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Fantasy Taken for Granite: The epic of a broken gorgon (Saffron_Majesty & SmittenKitten)


That's one smitten kitten
My son... You were born for greatness. You have a special light in you. One that will never extinguish. One that will spark fires in the hearts of those you come across. They shall fear you. They shall guide you. They shall never truly understand. You are unique. Never forget that. Now go, my child. Shine.

The tanned young gorgon blinked his eyes open, yawning and stretching out his long black tail as he awoke. His blue tongue flicked out to taste the early morning air as his mind worked on clinging to the fragments of the strange woman from his dreams. His two-toned hair was a mess, every which way. The short black parts stuck up while the longer blue parts were plastered to the side of his face. All in all he looked like he'd just woken up. And not in a good way. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame it. He curled himself into a sitting position, tail flicking lazily as he took in his surroundings. They were... Oh, Gods, they were unfamiliar to him. This wasn't his home cave.

Ah right. He'd left early in the morn nearly a fortnight ago. How could he have forgotten? Ah well. He remembered now. One last stretch before he gathered up his belongings. He hadn't much. He hadn't really even planned on leaving home. The matrons had just sort of... Cast him out? No. That wasn't right. They had entrusted him with a very top secret, absolutely important task. He was on a quest to earn his gorgon name. For now, he deemed himself by his birth name, given to him by his mother. Calix. Though he felt he didn't really live up to its meaning.

Calix's tongue flicked the air once more as he peeked outside the cave he'd settled into the night before. It overlooked a well-traveled road, deep ruts carved into the dirt by countless years of carts being guided to and from the city. He sighed, spotting a group of wayward travelers. May as well get shifted now, he supposed.

He ducked back into the cave, forcing his tail to shrink and split, forming two perfectly sculpted legs. He looked... More or less human. Sure he had multi-toned hair and his tongue was blue but he could just pass it off as disease and the unsuspecting humans would steer clear. He shrugged on his chiton, brushing down the cloth covering his lower half. Modesty was such a weird concept to the young gorgon. But he had learned quick. Walk into town with nothing on and people tended to get the wrong idea. He shivered. That was not a day he wanted to relive.

Calix shrugged his pack over his shoulders, looking back down toward the road with a little breath and a nod to himself. He was ready. Down he scaled, albeit a bit slowly considering he was still not used to using his legs for scaling sheer rock faces. Much better at the slithering. Finally, he touched the grass at the bottom, shifting his pack and turning to make his way to the road. The humans were none-the-wiser, though they did give him a few funny looks and spared a confused whisper or two. Not that he minded. Calix simply smiled, nodded and went on his way. He had places to be, people to seduce, the usual.

So, on the little gorgon went, humming softly to himself as he went, taking in the world around him. It was lush and calm, little songbirds flittering from tree to tree. They didn't seem to mind his presence. That was good. His mind wandered as he did, mapping out every place he had been in recent days, planning out every place he planned to be. Once he finally awakened to his true gorgon potential, he vowed to be the most fearsome in his tribe. He would show them that he was worthy, even if he was born male. He never really understood the stigma around being born male. Sure, his sisters and the matrons were strong, but surely he could become strong too? Just because he hadn't had a chance to awaken yet... It wasn't his fault he was a late bloomer, right? He'd show them all. He could absolutely turn a man to stone... Maybe.

After what felt like forever, Calix paused his journey. A little ways down a little hill from the road was a nice shaded woodland area. He could hear the quiet murmur of water. Perhaps he could get a drink? Gods knew he needed it. He grinned and hopped off the road with a little hum, hopping from foot to foot to test them out as he made his way down the hill toward the shade. It wasn't long before he was blessed by the cool waters of a small stream. He knelt at the waters edge, thanking the Titan Goddess Tethys as he drank.

He wiped his lips dry as he sat back and looked up. The sunlight peeking through the trees cast soft shadows on the grass around him. The warm breeze felt nice on his skin, chasing away the chill that the early morning had left him with. Sometimes, it really didn't pay to be cold blooded. He let out a content little sigh as he looked around the glade. Though... something caught his attention. His head tilted in curiosity. Ahead, across the stream, there was a little overgrown path through the trees. A little noise of curiosity escaped him as he pushed himself up. He could see the remains of a cracked stone pathway leading through the trees. Some sort of road? He hadn't been made aware of anything out this way. Perhaps an old settlement left to ruins? A slow smile crept across his face as excitement tingled through him. He had a need to follow and see where the path led.

