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Active [Taeko - The Republic] The Vanishing Villagers


The Overseer

In the small, beleaguered village of Taeko, nestled in the west of The Republic and near its volatile border with the East Empire, life has always been a struggle. The villagers toil endlessly in the rice plantations, their efforts seldom rewarded with more than low-quality grains due to the impoverished soil. The taxes collected from this region are consistently below expectations, causing the village's Daimyo to dismiss Taeko's plight, providing minimal support and neglecting to improve the living conditions of its residents.

Recently, the village's suffering has deepened. Eerie screams pierce the stillness of the night, and villagers have started to disappear without a trace. The once-quiet nights are now filled with an undercurrent of dread. In desperation, the village elder embarked on a perilous journey to the provincial capital, seeking aid and protection from their suzerain. However, the elder’s pleas were met with indifference and disdain. The Daimyo, focused on more prosperous villages, saw no reason to divert precious resources to a place that yielded so little in return.

With hope dwindling and no other options in sight, the village elder gathered every coin the villagers could spare. They posted a desperate plea at the Okiro Adventurer’s Guild, detailing the plight of Taeko's beastkin inhabitants. The notice described the eerie disappearances, the haunting screams, and the growing terror that gripped the village. The elder’s hope now rested on attracting brave adventurers, driven by either a sense of duty or the lure of coin, to uncover the source of the village's woes and bring relief to its beleaguered people.

The villagers of Taeko watch the horizon with bated breath, praying for the arrival of heroes who can dispel the darkness that has overshadowed their lives. Each day, the tension mounts as they await the brave souls willing to confront the unknown terror plaguing their homes, hoping for deliverance from their nightmare.

It was a rather peaceful journey to Taeko.

Mostly by wagon with a bit of a trek towards the city center at the end. As she walked alongside him, Okami would let Yukan take lead. As familiar as the architecture was to her, the Ronin understood that this was not her Japan. That, for the many similarities it did have, she had to be mindful not to rely too much on her own experiences when making judgements. He knew both the land and the culture better.

Even if there was no need, she would learn the differences of this world through and with him.

"Hmm. How familiar are you with Taeko, Lord Yukan?" prior to the tanuki expressing a desire to settle the issues in this downtrodden village, she'd never even heard of the place, "Do you think they'll have anything to say about 'The Great Liberator' walking into town with a human female, of all things?"

Her words carried a facetious tone, punctuated by a light chuckle. Yet, it was hard to count them out as a simple joke. Yukan had become somewhat familiar with her spirit in the past few days, and she walked confidently by his side.

But the same could not be said for the rest of the locals struggling to survive along the border.

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
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Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#



Been a long time since I've gone this fast.

Vince couldn't exactly claim he was darting down the highway like in the old days. But he'd gone so long without a car he forgot what it felt like. But hey, he could hardly complain. It's been a couple years since he'd ever hit the road. Not only this, but he was lucky he got sent to a world that had cars at all when he croaked. From what he could remember, the first cars went around 10 miles per hour. And he was going at least twice that at the moment over the course of miles and miles.

With one arm resting on the wheel, another hanging absentmindedly on the side of the window and a cigarette in his mouth -- he weaved his steampunk-style car skillfully through unpaved roads using his car's rugged frame and all-wheel drive.

A brow raises at the sight of a lone squirrel who scampered on the road.


The creature has the just enough alert to get out of the way. Birds fly out into the air in the forest. And a few denizens outside the village working the fields might be tempted to look out. The car's engine was pretty loud, left a trail of burning coal wherever it so went as it filled the air with mechanical noises.

Vincent looked around and saw the village up ahead. To his left and right were wet rice patties with meager yields that villagers toiled away at. "Looks like Japan alright. But furrier." To ease the air of his approach, he gave a wave and a smile. He figured many people here hadn't seem a car before. For a brief moment he offered an easy-going grin while making his way in.

The closer he got to the village, the more he naturally began to slow. He looked around, giving plenty of opportunity for people to get out of the way as his car more or less could be treated like a large cart...albeit noisier and sturdier. He found a nice empty spot near an inn to settle for the day. And a brief moment spent asking around confirmed that this was his destination. Really, the way he got here was by asking around. Getting in town was no different. He paid the inkeeper a little extra to keep his car safer. Hopefully he'd take it.

Finally, I'm here.

Once confirmed, he walked back out of the inn, with jingling keys waiting to be put into his trunk.

From his trunk, he retrieved a few of his items. That being his homemade body armor, a peacekeeper revolver placed into a holster at his hip and his trusty crowbar, which he slid into his felt. A faceplate hung from his belt as well, ready to be put on at the first sign of trouble.

As he walked around town, looking over the villagers, he spotted two people who stood out, at least one of whom had a sword. One was lady and the other was a big ass raccoon man. He approached them without the slightest bit of apprehension or signs of hesitation.

"Yo." He said, greeting them as he walked up. "You two look important. I'm with the adventurer's guild." He said, stating pretty transparently why he was here.

"You know anything about the weird shit that's going on here? I heard from the job villagers been disappearing. Between you and me looks like it's struggling enough if you ask me." Vince briefly looked about, unsure of how the place might receive him.

From his pocket, he fished out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long drag as he looked at the two, and soon the smell of tobacco and nicotine would begin to fill the air around the samurai and what looked like might've been her lord.

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Katja Galinka

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece


A poor village in need as people vanished there were few that could tend to those with everyday sicknesses. This world seemed to both have easy healing and yet a shortage of healers such that even those with the most minor of healing powers were sought out. Katja was in truth frustrated by her own weakness these days. The labyrinth had let her go and yet it felt as if it found a way to mock her even now. Where once the only thing she could not heal was brain death now she was down to just dealing with minor injuries and illnesses. it was not the loss of prestige that bugged her though, but that she was now unable to help all she saw. Still healing a cut so that it would not get infected or a cold so that it would not get worse was still an equally helpful pursuit. Katja would not complain about her lost powers as the lord had in her mind seen fit to bless her with them thus to lose them was his will as well. There were ways to regain her abilities and if she had come to this world with power then she would not get to know those she truly wished to help, the common people. Healers likely clamored to help those with power and money while ignoring the lower people in society. A doctor that had to use medicines and costly procedures she could understand but someone who only had to use a little magic not helping the people she could not.

