[Tales of The Mastah] TotM - A KoC Fan Comic


3rd Soul of Kimbery
Hey everyone. I've got some time on my hand and need a lot of practice with photoshop so I've decided to do a KoC fan comic following everyone's* favorite one shot character the Immaculate Mastah from issue 3. I hope that is okay with Padraig, I tried to write up to ask for permission but his E-mail didn't seem to be working so I just figured I'd do it and take it down if anyone had a problem with it. :/

Anyway this is just a basically some extended fan art to Padraig as a thank you for the many excellent pages I've enjoyed of KoC and hopefully for the amusement of the forum too. I'll be updating it as I get pages done and plan to have it follow a short story arc. I hope it at least helps pass the time between the Monday and Friday updates.

Please enjoy.

*By everyone I of course mean myself

I smiled a bit. I like the design on the demon*.
I want to know what happens next.

*Is it a demon?
Yes, as Mastah called it, ivory white is indeed a demon of the 3rd Circle. I'm glad you like it, I took a little bit of artistic liberty with its design. The books describe its skin as yellowed with silver finish but that didn't look so hot so I recolored it. The book says normally these guys have Ivory skin and favor brass so I went with those colors instead, it kind of messes with the fact that these guys are normally called the Silver Councilors but I reason this guy was made special so maybe he ended up looking a little different. I'm curious to see if anyone can figure out what type of demon it is before the next page.
Is he resetting the Mastah's neck? Because if he is, there should be some sound effect written in there.

And yes, this is very humus. Thanks for making it. :mrgreen:
So am I the only one expecting our protagonist to be using a lot more contemporary slang than he actually is?

I freely admit to being a bad person.
So am I the only one expecting our protagonist to be using a lot more contemporary slang than he actually is?
I freely admit to being a bad person.
"Fo shizzle my grizzle yo bo-bizzle" ?

/is shot.

The Mastah doesn't speak much street slang 'cause I just don't have much material for that. Slang like that just isn't my strong suit and I felt when I tried to write out the Mastah's dialog with a lot of slang it just didn't work as well IMO. So sorry if that disappoints.

Oh and Inverse he wasn't fixing the master's neck just pushing it back up since it has begun to tilt. I did try to use some more sound effects on this page however to convey the action.
That's understandable. I think the goal just needs to be that someone (character or audience) should either be facepalming or wanting to sucker-punch the hero every other time he opens his mouth.
DireSloth said:
I like how the warped diamond pattern in the last panel kinda looks like a fanged mouth.
I thought that was what it was, but it was just the warping. Huh. Neat!

Edit: So what was the Immaculate Mastah originally? DB? If this is intentionally diverging from canon, that's cool, but I just wanted to check some things.
I'm guessing dragon-blooded too.

So these are what comes to mind

1) Akuma DB

2) Infernalized mortal

3) Akuma mortal

4) Infernalized DB

I don't recall any specifics on Akuma creation, though.

I'm assuming the Mastah was a total poser who simply looked Dragon Blooded and was not in fact as he claimed a Master of the Immaculate Arts, similar to the two bandits who tried to rob Misho and company, at least that was the impression I always got given that Ten-Winds totally pwned him with just one punch and his total lack of backstory.

I'm not planning on intentionally diverging from canon for the most part but I do plan to following KoC's example on Alchemicals for example. If you think I've made a mistake somewhere feel free to point it out.
If he was mortal then now the only place you are diverging from canon now is that First Circle Demons carry the Infernal Exaltation, and that you go into a chrysalis grotesque for like a week and have to find your way to Malfeas, you aren't just insta-warped. But that is fine, fudging the rules for a cool comic is ok.
magnificentmomo said:
If he was mortal then now the only place you are diverging from canon now is that First Circle Demons carry the Infernal Exaltation, and that you go into a chrysalis grotesque for like a week and have to find your way to Malfeas, you aren't just insta-warped.
Which is great imagery, but makes for lousy pacing :P
I think you got the cirlcles wrong xD

A Demon of the Third Circle is one of the highest ups. Dudes like..LIGIER you know? Souls of the Primordial and all that?

First Circle are the cannon-fodder. Warstrider and Hellcraft materials... force them to sorta sacrifice themselves to create an Infernal who will just rebel. You know, all that kind of stuff. Also, juice for when Infernals can't recover Essence.

Next issue might be a little slower as I need to design some new characters and I want to make sure I make the properly to give me an easier time editing them for poses and placement. Previously some of the characters have been a little stiff due to the fact I was doing stuff the hard away in photo shop but I've learned a bit more so I hope pages from now on will have a lot less of people stiffly standing around and more movement.

Thanks Momo! I'll explain about the chrysalis grotesque, which I'm not abandoning, in future pages.

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