Tales of Salisonia :: Reboot :: [Inactive]

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.


An original fantasy world RP with endless possibilities!

By @paipai900

It was a beautiful day in the land of Salisonia. The skies were a gorgeous blue, Nevenarius must be happy. It seemed that the few clouds that decorated the heavens were pulled straight out of a painting, everything seemed to be so perfect. It was like the whole world was at peace. If only you knew, that this was just the calm before the storm.

A flower bud began to bloom as the first days of spring pushed the cold winters back into hibernation. It was a lotus flower. As the lotus bloomed, a deer came by and grazed around it. Finally, the flower was devoured by the herbivore. The lotus flower represented peace, was this a subtle sign that something would cause the world as we know it to tremble? Hopefully not. This era of tranquility wouldd soon come to an end.

All good things must come to an end. Isn't that right?


Feel free to use the demons (Aria, Equinas, Stailer, and Drakonia) to your whim. Please remember that they are not easily defeated, but there are weaker and stronger demons. Please refer to the storyline & info for their descriptions which can be found in "The Gods' Wrath".

One more reminder, please be realistic when it comes to...everything. The most people that die in this RP will be NPCs, but if your character gets in a difficult situation they may get injured or killed (although that is unlikely). Currently Salisonia is still in peace and the demons have only struck a few villages. It is still calm.

Remember, no one liners. It doesn't have to be super long, just no one liners. Please. Not even a two liner! Give something for others to grow off on. :) Then again, quality before quanity! But still. No damn one liners.

Happy posting! :)

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-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Bran, Western Side of the Kingdom, Currently in the Market Plaza-

Jonasu dreams of a silent and foggy lake with only a simple hum that can be heard. He seems to be bothered by the noise greatly so he walks to the water and jumps in. As he opens his eyes from the blur of bubbles and foam, he seems to be very deep in the lake. He looks above, the surface clear and white. The foggy landscape was a mesmerizing and calming thing for him. But it also held a few hints of eeriness and mystery, but the uncertainty still...calmed him. He could see a single black and white figure looking down at him. He couldn't make it out so he floated up slowly, he had been in the water for a while now, he couldn't really feel getting out of breath. He couldn't remember if he was even holding his breath. As he looked up he noticed a figure with black wings hovering just above the surface of the water. With something...stabbed through it's claw? He felt the urge to swim back down but he was being pulled up rapidly. As he finally slowly reaches the border between the surface.

"Aria.." he seems to say in his mind.

The woman had dark black hair and pale skin, she sorta looked like him, with that pitch black hair and the traditional white skin. It was intriguing, he looked to the puddle of blood being formed to his left, tainting his vision, blue blood dripped from a small, lifeless figure.

"Pari." he says.

When he speaks he seems to immediately go out of breath as large bubbles of air cover his vision. The last thing he sees is the woman's face approaching him with carnivorous teeth, ready to feed.

Jonasu wakes up gasping and coughing suddenly, a small, familiar blue figure next to him slapping him with his small hand trying to wake him.

"H-Hey! Wake up dummy! Stop breathing so loudly!" says Pari

Pari flicks him and observes him as Jonasu remains silent

"Did you have another one of those bad dreams?" he asks silently.

The tension seems to build as Jonasu doesn't respond, --I don't get it..-- Jonasu asks himself in his mind. He wondered why he kept getting the same dream about 3 times now. He wondered if it meant anything, it scared him. Him and Pari have grown to be more of brothers and the sight of him being dead, seems horrifying.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it was a stupid one." he lies, already feeling guilty for not telling him.

Jonasu grabs a shirt and his cloak as he looks at the mirror in the bathroom, he takes some water from the bucket and splashes it in his face. He heads downstairs. As he starts to head out the innkeeper stops him.

"Pay up son." says the taller man.

"Sure, sorry." Jonasu replies

As Jonasu goes into his pockets he notices all his change is gone. His face growing paler and he laughs nervously. He whispers into his bag silently, which is where Pari is.

"What did you do with my money..?" he says

"I-I may have gone out at night to buy one of those chewy treats..." Pari says quietly

Okay, now Pari was going to die, as he panics slightly he comes up with a solution.

"I think I left my money in the room! Just a second! H-haha.." he replies as he laughs nervously and then runs of the stairs.

As Jonasu looks around he looks at his rooms window, right in front there is a lower ceiling, maybe he could make the jump then drop into the plaza.

"Pari ask me before you use the money, a man of mai-" he is interrupted

"Yes, Yes A man of Maitao should never lie, sure just run before we get pummeled by a-" he is interrupted as the door slams open.

"WHERE'S MY DAMN MONEY KID!" the innkeeper shouts, holding a war-hammer in hand.

"C-Calm down old man it's just 12 silver c-"

"OLD!? RAAHH!!" the man screams and charges.

"We're Screwed." they both say at the same time.

Jonasu jumps to the next roof and makes it, he rolls as he lands and runs again. The older man isn't stopped and he jumps, the stomps are clearly heard to be gaining on Jonasu. Jonasu slides off the roof and heads for the plaza. It was booming with people, he was still ahead by much and was faster. He quickly dives into the crowd, his hood on. He walks through the crowd quickly, gaining distance from the inn.

"Stop that BOY!" the man screams

His screams are rendered useless by the larger noise, and Jonasu makes a clean get away, after a while he makes it to a safe alley and sits down, panting.

"That was close..." he says panting, but his stomach growls.

He groans, obviously hungry.

"Maybe someone will buy us food?" Pari asks naively

Jonasu smirked, wishing things were that easy as he stood and looked for a place to eat, and hopefully some rich guy throwing his food away like there was no tomorrow.

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Njáll stepped out of the damp, darkened caves into the a large shadow. The tall, spires of rock forming mountains were blocking out the sun from reaching his chilly toes. Although it was slowly becoming spring, the winter winds still swept in occasionally from Olvscotia, even though they were had just exited from the southern tunnel. The only refuge from that freezing wasteland was inside the mountains where his barbaric kind lived and got drunk.