So, through the trees went the young gorgon, humming quietly to himself as he went. He wondered what he would find. Untold riches? A new undiscovered city of his kin? An ancient road that led to a city made entirely out of cheese? Calix liked cheese. Gods, he hadn't eaten in days. He hoped it was the later.

Once he broke the treeline, he froze. It was... the ruins of some sort of city? Hardly anything was left standing, crumbling buildings just barely clinging onto life. It was... an absolute wonderland. Calix moved cautiously forward, fingers tapping along the strap to his pack. His eyes wandered into every little crack and crevice, looking for clues of what had happened to this ancient city. Charred bones crunched beneath his bare feet as he went, though he hardly noticed. His eyes were more focused on the ruins than what was happening under him. In one of the houses, he found a charred shard of pottery. He crouched, wiping off the soot to reveal the intricately painted clay. It still showed its scene of a farmer hard at work in his fields. He set it aside, looking for more. Gods, this place was a treasure trove.

Perhaps he spent a little too much time scavenging, but finally, just as the sun reached its peak in the skies above, he reached the main square. His pack was heavy with little shards of various pots and plates, even a little pendant he'd found beneath the remains of what he assumed had been a place to sleep. Humans were quite weird in their habits. He stepped into the square, looking all around. Charred buildings ringed the raised stone town center. He paused, another curious sound escaping him as his eyes fell onto a little raised platform in the square. A perfectly intact statue was poised and standing, the sculpted anger clear and evident on its face. He circled it. This would... would look perfect back at home. Oh, he could add it to his collection of little stone statues he kept beside his bedding. He hummed softly to himself as he paused. How was he to get it home? He was so very far... Maybe if he dragged it back with his tail? He was strong enough to do so... Ah, but the humans... He could travel by night! It was the perfect solution! He let out a little noise of glee as he stepped up to the front of the statue, testing to see if it would budge. It was stuck fast. Gods, this was going to be harder than he thought wasn't it? But he was determined...

He narrowed his gaze on the statues' face, dusting off his sooty clothes as he attempted to wipe his hands clean. All that managed to do was make his nose itchy. Calix sniffled, rubbing at his nose to make the tickle go away but... Gods, it was no use. He doubled over, sneezing before he could cover it. His hands clapped over his face after he did so, a soft whine escaping him. “That one hurt~!” he declared softly to himself as he rubbed at his nose. Darn soot anyway, making him sneeze all over his new centerpiece. Well, now that he didn't need to sneeze and his hands were mostly soot-free, maybe he could get a good enough grip?
Garruck Cyrdis was the esteemed general of the armies of man five hundred years ago. His command was of hundreds of legions. His armies were among the most feared. Yet there were those who would challenge. The Viper Alliance of gargoyles, naga's, and other members of the serpent family from the north similarly possessed immense strength, and the low lying valley of the river Kyn was a very valuable tract of land, estimated to be capable of supporting many hundreds of thousands of acres of farm land. This pitted the human armies of the south and the Viper Alliance against each other in a massive twenty year war later know as the Valley Conflict. The result of the war was the defeat of human kind who were driven back from the lands that would have supported their kind. They had to retreat, and a massive blow was dealt to not only man's pride, but to the survivability of the race as well.

The day was cold and dark. Great nimbus rain clouds threatened to pour down on an encampment of soldiers on the outskirts of the city Vandis. Paladin General Garruck Cyrdis could be seen standing at the entrance of his war tent. Inside, his peers were ardently discussing a plan of action. As it were, the encampment of two legions of paladin knights was stationed at the very edge of the valley of the river Kyn and the forming storm clouds only meant one thing, the Viper alliance was about to strike. General Garruck retreated back inside his tent, his large, muscled, seven and a half foot frame loomed over the the table where the other generals were talking. They quickly became quiet.