Katja had come to help with vanished people, but she had become distracted by the woes of the poorer people in this poor town. While she should hurry to help find those lost people she could not turn her back to those that needed help that were before her. Katja had ended up with two kids and their sick mother. while right now she could only treat symptoms that was more than enough to deal with things for people. feeling good helped heal more than people thought. inside the hovel by the bed of the moth Katja had knelt the first prayer had been one of healing magic to help the mother deal with her sickness, likely just a more server cold, but Katja had continued as she moved the garnet beads between her fingers. She had lingered to say a full rosary over the sleeping women. while the prayers after the first had no magic infused in them Katja still had faith in this new world in the god of her world, the god of love and mercy she believed even now watched over her.

" amen" Katja finished quietly the last prayer done as she slowly stood up form the hard floor and left the room. " She should feel much better when she wakes up " Katja told the children with a soft smile " But still you should make sure your chores are done before she does " She said her tone gentile yet somehow commanding. it made the children want to agree and wordlessly they nodded.

There had been no payment given to her and Katja requested none except the children treat their mother well, better than she had hers. Katja was not one to demand money for what she did , it was a gift to her and so she would share it without demanding anything in return. Well now she would focus on figuring out where she was supposed to go. While she wasn't exactly new to adventuring, the labyrinth had one entrance and it was clear who was in charge, here every city was different. The simplest thing to do was to look for those that stood out, as this place was mostly none humans humans would stand out. Katja herself had no issues with those of others races , but she assumed others didn't see everyone as children of one father who deserved to be loved just as much as any other. She quickly found other humans two of them, one was with a huge raccoon . One did however, dress very like the people of the area, which was like one of those cartoons from before the cataclysm. As Katja drew close she could hear the mane, the human man, speak and it seemed her guess was right.

" That it is we can only hope that we are the salvation they need " she said as she approached trying not to sound like she was going to start a sermon, as few people took her speaking of the lord well no matter the world.
Rei Unagishi

Rei was having a peaceful sleep at the inn with a large bottle of sake next to her when an unexpected noise suddenly woke her up: a car noise.

Oh, yeah. She's in the republic now. Who the hell drive that thing here?! She peeked through the window to take a glimpse of the car before throwing herself back onto the futon. She really should wake up now though, the sun was already high.

After an intense battle against the urge to sleep for 5 more minutes, she chugged the rest of the sake in the bottle and changed to her traveling attire. Despite the difference in climate and temperature, she's still wearing the same kind of clothes that she had in the cold northern land. Padded, multi-layered garment that helps protect the wearer from the harsh cold, though for her its now more of a part of her training. Just like how a martial artist might burden themself down with heavy shackles for muscle training, she's now exercising her ability to regulate body temperature by wearing the attire. Its an important part of her sword style that sent chill to the target.

Rei wasn't in much rush to start her day. She ordered a large grilled fish and slowly savored every bit of it. She used to take food for granted, but after those days of eating frozen leftovers and other... unsavory things during a monster siege, she now had an appreciation of all kind of dishes, even the weird ones.

"Thank you for the meal." She said gratefully at the food after neatly putting the chopsticks on the plate. Now full of energy, she's ready to start her day. She came here for a job so she decided to stroll around the village and maybe look for the mayor, he should be able to explain the incident with more details. However, something else draw her attention. Its the car driver from before, he's also meeting with several other out of place individuals. How suspicious! Stealthily hide behind a wall, Rei peeked around the corner trying to determine what they're talking about.

It's just she wasn't particularly good at sneaking around, and her horns jutting out way more than she thought it would be.

Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maverick Six Maverick Six Karcen Karcen
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Yukan Koyake

Language: "Common", "<Beastial>"
Maxxob Maxxob Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

The aid requested at Taeko was exactly the sort of work right up Yukan’s alley. He was the kind who wished to help those who the upper echelon of society did not care about because it did not benefit them to help them. It wouldn’t be an idea to earn more possible allies for the plans which had been brewing in his mind over time for what had to be done. The strong should not simply oppress the weak but they should help them in their time of need, a restart of the system seemed like it was inevitable.

What was nice was that Okami had decided to accompany him for the time being. Being called a lord was certainly unique, but perhaps fitting given his heritage when all was said and done..

“Do not mind them Okami, yes it is true that some will have difficulty accepting you on account of your differences, but I can attest that you are different than many of which they think of when a beast thinks ‘human’.” Yukan replied matter of fact and reassuringly, he had seen her on the field fight against the Empire and not let her allies down, that much was enough for him thus far, of course he’d like to get to know her more should they continue to work together, and this should be a good opportunity for just that.

“I Cannot say that I’ve been to this part of the Republic very often, however, this quest is a just one if the information is correct.”

Yukan was however surprised when he saw Vincent, another human from the looks of things approach them so casually.

Yukan would give a bit of a bow of greeting before replying,

“Yes, hello I am Yukan Koyake, I am here to partake in this quest as well, personally when people go missing like this it is of my belief that monsters may be involved in some capacity..while the security is sufficient, they have ways of getting within more civilized parts of society and wrecking havoc. But it’s also possible it’s criminal activity or perhaps a combination thereof. But my thoughts lean more toward something monstrous.”

“Regardless I’m certain we’ll purge this land of whatever evil has befallen it.”

He responded to the human who definitely looked out of place.