"Hurry up then, Naomhán Máel Coluim Lister, else we'll reach Bran in a fortnight! And by then, everyone with secrets will be gone, and replaced by new humans." He chuckled to himself about his little joke. The humans did breed like rats, which turned Njáll off, but they were wealthy and greedy, which bode well for his coin purse. He had just picked up a nicely crafted sword from Shyama Suibhne Ramesha Reilly, a she-Dwarf who, like most of the general population, was a blacksmith. She had sold it to him for a cheap price since he had Naomhán with him and they were friends, otherwise she would have nothing to do with him. Naomhán stepped out of the cave too, carrying the sword in a sheathe on his back, under his battleax that usually claimed that spot exclusively. He was the one who carried all of the weapons. Njáll held the provisions, as he liked to think of himself as not lazy, and he also wanted to keep them in case they were stranded. He would be the one with the food, and the most likely to survive the longest. It was a combination of selfishness and self preservation of his reputation as a good boss that existed only in his mind and nowhere else; a bad combination to say the least.

"I'm here now, Njáll Adamu Tybalt Niklasson, and I'm prepared to venture southwards to Bran."

"Very good. Shall we set forth, the winds are relentless and the mountains provide no cover. Although I can't hope for much better in Samaria. "Word has reached my ears that our usual Kahao guide has disappeared mysteriously. We'll have to spend extra time looking for a new one."

"No doubt it is some evil creature that is talked about in children's stories." Naomhán shuddered. Leaving the familiar, comfortable tunnels left him anxious to return.

"Bah!" Njáll turned his body to the south. "As you said, nothing more than children's stories. Most likely those stupid animals fell into a lake." Kahao tribes didn't usually have much to trade, which is why they presented no interest to the merchant. They were either a subject of a humiliating joke or a quick route out of their hellish land to him. Naomhán had nothing more to say, and instead, they marched off with the sun illuminating the left of their faces. It cast long shadows across the rocky landscape, eerie and foreboding. The Dwarven warrior swallowed nervously and remembered his comfy Dwarf-sized home. Nonetheless, they pushed forward past the boulders and drops until they came across a small cliff which looked out upon a massive expanse of land, dominated by reds, browns and yellows and a mixture of the three. A small set up of huts could be seen just in the distance, creating a small hamlet sort of thing. And in the very far distance, almost completely shrouded by fog, they could barely see the stone walls of their destination. Of course, many hidden dangers were scattered across biome, and because of that, they would need an animal to show them the way. Njáll thought of them as even more barbaric than his own kind, and that was saying something. He doubted they even had a currency system going, as whenever he visited he just offered common things like rocks. And thinking that, he bent down and pocketed a shark stone. They slowly made their way down the outface of the cliff, working with roots jutting out of the side and small ledges to stand on.

Although, they traveled through a lot, and have conquered this small obstacle many times. They made it down skillfully, the shortest and quickest way down in their memories. They trekked across the blistering sand, sweat already finding its way down their faces, to the hamlet. They could see a large bull Kahao milling about in the middle. They approached him, and they managed to grab his attention by "lightly" tapping its knee with Naomhán's ax, which he had pulled out in case it got aggressive.

"Curses!" he yelled out in a loud and masculine voice. He looked around for the source of the pain and found two Dwarves, one arrogant and posh, the other wary and holding an ax. "What do you want, strangers?"

"We seek a guide to show us a clear way to Bran. We've been there and back more than tenfold, but we didn't remember your pathetic land, numbskull. We barely need you, but we're using you anyway. I am precious cargo, after all."

The bull looked kind of offended for a while, then he huffed and muttered out, "Wouldn't expect so much from a Dwarf after all. Hear they're forever cursed to be idiots." Out loud, he said, "Fine. I'll lead you through my region to Bran." He grinned as much as he could with a cow's mouth. "I promise there won't be any trickery."

"Not that there'll be any mischief from you, beast. You're too lacking in wit to even think of a plan to harm us, and even if you do, I doubt it could get through Naomhán Máel Coluim Lister,"

"Don't mention me when you're insulting giant fearsome creatures," Naomhán muttered to himself.

"Who is famous for killing seven dragons," he continued, spinning up more lies. "So be careful, else in your pool of blood there be running ancient dragon blood as well."

The bull huffed and rolled his eyes, knowing they were all lies. But the three of them went southwards anyway, journeying to the human capital.
"Miri I need you to go to the Capital and pick up a package for me.....In fact don't even give me that look, yes the one where you're glaring at me all irritated, this is part of your training."

I suppose because I've been under old Thaddeus for too long here in Lorebrun that he knows most of my mannerisms, the only other person who knows me well would be Pierrot. Of course getting to Bran from Lorebrun is a long trek, I mean we do live as a frontier town on the farther reaches of the Kingdom where the guard only ever garrisons 20 men and a patrol passes by once every week. If our ruler had more sense in his head then maybe the fringe towns wouldn't be attacked almost every night by those things, if our ruler could only put importance on the fringe towns in terms of defense then maybe my parents would have been killed a long time ago. Thinking about the past wasn't the best thing to do for now, not after being recently asked several stupid questions by that idiot Marc. He knew as well as I did about my own past, about all the crap he made me go through as a kid, about that attack so many years ago.

"Give me some time old man, the capital isn't headed anywhere. I'm sure whoever is holding onto your little package knows well enough to wait longer periods of time, given that we are technically on the farther reaches of the kingdom." I shouted my reply not even bothering to look up from the book I was reading, straining myself to make it louder than usual so the old man could hear it. Although, Thaddeus isn't that old and I know for certain he isn't deaf either, still it was fun reminding him of his age and what's to come. "I'll depart early tomorrow, you don't expect a delicate flower like me to go camping out in the woods at night, bad things might happen."

"Yes, bad things might happen to whatever idiot that decides to do anything to you. A fortune to the man that actually convinces you to settle down. Just make sure the package gets here by the end of the week."

"The end of the week, but that's just a few days from now. You can't possibly hope to rush me? Do you?"

