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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“Would you believe that I didn’t get that lost?” Nate gave Alex a moment to take that in and probably not at all believe him before adding on, “and that was because I had Ben who could read a map. And before I had Ben, I had my mother who might have been the world’s best navigator. I could be biased.” He shrugged as he followed Alex’s gaze to trees that called to at least one of them. It just had been so long. He stopped doing things like climbing trees when he was more necessary on the ground helping the people who needed him. how was he supposed to help someone from all the way up there?

“Would you?” He asked after pausing another moment. “Would you really take the time to teach me how to climb a tree instead of doing… something that would probably be more useful though likely less entertaining. I feel that it would be pretty hilarious for when I inevitably fall on my face. You could have such a nice view!”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex actually paused a step before continuing. "I wouldn't actually" He said with a laugh, before Nate continued on. Ben? Who was Ben? And why did it feel weird that he didn't like this Ben who'd helped Nate before him. Shaking his head, he looked over at Nate, listening to him speak. "It sounds like you always had a navigator to help you, guess we were meant to meet" Alex said softly, his eyes focused ahead of them. He tried to get rid of these weird feelings in his heart. Obviously Nate would've known other people, other men so why should he care.

"I would" Alex said, finally looking over at Nate again. "I think everyone should know how to climb a tree, the infected can't so it's a good survival technique if nothing else" He said simply. "Besides, what if I got knocked out from a hunter throwing something at me and I was up in a tree? Who'd come save me?" He asked. "And, okay, it would be funny if you fall, but only if you're okay. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be a monkey like me" Alex said with a laugh.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate swung his arm around Alex’s shoulder again, drawing them close as he spoke. “You know what? I think you’re right. I think we were meant to be together. You were meant to make sure I didn’t get horribly lost, well any more than I already was, and also potentially teach me to climb a tree, and I am meant to make sure you slow down when your body needs you to wait a moment.” He raised his eyebrows to make a face at his companion. Was he going to let this go? Nope. Should he. Still nope. It was just how it was.

“Also,” he added. “If you get knocked out in a tree and don’t fall out, I am going to rethink everything I thought I knew about physics. Are you a god? Because that’s the only answer. I would have to climb myself up there, after you have taught me of course, to then find you floating or something because you are actually magic!” He giggled at himself. “Which then means I am friends with a god, and that makes me very cool.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

He wasn't expecting the arm over his shoulder, but it did cause him to look over at Nate with a small smile. He felt his heart flutter when Nate said they were meant to be together, but he knew that Nate meant it platonically. He didn't even know if the man even liked other men, so why would he get his hopes up? "Yep, we have the reckless" He paused to point at himself "And the careful" He continued, pointing at Nate with a grin.

"It's entirely possible to be knocked out in a tree without falling. What if there are two branches close enough together and I fall on those?" Alex asked, trying to hold a serious expression on his face. "Although if you see me floating I'd be more concerned that there's something wrong than me being magic or a god" Alex added, the laugh finally making its way out of his mouth. "You don't need to be friends with a god to be cool Nate" He said softer that time.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate smiled, leaning his head on Alex’s shoulder as they walked, which admittedly was dragging them down a little. He was in a goofy mood, and that was never good for his own stability. “Thank you,” he just about whispered. It was so nice to have someone compliment him even if it was something silly like being cool without a god. All of the positive encouragement between them was so refreshing. Even when he had Max, Ben, and also his mom, it was never quite like this. They were complimentary but only a little. “I appreciate you.”

He did not really want to move, but he knew that he should. He liked being close and being attached. It was comforting to have him that close. It was so different than when he had his other people. It was just nice.

So he didn’t move. He stayed there. For now. “Okay it’s official. When your back is better, you’re teaching me to climb a tree for in case you get knocked out and don’t fall out. Now that we’ve said it, I’m afraid for this future, and I refuse to lose you because of my own inabilities.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex wasn't expecting Nate to lean his head on Alex's shoulder, and he had to slow to make sure that his head wouldn't be jostled around. Alex turned his head to look at Nate. He'd heard the whisper. "You're welcome" He said, just as soft. He had never felt this before, but he liked having Nate close enough to rest on his shoulder. His heart rate had picked up and he felt his cheeks heat up. "I appreciate you too Nate" He told him. Alex didn't want him to move away, and was happy the more he stayed there.