Yukan then looked to Katja, also giving a bit of a bow. She appeared to be religious in nature, but once again not a discernible beast, he didn’t really care much for religions which were beyond the Shintoism-buddhism esqueness of the Republic, then there was the Syncretic faith of that priest dog man..who had the holy city in the Republic which Yukan was still somewhat skeptical of, unlike the other religions which were more acceptable to him that one preached peace and compassion as well as generally religious tolerance of things which Yukan believed to be wrong at times.

If Yukan was perceptive enough with his enhanced Sense of Smell, and was positioned correctly he might have taken notice of Rei’s horns, but he wouldn’t pay them too much mind. Giving a look that way with a small nod. Hopefully beyond helping people he’d be able to garner some potential allies moving forward.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


Wearing boots, denim jeans made in Widersia, a T-shirt, body armor placed over it, and weapons that were quite ahead of this time period -- Vince certainly thought he looked out of place. To tack onto that, he wasn't even wearing Japanese clothes like the sword lady was. Certainly, he knew looked out of place. Still, there came a certain degree of respect one had to have when it came to customs and visiting another land.

The Raccoon Man began to bow. Vince awkwardly shifted his legs together, placed his hands at his side, and bowed his head forward in some poorly practiced attempt at mimicking the man's motions. Still, he tried to compensate by lowering his head just a wee bit more. About at a 70-degree angle before he stood back up again.

When in Rome.

Once that was over with, Vince stood back upright and then loosened up as he did before. Then he pointed towards himself.

"Names Vincent. Vincent Robbins. You can call me Vince." A plume of smoke came out with each word. And he blew it away from anyone present so as not to be rude. All the while, however, it seemed as though his eyes were locked onto the raccoon when he spoke, taking in each detail of what he'd said. While he seemed in the dark like Vince was, he had more experience and a better lay of the land than he did. While Vincent had seen some action, none of it was in this world.

"Monsters or crooks huh? Can't say I've fought many of the ones here. Unless they suck the blood from you dry." Drawing a "Peacemaker" revolver and keeping it pointed straight down. He releases the cylinder to make sure it's still loaded and then gives it a spin to make sure it's working correctly...before locking it back in place with a flick of his wrist. A subtle click followed.

"I'll keep an open mind." He said. The first step in trying to learn about this world was to acknowledge he experienced little of it.

Soon someone else walked up to the group. Likely it was the open display of weapons and the odd-looking nature of them all. It seemed a perfect recipe for pulling attention. The newest editioned seemed dressed like a nun in a lot of ways. Though in some ways, there was something....off about her. He brushed it aside as his previous experience led him to apply his world's Christian nuns to this world's nuns.

Simply put, the nun dressed a little funny to him.

Still, she sounded well-meaning enough and agreed with what he said. If she was on their side, he couldn't ask for much better. "So I'll take that as you being on board then?" He couldn't tell what she could do at a glance. But he at least knew well enough to judge one's capabilities from appearance alone, especially when magic existed out of the wazoo in this world.

A grand declaration came from Yukan that they'd eradicate whatever it was that came here, to which he replied.

"Something preying on needy and undeserving people as usual, I guess some things don't change." He remembered seeing people work the rice fields and couldn't quite claim to envy them. "I can't promise anything so grand. But I'll put my life on the line and do my best." It wasn't as grand, but it felt truthful to himself. He didn't have the experience in this world to back up a similar claim just yet nor even knowledge of that nature.

Time as a mechanic had given Vincent an uncanny eye for detail and a degree of problem-solving skills [Investigation F]. However, he needed none of these things to spot a pair of big ass horns poking out from around a corner.

"Hey! You over there!" Vince waved at the unknown person spying on them, only able to see her face roughly.

"Pretty sure we don't bite you know!" He said, sounding perhaps the snarkiest and loudest he has sounded thus far.

On one hand, Vince's yelling might become rather loud and obnoxious all things considered, playing well into the "rude foreigner" stereotype that may or may not exist in this world. But it also might have made the group a beacon of sorts. Either for those who might want to help or for those who might have needed it.
Location: Taeko - The Republic
Time: Morning

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Okami
Karcen Karcen | Katja
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Vincent
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Rei
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yukan

Vincent's zooming vehicle was greeted with suspicious stares and wary gazes from the villagers toiling in the rice fields, their eyes narrowing at the unfamiliar contraption. In a place as isolated as Taeko, such a horseless carriage sparked all sorts of speculation. The few villagers walking about in the village itself paused, whispering amongst themselves as the vehicle passed by. This backward village, cut off from the more bustling regions of The Republic, had rarely seen such marvels, and the sight of a human driving it only deepened their apprehension. However, the innkeeper—a more traveled sort of beastkin—reacted with surprising composure. Perhaps it was his experience with outsiders or the glint of coin that softened his stance, but he welcomed Vincent with as much hospitality as his modest establishment could offer.

Rei received a similar mix of reactions. Though her stay at the inn was as comfortable as if she had been in Ryke, the villagers' suspicion lingered. As she made her way through the village, the watchful eyes of the locals followed her every step, their expressions reflecting the recent unease that had gripped Taeko. The few villagers up and about eyed her cautiously, their guard understandably heightened after the mysterious disappearances that had plagued their home.

The presence of Okami, accompanied by Yukan, did little to ease the villagers' wariness, though it was somewhat lessened. Seeing one of their kind in the company of a human puzzled them, stirring whispers of curiosity and caution. Even in a place as desperate as Taeko, old prejudices ran deep.

Katja, on the other hand, had experienced a different kind of reception. Two children had approached her earlier, their innocence untouched by the biases that shaped the minds of the older villagers. Their wide eyes filled with wonder rather than fear, they eagerly engaged with her, unburdened by the suspicions that clouded their elders' hearts. As they saw her off, they waved with happy smiles, their laughter a rare, bright note in the otherwise somber atmosphere of Taeko.