"I do intend to, an apothecary has to be ready or even early, lives are at stake after all. Besides, the package is an order I placed for several herbs I need to prepare a few salves and ointments to bolster our already dwindling supply of medicine, you wouldn't want to be held responsible for when someone loses their life now would you?"

He had me there, I'd never want something bad to happen if it was in my power to avoid it in the first place. I put the book back in its place on the shelf and gather up my kit, even though I'd be walking to the capital I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to gather a few more herbs and ingredients for Thaddeus to work with. I am a responsible elf after all.

"I'll just leave the counter unmanned then. Be back in a few days."

I notified Thaddeus first before I left my post at the counter of the shop and headed out toward the fairly busy avenue of Lorebrun, if a dirt road and a few stalls selling foodstuffs and sundries was the definition of a busy avenue. It just irritated me that the Pierrot Estate, the place where I live now, is still a ways down the hill nearer the river which meant a relatively long walk to get whatever else I need for my little journey. I suppose I have to start somewhere.
Jack woke up in a cold sweat. His nightmare was the same nightmare that had been more than persistent, yet erratic at the same time. The nightmare didn't come every night, it just came every other night. By rights he should have been used to it already, but there was something about it that still unnerved him. It was as if he was reliving the events of a few years ago, when that Arias attacked the town and made short work of the guards while taking its time ripping townsfolk limb from limb. It was smart enough to attack at night during the rain no less. He still couldn't come to grips with the fact that something from a mother's tale to scare children into behaving was an actual creature.

He rubbed whatever trace of sleep was left and took a bath. He had already woken up midday, but it wasn't as if there was anything for him to actually do, save lounge around the estate. His father had given him leave to go wherever he wished as long as he knew he'd be returning home, it didn't matter how long he was gone either, despite that Jack never really saw much of a point going outside. He was always the kind to do things for a reason or not at all. Feeling his stomach grumble he stood up from the tub and wiped himself down and put on a fresh change of his brown shirt with his thin black robe over it. He slicked his hair back and his hand instinctively traveled to the scar on his face, that encounter with that Arias was too close for comfort, he was lucky to leave with just that scratch.

Jack went down to the estate kitchen to find something to break his fast, although what he found was something else entirely. It was Miri, all dressed in her green-dyed leather jacket with two swords strapped to her waist with several pouches on the said belt. She was filling up a pack with whatever food she could scrounge up. It was a miracle because that elf was usually a picky eater. It also occurred to him that those swords looked like the ones in the armory in the basement. There was no doubt about it, she was going to go out for another long period of time.

"Young elf, where might you be headed on such a fine day, wearing the kind of attire you usually don when you're going another journey? And what's with you raiding the pantry without family knowledge?" It was slight, but she jumped in surprise when Jack asked his questions in a loud voice.

"What if I told you I was headed to the capital for old Thaddeus in the apothecary."

"Is that all you intend to do?"


"Then let me come with you on this one. I'd like to make sure you don't run into trouble like last time. Remember last time?"


"Where you taunted a group of bandits and led them to the town, which caused quite a bit of a commotion in the town square. Of course, against a town that's almost always prey to an Arias attack, those bandits learned that none of us would be so easily killed or intimidated. Still though, I'd sleep better knowing I wouldn't find another angry mob chasing you from that hill all the way to town."

No response. Jack shrugged and just went to the pantry, took a loaf of bread and some cheese to go with it. "I'll just finish this then I'll go put on my traveling gear. You can wait here all dumbstruck Miri, I won't be long." With that Jack left Miri and went brought the food up to his quarters. He wolfed down the bread and was finished before he arrived to his room. He took out the hard leather chestpiece and wore it over his brown shirt, he shrugged off his usual black robe, for a shorter one which was only until down to behind his knees as well as having shorter sleeves. He kept a dirk in the sheathe sewn into the robe as well as deposited some money into the pouch which was sewn in right next to the sheathe. He secured the hard leather bracers on his forearm, then strapped a sword to his waist and ended by putting on his travelling boots with a hard leather shinguard.

He went back down to the mainhall of the estate and saw Miri waiting for him at the front door.

"As much as I don't like this, I know that look on your face Pierre, there's no talking you out of this one."

"Glad you noticed, so shall we?" Jack opened the door and let Miri out first before closing it behind him, he had left a note in his room detailing the circumstances anyway, so there was nothing to worry about.
Warmth was so common in Aryan, it wasn't hot enough to damage pale skin but it was not cold enough that you were required to wear multiple layers. Yes, to Isil this land was perfect. Then again she had devoted her life and self to this land and its people so she could not help but love it unconditionally. The Queen was stood outside the large castle walls, sat tiredly against one of the large trees, her head resting against the large thick roots that came above ground. She adorned silk red robes, her dress white. Her cheeks, rosy from the wisp of air that hit her skin was marked with those red triangles as they always were. "Life is grand!" She cheered happily, throwing her arms up as she turned her silver eyes to the Vydaios whom was next to her.

Prae himself was a beautiful creature. A silky teal colour along his body with a light green mane that fluffed out in a way that swayed with the soft breeze. His body, clad with gold armour was resting on the ground, white eyes peering at Isil with curiosity before he reached his head up onto her lap. "Prae, it is nice to just rest like this right?" She whispered above the soft songs of the birds. Happy, was the only word the soft-natured queen could be described as. Her fingers ran through the soft fur of Prae's mane as she yawned. "Although...I should be back at the castle..." She sat up tiredly, stretching her arms above her head.

Isil, of course had escaped from the Aryan castle. It was not that she did not like it, but she hoped that one day she would meet the same elf from years ago that would meet here to play. He was such a nice boy. Huffing, white hair fell down her neck as she stood to her feet. Two months ago she cut it short, very short so that the back of it touched the nape of her neck. However, she left the front locks to remain the same length and then she clasped them in two gold bands. Why? Just a memorial type look for her mother.