"The enemy is close. We have no time for any more debate." Garruck said with certainty. "Felix, fetch my armour and my sword." The General commanded an ensign standing near the table. "Yessir." He said running to fulfill his duty. "I have known for a long time that this war is hard fought. We are mere men. We have strength, magic, and unity, but the viper has all of that as well, and in the way of strength, they are at a considerable advantage. Over the past year, we have lost contact with our far camps, then the mid camps, and finally the close ones. I fear that this may be out last stand." Garruck paused, letting the weight of his words fully sink in to his lieutenant generals. All of the men at the table had a look of solemn resignation. "That being said, we have a city of innocent people to defend. We cannot give up. We must fight until the last man. If we are going to go out, we must do it with pride and ferocity!" General Garruck yelled with sudden ferocity. The lieutenant generals were momentarily taken aback but soon echoed their general's sentiment with their own cheers and hoorahs. "Round up the men. We'll make an inverted point phalanx and show them what hell truly looks like." The reinvigorated Lieutenant Generals left the command tent to go rouse their troops.

General Garruck stood amongst his men in thick tank-like paladin armor and a six foot, two handed long sword that made him look even more massive than usual. His presence bolstered the mens' spirits around him but the storm above had grown more fierce and a few of the enemies scouts had been seen. General Garruck squinted. A large gargoyle in decorated armor stood atop the cliff-side that the men faced. He raised the long staff he had in his hand and immediately the ground began to shake. A massive basilisk reared it's ugly head. The creature was of an indeterminable length, and its head alone had to be forty meters in height. Armor clinked against armor as the last legions of the army of man quivered in their suits. "FALL BACK! GET TO THE WALL." General Garruck bellowed with a voice magnified by magic. His lieutenant generals echoed the command and all twelve thousand men retreated to the city walls. The basilisk charged behind the army and General Garruck stayed back. "By iron or by fire." The general whispered to his sword. The weapons began to drip molten iron and caught ablaze with blue flame. The General looked at the oncoming basilisk with a feral gaze and swung with a guttural roar. A massive rippling wave of blue fire raced toward the great snake, but General Garruck would not see it hit its inevitable mark. He look at his hands. They were slowly turning to stone. General Garruck had looked the beast in the eyes. "Godspeed my friends." He whispered as he stood straight and pointed his sword to the ground. The Stone consumed him and all was black.