As the adventurers settled into the village, it didn't take long for word of their arrival to spread. Soon, an elderly goat beastkin approached them, his gait slow but determined. His back was hunched from years of hard labor, and his face was etched with deep lines of worry. He carried a wooden cane, more for stability than support, and wore a simple robe of faded cloth. This was Elder Yoshiro, the leader of Taeko.

With a respectful bow, Yoshiro greeted the adventurers, his voice trembling slightly, not from fear but from the weight of responsibility he bore.


"Welcome, brave souls. I am Yoshiro, the elder of this humble village. We are deeply grateful that you have come to our aid. Please, follow me to the village square. I will tell you everything you need to know." Stopping for a moment, he would peer towards the pair of horns poking out from behind the wall. "Please, follow us as well."
As they walked through the village, Yoshiro led the adventurers to a small gathering area in the heart of Taeko. The signs of a village on the brink of despair were everywhere—the homes were modest, their thatched roofs worn thin by years of neglect. Villagers peered out from behind closed doors and curtained windows, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear.

A few villagers had already assembled in the square, their faces a blend of curiosity and anxiety. Yoshiro gestured for the adventurers to sit on rough-hewn benches near a small fire pit that struggled to dispel the chill in the air.

With a deep sigh, Yoshiro began to recount the village's troubles.

"Taeko has always been a hard place to live, but we have managed to survive despite our hardships. However, the past few months have brought a darkness upon us that we cannot face alone. It started with the screams. At first, we thought it was wild animals or the wind playing tricks on our minds. But then, people began to vanish."

"We searched the forests, the fields, even the rivers, but there was no trace of them. No blood, no signs of struggle. Just gone, as if the earth had swallowed them whole. The screams continued, growing louder and more frequent, and with each night, another villager disappeared."

"We sent word to the Daimyo, but they dismissed our pleas, saying that we were imagining things, that our fear was getting the better of us. They care not for us, only for the rice we harvest. But how can we work when we fear the night, when we do not know if we will see the dawn?"

Yoshiro paused, his hands trembling as he held his cane tightly. The other villagers nodded solemnly, confirming his words.

"With what little we had left, we sent a plea to Okiro, hoping that someone would hear our cries. And now, here you are. Please, find out what is happening to our people. Bring them back to us, if you can. We cannot bear to lose any more."
The heavy silence that followed was palpable, the weight of the villagers' expectations hanging over the adventurers. The path ahead was uncertain, but the desperation in Yoshiro’s eyes made it clear that failure was not an option. The adventurers would need to unravel the mystery of the disappearances and confront the evil that had taken root in this remote corner of The Republic.
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"Is that right?"

Lord Yukan's words weren't hard to heed. The skepticism of the locals mattered little to her. If anything, it added a bit of charm to their current situation. And the Ronin was just as curious to hear their dubious whispers upon her arrival as she was to observe what might change after a successful mission. The arrival of fellow warriors seeking to claim the fame of slaying whatever preyed upon the locals wasn't surprising in the slightest.

Okami was surprised to another human though; let alone a handful.

One arriving in a growling iron box and the other who... certainly wasn't properly armored for was was undoubtedly going to be a rather violent night. Despite her attempts at stealth and eavesdropping over their little gathering, The Orphaned Wolf felt no suspicion towards Rei. Those horns and that tail were enough to convince her that beast blood ran through her veins. But the other two? This Vincent fellow and Katja?

No reason not to suspect that they might've just hopped the border across the way to cause trouble.

But a healthy amount of suspicion didn't equate to animosity. Especially not if Lord Yukan meant to make allies of them. She would bow to them with utmost respect all the same. It just meant that the hornless ones would enjoy more of Okami's attention throughout the night. And perhaps an apology in the end if said suspicions were unfounded.

"Okami," she introduced herself, "Yukan's aide. Extra hands are appreciated. You look out for us and we'll do the same."

For most of their introductions, she remained relatively silent. Partly because she felt no reason to disagree with most of the affirmations that had been said. Mostly because she preferred to listen and get a read on the two humans over filling the air with her own beliefs. This, however, changed after the introduction of the town's elder and his explanation of the troubles that had been plaguing the town up until then.

"We could spend the day looking around the village for a hint of what we're dealing with here, but I won't profess to being an inspector by any stretch of the imagination."

A rather simple- albeit dangerous- solution came to her mind, immediately.

"I do know how to fish, though. If this thing comes to us, then we don't need to bother finding it. And, if it hunts at night, when people are alone, then one of us just needs to be alone at night to find it. Or, better yet, convince whatever's taking the locals that one of us is alone. Then, we just need to kill it once it comes out. After that, whoever wants to play with the corpse and figure out the rest of the details behind the disappearances is more than welcome to."

Sure as hell wouldn't be her, though.

"But then, I am no master tactician either. So. What say you?"

A call for everyone who'd joined to deal with the troubles in Taeko. But, then, she turned to the elder. She would bow to him- a deeper bow than she had shown the others- then speak to him.

"And what say you, Elder?"

The fact of the matter was, he knew more about the situation than any of them. Who knows if what details he might've left out for the sake of brevity and conciseness. If there was a gaping hole in the logic of her proposal, he would've probably been the first to recognize it.

Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen
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Katja Galinka

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece


it seemed everyone was here for the same reason though the other woman seemed oddly cold towards everyone, well that was the way of some. She seemed very close to the racoon man so maybe she was the serious servant type, something Katja could not fault her for. The others seemed friendly enough though the girl with horns seemed rather shy. humans were a rare here and not everyone saw all other as the children o f the same god thus not caring for the differences between them. The goat like elder came out and Katja listened and it was just as they all expected someone or something preying on the villagers. Katja of course wanted to help and would help no matter what, at least in her own way.

katja put a hand on the old goats shoulder to comfort them. Sometimes it took only a small act of compassion to help others. " No matter where one goes it is sad to see that nobility all so often lacks the compassion their station calls for. But have faith for we were guided here to help you " Katja said in a sweet but firm tone. She wasn't just saying these things she truly believed they were guided by an unseen hand and that conviction was clear in every kind word. To comfort those affected by something was the first thing to do before even thinking of how to counter it at least in her mind.