The Queen walked over to Prae who had stood to his feet, shaking his head softly as he watched around. The Queen walked over to him before grasped the saddle as she climbed onto his back. Her fingers gently nestled in his man as she rest her head against the back of his, sighing. "Let us depart back to the castle..." She whispered, her voice soft as the Vydaios paused before trotting away.

It took around half an hour before she reached the castle once more, her eyes near closed as she had settled in the mane of the Vydaios. It was soft! Reaching the stables she petted the thin head of Prae before he stopped, glancing back at her as she slid off his back. Landing on the ground she was surrounded by guards who asked if she was okay and such. Of course, she had sneaked out.

After reassuring the guards that she was okay the Queen gave them a soft smile, strangely hugging them before she practically skipped off. They were so caring! That and she always forgot that it was their job to look after her. They always advised her to get herself a personal guard...but none suited her or gave her the motivation to accept someone. It was a distant find. Shaking her head she stepped into the throne room, advisors who loomed their bowed as she stepped over to the throne, perching herself down as her silver eyes, filled with softness stared at them all. "I apologize for my absence...I will take on all the remaining work so you may all have the rest of the day to yourselves." She called out, watching as they looked to each other before nodding happily, scurrying off.

Sitting within the thrown, her hands resting on her lap she sighed softly, white lashes fluttered tiredly as she let her head lull forwards. Her fingers ran through the short white locks, brushing the elongated ears as the rings in them rattled softly. "Peace is definitely beautiful..." She murmured quietly as she looked at the empty room tiredly. Isil always felt alone, it was something that haunted her. She was Queen, the one who ruled and made decisions upon the benefit of many. "I wonder." her question directed to the lack of noise in the room but her own breathing. "If this peace will continue to last forever." With that she closed the mercury coloured orbs, the shimmer in them hidden by the lashes as she simply sat alone.

The night before was rough, as the male slowly awoke from the deep hardened sleep he had fallen into his eyes squinted to a small beam of sunlight breaking through to his eyes. It felt warm on his skin, but was it real? Kiro placed a hand on his cheek only to gasp and sit up quickly looking around. "Was that all just a dream?" He asked himself remembering the night before that. The male would then placed his hand on his bare chest and move it down to his stomach and back up to his chest feeling the scar that seemed to look as if it exploded in the center of his chest. It would reach from the bottom of his rib cage up to his shoulder-blades. Kiro panted softly for a few moments sighing softly as he relaxed.

The male would fall back onto his back staring up through the trees trying to see the sky only to roll over onto his stomach and sit up once more stretching out as a cat would his tail swishing behind him. "Nya..." Kiro yawned softly and stood up looking around the small forest for a moment making sure nobody had been watching him. He generally felt paranoid after the dreams that haunted him from time to time. He then reached down to pick up his small leather bag and search inside of it for a shirt he could put on, as he pulled out another shirt he used his tail to reach down and pick up a cloth blue shirt and would head over to the small river nearby.

When Kiro reached the river he dropped to his knees yawning once more only to place the shirt in the river letting the current catch it and bring it to his hands. He would then proceed to rub the shirt into itself to clear out some of the dirt before pulling it from the river and tossing it into the air watching it fall for a moment before a quick gust of wind would sweep it back up. The males eyes would begin to glow a lavender colour as Kiro placed his hands together and slowly pulled them apart, the shirt would begin to move with his left hand as a ball of dirty water would be seen separating itself from the shirt as well as following his right hand. When the shirt dropped from the air, Kiro smiled and took it feeling it to be sure he had pulled all of the water from the shirt. His magic had made it much easier to dry things and the ability to do so made him happy. He would then place his newly clean shirt in the bag behind him while putting on the newer shirt he had taken out before. Kiro would then stand up and look through the forest once more standing as he pondered on what to do next.

Only a few moments had gone by before the young male had turned about and began heading through the forest going for the path cutting between the trees about a mile out, it was a path most people would use to get between towns and was often crossed by carriages and people, he would hope to find a way to the closest town. But, if he could not Kiro didn't mind walking until then.

When Kiro had reached the pathway he broke from the trees and shielded his eyes from the warm sun which had seem to cut through from above the trees leaving a blinding light in his eyes. The forest was dark so it didn't seem as bright but now he could clearly see the sky and the sun.

((I feel as if it could be better @~@ Umm, if anyone wishes to be a person on a carriage or something, Kiro is now on the pathway and such.))

'I am the creature that walks upon hate.

I am the only one that has decided to do so.

I am the creature of regret.

The daughter of shame.

And the monster of death.

For I am the animal that chose this path.

The path of suffering and decay.

The path of sorrow and somehow...

The strong.'

It wasn't long before Xer'Chi could almost kill herself from being a nomad, and a doubtful child. She was a long lost warrior of her people. An idiotic one, too. She hasn't eaten in a few days, and water and meats would do nicely. Her stomach growled with the eagerness of it, and if she doesn't eat soon she might as well start to maul on herself. Even that thought was nice. She continued to walk her desert home, slowly making several kilometers away from the dreaded village she had lived and grew up in. But that thought was forever in storage, and Xer'Chi decided to move on from that thought anyhow.

Moving lazily, she drew her robe and began to shiver slightly in the freezing temperatures. These lands are obviously very fatal if you don't have a source of immediate warmth, or you may suffer the consequences. But Xer'Chi knows these lands well, and she plans to find a nearby town in order to find food or at least find a forest. But the closest option was the forest, and what she plans to find is a small town or a small deer herd just for a quick meal. Unfortunately, there are elven cities that lie deep in the forest; and they don't treat outsiders to well.

Xer'Chi, continuing her journey to the arrival to the forest, she decided to stop, breath and think. The forests at night can grow deadly, and swarming with unknown predators to the world as we know it. But why even think about it? Xer'Chi is in the need of food right now. If she waits any longer to find it, she might end up committing suicide herself. But that's not the immediate point, here. Xer'Chi's main goal is to hunt down that wretched human. Xer'Chi has been on the hunt for days, months, even years. And food was only a matter of time...

|Big Event: Attack On Nevenarius|

The grounds of the small town of Nevenarius began to shake as cracks in the earth appeared. A dark being rose up from the cracks, wispy mists floating up and hardening into a monster. A demon that we call Stailers, Gaius's dark creations. Their faces were masked with a metal helm, covering their eyes from view. With skin as hard as stone and a heart as cold as the legendary Eona's Trench, the people of Nevenarius let out shrieks of terror as these demons jumped to attack them.