General Garruck gasped. His massive Zweihander sword fell to the ground with a loud clang and the general himself fell to his hands and knees struggling for air. He looked up to see the face of a young gargoyle and quickly covered his eyes and tried to stand. He failed and fell on his backside. "COME TO ME AVAS!" He yelled without an out stretched hand. The Longsword rattled weakly on the stone ground. General Garruck fought for air. "Dont. Come. Closer." He said to the gargoyle keeping his hand firmly in place.
The very sudden movement and the noise from the statue made him yelp out in surprise, stepping back a little too far and tumbling off the platform. He landed on his backside, eyes trained on the suddenly there man. What in the world...? Where had his statue gone? Had this man taken it? Gods, and he'd already had a name picked out for it and everything! Calix just couldn't catch a break, could he? First no cheese city, now a statue thief who poofed into existence just to taunt him! He harrumphed and crossed his legs, which he took a moment to figure out how to do, looking up at the man with his arms crossed. “Excuse me, sir, but I was wanting that statue for myself. But I understand if you wanted it for yourself. It was glorious wasn't it? Must have been centuries old at least, and still in such amazing condition. I wonder who was the model for such an exquisite piece? Hey, come to think of it, you sort of look like the statue, don't you? All tall and muscular and, whoa you even have a sword like he did! Wow, isn't that strange? Anyway, the sculptor, whoever they were, certainly had a passion for what they were doing. Gods, if I had talent like that, I wouldn't have to wander around out here trying to find myself.” He cut himself off with a little head shake. “But that's besides the point! That statue was going to be the crowning jewel of my collection. I must ask you to let me have it.” He nodded quite matter-of-factly. Was it strange that an obviously in disguise gorgon was making demands of an alleged statue thief that could probably step on him and squish him? Absolutely. But Calix had a one-track mind, and at that moment, the statue was all he could think about. Danger was the last thing on his mind.
Garruck had finally caught his breathe. He stood with his eyes covered and exclaimed, "COME TO ME AVAS!" His massive sword flew into his hand and the general raised it above his head. "MIGHT OF MOUNTAINS!" He screamed bringing the sword smashing into the ground. The magic attack cause the ground to explode forward from Garruck, throwing the gargoyle ten meters in the air. "Shut your babbling! I'll have your head!" Garruck coughed up blood that dribbled down his chin, and dropped to one knee. The spell was too much for his unbalanced body. "Where are my men? I don't hear my men! The basilisk! Wha?" He wheezed. Garruck slowly and carefully removed his hand from his eyes and his massive sword dropped from his hand clattering to the ground. The big man dropped lower to two knees. "No... No this can't." A tear dropped down the General's cheek. His head fell and for a moment, the powerful paladin soldier wept. He slowly lowered on to his hands in despair and his tears dropped into the stone growing little rosalia flowers. "My brothers, my friends, I have failed you. In the passage of time I have outlived your deaths. I'm so, so, sorry." The paladin bit his lip, drawing blood and with his right index finger dabbed the blood drew the cross of Mary. "May you rest easy my loyal people." Garruck uttered, with a deep and sorrowful breath. He sat back up on his knees.
The young gorgon was a bit confused to say the least. First of all, his name was not Avas. Had this man mistaken him for someone else? Second of all, he had no intent on moving closer to this man. And not to mention thirdly, why in the world was he shouting? Calix was about to ask when the ground beneath him shattered, yelping as he was propelled up into the skies. Gods, what in the world was this recent turn of events? He hit the ground hard, his breath leaving him as his stunned body reverted back into its true form. His tail flicked restlessly as he recovered, gaze travelling to the strange man on the now very much no longer in tact platform. Seemed he was having a moment. Should Calix let him be? Oh, but he looked like he needed a friend. Not to mention he was bleeding. Perhaps he could help? Sure, he'd taken and hidden his statue from him, but maybe showing a little kindness would convince the man he would keep the statue safe.

Calix curled onto his side, cautiously, slowly pushing himself up and slithering forward. He certainly didn't want to get tossed again. Not a pleasant experience that. He hugged himself, head tilting and tongue flicking to taste the air for danger. The man was... crying? Still having his moment. Okay, Calix could be patient. He managed to wait silently for a moment or two before he couldn't stand it any longer. "Uhm... Mister... Statue man...? Are... Are you okay? Did the tremor surprise you too? Gods, I was so stunned. Are you hurt? You're bleeding. Is there... something I can do to help? I know I'm not exactly a physician or anything, but I'm sure I can help somehow. Like with talking or, I don't know, getting you some water? Or do you need a moment? I can absolutely give you a moment. I am nothing if not patient." he nodded with a little hum, fingers tightening on his arms.
Garruck had taken a few deep breaths and had a moment of silence before the young gargoyle had begun to throw questions at him. Finding humor in the gargoyle's seeming blindness, Garruck managed the slightest of chuckles. "You are a fool young one." Garruck was by no means an old man, but he was in his late forties and this gargoyle seemed just a pup. Maybe not even over the age of twenty. "I didn't steal your statue. I was the statue. I was frozen. Judging by our degraded surroundings I would say it's been many a year since I've been awake." He said stretching his back. "I was a great general. I used to go to battle with people of your kind." Garruck explained, rising to his feet.