The samurai servant Okami seemed to go right to making a plan. Katja did remember something about things called Kami apparently it had been some kind of concept of many gods in Japan before the cataclysm. Katja didn't honestly know much just kami were some kid of deity from conversations with those few Japanese that gathered around the labyrinth. it was odd that a servant would have the name O god did the O mean something? Well Katja wasn't native to this world maybe Kami weren't gods here so the name wasn't O god.

Okami did have have a decent plan something out of a movie or story. if it was the labyrinth then the damned thing would spawn farm more creatures just to counter any plan that a team made for its own amusement. " I can cast a barrier on whoever wishes to be the bait, my skills lie in healing and project for I will harm no other being " She explained her nature as an absolute pacifist unchanged she did not fight no matter what. She had once been able to untether the souls of the dead form their bodies and send demons back to their homes, but those were not violent in her mind they were not to kill simply to release and return. Right now she could only heal minor injuries and protect others from being hurt in the first place.
Hakumen_(Story_Mode_Artwork,_Normal).pngA tall shape emerged from the untamed wilderness, a figure of gleaming white, black and red. Kurikara had been travelling alone in the wild for an indeterminate amount of time. The roving warrior continued his search for power to destroy the corrupting evil within the world. Though his wanderings often yielded little save for more adversaries, and the vicious mockery of Fudo Myo-o. The expanse of nature had given way to unpaved roads and scenery marking the signs of burgeoning civilization. The village was a familiar sight for Kurikara, not that he had ever been there before. But that it was like so many others that were doing their best to get by in rural lands.

Upon entering said village Kurikara was stared at and avoided by villagers. The fear and strained emotions of the beastmen were palpable. It was obvious to Kurikara that something must have beset this people to be so outwardly avoidant of wandering warrior. Another part of him said that for his power he was something to be feared as a matter of course, but these beasts did not know him so that was out of the question. Evoking the image of a bizarre and almost monstrous samurai he made his way through the village stoic and silent. His wanderings naturally led him to the largest congregation of beasts in the villages square. Imposing as he was any individual who would block his path parted like water before him. Till Kurikara was before the group who had come to take care of the villages disappearances though Kurikara did not know that, he was able to pick up the vestiges of the village elder Yoshiros plea. He was easily the tallest of everyone here and his expressionless helmet only made guessing his intentions more difficult. With that the Living Armor once known as Fierce Deity Kurikara in ages past spoke, and it was with little fanfare or care for tact.

"So beasts once again suffer under the shadow of evil. Topical. Know this, I am Kurikara and where I go the destruction of evil is at hand." The eyes upon Kurikaras armor surveys all around him some landing on each individual originally called upon to deal with this crisis. "You will tell me the source of this malefic force, or my eyes shall find them. Either way my blade will return it to the karmic cycle. No other paltry aid is necessary for this mission." With a deep and dismissive tone he speaks. His last words more so aimed at the likes of Katja, Vincent and Okami seeing them as weak. Though Kurikaras helmet had turned to regard Yukan for far longer than the others having sensed the power contained within the beastman. In some ways the display of Kurikara could be seen as humorous with how out of touch and abrasive he presented himself, but it was par the course for the Living Armor.
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"Hey! You over there! Pretty sure we don't bite you know!"

Crap, how can her camouflage blown so easily!? She knew the tanuki probably already sensed her but she didn't think the human would spot her too, she had underestimated the widersian spy! Still, even knowing that she had been spotted, Rei just glared and hissed like a cat at Vincent instead of approaching. Only when the village elder appeared and called them all did she finally came out of her hiding spot and joined the group, though her mind still wonders how can some of these people even bother with the quest as they seemed like they're not even from the Republic.

As the elder explained the situation to them, Rei was more interested in learning about who she's going to work with. The tanuki and his woman seemed like they're seasoned fighters, they're probably the most not out of place in this group. The priestess(?) seemed harmless, but if she's confident enough to join a potentially dangerous mission then she should probably have something more. The goatee guy was definitely a spy and she would keep an eye on him, whatever his goal would be. Then there's the construct guy, as a former Rotian adventurer she's already used to be around constructs but even for her his choice of words were unnecessarily intense. Then there's the villagers themselves, its rather weird for them to not be able to track down the culprit, as a village filled with beast men she's sure they didn't lack people with strong senses.

"Hmmm... I can be the bait then." Rei raised her hand to volunteer herself. She didn't like the idea of becoming a bait, but if senses couldn't catch the culprit then luring the culprit would probably their best bet for now.
Yukan Koyake

Language: "Common", "<Beastial>"​

Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread EMIYAman EMIYAman Karcen Karcen Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

For a foreigner Vincent's behaviors pretty well met the stereotype of Yukan was expecting, at the very least based on what this human with the strange machine said, he was here for the right reasons, citing exactly why Yukan did the work which he did, to help those who were vulnerable and unable to help themselves. Yukan diligently gave the elder a bow with Etiquette F And by the point he was talking Persuasion F, In the same ability. The bow was deeper because the elder was higher not only in age but status as far as authority went in the village. He would then promptly follow, aware of the extra weariness around the area, after all who wouldn't be after people were disappearing and once again the government failed to give the services which it's taxes were supposed to pay for. This sort of thing made Yukan only more determined in his ultimate goal, a place where the weak wouldn't be cast aside and forgotten and where justice would reign. But such idealistic thoughts were not of the highest importance at the moment.

"<While I Understand any reservations you may all have as often find myself weary around humans for obvious reasons, I can attest that Okami has so far proven herself different. She wears our culture, admires it. She joined me on the battlefield, and never did she abandon her allies, she never did retreat and fought even when the odds were against her like one of our own would have. This is commendable, so I will ask that even if there is skepticism, that you at least give her a chance to hear her out.>"

Yukan would then switch back to common, "I believe that if we take the necessary precautionary steps, attempting to bait out whatever has been taking people is an appropriate action, however we cannot afford to respond sluggishly, lives will be at risk if we do not succeed. It was good to know from the get go that Katja had no intention of harming anyone.

