Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Cressy said:
_FAOjegyo8esaifbesuao;ilfjkslnf bihyl YEAH
My face:

I noticed you don't have a description of Bran in the Maps section :P
Bran is a kingdom, not a region. ^^ I'll put up a crappy, and I mean crappy, map soon. ^^
Isn't it gorgeous? -_- @Cressy<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2fd4ce2_suckymapissucky.png.94027705e40c839155b195bd43d27106.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be2fd4ce2_suckymapissucky.png.94027705e40c839155b195bd43d27106.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • sucky map is sucky.png
    sucky map is sucky.png
    269.9 KB · Views: 17
xD , well I can hand draw that into a cleaner version. If you want? 
Those Random mountains should be called "The Seeker's Peaks
Excuse me? It's already perfect. (note the sarcasm please) Translation: PLEASE. (note the desperation please)

Mmkay, The Seeker's Peaks it is. ^^
Awww yeah! I guessed where Bran was before I saw the map! 
And now, I'm gonna go pass out from all the effort it took me to actually write something.
[QUOTE="Sol The Hastag]-wonders if his second character from his second account(pierrot) got accepted...or trashed xD -

Oh! I'm sorry! Completely forgot to reply. xD Accepted! :3
[QUOTE="Micheal Embers]Still accepting folks? :3

*checks title* it seems so! :D We've barely started so you didn't miss out on anything. ^^
I shall be posting my characters' intros tomorrow, I still have a lot to do. :) I'll still be here to nudge the RP to get it going. ^^
A quick thing about the character concept I got going on in my head right now. I'm thinking a dwarf assassin but with a slight twist, more like a tactical but open hitman than a silent killer. Sort of a warrior/assassin I guess.
paipai900 said:
Puto batch number 1! Who doesn't like filipino food? xD Just a note, if I don't clearly state that you are accepted then you're not.
@Kiro Akira

Cute character! I shall await completion of his personality, yes? Can't wait to see the completed version, but I shall work with what we have for now.

Neko= Kahao, just to tell you. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist sometimes. lol

Anyway, the history is good, but it has a few holes in it. Who'll be playing Blizzard? I prefer that dragons aren't used to support another character and be actual individual characters. Because when someone plays their own dragon, they tend to become "pet"-like, no minded, just following the other character around like they have no soul. Okay, I'm over exaggerating a bit. xD But, you get what I mean. Right?

So, Kiro went from wanting it for food to money? Why did he keep the egg for six months? Didn't he want to sell it? Why did he hide it from easy sight? Could you expand on that please? :3

Why did the group of travelers even allow Kiro to stick with them? After a battle, surely not many people would allow the boy to stay with them. I sure wouldn't. lol "Hey, little boy! Why don't you travel with us after you set my hair on fire? :D "

Why was Kiro's uncle's soul in his body? -_- I'd definitely be creeped out if my uncle's soul was in my mind. Like, can't I get any privacy? All jokes aside, how did that even get there?

And of course, the sister thing. *applauds* Beautiful. Just. Beautiful. I just want you to expand a lot more on that....please? *puppy dog eyes*

Anyway, about the coming back to life by a necromancer, erm. Necromancy cannot fully bring someone to life, it is usually just the bodies, no soul, no life. Just a moving corpse, pretty much. But, I guess it's the stone/gem that keeps him there? Like the Resurrection Stone from Harry Potter?

Oh, and, where'd he get the staff? It seems like a very important staff to be able to transform from a pedant to a staff. :3

You say that he's been restored back to the way he used to be, heart beating and all that. But, Kiro's still dead? DOES THAT MEAN HE'S A ZOMBIE *shot* Perhaps you could use the cats have nine lives joke in here? Just a suggestion. Because, to me, any restoration is OP because it keeps one from dying (this RP will be feeding off death. lol)

Anyway, I'll still wait completion though. ^^ Thanks for applying!~


I shall await completion. Please read the info now! I finished it. ^^ But, I'll work with what we have for now.

Sirens are a type of merfolk, so it should say "Merfolk, Siren" or something like that. Sorry, I'm a bit picky for this RP after I worked on it for a week. xD

Why does she have a tattoo of small stars on her thigh? Did she just get it for the halibut? Lol. Get what I did there? I know a lot of fish puns. :3

As for the |Biography of (insert character's name here)| there's a separate part for the personality. It's in the new updated version of the character application sheet. That's why I didn't want people making characters just yet because during the construction, things could change easily.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PUH-LEASE add more to her history. I just cannot stand such a short background. She's twenty-one now, she should have at least a few more events. AND SHE'S A PRINCESS! There's got to be more. And sirens are a part of the merfolk kingdom, so she would still have to serve under the king/queen of merfolk (who no one has made yet). Her mother can still be "the ruler of sirens" but they're all merfolk.

I'll let you complete and fix it up. Thank you for applying! :)


Two Three words; Add. More. Please.

Maybe I should've added that even elves age the same as normal humans, he doesn't look 53. (Hot damn, that's the same age as my father!) Elves only age slightly slower than regular humans, example: looks 12, is 18. It's only about a maximum 10 year difference between the appearance and actual age.

P.S. Birds of Paradise are awesome! :D


Looking good! I'll await completion to review him. ^^


I can't see Keyin's picture, but they're both looking good. I'll await completion to review them. ^^


He's f*cking perfect. Accepted! I can't wait to get this roleplay started now! :D I can't wait to see your other character now! ^^

@Lucem Tenebris

PFFFFFT! You're so not accepted. Just kidding~ He sounds like an amazing character, of course. What character that Lucypoo makes isn't good? xD

He's 6'0...and still growing...? F*ck you tall people. >:( jk I just wish I was tall. xD

Accepted! I know that the history will be good, so I don't have to worry. ^^


Salis and Lillian have a lot in common. xD They were both farm folk that turned into knights. lol She's a great character and I can't wait to get this RP started! ^^ Accepted!


She's perfect! Accepted! :3


I'll await completion in her history and more in her personality. ^^ But, I can't wait to see what you come up with. :3


Cannot wait for his completion! Accepted! Because I already know that you'll do great. ^^


F*cking perfect. Accepted! :D And so, the queen of the elves spot has now been taken! And daaaaaayum! That unicorn/deer/wolf/horse/dog/thing is gorgeous! Girlfriend, where you got ta go and get one of dem?

@Izaki Nakajima

Muy bien! Aceptado! :D And so, the king of Bran's spot has now been taken! ^^ Do you want a wife? If so, do you want to be married or for status and power? If not, then there won't be a queen for Bran. :3

I bit the side of my cheek and now it's bleeding, so I might be a little crabby for awhile. ^^" I can't even eat my puto... *crais*

For some reason, I don't even know if I'm accepted or not... :3 Is that a bad or good thing... Or both...?

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