Their hard bare feet slammed into the ground, denting the earth instead of themselves. Emotionless expressions only increased the horror as they raised their swords and assaulted the villagers. Not even bothering to run, the Stailers hard stone flesh did not crack or dent. It's defense could not be compared to another. Many people considered these new demons invincible, and they most likely were.

The blood of the innocent spilled into the ground, which was eagerly absorbed as a blood sacrifice. The small town was most likely doomed, but who would risk their lives to save these people? Would there be anyone brave - or stupid - enough to do so? The people of Nevenarius knew only one thing; that the Stailers were absolute monsters.
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Despite the warm, subtle breeze weaving it's way through the trees, the halfling Ranger didn't feel any warmer in the bright sun. The light streamed down from the tree canopy, hitting the forest floor and brightening every living thing's day.

Except Zathriel's.

His job, still in progress, was a simple one. But..then again, nothing was ever simple with him. Delivering a note was pretty trivial in itself, just the ones who didn't want information sneaking through their midsts was the problem. Thankfully, he had no run ins with any sort of obstacles so far, but the last stretch was always the most perilous, the most tough. At least his experience has taught him.

Standing to observe the scenery around him, the Ranger's steel-blueish eyes scanned every detail he could absorb, finding something that could point him in the right direction. Moss growing on trees or thin vegetation that could show the signs of civilization. Maybe even tracks in the solid earth floor beneath, but it was fool's gamble. He was passing through the edges of the forest, avoiding the main trails. Quite paranoid, but that feeling has saved him many a time in the past. If you don't count the many times he was nearly killed and left for dead...

“Hmm..” Zath muttered, deep voice rumbling as he rubbed at the scruff on his strong jaw. “Might as well keep moving..” Taking his steed Elise's reigns in hand, he led her with a sigh. With a flick, he moved the onyx black mare to his left, skirting the edges of the forest. He made the decision to stay near the trail, using it as a guide, though kept a respectable distance so that he wouldn't be spotted by any searching eyes.

The mare following him was a rather normal horse, at fifteen hands high. Dark coat, and with dark brown intelligent eyes, she looked more than she appeared to be. Her muscles and flanks were toned and thin, depicting an endurance horse for long distance running, rather than a horse to charge into battle with.

With a pale brown saddle attached to her back, it held a numerous amount of equipment and belongings to the half-human, half-elven ranger. Along her side, a six foot long quarterstaff made of white cedar, with markings of the wind barely etched into the wood. It was a beautiful weapon just as it was deadly. At the tips, a small extended bludgeon of hardened oak, a few dents in the wood. It had seen many a fight, just as the halfling had.

Strapped to her left side, a quiver of arrows with black feathers and matching shafts. About forty in all in the thick quiver. Next to that, a few daggers and knifes, along with a large leather sack that held his non-lethal gear. He looked ready to fight a battalion of soldiers with the gear he carried.

Like before, his careful demeanor and always planning ahead almost bordered on paranoia. Almost..

Keeping his gaze forward, his mind wandered as he listened to the forest soundtrack.

Considering it was quiet and normal for a day in the forest of Ellengarde, the halfling felt as if he was walking into a trap. An ambush, something that would mark the end of his days.

As if the world answered to his paranoia, he felt the earth shake beneath his feet, a slight rumbling in his dark leather hide boots.

“The hell?” He muttered, steadying himself as the rumbling ceased.

The silence was pierced by the sounds of screams, that made Zath's blood run cold. Adjusting the bow on his back, strung across his shoulders with the dark oak against his back and resting against his emerald cloak, the ranger clicked his tongue, swinging onto the mare with gusto. She obliged her master's command, taking off into a steady canter, angling her body to the origins of the screams.
Arenam Lacertae, North west of Samaria, Arenas tortuosus

Arenam slowly walked out of the Kahao village he grew up in known as Arenas tortuosus, the sun was slowly rising over the sandy dunes and the temperature quickly rised. Arenam smiled at the glowing orange sun, it was one of the few times he smiled. "Ahhh I've missed the heat" he said to himself as he pulled an arrow out of his quiver and gently placed it onto his bow as he spotted some vultures circling in the sky a few metres away. The winter time had cooled the desert down to a bearable heat for most people's who didn't live in the hot deserts of Samaria but now that spring had come around the desert began to heat up again. After scaling a small dune Arenam spotted the carcass the vultures were eyeing up, it was a female mountain lion that had been brutally bludgeoned. Arenam sighed at the dead body as he looked at his surroundings, mountain lions weren't common but there were some rocky hills with crevices they liked to stay in.

The body had been damaged to the point were there was barely anything that could be considered edible "I don't see why they let children hunt with maces" Arenam said with a sigh, recently the older children had begun to train in basic hunting and to learn how to handle the weapon of their choice, this lead to many wannabe adventures picking massive weapons that towered over them. Arenam aimed an arrow at one of the few vultures and shot at it's head, after a couple of seconds the arrow connected and the bird spiraled downwards and crashed into the sand. After shooting down a few more of the vultures and attaching the carcasses to his bag Arenam traveled back to his village. Arenam didn't have to travel far to find the vultures so the journey back was quick "so what did you get today" Scorpio said with a smile, unsurprisingly Scorpio was a Kahao who looked humanoid but had scorpion like features including one if his hands being a claw and a stinger, he was a hunter like Arenam but he preferred to use throwing knives or his claw or stinger if his prey got too close. Arenam brandished the vulture carcasses, Scorpio smiled "great I'll give these to the cook to be prepared right away, by the way the village elder is looking for you" Scorpio said with a grin "we could have had a mountain lion however those stupid kids destroyed the mountain lion to the point were there wasn't anything edible" Arenam sighed "your kidding, well knowing Anguis (he was a snake like kahao who trained the children with weaponry) he'll have them scrubbing everyone's homes clean" Arenam laughed before handing the carcasses over to scorpio and going to the village elders hut.

