[Tales of The Mastah] TotM - A KoC Fan Comic

Dragonmystic said:
*gasps* LaFreeze has been posting on the forum, does that mean this shall be revived? THE MASTAH needs to shine!
I offered him a spot on patternspider beside Keychain and Agents :)
I wasn't going to say anything since my last return didn't go so well, but I've ordered Photoshop and I'm working on resuming TotM. I'll be changing the first few pages to make the comic more accessible so people won't have to have read KoC first to get what is going on but after that it will resume with the battle between the Mastah and the Fey monsters.
Just discovered this comics, and I must say it kicks quite some ass. I'm eager to see it come back to life (just as its parent comics).
LaFreeze said:
I wasn't going to say anything since my last return didn't go so well, but I've ordered Photoshop and I'm working on resuming TotM. I'll be changing the first few pages to make the comic more accessible so people won't have to have read KoC first to get what is going on but after that it will resume with the battle between the Mastah and the Fey monsters.
I was always wondering why TotM had no place among Agents and Keychain, I'm looking forward to read more of the Mastah's adventures.
Thanks for all the support everyone. I'll be working on the new opening tomorrow but I probably won't start on the fight until Photoshop arrives and I've played around with it a bit. No update schedule yet but I plan for the comic to go up on the site with the new opening next week.
The new #1 is done and I'm working on editing the old pages to match up. Made a few minor changes here and there to smooth things out. Pages will go up a soon as a place is ready for it on the site (and I'm home to upload it), the comic will continue with brand new content once all the old pages are up.
TotM is supposed to get its own section next to AoY and KoC, which is why I'm redoing the opening since it previously required you to read KoC's first few pages to understand what is going on. Now with the new #1 we back the starting point up tiny bit to avoid confusion if someone starts reading the Mastah's comic without reading KoC first.
Okay the new #1-4 are up. No major changes other then issue 1 being replaced and the rest bumped up. It was a huge amount of work for surprisingly little returns but I wasn't very organized when I started these comics so editing them after the fact turned to be a total nightmare. The other issues will be going up soon.
I'll change my signature just as soon as I get more pages up. Hopefully, I'll get all caught up this weekend with the old stuff and new pages will quickly follow.

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