Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

I don't like chocolate because, in general, I just don't like anything sweet. :I Especially chocolate, Like a Hershey Bar. One of the little rectangle things instantly gets me "full" and I feel sick.
Spicy or just 'hot' food in general is amazing.

I want a jalapeno now.

r;gmelmgerge What race in Skyrim should I be for a Paladin? D';
Spicy foods are my preference whenever I eat. I have my post up, but it might not be so great. I still have sick-brain. Yeah, it's still hanging around.
Join the sick club, Lucem. I think you may have spread your illness to me. Anyway, that was an amazing post! *cries tears of happiness*
(Improved and expanded Character)


(See Avatar)


Wynn Kamui








Wind elementalist

Appearance Notes:

5ft 2in, 120lbs, green eyes.

Wynn has a stuffed bunny in her pocket that was given to her by Erina, a girl who became a sister to her when they both lived in an orphanage together for several years. She keeps this with her at all times, and cherishes it more than any of her other possessions.

She also has a slight abnormality in her gait, as when she was in that same orphanage they were often beaten for minor infractions. During one of those beatings, her knee was fractured; and lacking any medical care it healed back incorrectly.


Wynn is a very analytical person. She can quickly analyze a foe and adapt to them accordingly.She is also a very peaceful person, and tries to avoid and prevent violent conflict. Despite being a very logical person, Wynn is very adventurous. She decided early on in teaching herself how to control the element of wind that she needed to explore and analyze the effects of wind that many people overlook and give no importance to.


Wynn's mother died during Wynn's birth, so she was raised by her father. Wynn's father was an engineer, and he designed some gliding machines that he took Wynn on. He told her that some day she would be able to fly like him. When Wynn was left as the sole survivor of a raid on her hometown at the age of 7, she promised herself that she would follow in her father's footsteps and fly.

Two days after the village burned, a group of traveling merchants found her nearly starved to death in the rubble. They took Wynn and fed her, but they didn't want to raise a child, so they left her when she was sleeping in the next town they stopped at.

This town was a small town by the name of (Whatever the name of the town near those dwarven mines are) near the base of the (Mountain range near the dwarven mine things). Wynn had nobody to help her do anything for the next two weeks after being abandoned at the city. She was very hungry, worried for her safety, sad for her family and village, and most of all lonely; that is until she met Erina.

Erina and Wynn got along very well- both of them were orphans living on the street, and they had a similar sense of humor. They used their combined creativity and ingenuity to find ways to make it in the town- They did what they had to. They stole from some of the merchants, but only those that they believed could afford it.

However well this worked for them, it only took getting caught once. They were both thrown into an orphanage. The owner of the orphanage, Mr.Slorh, was not a nice man. He used his power over little kids to up his ego and make himself money. If we didn't do exactly what he asked exactly when he asked, talked when not spoken to, forget to address him as Sir, we would be subjected to a variety of punishments: No food for two days, Locked in the cellar for days at a time, or when he got very mad he would just beat us.

Erina and Wynn hated this very much, as did all of the seventy - some kids in the orphanage. After Wynn's leg was broken, Erina snapped. She snuck out in the middle of the night, carrying Wynn's limp body on her back. She carried Wynn like this for over four miles to get to the harbor. By the time they got there, though, Slohr had caught up to them. Erina makes the decision to put Wynn onto a boat that was about to leave, then she tried to hold Slorh off for long enough for Wynn to be safe.
This will be weird because I hate Imperials, I hate being a male character, I hate acting good, and I hate being a melee-based character. xD

Even though the melee-based thing kind of goes with my RP character on here but she uses a scythe, so it's all good. <3

What should his name be? :o
MrLlama said:
This will be weird because I hate Imperials, I hate being a male character, I hate acting good, and I hate being a melee-based character. xD
Even though the melee-based thing kind of goes with my RP character on here but she uses a scythe, so it's all good. <3

What should his name be? :o
Craig Graham Lincoln.
Like before, I'd still like to see more to her personality. I also have questions about parts in her past. What happened during this raid? Why were they attacked? Who were thy attacked by? I'm also not sure if the geography works in the description. I think Dwarven mines are located underneath the earth, so I'm not sure having her be near there would work unless she suddenly went underground. Also, why was Wynn's leg broken? Also, why was Slohr chasing them? Four miles seems like a long way for just two girls. How was she able to fend off a grown man?

Also, I'd like to ask Cressy if he approves of the engineering of gliders. Also, remember not to make wind OP down the line. Flying seems like it would give everyone an advantage.
@Wynn Kamui

Hello hello! ^^ Here's your character's review:

Name: Can't really judge a name. Lol

Gender: Can't review a gender, I'm not sexist. *COUGH* Cressandra. *COUGH*

Age: Yupyupyup! Remember, she's not at a drinking age. Lol. *shot*

Race: I am not racist.

Class: Thank you for fixing it. ^^

Appearance Notes: Everything's fine over here!

Personality: I would ask you to add more over here, please. :3

History: Sebastian kind of stole my words, but here's what I'm going to do. I'll just ask you questions and you answer them by editing your character sheet and tagging me or one of the slaves moderators when finished. :3

What happened during the raid?

Why were they attacked? Was it just a random raid?

Who attacked them?

Why was her leg broken?

Why is Slohr chasing them?

How was she able to fend him off?

How were they able to run four miles?

Thank you for applying! And keep in mind that Sebastian and Cressandra are moderators of this RP and their opinion is usually much better than mine. Lol
Gosh, I screwed up. I wrote a whole thing about flaws in her personality today at school... I forgot the notebook in my locker though :/

You're right about how I should elaborate on Slorh's uses of the orphans for monetary gain. For him orphans were like gold- The money they could make him through earning sympathy while begging was tremendous. Who wouldn't give a dollar to a starving orphan?

And he chased them so that this wouldn't get out- if people knew the scam he would be chased out of town.

And as for the Erina holding him off, she didn't actually stand a chance, and she knew that. She gave up her chance for freedom and gave it to Wynn by acting as a sort of distraction.
Regarding the wind OP possibilities- flight could maybe be achieved. If it is, it would be low flight, making an easy target for any decent ranged fighter.
I also have a question that might help you:

How did Erina and Wynn meet?

It seemed she would be very mistrustful of other people (the merchants abandoned her in the night, her dad was killed by strangers), so how would Erina gain Wynn's trust? Did they fight? Did they dislike each other, but met each other constantly whilst stealing stuff, and eventually they just got together to mutually survive?

Of course, these are just suggestions, as I have no power in this. Because if I were to review your application it would probably come to something like this:

u did gud
Yay! I'm proud of you, Mooalally! ^^ Reviews are good! Reviews make things better! :D (P.S. y'all should review my roleplay xP)

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