Tales of Salisonia: Rise of the Dragons [Official OOC Thread]

Screw the vampiric potato, be a Russian biologist that just created a koala with a taste for human flesh. 
Now that I think about it, a flesh-eating koala could solve all your problems. Unexpected child? Koala! Overpopulation? Koala! Debt? Koala!


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No, not a werewolf! It'd be a flesh-eating koala!

So you're just walking about, and you see a koala, minding its own business, being a koala. And then you walk up to it, and you're like, "Aww, what a cute koala," it's just like, "Yep. I am a koala. Come closer and pet me." And you would get closer, and then, suddenly, it would jump off its eucalyptus tree and at your face, and gouge your eyes out with its claws and then prey on your corpse.
Well, I'm sorry for having a life. xP My parents invited a whole bunch of people over for dinner tonight so I'm rushing around getting things ready. I apoolgize for the wait, but maybe Cressandra or Sebastian can review it if I don't.
LOL. That makes me laugh. "maybe Cressandra or Sebastian can review it" 
I just facepalmed so hard. :face palm: I go to some support site, and blah blah blah. A chick I have added on Facebook from it is very religious, as are a lot of her friends and she made some post about stuff and ended up posting a link of the site on her status and says it has a lot of atheists on it but they help her more than christian groups, etc...

Someone called the site the work of the devil. :banghead: WHY WOULD THE DEVIL MAKE A SUPPORT SITE TO HELP YOU?! I THOUGHT IT HE WAS BAD. eiwbfgwqyvegrwirvgbgwg

I'm bored. Someone go make a Skyrim RP so I can Fus Do Rah you off a cliff.
You've gotta wait until Skyrim Online is released. Then you can do that.

To all the deer.

To all the rabbits.

To all the chickens.

To all the players.
Hi again Pai .3. sorry for constantly vanishing, you know how demanding life can be sometimes (yet there's no reward in breaking up with it *^* dang relationship trap). Aaaaaaanyway, I was reading all the info and such and was wondering if I might be able to join in the fun? (Please note, life may keep me off of RP Nation occasionally so just be aware of that)
@Murfemra There's always a spot for you, Murfy. ^^ Don't worry, many of us have conflicting RL issues so it's alright. Just tell us if you're leaving or something cray like that. xD
rgunhorngr Now both of my characters are frozen. xD

This is why I want like 5(ish) characters, so I can (hopefully) never be frozen. ;u;

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