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Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

All right.

@blue nebula , upon the review of CSs, I and the co-gm have found that your character has some overpowered abilities, and some questionable features. And as decided, I have toned down your character's abilties. If you have any complaints, please contact me via pm.
Ah, my internet is mesisng up again them xD

It keeps lagging and all... This just happened in another RP too... -_-

I already corrected it :)

I have been unable to post today, due to IRL difficulties. I am unsure if I will be able to post tomorrow as well, for there will be an event held at my home. In such circumstances, I am expecting to be entrusted with many tasks, thus lessening or even removing my time for rping. I hope you understand that this short inactivity of mine was not any of my intentions as a gm. However, once tomorrow has passed, I am quite sure that my activities here will resume to its old frequency. Until then, I am asking for your patience and cooperation.
Sorry its taking me so long to get a post up guys. I'll try to get something written before the night is up.
Heya, I see this RP is just getting under way and was wondering if there are any protagonist slots still open. Secondly, I would love to play a dwarf amongst this crew of characters but it's not listed in the races. Is this acceptable as an exception, would it need to be a variant human, or is it a no go?
Camp said:
Heya, I see this RP is just getting under way and was wondering if there are any protagonist slots still open. Secondly, I would love to play a dwarf amongst this crew of characters but it's not listed in the races. Is this acceptable as an exception, would it need to be a variant human, or is it a no go?
Well, there used to be one slot left. Ask for the opinion of the other players, and if they are fine with you joining, then ready your cs and send it to me or Dragongal.

Dwarves belong to another kingdom, this rp is currently limited to the inhabitants of Ristafel, which means only the races in it are playable.
Although, Dwarfism is a genetic mutation, and can be found among humans, I believe you to be speaking of the RACE dwarf, and there's a lot of difference. I agree with Bravest.

I was sad too when I discovered there were no elves. I feel you, buddy.
Did somebody say a villain was needed? I have a mustache to twirl.

Could I possibly play a Neutral Evil kind of villain? One who wishes to use the artifacts rather than destroy them, and is willing to kill anybody who may prevent him from doing so, be them good or evil?
There are 5 protagonists and 2, soon to be 3 villains. Are you sure it's impossible for me not to play a villain? I'm willing to be a protagonist, but I'd like to affirm whether or not I can be a villain.

Screw it, I'll just be a protagonist.

May I play a bodyguard for Cael? Possibly one that has some history with him?
Damn my first post ended up being way too long, I've set myself an impossible standard. Oops.
No4hx said:
Damn my first post ended up being way too long, I've set myself an impossible standard. Oops.
I know the feeling.

Also, sorry its taken me so long to post lately. Haven't been feeling well.
It's all right.

I am not sure if I will be able to post today, however, I will attempt to do so if given the chance.

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