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Fantasy Tales of Ristafel

I think I do, my character hasn't been very involved which I guess is my fault, but eh, I'm too lazy to make a new one. My apologies for leaving, it was fun while it lasted though, thanks guys.
The new thread is here.


If your characters have been accepted here, go ahead and post in the sign-up tab. This time though, it will be more focused on being an open-world rp, so there will be no main plot. However, should there be a demand for such a thing, I will gladly present ideas and discuss them with the players. I am currently aiming to make this rp something that builds up knowledge on Ristafel, and soon enough the whole world/verse that I'm trying to creat.

Players are free to create their own story, quest, mission, or whatever it is that they must do. That being said, you can post as soon as you wish, even without waiting for my introductory post.

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