Arenam gently knocked on the huts front door, after a few seconds an old man emerged, he was also a Kahao (like everyone in the village), he too looked human but had animal features, specifically an eagles. He had golden eyes that darted around, seeing everything around him, he also had a beak for a mouth and feathers on his arms. "Ahhh Arenam please come inside" he said in a quite yet stern voice as he opened the door wider to let Arenam in, Arenam entered the old hut.The hut had many strange artefacts gathered from the desert varying from strange stones, scrolls, books, weaponry and the pride of the village a fossil of a dragons tooth that ruled the desert but was killed during 'the hunt'. The tooth was at least 5 feet long and lay on a very sturdy sandstone table. Arenam didn't care much for it but acted as if he did to please the elder who was one of the few people he liked (along with Scorpio and Anguis) " I see that old relic hasn't changed much... I wasn't talking about you elder" the elder chuckled "just as witty as your father was Arenam" after a brief pause the elder regained his train of thought.

The elders face changed from kind and gentle to rough and serious " Arenam you know these the routes through the desert better than anyone in our village and I need you to use that knowledge to deliver this to a scholar in Bran". The elder handed over a small box with leather wrapped around it "your father found this scroll on his journeys through the desert before he disappeared the only problem was that it was in a language we do not know and so we need the scholar to decipher it. "You have to stay there until he has, I understand that this is a big task but this scroll could contain ancient knowledge" the elder said in excitement "okay elder I will " Arenam said with a nod, although the sound of a bustling city full of annoying, arrogant and ignorant people didn't sound the best he still agreed to do the delivery. After collecting the package and saying his farewells Arenam set of to Bran.

((I had to type this with my phone so it might have quite a few typos))
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The doe within the woods stiffened, her head shooting up instantly. The creature looked around unsure of her surroundings. Something was not right, out here on the edge of the heard. Yet she could see nothing out of the ordinary. Her ears twitched back and forth, trying to find what set her senses off. The creature slowly seemed to relax somewhat. One step . . . and one more . . . the doe's head shot up again but it was too late. A figure fell on top of her from the branches above, quickly wrapping its legs around her torso as she bucked and squealed. A sound that seemed almost like a roar came through gritted teeth as the figure's hands gripped the doe's head and pulled it into a position it most certainly was not meant to be in. A *crack* resounded through the area, and the hissing of the rest of the heard as they ran away was the only thing that broke the silence. The figure was a man . . . a man with a head of white hair and scars on his throat . . .


Sanz let out a small smile as he leaned against the tree. His gaze fell upon the campfire before him, letting all know of his presence in the night, but he was on the alert for anything that could harm him in this environment. The smell of venison greeted his nose as the spits of meat slowly grilled over the fire. Sanz made sure to give thanks to both Varia and Reina, for providing his sustenance that evening. His gaze travelled up to the stars, thinking about where he should head next. He had been in the woods for the last 10 days, and been getting closer to the desert as he did so. He had no desire to travel across it, his constitution was not suited for such a task. Maybe in the direct opposite direction then? He couldn't help but see the massive rise of stone and iron off in the distance that was Bran. He had been to the capital twice during his wanderings, perhaps it was time to visit again. Or, perhaps he might go off on a different path halfway to the city, it was impossible to be certain at that point. Sanz's nose twitched once, letting him know that one of the spits was ready. He gave one more silent prayer to Varia, the only kind he could offer, before tearing a chunk of meat off the bone.
-Jonasu Ahn(Arc) Zixin, Outskirts of the Western side of Bran-

Jonasu looks around as the sun bores down on him, he was close to leaving the grounds of Bran, he had already caused commotion there and he thought about where to go next. He sat on a bench in the more remote parts of the kingdom and ate a peach. He savored it as if it were his last meal. He sighed once he finished it, only have some bread to eat with it. He needed something to drink so he went over to a well and drew the water out of it, pouring it into his canteen as he drank.

"Refreshing.." he said as he sighed

"Hey, HEY! I want some food!" Pari ranted

"You took my money and almost got us killed. Plus you sure filled yourself up with that candy you ate right?" he snapped at the smaller figure

Pari merely grumbled and pouted as he crawled into Jonasu's backpack again. Ever since they met Jonasu's backpack has beem Pari's home/hiding place. Pari say's he feels safe inside it plus it's comfortable. Jonasu avois falling backwards, not wanting to squish the guy. Pari seems well aware though, and he built a sort of escape latch just in case. As Jonasu walked along the silent road he made a mental tab of the people he owed money and added "grumpy old fart" to the list. Wow, there were three of those, he simply added "grumpy old fart #3" and smirked. He fiddled with a copper coin as he moved it across his fingers. He gripped it as he felt the ground shake. He was alarmed by the sudden earthquake but thing seem to die down. Then an eerie and suspicious silence seems to cover the land. He grips his larger canteen, the one he usually uses for battle.

"What was that?" says Pari from inside the bag

Jonasu was about to respond until a slight shriek fills the air, followed by several others.

"Damn it..Why am I so curious." he says as he runs to the village

", And Stupid!" says Pari in a frightened tone

Gaia Render Savnendor~ Border of Ellegarde entering Bran's market plaza.

"You can not just stand there...you look as if your stalking prey." The large animal with black silk like fur wad hidden by Ellegarde's thick high trees. The beast had fit in perfectly or so he thought. His white wings didn't blend in well but he was hidden well enough for someone to think nothing of it. The tips of his feathers which were brown hid great within the bark of the trees. To help this he was laying down on his stomach. His right paw tucked in while his left was out, his palm facing up toward the sky. His eyes were closed as he rested his head against the females back who was standing tall with her arms crossed. "They should welcome my presence...I am a High elf, I am a contractor ...I am -" The griffin groaned as he nudged her forward. Her hands unfolding as the clenched on to the tree that was on her right. Her nails digging into the bark making some flake off and fall on to her feet. "Why wont you move then."