Garruck turned, now unafraid of the gragoyle. "I shook the ground. I was afraid you were like the gargoyle's I used to slay, yet you are a boy." Garruck said now facing the young gargoyle. "And you are late to aquire your power it would seem. Or too naive to use it." Garruck said, leaning over and picking up his sword. "I am fine. Thank you for your concern." The paladin said, racking his sword on his back. "What year is it?" Garruck asked, daring to look the boy in the eye.
A General? Well that explained how well-built this man was. Was he a human? Calix found it strange that he was okay talking with him. Nearly all the other humans he had come across had shunned him or scurried away with looks of disgust or discomfort. Hence his avoidance in way of disguise. He listened intently on what was being said, taking no offence to being called a fool, or a boy. The General was correct in his assumptions anyway. He was still trying to awaken his powers, though by his peoples' standards, he was hardly considered a boy. When the man looked up to meet his gaze, he smiled, unable to contain his excitement. It wasn't every day he met a new friend, let alone a human one. Was it too bold an assumption to consider them friends? Absolutely. Was Calix assuming that anyway? Also yes. "What year is it? Well, that's a silly question. What year do you think it is, General Statue? Though I suppose it isn't really a silly question since you have been encased in stone for a while. How long were you in there anyway? Oh, well... I guess you wouldn't know that would you, mister General Statue sir? Hmm... Well... I don't really pay attention to the years much. Never had a reason to. Never really left the nest until now. But I think it's about..." He counted on his fingers, mouthing numbers to himself before he nodded, tongue flicking. He almost always messed up on human measurements of time. "The second year of the 73rd Olympiad? That... sounds about right?" Though he couldn't be sure.
General Garruck listened to the boy babble on and on. 'How has he survived on his own.' he thought to himself with an absent minded chuckle. Then the boy got down to counting his fingers for the years. The gargoyle told him it was the 73rd Olympiad. Garruck took a deep breath. "I froze for five hundred years." He whispered more to himself than the boy. "Thank you for that piece of information young one. I am afraid that I am in need of a great deal more." Garruck stated carefully. "I have been effectively asleep for hundreds of years, the times have most obviously changed, and I don't know my way in this world. Will you help me?" `The paladin asked holding out his hand. 'The boy seems to be stumbling about, but no matter the situation he probably knows more that I do."
Calix blinked, a slow grin spreading across his face. The General needed his help? Did this make him an honorary soldier? He was nothing but excitement at the thought. "Well I was heading into the city to see what I can get in way of supplies." And to see if he could find someone willing to turn to stone for a moment or two so he could awaken to his full potential. But the man didn't need to know that. "Did you want to accompany me? We can get food and meet other new friends and maybe get you something a little more comfortable to wear. I doubt all that metal is very comfortable anyway. I know i wouldn't be able to move much if I had to wear all that. What kind of metal is that anyway? It's all shiny and looks pretty tough. Can I touch it?" Calix was a simple man. He liked pretty glittery things, and the way the sun glinted off the metal? He absolutely wanted to touch it.
Garruck crossed his arms. "The city sounds like a good idea. I am vastly hungry all of the sudden." He said rubbing the blood off of his chin. He stood patiently and listened to the young gargoyle for a moment. 'Mary's house this boy can talk like the wind blows across this world.' The paladin thought to himself with a furrowed brow. The old general came to realize that the boy had ceased speaking and began to answer his tumultuous tirade of questions. "I would like to accompany you but you are going to need to slow down. And a change of clothing would be nice, this armor is quite heavy, and I am quite old." Garruck said with a chuckle. "This suit is enchanted and barred blue steel. I would highly advise that you stay away from it." Garruck gestured to the barely visibly runes and symbols. "Among the many functions of this armor, it is blessed with the Icy Vigil of Queen Mary. In other words, touch it, and you will instantly become hypothermic, after which you will freeze to death all under a second." Garruck said with an increasingly serious face. "I would rather not kill my guide to the city mere minutes after meeting them." He stated. "Also I'd rather be getting on. I'm becoming increasingly hungry." The paladin said uncrossing his arms. "And I believe I missed your name. I'm Garuck." The general said extending a hand.
