been born to an upper middle-class family, Enzo had a somewhat sheltered childhood. His parents would filter the knowledge he's exposed to as they saw fit. That being said, he already knew a lot of thing before even leaving the fourth grade of elementary. At that young of an age, there were a myriad of things he learned about, some wholesome and some less so. It was most likely brought about by the visible control of the flow of information by his parents that he had developed a curious and inquisitive spirit in him. Enzo also possessed enough sense and fear to keep what he knew to himself and seek refinement from other sources in the world, cross-referencing knowledge and forming his own opinion of the matter, borrowed from several other opinions he came across. Although, that exercise sought to erode his nonexistent innocence further.

Despite his curious and inquisitive nature, Enzo was only performing at an average level in school even though he had the capability to become an achiever. He had an inherent laziness when it came to things that didn't seem to catch his attention, he would only enthusiastically do things if he felt like it'd be interesting, otherwise going above and beyond would mean a wastage of his energy. In addition to that, he would usually do things at his own pace much to his classmates' frustrations when it came to something he didn't visibly like. But if it was something he found interesting he could make something that would guarantee a spot in the top 5 of the class. This behavior gave him a reputation in batch, where he was a hard worker but they had to coax it out of him by implementing something he likes.

Enzo's always had one flaw everyone seemed to capitalize on during his highschool years. It was the fact that he was a yes man and people pleaser. Even if the job was hard enough or that he had enough on his plate as it is, he just couldn't bring himself to say no to people. It taxed him completely but he kept it to himself. In an attempt to please people, he would also have a preset set of personalities he swaps in an out of for the sake of different people. This made him lose touch with who he really was and only acknowledged the severity of the problem as he entered college. Since then, he has been working address that particular issue by doing what his gut feels is right.

In his parents' own way of making him grow as a person, they had him sent to England to look after some of their relatives there. Enzo had a dream of traveling the world which made England the first stop on his journey through Europe then to the rest of he wanted visit. His inquisitive nature drove him to this dream, to visit and see and experience the cultures of the world, a luxury he could recently indulge in. For now, he would just stay in England a little bit longer to see that dream come to reality.
GEH! If it's not already too late, I'd like to try and "compete" for the spot of antagonist *-*
I would say as the only competitor for the antagonist right now that you can take it, its up to her though xD .
Oh! I am so happy I could cry!!!


You may take the spot. Thank you thank you thank you!!!


It would include lots of PM's back and forth to me as it's a large plot piece to be the antagonist, I hope you're prepared for that ~
SourisHeart said:
Oh! I am so happy I could cry!!!

You may take the spot. Thank you thank you thank you!!!


It would include lots of PM's back and forth to me as it's a large plot piece to be the antagonist, I hope you're prepared for that ~
I'm perfectly fine with Pms, thank you very much ^ ^ just know that I have school on most weekdays and it'll take a little time to put my antagonist together, mainl since my sister keeps bothering me to help her with something =3= so yeah. Thank you :3
Murfemra said:
I'm perfectly fine with Pms, thank you very much ^ ^ just know that I have school on most weekdays and it'll take a little time to put my antagonist together, mainl since my sister keeps bothering me to help her with something =3= so yeah. Thank you :3
Oh, please take your time and don't feel rushed to reply ~ We all have busy schedules and we'll work with them in mind. :3

Thank you so very much for joining, we all look forward to role playing with you!
[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]yaaay badguy....wait how many humans are in this RP? or am I just the one

Everett's technically a human, and @paipai900 has a human as well.
Murfemra said:
Wait, should the antagonist be related to Harlow or just be somebody that knows her? .3.
It's entirely up to you which you decide ~ It can be either. However the antagonist is someone close to who Harlow used to be, they will know her regardless of whether they are related. However which relationship you choose is up to you. Could be a friend, ex-lover, sibling, parent, someone who knew her in the military. Whatever you want :)

*Suck at helping*
SourisHeart said:
It's entirely up to you which you decide ~ It can be either. However the antagonist is someone close to who Harlow used to be, they will know her regardless of whether they are related. However which relationship you choose is up to you. Could be a friend, ex-lover, sibling, parent, someone who knew her in the military. Whatever you want :)
*Suck at helping*
Ok, thank you ~(*3*)~ (BTW, I don't think you suck at helping .3.) 

Name: Jakoth Buris

Nicknames: Jacob

Gender: Male

Age: about 1421 but looks to be in his 20's

Date: April 25th

Birth Place: England

Species: Dragon

Ethnicity / Race: English

Religion / Beliefs: N/A

Physical Attributes.

General Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/4386870-993453-masked-figure-with-doll-hand.jpg.d3df04d9e4707b8ae949b5f0b6657940.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/4386870-993453-masked-figure-with-doll-hand.jpg.d3df04d9e4707b8ae949b5f0b6657940.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weight: 160 pounds

Frame / Build: medium build, fairly tall


Scar(s): A single scar going over his left eye (His left eye is golden while his right is blue)

Other notable accessories: White Mask .3.

Any other identifying mark(s): N/A


Biography: "Jacob", though born in England, was constantly being moved around Europe to be expose to different forms of training. His parents were very hard on him as a child and as he grew up observing how the other dragons around him aced, he just assumed they were all "aggressive". Along his travels of training, he came across a dragon girl a "little" younger than him named Harlow.

As she was the only one near his age, he started up a conversation with her and the two quickly became friends. Sadly, it was time for him to move onto the next country within a short 50 years. However, it was not goodbye as he managed to constantly go back and visit his friend.

Over time, it became harder for them to contact each other, so Jacob went on caring for his duties in England. However, he recently got word that his childhood friend had "lost her touch" and was living her life too calmly and too dull. Since he had never truly been exposed to caring for strangers, he could only come to the conclusion that Harlow had forgotten something important and needed help. Not long after, he learned she was with someone. Not just anyone, a HUMAN.

He quickly grew in anger upon learning this news and accidentally murdered a person. Then, he realized, if he helped get rid of whoever change Harlow and reintroduced her to their ways, then maybe everything would fix itself and she'd act how she once did, with "honor". He studied to find people that may have been linked to the issue and devised plans on how to assassinate them, all the while just wanting his best friend to come back to him.

Personality: Jacob may come off as shallow, quiet, sneaky, or even vile at first. This is only because he was exposed to a life of training for battles rather than a life on how to prevent them. His misunderstanding on how the dragon-race works has lead him to do terrible things, but he can't properly tell the difference between right and wrong. He bides his time, planning out was to bring back the old Harlow, all the while longing for her to return to him.



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