"But this Okami..is exactly why I have my vision..one which I Have not shared with you yet but I hope too one day. This lack of response to those in need..makes me feel ill." He spoke with some distain.

Yukan was a bit surprised by Kurikara, and he would bow. "I take it you are here to help then?, That would be most appreciated. However I like to think that everyone here is able to contribute in their own way." He would speak noncombatively on the matter, at the very least, Kurikara seemed interested in delivering justice too.

When Rei volunteered herself as bait however, Yukan shook his head. "Presuming we agree to take this route I have no problem being bait myself, you truly do not need to put yourself in additional harm's way." He spoke seriously. His presumption being that he was more battle hardened and capable meaning it'd probably be better for most there if he was the one to take on the task, even if he didn't express it that way. Not to mention he had danger sense too.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen EMIYAman EMIYAman
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


The woman hiding around the corner hissed at him like a cat. And Vincent could only find him shrugging in an exaggerated manner. So exaggerated that one could see his shrug from quite a distance away. Only after the village Elder had shown up did she see fit to join the crowd, to which he simply raised a brow at her. Particularly, however, he looked down and noticed she had a sword. He thought she might have been a witness. But it seemed she was something of a fighter herself.

However, most of his attention went to what he could tell was an old goat. Literally.

Still, Vince gave the goat-man a bow and watched his motions. Indeed, despite what might appear to be an easy-going air, Vince would listen to just about everything he had to say -- mentally taking down words mentioned. Screams. Night. No blood. No struggle. Dismissed. Fear. The words all bounced around his head, as he tried to think up what he could about what they were up against and what could be done.

Yukan spoke to the old man in what he could vaguely tell was bestial. But hell, if he knew anything about what they were saying beyond that. Yet still, Vince patiently waited to give his piece.

His first words were to the elder. "I got about three things to suggest." He said, taking the cigarette out of his mouth to speak properly. A trail of smoke exited before he began.

Vince spoke of his solutions to life and death with frankness and clarity. The straightforwardness of his words might have lent him to sounding more like someone who'd come to unclog your toilets, fix your air conditioning or who was going to change out the filters on your fridge. And he spoke as though he felt familiar with this kind of thing, though whether or not this had much similarity to what Vince had encountered was yet to be seen.

He raises one finger. "Times like this, you might wanna have something of a curfew. Nobody should be goin' out at night for anything but an emergency. I know you gotta farm your rice and tend to livestock. But like you said, you'll have a hard time surviving if you do even that."

He raises a second finger. "Second is, people should be sticking together. Nobody wandering off alone."

He raises his third and final finger. "Third is, seems like we're all you got. And we're set to go out and go hunt this thing down. So, while we go do that, you ought to prepare."

With that, he lowered his hands and put them in his pockets. "Just a bit of advice. Since it's shaping up for us to go out when the night comes, I can help you out if you like. Turn a stick into a trench club. Scythe into a war scythe. Sharpen your pitchforks. Things like that. If I have my way, it won't come to that. But just in case, couldn't hurt for people to be able to defend themselves if it comes down to it. Up to you. Rest, you can leave to us." He said, pointing to himself with his thumb as he extended the offer to the man. And in part, he alluded to where his skills centered.

Then came matters of the others

He looked down and noticed a long shadow which had traced along the ground. Eyes traced the big shadow and low behold, it was cast by a big man in a suit of armor. Or perhaps more accurately, it seemed like he might have been a machine, the more he peered at his details. He had a sword too, along with the lady who suggested the plan.

"Don't doubt that you're strong at all. I do doubt you know what you're talkin' bout. So, I'll be tagging along, big guy." Vince said, his tone returning some of the dismissiveness received to the one who'd declared his name to be Kurikara. The guy didn't seem like the brightest bulb on the tree, but he looked like he could swing a sword, and it seemed that swinging a sword was what got him his big head. Still, a blade seemed necessary in this situation, and he couldn't deny that given his knowledge of his abilities.

"Might not be a tactician, Okami, but it's a pretty sound plan if you ask me." He said, thinking of Okami's plan. "Didn't think I'd be arguing over being bait, but I'd like to throw my hat in the ring. Reason is simple. In that thing" He points his car. "I'm fast. Whatever the hell I meet, I plan on luring to you all. And I'll wager I can draw it from pretty far away. If I go down, well, you won't be short one sword. Just a crowbar" He tapped the weapon and tool sitting at his waist...before pointing to Yukan.

"Sides if you're leader, you seem too important to risk anyway. Same goes for rest of you samurai. And the healer especially too." It'd been a while since he talked so much. So much so that he felt the need to take another big drag of his cigarette before breathing out into the air

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Location: Taeko - The Republic
Time: Morning

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Okami
Karcen Karcen | Katja
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Vincent
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Rei
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yukan
EMIYAman EMIYAman | Kurikara


The villagers visibly tensed as Katja approached Elder Yoshiro, but when she gently placed her hand on his shoulder, the atmosphere subtly shifted. The old goat-beastkin accepted the gesture with a calm nod, the tension among the assembled beastkin easing as he spoke. "While we may not have faith, you have our trust and our appreciation." His voice was steady, devoid of malice, carrying a warmth that had been scarce in these troubled times.

Yukan, displaying his knowledge of etiquette and persuasion, managed to draw a rare smile from the elder. Yoshiro’s lips curved slightly, a fleeting but genuine expression. The elder responded in the bestial tongue, his words resonating with those around him. "<We trust the judgment of a fellow beastkin. If you say the human is trustworthy, we will believe it.>" The raccoon beastkin's choices of bow and use of their own mother tongue had clearly found purchase on the elder.

