Talk to Each Other

Late, but you guys are honestly one of the best group of RPers I've ever been with. When I started the roleplay before, I just had an idea for something different. But I highly doubted anyone was going to actually join because of the content. Then all of ya'll came and made incredible characters that I couldn't think of writing, and fit them in so well with the story and got me so hype about this roleplay on the daily. Not only were you guys great writers, but you guys were a blast OOC and are hella cooperative with each other. You guys made Concrete Jungle legendary and better then I thought it was going to become. So thank you, hope your characters do not get shot.
2 minutes ago, Kingly said:

Late, but you guys are honestly one of the best group of RPers I've ever been with. When I started the roleplay before, I just had an idea for something different. But I highly doubted anyone was going to actually join because of the content. Then all of ya'll came and made incredible characters that I couldn't think of writing, and fit them in so well with the story and got me so hype about this roleplay on the daily. Not only were you guys great writers, but you guys were a blast OOC and are hella cooperative with each other. You guys made Concrete Jungle legendary and better then I thought it was going to become. So thank you, hope your characters do not get shot.


That was cute and sentimental all the way until the end. I laughed harder than I should have. xD

Will at the ready!




(Can't believe I found this gif)
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[SIZE= 14px]Also added new song selections for the relationships section because everyone's songs were so good so I had to step up a bit. I'll add in quotes and descriptions later.[/SIZE]

Vance here and is ready to make almost everyone pissed off!

except Khalil, Kay, Mari, and Will
I'm curious to see what lone and kingly have been cooking up. The first part was entertaining and certainly interesting. What will part two hold?????

Mysterious.... MYSTERIOUS 
It cracks me up how all of Celeste's are buddy buddy with someone she hates XD

To be fair, Kay generally gets along with everyone. It's kinda his appeal. lol. You may not necessarily like him because he's a goof, but he usually gets along with anybody willing to get along with him. 
Who else is unreasonably excited about this getting started again?

Part two contains heartbreak, pain, and sadness. But that's basically this entire rp too so(:

@Aster Sapphire If Anubis dies, I'm throwing in the towel.

Literally anyone else can fall victim to the cruel streets and I won't care. Just not the cat.
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ummmm apparently, my school has a weightroom ????

and apparently it's filled with really hot boys at one time an really hot girls the next ???

I was walking by it and I was staring so hard that I fucking tripped  

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