Alex laughed, listening to him. "Sounds good to me. Shouldn't be too long, I only get twinges every so often. I had a pretty great medic patch me up" He said with a smile. He felt his cheeks flush more red when he heard him say that he refused to lose him because of any inability. "Nate, I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily" He said with a laugh, a smile on his face as he walked slowly, enjoying this. If he'd been stopped, he might've laid his head on Nate's as they talked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

What felt like out of nowhere, Nate had this overwhelming urge to stop their movements and wrap his other arm around this man he had only known for a few days and bury his face inside his shoulder. Or maybe he wanted to lean his forehead on Alex’s. Or maybe even just take both of his hands as they moved. These were whims he could not explain. They weren’t exactly new. He had a couple of them earlier though they weren’t as concrete as they were in that moment. It seemed almost like visions or memories in his mind now, though he felt like if they were memories, he would obviously remember them happening.

“Good,” he breathed from his spot against his shoulder. And though they were joking and laughing, it really was a relief to hear something as simple as the assurance that Alex wasn’t going to leave. Nate thought it might be because he had been a lone for a while, and it was really the first time he’d been alone. He hated it. He really did. Having Alex was exactly what he needed, and he did not wan to lose him.

Unwillingly, he pulled himself away from where he leaned against him, becoming his own person once again. His hand slid across the top of Alex’s shoulder and then stalled just under the back of his neck by the pack. That was where it stayed. “So now we have a plan for later. And for today, we walk endlessly forward, searching for abandoned towns with supplies so that we don’t die.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had these feelings whirling inside him that he had no idea how to handle. He'd never experienced this, not really. He'd had a crush on a fellow warrior, but he never let himself get close. He knew what it was like to like someone that way, but he didn't have that much experience. Getting close with Nate was making it harder and harder to deny what he was feeling. It was strange, alien but he loved it at the same time.

Alex could feel Nate on his shoulder when he breathed out. He didn't want this feeling to end, this alien yet welcome feeling. He was enjoying being with someone else, especially someone as nice and considerate as Nate had been so far. He'd gotten so used being alone that being with someone was odd. He was glad that Nate was the one he'd found though, he enjoyed his company and wasn't looking forward to when they'd part.

Alex felt Nate pull his head away from Alex's shoulder and Alex sighed. He felt Nate's hand slide across the top of his shoulder, sitting just under the back of his neck. He was just fine with that too. "Yes, we do have a plan. Now we walk, soon we climb" Alex said, looking ahead. His eyes caught a glimpse of something to their right. "Nate? Is that a town up ahead?" He asked, slowly turning them to the right, towards what he'd seen.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Walk, climb. Words with obvious meanings that meant exactly what they were tickled at the skin on his hand that dangled beside him. It breathed down his chest in waves. Beautiful, nauseating waves. He could hear them crashing, falling, singing. Or maybe that was just the ringing in his ears of something else foreign and happy to confuse and dazzle him. Happy.

Nate turned his attention to follow Alex’s gaze, and searched the view for whatever he saw. Trees was mostly the answer. Trees and more trees. Okay, come on Nate. Clearly Alex saw something else or he wouldn’t have so masterfully moved them both. Effortlessly. There was yet another thing Alex was so good at doing. He had so many talents. They were astounding as they piled on top of one another. Strange, sure. Mysterious, oh definitely. And astoundingly talented.

Bring it back in, Nate. You’re losing yourself in thoughts and daydreams. Was that so bad? Yes! Pay attention. He focused again on the sights ahead, trying to see what Alex saw. A town perhaps? Hmm. Oh, was it that? That did not look like more land. Was that a structure? He kept looking as they walked further down. It grew and he nodded. “What a great eye you have there!” He exclaimed. He rubbed his hand in concentric circles on Alex’s back, applying a little pressure to physically show his excitement and approval. “I think you’ve found what we can only hope is a treasure trove of supplies and not an infestation of infected who want to eat us.” He gently pressed his side against Alex’s in a playful nudge. “What do you say? Shall we risk our luck?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had slowly maneuvered them down and then his eyes saw the town come into view. He'd caught a glimpse off a roof and he wasn't even sure if it had been a town. He was glad it was, they clearly needed more canned beans. He felt Nate rubbing his hand on Alex's back and that feeling consumed him. That was a feeling Alex would love to experience more. It was a comforting contact that he wanted more of.