Calix deflated slightly when he was told he couldn't touch the shiny, but perked right back up at the proper introduction. "You want to know my name? Gods, this is to exciting! They call me Calix back at home. Not even sure why. Not exactly handsome, but you know." He shrugged with a little giggle. "You don't really get to choose your name. Well not yet anyway. Sort of have to awaken my powers for that. So for now I suppose you can call me Calix. Or blue tongue. Whatever really is fine with me." He slithered forward for a moment before looking down at himself. He'd almost forgotten which form he was in. Finally, he shifted back into his human guise, brushing his chiton over his strange legs. Calix looked back up with an excited smile. He knew the General's name now. That must mean they were truly friends! "Other than that, yes! Let's get you food. We will get you the best of foods. What's your favorite food anyway? Mine's those tasty wrap things I tried back in Athens when I first set out. I know. Weird right? So little time but I have a new favorite. Gods, I can't for the life of me remember what they were called. They had meat- I think lamb? - and this green leafy stuff and I think some sort of sauce? It was all wrapped up snug in this little folded flour wrap thingy and Gods I would do anything to try one again they were so good." And now the young gorgon was even hungrier than before.
Garruck noted the young gargoyle's disappointment and decided it'd be best to keep from emotionally distressing the boy, especially after he gained control of his abilities. "Well met Calix." Garruck said. The boy morphed and gained a version of human legs. "That's impressive, the gargoyle's in my day took hours to complete that same transformation." The paladin noted to himself out loud. "Let's start moving toward the city Calix, it's getting late and as it is, I am hungry." The big man said, walking toward a perceived pathway with surprising speed and grace considering his massive body and even more massive armor and sword. "Also." Garruck said, his tone becoming very serious. "You seem friendly enough, but where I come from, I fought your kind. We were at war, and I learned to never trust you." He said with a grim tone. "I was more powerful than any man in pure strength, but I didn't have such an ability that could lead to corruption as turning someone to stone through their eyes." Garruck said, his eyes becoming shadowed. "So hear ye this, I've killed few men for I am true, but I've killed many a serpent that attacked my people. And to hear that you are working toward unlocking your potential inherently makes my skin crawl. Don't cross me, or you'll be crossed by my Avas." He said coldly tapping the hilt of his sword and continuing toward the path. "Now, wheres the food?" Garruck shouted over his shoulder.
Calix beamed at the words of praise. Garruck thought he was kind! Now that was a nice turn of events. Usually people stayed away or called him things like "monster" or "that one snake man with the weird blue tongue that broke in through the monastery window to take the cheese we left for the Goddess". Such weird nicknames these humans had. He certainly liked "kind" better. Oh, and friendly. That was a good word too. The threat went over his head, him nodding along as he shuffled quickly and a little awkwardly after the larger man. He still wasn't used to so much walking. "Gods, that's so cool! How many do you think you bested? I bet you're as strong as like... Seven men! Wait, is asking that rude? Don't mind me if it is. You don't have to answer. Oh, and I don't plan to do anything against anyone's will or anything. Because that's no way to make new friends, I've learned. Though I have no doubt that someone as big and strong as you wouldn't hesitate to put me in my place if I cross you. I know I can count on you. And if that happens, that makes me a bad friend and I deserve it, don't you think?" He bounced along behind the General, happy as a clam. "As for the food... We just follow the sun over that ridge there and we should be able to see the city." Assuming he hadn't gotten all turned around.
Garruck couldn't help but allow a small smile. This young gargoyle had an indomitable will that the old General could only relate to those that of beasts. "It is true that I am very strong. Maybe even beyond your expectations." Garruck said while navigating the shoddy dirt path the two were taking. A boulder the same height as garruck came to be in his way and in the way of the path. "I supposed this new land doesn't care for its pathways in the slightest." The paladin said with mild frustration. He put his hands on the great stone and leaned into it without much effort it seemed, the entire Boulder rolled over with a great thud that shook the leaves from trees. Garruck kept walking. "You're right, turning someone to stone would againt their will would make you a bad friend." The man said with a chuckle. "I've slain many thousands young one. But bear this in mind, killing is not good. Even when the killing is needed, a real man suffers when they do it. I am strong, but being strong has its own weight you must carry." Garruck's gruff voice advised to Calix. After a further moment of walking Garruck spoke again. " So tell me Calix, about your people now. How are the reactions between your kind and humans? What am I ignorant of as a five hundred year old man?" Garruck asked fervently.
