Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

It's a beta test for the new layout. And I can't wait for the new update! I can make custom tabs and stuff~ It'll be amazing~ Amazing I tell you!

Just ignore that chain-thingie around her neck, please.

Name: Achlys Hele

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Race: Kahao

Class: Witch. She primarily focuses on creating potions and using ice magic.

Appearance Notes: She stands at 5'7", weighs 130 lbs, (Is that average for a woman of that height? If not, I'll fix it.), her ears are the same color as her hair (But with white tips.), and has a wolf tail with the same color fur as her hair and white on the end. She also has wolf-like canines, and can howl and growl. Her muscles are much more developed than those of an average human, despite her not focusing on her physical skills as much. So she is fairly capable physcially. (Strength and speed.) She also has an advanced sense of smell.

Personality: Achlys is a shy, very quiet young woman. She longs for a small group of close friends, but doesn't know how to interact with others well enough to do it. The only person she was able to remain confident around was her mentor, Apulia. Most people who Achlys met in her life simply ignored her due to her shyness and (For a wolf Kahao.) weakness physically. She isn't just physically weak though, she is also emotionally on the weak side. She is very sensitive and is prone to getting hurt or upset over minor ordeals. This improved somewhat after her time with Apulia, but she is still prone to this weakness. Despite her usual shyness, however, she can be very quick to anger when those who are close to her are seriously threatened. It takes a long time to earn that kind of trust from her, but once someone has it, she's an immensely loyal friend. During these points of protectiveness, she can often develop a much more animalistic side to her. Listening much more to instinct instead of logic.


Achlys was born much weaker than her siblings had been. She was healthy, but not as physically strong as the other pups in her pack being born around that time. She wasn't bullied or anything like that, but she was largely ignored. It was more important to make sure that the stronger pups where fed and cared for.

When she was older, and it was time to begin hunting Achlys proved to be an utmost failure. She caught a few things, but a fair amount of them had been sickly to the extent that no one in her pack would eat them. But one day she was out hunting and she failed to notice that she was in an area that had the scent of other Kahao. She wandered cluelessly into the territory, until she discovered a small cabin in the woods. She walked cautiously over to it, and peeked inside only to see an older wolf Kahao casting a spell over a cauldron. Achlys watched in awe, until the woman said "You are letting the chill in, please step in if you wish to continue watching." Unsure of what else to do, Achlys walked in and stood by the woman, who later introduced herself as Apulia. Achlys was fascinated by the woman's magic, and came by to visit her frequently. She often helped out with odd jobs that the woman would request of her. Eventually, Apulia asked Achlys if she would like to try casting a spell. She succeeded very quickly, much to Apulia's suprise. So she offered that Achlys could become her apprentice.

Many years later, Achlys had grown up, and Apulia had died along the way. It had been a fairly simple funeral, as Apulia had wanted. The formal prayers to the gods, and a few magical blessings. Not long after, however, Achlys had been chased out of her home by Equinas. She is currently making her way to Bran to try and find... Any purpose. Up until that point, all she had not done much besides studying magic.

((I fixed the personality and went more in depth about what kind of Witch she is. Hoping that this is better? EDIT: Whoops, forgot one thing in the personality.))
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Saw that coming, I'm off to think of a better character, I won't give up just yet.

Yay! Try and try again! Or in my own language, "Paulit ulit." xD
......well, I'm just going to be frugal with my free MMORPGs and stuff.... *walks off to write the next part of Salisonia*
TheKaosophile said:
no, it's $26.99... in america at least, Potato? @Cressy @Mordaedel ? somebody?
I have minecraft, I also own the largest Terraria server for RP, or one of the Largest I guess. I haven't played minecraft in a long time tho xD at least a year and a half

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