"I will go ...when ready do not rush me Nodo." The female elf leaned in a little. The people in the market moving around to and fro. Some carried bags while others carried weapons. Children ran around and adults held on to each other. Gaia looked closer. "...that is love, right." The griffin growled lowly. He lifted hi paw, licking the fir making it stick up. In my home...we devour our woman after mating with them and allowing them to create a new child. Gaia rolled her eyes before looking back at him. She put her hand on his nuzzle and began to pet it. Your lying...I am going , ok stay here...don't move, make a sound, or feast on anyone. The griffin groaned before putting his head down on his paw. As you wish Gaia....I will be expecting a meal soon. Gaia nodded her head before she kissed the beast nose then left his side. Walking from the forest and out in to the market.

Many minded their own business while some stopped and stared. She was graceful, beautiful , and above all else she looked high like her race was claimed to be. Her red hair flowed along the currents of the wind. Her strides were long but not to long to where it would seem out of place. Her feet slowly sliding across the ground. She grimaced a little, making a child turn the other way. She missed the soil, this metal stone path way irritated her feet, but it was better than wearing shoes. A man stopped her stride though, his hands together as the rubbed one another. " Miss you look...mighty fine today. Where are you from, your magnificent....can I He reached for her arm but was easily slapped away. Him holding his hand as he backed away. The girl gave a scowl. Her hand slowly raising up toward her hair. She put a foot forward then flicked her hair away before staring down at him. "Don't you dare touch me you filthy creature. "

The man gave her a nasty look before walking away to join his buddies that had bottles in their hands. "drunkards" She continued her walk, trying to find a certain someone. Her father told her to meet someone but failed to tell her the name, what the person looks like...or any details of that matter. He responded with a stupid answer "you'll feel it" Just thinking about it made Gaia role her eyes. This was stressing her and she needed to find a snake for Nodo before the moon reaches it's peak. Her thought were interrupted by hissing sounds.She stopped her walk once more and looked around the market. It couldn't have been him, she told him to stay deep within the forest. He was to big and would cause to much trouble just by passing the other villages. Her eyes began to move around like a serious twitch. Her ears twitching to pick up the sound. The hiss was much louder know that she stopped to listen.

It took a few minutes for her to move again in to a nearby store where animals were in cages. She walked up toward the case where a white snake was there twirling around. Looking at her through the case. She was instantly drawn to the snake , slowly creeping toward it as she narrowed her eyes. The store owner looking at her with an interesting eye. The snake began to rise, its tongue sliding out then back into it's mouth, Human". Gaia twitched an eye before getting to her knees. Her soft hand pressed against the glass. Her voice was low and not that of her own. She began to speak in snake which made the shop owner stop his sale and creep forward to watch. "I am far from a human. To call me such a low thing. I have given you respect by getting on my knees....respect me a high elf." The snake backed away a little before hissing again. "You can understand me...what are you....?"Gaia smiled before she bowed her head. "My name is Gaia Render Savnendor. I am a high elf from Ellegarde . I am a contractor...."

The snake hissed again but with more of a chuckle. "I see, a contractor in Bran...what is your business here...to think you would come out of your nice home to be in a place like this. Do your feet hurt. Gaia nodded her head before looking away toward the entrance. "Don't you hate being in this cage, taken from your home. You come from Ellegarde, I have seen your kind through my home...I have met your king." The snake banged his head against he glass but Gaia did not flinch. "You have met Harp?" Gaia smiled a little before pressing her forehead against he glass. "He is my friend."
Kia'zen walked on a hard and cracked road leading to the town of Nevenarius. An ominous feeling tugging at his awareness, he knew that something terrible was going to happen and hoped that he could reach their in time to help even a little bit. He looked about scanning to see if there was any sign of the threat he felt, his white hair blocking the left edge of his vision, he's wiped it away with one of his gloved hands, his other hand holding on tightly to a leather strap that wrapped around his chest to an oddly wrapped item on his back. Suddenly he felt a terrifying shiver race up his spine barely a moment before the earth beneath him rumbled, his eyes widened as he realized just what terror had been unleashed upon this land. He quickly looked forward seeing the entrance to the village ahead, he raced towards the commotion and even as he did he saw people of all kinds fleeing with all haste from the dreaded creatures. Entering the village he saw one of the stailers just as it swung tearing a villager in two, he gasped at the site before he felt a rage fill him, he knew he would be pleasing his father if he destroyed these beasts but would at the same time enrage his uncle, but he didn't care he saw people being slaughtered and wouldn't stand for it. He ripped the sword he was carrying out of the wrapping and slashed at the beast, leaving a deep gash in it's arm, he quickly slashed again decapitating the beast. Looking around he cursed under his breath realizing that he was now cornered by the stailers, his only relief was that he had given the villagers and opportunity to escape. "Now who's gonna save me?"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6e816220b66e652522fdf7dbf9dab374.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.6e816220b66e652522fdf7dbf9dab374.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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|Big Event: Attack On Nevenarius|

Part Two

The Stailers didn't even react as one of their own kind was decapitated, they seemed to signal that they would split up. The large group separated into three different groups, one to chase after the villagers, another to protect the perimeter, and another to fight all intending heroes. They're stone cold faces remained the usual stoic expressions as they didn't even bother to run after their prey.

@Kai'zen Makaira

Two Stailers approached a white haired man, their marble white skin shining under the rays of sunlight that peaked through the clouds. They said no words as they awaited the man's first attack on them. Bodies poised like a cougar about to strike it's prey, the Stailers just waited, their swords leaning on their narrow hips. They were perfectly symmetrical.

@Cressy @EuRo

The Stailers that were patrolling the perimeter swiftly turned their heads in sync when the sound of leaves crushing came to their ears. Someone was approaching the village. With the scent of murder in the air, it would be a surprise if a
hero didn't try to save everyone. But, everyone would end up the same. Dead. I guess it was the God's way of cleansing the Earth. Perhaps someone should build an arc.