"I only caught a possible glimpse of the sun on a roof, it was odd enough to question." Alex admitted, rubbing his arm with a hand. He looked over at Nate with a smile. He felt the playful nudge and felt his cheeks heat and his heart flutter. He hoped there wasn't any infected, because he'd have to rely on his knife and whatever supplies he could use. "Let's go see what we can find" Alex said. The town looked decent sized, run down and abandoned like every other town. "I hope there isn't any infected" Alex whispered. The town wasn't too far away from the forest as they made their way there.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

As they closed in on the coming town, Nate pulled at his knife, readying it in case there was anything lurking to ambush them. Best case scenario, there were no infected. Good case scenario, there were infected, but they were paying zero attention and were nowhere around them. Less good scenario, there were a lot of infected that they were going to have to fight. Worst case, there was a hoard. That would be no good, and to be honest, no can of beans was worth that. They could survive until the next town.

“Okay, see that opening between that large rundown building and that moderate one? That’s a pretty good path with plenty of cover in case we are walking into a horrible situation.” He turned his head towards Alex, and the sight of his concentration made his lips involuntarily part as a smile tugged at the sides. He reached up and lightly bopped Alex’s nose with his pointer finger. “Good thing I have you.” Then he pulled forward with a pep in his step to see what exactly they were coming to.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex held his knife in his hand. His hopes were that either the town was completely empty, highly unlikely, or had very few infected. Alex focused on the hope that maybe a handful were there, and prayed silently that there were no hoards or bloaters. He looked at the town as they approached, his eyes searching the landscape.

Alex turned his head to Nate as he talked. His eyes moving over to see what he had pointed out. That path would probably be the best way to scope out the town without announcing their arrival. “That’s a good idea.” Alex agreed. He snorted a laugh when Nate bopped his nose with his pointer finger. “Yeah, that’s why I’m here. Can’t use my bow so stealth it is.” Alex said, walking towards the path silently. As they approached it, it seemed quiet so far.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate looked back over his shoulder, bright smile beaming behind him, a laugh captured behind his teeth and obstructed by his tongue that showed hints of its existence. He pulled his attention back to in front of him, that smile sitting with him as he poked his head out from around the corner. At first glance, this appeared to be your average run down town. They were joining from behind what Alex could only assume was a pet store with the various signage with animals plastered. There very well could be supplies in there. If they were lucky, it will still have sheers. Those could certainly come in useful. And rags. He needed more rags.

Wait, bring it back, Nate. Focus on everything else too. He turned his head so that his ears were facing out into the open street. He stilled, slowing his heartbeat, and listened. What did he hear?

Nothing. That was good. He turned back to Alex. “It’s clear. So far.” He slipped around the corner, eyes darting in all directions, and walked quickly but carefully to the window. It was, of course, closed. He peered inside. Oh, for sure this was a pet store. When people looted, they did not take everything. There was at least one collar in there, and though that was not exactly the most useful thing in the apocalypse, it could be used as a makeshift tie for something if necessary. Now how could they get inside? Break the window? He moved slightly further down just to find that the door was locked. Otherwise he would have to break the door. He moved to the next window and peered inside. Was that something in there? It was so dark, but he was certain that there was something on that counter. He could break the window and potentially summon all infected that were lurking, if there were any, or he could go to the next place. No, wait, he had seen Max do this before. Maybe. He gripped his hunting knife and moved back to the door. He shoved it into the small space between the door and the frame, focusing on the latch, turning the knob, and… Got it! The door swung open and he nodded to himself. “Huh, so that’s how that works.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex crept behind Nate, his eyes scanning the area around them. His attention was drawn to the building they were walking beside. An old pet store if the signage was right. Alex heard Nate say that there wasn’t anything around at the moment. He followed the man around the corner of the building. Alex kept an eye out around them while Nate inspected the doors and windows. Alex kept his ears open as well, listening for the tell tale shambling of infected or footsteps of hunters. So far nothing, just a quiet abandoned town in North Dakota. He looked over at Nate just in time to see him pop open the door with his knife. Alex moved over to him, still keeping an eye on his surroundings.

“Good job Nate” he said softly. He followed Nate into the shop. Alex made his way to the right, searching for anything. A pet shop could have anything in it, especially if they had cleaned the dogs there. He pushed open the back door and froze. In the corner was a runner, he must’ve been left behind when the last people left. Alex dropped to a crouch, staying out of sight before he came up behind the infected and dispatched it quietly. He scouted the back room and didn’t see any other infected, but he found some alcohol, scissors, sheers and some cloth. He tucked it away to share later before making his way back towards Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate moved around the left of the building, scanning for anything useful. As he suspected, there were plenty of sheers around. Sheers and scissors. Thank goodness the people who looted before did not think to come into a pet store. Those were going to be so useful. He found one nice rag that did not look like it had been through the same hell as so many other items he ran across and about half of one that he could salvage. He opened a drawer to find a whole set of tools. Nice. They weren’t exactly survival tools, but he was pretty sure that if he sat down with them, he could summon all of his Max knowledge and either create something useful or rig something else into a more useful tool. His skills were lacking, but he was certain that he could learn.