When Vincent offered his suggestions—curfews, avoiding solitude, and arming the villagers with makeshift weapons—Yoshiro listened intently. He nodded approvingly, recognizing the wisdom in these precautionary measures. "All those suggestions are sound. We shall implement them while we await your return," he affirmed. His gaze shifted momentarily as he added, "And your offer to arm us is appreciated."

At his command, a few villagers left to gather tools and materials, preparing to create the makeshift weapons that might provide some semblance of protection against the unseen threat.

When Kurikara, the armored warrior, arrived, the villagers' reactions were mixed. Some narrowed their eyes in suspicion at the sight of a Construct, but Yoshiro's response remained measured. He nodded at Kurikara's confident words. "Your confidence in destroying this evil is welcome, as is your blade," Yoshiro said, his voice steady. It was clear that in this desperate situation, all help was valued, regardless of its source.

The elder then turned his attention to Okami as she outlined her bold plan. His trembling hand moved thoughtfully to his long beard, fingers trailing through the fur as he considered the risks. The idea of using one of the adventurers as bait was dangerous, but perhaps it was the only way to uncover the truth behind the disappearances.

"Fishing seems to be the best way to deal with this," he mused aloud. "Now, the only thing to consider would be the proper bait."

His gaze shifted to Rei, Yukan, and Vincent, each of whom had volunteered to take on this perilous role. The elder fell silent, his thoughts deep as his fingers continued to stroke his beard.

Then, breaking the quiet, Yoshiro made his decision.

"I will be it."

His declaration was met with immediate uproar from the villagers, their voices rising in protest. The idea of their elder, already frail with age, putting himself in such danger was unthinkable to them. But with a raised hand, Yoshiro silenced their objections. "Strangers posing as the bait might tip off whatever is taking our people, especially if they are sentient. And, if worse comes to worst, the next village chief has already been trained."

His gaze briefly shifted toward someone within the crowd, though it was difficult to discern who he was referring to. The implication was clear—the village would continue on, even if he did not return.

With the plan set, Yoshiro began to lead the adventurers through the village, his steps slow but purposeful. The village was small, and it didn't take long to reach the outskirts, where the last of the disappearances had occurred. The area around the village was dense with trees, their thick branches blocking out much of the sunlight. The villagers who had disappeared were last seen at the edges of these woods, where the darkness, even during the day, seemed to gather like a living thing.

"It was here," Yoshiro said, his voice low, as he pointed to a patch of ground near the tree line. "This is where we found the footprints, but they just...ended as they started. No signs of a struggle, no blood, nothing. It was as if they vanished into thin air."

The adventurers examined the area closely, noting the undisturbed earth and the oppressive silence that hung in the air. It was as if the forest itself had swallowed the villagers whole, leaving no trace of their passing. The only sound was the rustling of leaves, the wind whispering through the trees.

Yoshiro continued to guide them through several other locations on the outskirts, each one eerily similar—places where villagers had last been seen, with no clues left behind. The elder's expression grew grimmer with each site they visited.

"I fear that whatever is taking our people is not of this world," he finally admitted, his voice heavy with dread. "Or, if it is, it possesses powers beyond our understanding."

He paused, looking up at the adventurers with a tired gaze, yet within it flickered a small ember of hope.

As he waited for their next choice of action, one thing was clear: the fate of Taeko rested in their hands.

Okami held silent and listened to the responses of her companions.

The Priestess(?) offered to protect whoever ended up as bait with defensive magic. The Ronin had a few questions on that, but they'd have to wait. Then came a rather passionate newcomer donning what looked to be full plate armor. Not too much of a read on that one but, if he kept that energy in battle, then he was welcome. Then the Tinkerer proposed some general guidelines for the people, to which Okami could only nod in agreement. Lastly, Lord Yukan spoke of his own dream, which The Ronin met with a light smile and respectful silence. And then something miraculous happened.

Three of her comrades all volunteered to be the bait. Make that four, actually. The original plan that she'd had in her mind was to offer to play the bait if her comrades actually agreed with her idea, but it looked like there was no point to that now. The Ronin couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the development. It may have been against his wishes, but Okami was glad to see others volunteer for the role of bait in Yukan's stead. And The old man did have a point.

No point in bait if it spooked the fish.

Perhaps Vincent would still be with them as they made their way to the cold trail of their target. Perhaps he'd be with the villagers arming them for battle. Either way, Okami speak to those who'd walk alongside her once they came to a stop at their final destination.

"Elder Yoshiro wishes to be our bait so as to not spook our fish. We should be mindful of that. We want our target feeling as safe and comfortable as possible when it comes for him. My thoughts? We need ideal vantage points that will let us stay hidden, keep an eye on The Elder, and attack without delay. Haste will keep him alive when the time comes. So wherever you choose to wait, make sure it's someplace comfortable that won't slow your movements."

With that, Okami began to scan the area with her eyes for blessings from mother nature. Shrubs large enough to hide behind. Trees with dense enough canopies to hide within. Really anything that they could use to hide and wait in silence for their unknown prey. And, if this location could not provide, then perhaps they'd have to find another. And, as she looked around, The Ronin's thoughts turned to Katja.

"Katja, was it? That barrier of yours. Can you show it to us?" she asked, eyes not even remotely turned in the woman's direction as she continued to survey the area, "Is it something that you can conceal whilst protecting one of us? As much as I'd like to keep Elder Yoshiro safe... that barrier won't serve us if it spooks our target away."

That was their biggest hurdle after all; actually luring the beast out in the first place. It was the whole reason why The Elder volunteered to be the bait in the first place and The Ronin couldn't argue with that logic. If a new face was enough to scare the entity away...

...a glowing, magical barrier- even surrounding a familiar face- was definitely going to lead to a fruitless hunt.

"Thoughts? What say you, Lord Yukan?"