Another two split off from the group and waited for the man to get closer, their stone hard bodies stood strong as a harsh wind blasted through the village, shaking the trees and breaking through a few windows. Heavy rain began to pour down from above, Nevenarius was punishing the world with Eona's tears. Perhaps you should get two of every creature in the world, a male and a female.
((Nevenarius is on the edge of Ellegarde, you could send out NPC soldiers to fight them and control those guys. ^^ Or perhaps there's someone in the same area as you.))
The Queen's eyes fluttered open as a mass of voices pounded against her ears. She sat up properly, fingers rubbing at her eyes as she looked at the three advisors who had return upon an alert from the guard. She raised her hands, a smile on her face. "Calm down, calm down and explain to me properly what is going on." She stated, setting her hands upon her lap as they slowly began to explain the situation in Nevenarius.

Isil nodded, raising her hand to make them silent so that she could think. What was the best course of action? Her mind span as she rubbed her temples before sighing. How annoying. She stood up promptly, gaining their attention as she stepped down from the throne as she adjusted her robes. "Well!" She turned, facing them with a smile. "Lets just go there and sort it out!" With that she turned and walked off, ignoring their protests.

On her walk out she met a servant who she gave a wave to, asking her to prepare Prae once more. Walking into her room she sighed as she grabbed the necklace her mother wore, pulling it around her neck. "Mah! At least I have an excuse to get out of this place!" She cheered, tying the robe around her body as she headed towards the lace where Prae was housed.

Reaching the stables she walked up to the large mount, grinning as she petted his neck happily. Guards were already mounting their horses. Isil grasped the saddle as she pulled herself up. Locking her fingers within the soft mane she smiled happily as she reached down, patting his head. "Prae, follow the guards okay?" She asked in her usual soft tone, watching as the creatures head turned to study one of the head guards.

Once again, as they were riding to Nevenarius she yawned, pouting slightly at her lack of sleep. She turned to the guard riding next to her, a frown on her lips. "Do you know the exact details?" She asked quietly, watching as the man promptly shook his head before facing ahead. What did the kind queen do? She pouted, angry about her subjects lack of social interaction with her.

Eventually they reached their destination, the guards already dismounting as they headed off. Isil herself whined childishly, throwing her arms around the neck of the Vydaios who just turned its head to look at her. "They are so anti-social!" She whined, seeming to sob quietly at the fact that the soldiers were so serious. 
(That okay?)
Noticing the Stailers splitting off into groups Kai'zen fears for the safety of the few villagers that managed to escape. Roaring more out of desperation than anger he slams his swords curved tip into the ground at just the right angle to send chunks of earth flying at the stailers, using the distraction as an opportunity to strike he dashes forward and slams his blade into the side of the stailer in the middle actually cutting the monster in two. Dashing forwards he rolls into a defensive position breathing heavily. Standing he stabs his sword into the ground and placing his arms out in front of him, closes his eyes, and mutters words in an old and forgotten language when he opens his eyes they are a deep red. His hands emit an odd energy as white as his hair and a jet of flame flies out pushing the closest stailer into the others blowing them into a house and causing it to collapse upon them. Turning away he grabs his sword and rushes to the village entrance running into, a troop of elvish warriors accompanied by a female elf wearing elegant robes. "Stay back there are Stailers here, I've managed to hold them off but they won't stay down for long" (just to clarify Kai'zen is about eighteen in human years)

|Big Event: Attack On Nevenarius|

Part Two 1/2

@UnholyRedemption @Kai'zen Makaira

The earth quickly molded back together, connecting the pieces like a puzzle. The thing about Stailers were that no matter how many times they were cut apart, they would always mold back together. It was an advantage that the gods have given them. They were practically invincible. They were, after all, made out of stone.

Seeing this as an actual assault, the Stailers unsheathed their swords and took slow and steady steps towards the people. It was clear that they had gotten bigger, taking the stone used for the houses that were destroyed. What were these terrible creatures? They were Stailers, Gaius's personification of rage.

In sync, they both began to attack, stabbing their swords forward. Their movements were a little slower than the usual demons, but their defense and strength is unmatched by no other.
Isil had her mercury eyes move onto the male, watching him carefully. "Guards. Stay back." She ordered as she dismounted off Prae. She rest her hand upon his mane. The guards looked back at their queen curiously before the they halted, seeing the look within her eye. She herself stepped forwards, Prae following her.

The Queen watched idly for a few more minutes, her eyes closing as she leaned closer to Prae, her head resting in the mass of fur. "We will remain upon standby temporarily Sir. If you are to come to any harm I will have my guards get involved." She called out, her mercury eyes watching him carefully.

She took in a deep breath, her hands clenching in Prae's mane as she huffed. Such a tiresome job it was to be queen. Isil would never cease though. It was her destiny. This person, was not her subject but she cared for nearly everyone except those idiots of the sea. She turned to Prae, patting his head. "Prae, if he comes to harm I want you to intervene." The Vydaios simply made a soft sound before his mane and tail were ignited with pale red flames, his white eyes red.
Kiro stared at the sky for a few moments trying to adjust his eyes to the light, it would only take a few minutes but the light was still blinding to him, besides the sky looked nice didn't it? He smiled at the thought of soaring through the skies riding upon his dragon only to have his expression drop remembering the events of death as well as his dragon no longer being in sight, he had no idea where she was or if the dragon was still alive, it still upset him but he would push it off to the back of his mind only to smile once more.

Kiro searched the path way scanning about only to jump seeing another person. Appear in the distance, he enjoyed people and maybe this person would give him company and walk with him to the nearest town. It wasn't to far from where he was, the boys catlike ears twitched softly as he glanced back towards the direction of the town, he could feel something was wrong there but couldn't quite place a finger upon it. He then brushed it away knowing he would be there soon enough hopefully the female who was now getting closer would walk with him. Kiro approached her only to bow gently waving towards her softly. "Well hello there, how are you?" He spoke in a soft voice looking to the female. "My name is Kiro Akira, may I ask of yours?"

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