“Alex? Where did you go?” Nate looked up, scanning the room where he was for any signs of his person. He narrowed his eyes, about to leave to go find him, when something on the desk pulled at his attention. His eyes darted back down to find a note. Oh? He loved finding notes from people. He always felt like he got to know people that way. This one looked like he had been here a while, so whoever it was for was probably not around anymore for whatever reason

We haven’t seen you in a while. I hope you are doing okay. I know sometimes you get into those brain funks. I bet we could make you feel better if you came over here with us every now and then. Lila misses playing those silly games of yours. Don’t starve yourself in there, okay? Come over to the restaurant and grab yourself some of our stash. Harry found so much the other day that it would take us ages to go through!

“Alex,” Nate repeated, now actually moving away from the desk. “Hey look at this.” He paused as he found Alex coming out of the back room. “Find anything fun back there?” he asked holding up his own note.

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had stepped out of the back room. He looked over at Nate with a curious gaze. He saw the note in his hand. “What’s that?” He asked, walking over to Nate. “I found a runner in the back room.” He added, not realizing that the person in the note was more than likely the runner he’d just killed. “I also found some alcohol, cloth, sheers and pieces of scissors.” He added. Alex waited to see the note, not wanting to simply snatch it from Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“Oh, a runner?” Nate’s eyes went wide, immediately looking over his friend to make sure that he was okay. He looked fine though. “Are you okay?” He asked it anyway even though he was certain. No, almost certain. He didn’t like that he was not certain. “I think you might have found Jay,” Nate surmised as he handed Alex the note, standing probably too close as he reread it over Alex’s shoulder. “And I’m going to assume that if that’s Jay back there, he didn’t find the stash in the restaurant.” Nate turned to peer out the window. “Oh, you wanna bet it’s that one across the street?”

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex noticed that Nate immediately checked him over and he rolled his eyes in amusement. “I’m fine Nate, promise. The thing didn’t even see me until I got up close enough to kill it.” Alex said, though his heart fluttered at the concern from his friend. “Jay?” He asked, taking the note from Nate.

He could feel Nate rereading the note over his shoulder as Alex read it himself. He felt bad that he’d killed Jay, but he wasn’t human anymore either. “I guess he didn’t. Which means there’s a stash over there, but we could have a few infected too.” Alex said, at least two of them maybe three. But then again, if it was a good stash, it might be worth it to check it out. “I’ll bet on that. Wanna go check it out?” He asked.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate turned back to him with a sly smile. “Oh so you are the betting type. That’s good to know.” He leaned over Alex’s shoulder again, resting his chin on him as he peered at the note once more to recount how many people were mentioned in the note. Harry got the food, Lila played games, and Erin wrote the note. So maybe three? Was Lila a child? Or a dog? If Lila was a dog, then that was not so bad. But a child? Nate really hoped they weren’t about to have to deal with that.

He poked at the paper once. “I think we can take them. Probably runners? Unless someone is an unfortunate clicker.“ He sighed. He hated what this epidemic did to people. So many lost lives. They were all shells of bodies now. “If they have so much food that it will take them ages, I think it’s worth it. They might even have more things stashed away.” He extricated himself, pulled at Alex’s arm as he headed towards the open door.

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex looked at Nate and rolled his eyes. "You found out my darkest secret. I'm a serial gambler" Alex laughed quietly as he looked at him. Alex froze for a moment when Nate rested his chin on him, looking at the note again. Alex turned his attention to the note, reading the three names over. He let out a deep breath. He wasn't so good in close quarters so this would be a fight for sure. He looked back at Nate before looking back at the paper again.

"I hope they're all runners. But, I've never been great in close quarters fighting so I'll try my best but it might not be the best fight" He admitted. He folded the paper up, sliding into his pack for later. "I can only hope that the stash will give us food for a while, just in case we don't find another town for a while." Alex said. He felt the loss of Nate on his shoulder, but then he pulled at Alex's arm. He followed out of the pet shop, looking around at the quiet street. He walked across the road, checking the door. Locked. "Nate" He whispered, pointing at the door. "Open it" He said again, just as soft.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

“I knew it,” Nate chuckled as he ran across the street. Though this was clearly a joke, he filed it away for a later time when he could better tease him about it. Maybe later that night when they were sitting around before they got tired. Maybe while they traveled depending on how long this took.