Calix watched in wonder as Garruck effortlessly rolled away the boulder. "You must be strong enough to move a mountain!" he squealed in excitement. He'd never met someone quite so formidable before. When addressed, he looked up with a smile. "My people? Well~ my tribe lives high up in the mountains. It gets kind of cold but there's plenty of bedding and if we sleep in piles we don't get so cold that we slip into hibernation. We aren't exactly the biggest tribe - I hear that the tribes in the lowlands are really big. Like, three times the size of ours! Oh, i can't really imagine all those gorgon in one place. My tribe doesn't really interact with humans much. Nor do we really interact with other gorgons. Keep to ourselves mostly. We like the privacy. Well, okay, the matrons sometimes send out scouts to see if the humans in the valley below have any good food they won't end up missing, but other than that, we don't really bother with those sorts of things." At least, that's what he believed. Did that answer the question Garruck had asked? Who knew. "This is the first time I've left my nest and let me tell you, the world is soooo much bigger than I thought it would be. I don't know how you can just keep walking. It takes so much out of you! Ah, though I suppose exercise is good for a big strong military man like yourself. But for a gorgon? These feet are just not doing it for me. Much more comfortable to slither around. Have you tried slithering? It's the best way to travel."
Garruck kept a stead pace, pushing large boulders and fallen trees out of the pathway with ease. The two were getting closer to the ridge overlooking a city that the gargoyle had talked about. "I couldn't move a mountain all at once, but if you gave me a couple months I could probably get it done." Garruck said answering the boy with a matter-of-fact tone. The paladin listened keenly to the young gargoyle as he spoke. The boy babbled, and Garruck figured that he didn't know half of what he said, but there was some information about the serpents that he could discern. Like, their taste for human food. 'That's certainly new.' Garruck thought to himself. "Excercise is good for all beings and is a cornerstone of many things, including, being strong and being a good soldier. " Garruck replied to the gargoyle. The boy told him about his perception of the world and the big man laughed. "The world is indeed an expansive place, but you don't know size and complexity until you see a city." Garruck said with a sad glint in his eye. "And you shouldn't be traveling in a way that doesn't fit your body. Slither. I don't mind." Garruck said glancing casually at the boy. By the time conversation ceased, the two had reached the top of the ridge where a massive sprawling city glowed in the late dusk.
Garruck was fine with the slither? Wow that was unexpected! Calix giggled and shook his head, knowing that it would likely not go well if he showed up on the edge of town in his gorgon form. Snake people weren't exactly that well-liked, which he could kind of understand. They sort of did make a bad reputation for themselves. When he laid sights on the expanse of pure human intellect sprawled out before him, he was nothing but excitement once more. "Wow, it's so beautiful it's glowing!" He breathed, eager to get to the town and see what it was like inside the city walls. "Do all human cities glow? Gods, there must be so much magic there if it's that bright. Oh, or do humans harness the power of fire? I tried that once but I'm not too good at it. The matrons told me I would likely end up burning my bedding if I kept it up, so I stuck to fishing instead. Much better at it. Water likes me better anyway." He looked up to Garruck with a grin. "Can we go?"
Garruck looked out over the expanse of buildings and sighed. He had seen many cities, and most were many times this size. But it was good to see people, though Garruck would have a hard time getting over the loss of his armies. So much death and he didn't even remember it. 'That's what I need to do. I need to figure out what happened.' Garruck thought to himself. He came back to reality as the young gargoyle commented on the city. "Most human cities will be like this. We mastered the flame many many moons ago. It is a dangerous thing though, fire. A city like this could easily burn down if the fire isn't used right. It is probably better that you stick to the water young one." Garruck reached up and pushed a circle that was two inches across in the center of his chest-plate. The thick metal of armor folded around itself retracting from the man's back with a screeching sound of metal on metal. The suit of armor compacted further until it had formed an amulet two inches across that now hung on Garruck's massive neck, revealing a massive muscled figure clothed in a burlap shirt and leather pants and shoes. The paladin's sword still hung his back. He pulled it off with the scabbard still attached and whispered next to the blad. "Sleep my Avsa." The sword much like the armor shrank, folded, and rolled until it was a cylinder two feet long and an inch in diameter. Garruck attached this to a loop on his pants. "Alright, let's go see what this city is all about." He said with gusto.