He slipped beside Alex, jamming the knife into the side and working the nob and lever again. It was easier this time, though he felt the blade bend awkwardly. He was going to have to be careful doing this. Before he pushed the door open, he leaned close to Alex, his lips only centimeters from his ear. “You’ll do great. Stick beside me. They can’t take two of us at once.” And then he pushed open the door and stepped into the dark building. It was in equally bad repair as the pet shop. He stood still as he stepped in, listening for movement. Nothing yet but they only just started.

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex knew he'd hear about the whole gambler comment later, and he was actually looking forward to the banter. He had grown fond of their back and forth comments, teasing and jokes. It was becoming a constant even though it had only been a couple days since they'd joined together. It seemed like so long ago now that they'd found each other. Guess that's what happens when you're traveling for survival.

Alex looked over at Nate as he opened the door. But before he pushed it open, he felt and heard Nate close to his ear. Alex felt a shiver run down his spine as Nate talked. "Okay" He whispered back, then Nate pushed open the door. Alex stepped in behind Nate, his senses open as he listened for shambling. He slowly walked towards the left of the restaurant, too busy scanning for infected to check if Nate was behind him. He tended to hyperfocus when he was looking for something. His eyes looked around then he froze. There was something in the kitchen. He hid behind a booth, looking around for Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate had every intention of sticking together, but that did not so much happen as Alex immediately walked and Nate listened. Nate listened for a while, because he could have sworn he heard something to the right. After a moment, he moved that direction towards what appeared to be more seating. This restaurant had several large areas for seating and then turned probably for bathrooms? The booths seemed mostly clear with the occasional broken material. One had an empty bottle. Good, he might need that. He picked it up just as he heard something. it came from around that corner. Bathrooms. Of course. They were always in the bathrooms. In a low and slow crouch, he moved towards the open doorway and peered inside.


Well, that answered one of the questions. This runner was almost facing the door but bent over on itself like it was in pain. They so often were like that. This one might have been a woman once. Maybe this was Erin? There was no way to sneak behind when it faced that direction and stood in the middle of the bathroom. Okay, he would come back. At least now he knew where one was. He backed away slowly then snuck back through the seating area, around booths and towards the other side. The more they could share the better it would go.

“Alex,” he breathed quietly as he made his way to the left. His eyes scanned quickly, his body not yet worried because of how quiet it was. The infected would scream if they were in combat. So where was Alex? Ah. There. He crept up close, sidling next to him, making sure not to startle him. “We’ve got one in the bathroom over on that side.” He gestured with his head.

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Alex had no idea where Nate had gone. He cursed himself that he'd managed to separate when they literally just agreed to stay together. He looked around, his eyes searching for his companion. If Nate had gotten infected or killed because Alex lost him, he'd never forgive himself. The sigh of relief when he caught sight of Nate startled Alex. He wasn't expecting that reaction at all. He listened to Nate as he mentioned the infected in the bathroom.

"There's something in the kitchen, but I didn't get far enough to see what it was." Alex said. "How do we handle this? I wish I could use my bow" Alex said softly. He wasn't used to being reduced to a knife and stealth skills. Alex looked around, seeing bottles and bricks, but even if they got the two runners into a corner, they'd be alert and that would make it harder on them. If Alex had his bow, he could down the one in the bathroom and then they could advance on the kitchen.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly | 21 | Current location ;; North Dakota

Nate thought about this a moment. One in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. If they were lucky, it was just the two of those infected and not anymore hiding somewhere. Even if there was, there was no point standing around not doing anything about it. Was this stash worth this? They were walking into a fight that they could so easily ignore.

Yes, it would be worth it if the note was right. If there was enough to last them even several days, this was several more fights they did not have to have. They could do this.

“Don’t worry. We are a beautiful team.” He was stalling. It was true, but he was because he also was not sure what to do. He wished that he could see everything laid out for him. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about the unknown. “We both go into the kitchen. If it’s moving around, we can sneak and grab it. Otherwise,” he picked up a nearby empty bottle. “We use this which will probably grab both of their attentions. Hide somewhere and wait?” He hated that idea. Too unknown. Too risky. “This is going to be fine.” In his crouch he slowly made his way into the kitchen.

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