Calix watched with wide eyes as the armor folded in on itself. He oohed and ahhed as it did, almost to the point of vibrating, he was so excited. "That's... Sooo cool!" He beamed, standing on tippytoes to try and see the amulet. "Gods, does that still weigh the same? I mean, I bet it does. Your neck must be so strong. How does it even do that? Is it magic? I mean, you said it's magic and has those ice powers and everything. Does the ice make it shrink? Say, what kind of magic do you use anyway? I bet you know like all the magic don't you? You're certainly cool enough to. Can you teach me how to do cool things too?" The thought of possibly learning something cool like folding metal into an amulet made him giddy. Of course he doubted Garruck would be keen on teaching him but it was worth a shot.
Garruck waited patiently for Calix to finish speaking as the pair walked casually toward the big city. They walk a good quarter mile before the young gargoyle had finished speaking. 'I don't know how he manages all that in one breath.' Garruck thought, peering at the boy quizzically. "You know, you're quite likable Calix, but people would like you more if you asked one question a time and let them answer after you asked a question." The General said casually maintaining his straight forward gaze. "To answer your questions though, the amulet weighs half of what the armour does so yes, I do have quite a strong neck." Garruck said reaching up and rubbing the nape of his muscled neck. "And I am well versed in all forms of magic it is true, it's one reason why I was the General. Though I specialize in ice magic." Garruck said inhaling deeply and breathing out frost grinning lightly. "I also would be happy to teach you but it is a long path to walk, the one of magic. In addition, Serpent folk are often limited in the ways of magic except for the few that are blessed with innate ability. Even then they are usually limited to two disciplines." Garruck sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I tell you what, don't expect much, but after we get something to eat for this poor old man I'll test you for magic." Garruck said looking down at Calix with an empathetic smile.
Calix was all for the testing, nodding along enthusiastically with a grin. "Gods, i wonder what kind of magic you'll find in me! I bet it's like... Water magic. Oh, oh, or fire magic. Is there a magic that has to do with food? If there is, can I have that magic? That would be so cool! I could be like a... a... a cheese master! Or something." He couldn't help the little giggle, a little more pep in his step as he followed the hulking man toward the town. Now that there was a promise of more than just delicious food, he was even more keen on reaching the city.
Garruck chuckled at Calix's blatant love for cheese. "Well I've never heard of cheese magic, but im sure you could apply the right combination of magic types to the trade." Garruck said rubbing his chin. He has only used magic for war, not for making food. The odd pair had reached the entrance to the city. It was a big portcullis that was a part of a massive stone wall that seemed to encircle the place. Garruck nodded at the guards who gawkd at his appearance as he and Calix walked through the gates. "Its good to see that people haven't lost appreciation for gates and walls." The old general said.
The young gorgon was nothing but excitement, looking around at everything as if it were new to him. Which it sort of was, considering he didn't really travel much to human cities. "It's so clean! Oh, wow, look, Garruck! They have armour just like you do! Well, did anyway. Do? I guess you still have it even though it's all shrunken and stuff." He waved to the guards as they passed them by, unable to keep the grin from his face. "I wonder how long it took them to build this wall. Must have used up an entire mountain to grow this. How can the stones be so tall? Gods, I wonder how tall the people who built this were. Maybe even taller than you!" Now there was a thought.
Garruck laughed heartily. "Trust me, they're armor is of good make, but ny guess would be that in these times, powerful altering magic would be all but forgotten." Garruck said. There were many smells wafting around the street that they were on and Garruck would soon be ready to sit and eat. "Walls are built in a process of stacking stones on platforms from ladders." Garruck explained. "Men of any height could build a wall." Garruck said thoughtfully. Garruck stopped suddenly and his right arm was a blur of motion as he reached down and held up by the wrist a young man that had tried to reach in his pocket. "There seem to be many people around yet you choose me to try and steal from. Very unwise." Garruck said, letting the young man go with embarassment. Garruck sighed. "This is really a new place. That never would have happened long ago." He said mournfully. The smell of food quicly turned the tides though. "Do you have anything to pay for food Calix?" Garruck asked.
Calix was truly amazed at how quickly Garruck reacted to the pickpocket, almost to the point of clapping when he spoke once more. Food? Money? Yes, he had money for food. He paused, crouching and rummaging through his pack to find his money pouch. His tongue flicked out in triumph as he retrieved it and shook it lightly. The nice jingle of coins made him grin as he looked up and offered it to Garruck. "Not sure what drachma even are, but I have tons of them. Is this enough to buy food? Gods, I really hope we can get some of those... what were they called again? Gyros!" Just the thought of them was making him hungrier.

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