Another open call to all of her comrades, even if she chose to only mention one. Okami wanted everyone there to be of like mind when-and-if the enemy made an appearance. And, if someone had a better idea than she did, she wanted to hear it so they could move forward with the best plan.

Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread EMIYAman EMIYAman Karcen Karcen


Katha was beyond confused by the newest addition to the group. While everyone else spoke rather normally this new tall figure spoke like they were in well a story. He was overly dramatic and flowery with his word choice as if trying to sound larger than life, much like the old testament tales.rrally that distracted Katja the most as she tried to kind of figure them out. Well they were here to help so she figured that for now she would just ignore them.

Okami it seemed was the one making the plan abd Katja was okay with others that knew what they were doing. She didn't know much about attacking others or setting traps she was an absolute pacifist when it came to anything.

" as you wish " katja said sensing the distrust that the seemingly human okami had for other humans it seemed. Katja thought it was sad anyone distrusted another for their appearance.

" Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you " Katja spoke casting [ the lords portection E ] the barrier normally a shimmering dome was reshaped as the barrier skill let one control the shape and color of the barrier. What woukd have been an obvious done now clung to Katja's form like a second layer of clothes that covered her completly. As for the shimmering it was barely there it was almost invisible a decent way to protect somone in secret.

" Will this work?" she asked.
Hakumen_(Chronophantasma,_Character_Select_Artwork).pngKurikara regarded the group with all the gravitas as one would view a weed. Despite his lack of human features the warrior had no issue conveying an utter lack of interest in any of them. As far as "Heroes" went, he was certainly atypical. At Yukans placating words, given much like one would offer an olive branch, Kurikara merely stood silent offering no response. Yet out of respect for a fellow warrior he did offer a nod of his head. Acknowledgement of his words if nothing else. He had been clear of his purpose however, and making friends was not one of them. Vincent words caused an ember of irritation to light within Kurikara, but his travels had taught him...tolerance. As loath as he may have been to admit it. Weak or not he could not simply throw out their aid once they set their minds to their current path. Besides powerful as he was his strength was still a shadow of his former self; he had not the luxury to be completely arrogant. Despite what the Voice may say.

"Do as you will, so long as my blade finds purpose I care not." Kurikaras response to Vincent was not wholly dismissive, perhaps cooperation without strife was indeed possible. The Village Elder Yoshiro seemed to finally regard Kurikara and the Living Armor held the Elders gaze. Looming over him in size, but in a non-oppressive way like the shadow of an oak. As the group continued to discuss plans and the Elder gave each proposition its due Kurikara simply stood aside waiting, but at the last utterance of the Elder he could not help but speak. "Hoh~ You would offer up yourself upon the altar? Your heart is courageous despite that decrepit shell Beast. You are not the first of your kind I have said such words too, a commendable feat." Naturally backhanded as the compliment sounded. Kurikara did offer respect to those who showed courage in the face of danger; those who had the hearts of warriors. With that Kurikara followed the elder along with the group.

They soon arrived at the outskirts of the village where the creations of man gave way to untamed nature. The forest was dense and allowed little light to enter it and not matter where they went along its edge that fact remained the same, and there was no sign of the villagers who had disappeared. "The likelihood of magical interference is not inconceivable. Yet even should this Evil be not of this plane my blade will sever it all the same." Kurikaras words could almost be considered consoling as if he was trying to bring hope to the Elder in his own way. His armored figure regarded Okami not just taking in her words but her as well. Finding some favor in what he assessed to be a warrior. Following the target of her query Kurikara regarded the woman he had barely spared a glance till now. Katja appeared for all intents and purposes a woman of the cloth, and her prayer to actualize her magic seemed to confirm that. "A thrall of the gods. Though you don't hold a candle to that 'Saint'... Hm should I consider myself cursed or is this a so called 'blessing'?" The warrior seemed to be musing aloud, conversing or both. Comparing, perhaps unfairly, to someone who would no doubt be a stranger to her. Kurikara was either enigmatic by nature or simply obtuse. Surprisingly enough he then offered up something to the discussion, "If we are to hunt down this malefic entity then a proper understanding of our abilities should be known. The most advantageous of my capabilities to this hunt are my eyes. Their scanning ability is vast. Properly positioned if this Evil should approach, then I shall know." Showing a utilitarian side Kurikara offered what he felt most prudent and willing to give.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen EMIYAman EMIYAman
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


For the most part, Vince had little to say verbally.

He nodded in approval as he watched the villagers get to work. Given the strange nature of what it was they were up against, he wondered how much the weapons would even matter. But if people were going to be holed up with one another, they might as well have something to do just in case. A thumbs-up was granted for their efforts. Depending on how the schedule went, he could likely be joining them pretty soon until the night came. However, given the little field trip, he had a feeling they wouldn't be taking him up on his offer.

The "bait" had been decided. Vince's mouth hung open a little bit, and the cigarette within it fell out of his mouth. He began to scratch the back of his head, a face fit for playing poker now giving way to discomfort. He didn't speak for a little bit, taking a bit of time to gather his thoughts. Eventually, he settled back into his usual poker face. He spoke straightly, though with a tinge more concern for the geezer then what he'd let on before. He'd been expecting to handle this job with the party alone. However....

"Can't say I like the idea. But the logic's sound. And it's what you wanna do." Too much arguing would burn daylight, a fact he was keenly aware of even when arguing with the others. "Still not trying to sacrifice you at the altar, though old man. You may make for good bait but let's take every measure we can to bring you back."

The sole of his shoe ground the cigarette into the ground, before he walked along with the old goat to the woods. His eyes scanned the area about them as they walked. The thing came at night, but you could never be too careful. And who knows, there might be a detail somewhere around.

Most important, however, appeared to be the trail. Vince was careful not to step on anything -- trying to have things be just as when the person walked about if he could have.

It was when they reached the end of the trail that Vince would truly begin to scan the scene. [Devil's Details] Vince began to survey the scene with a particularly keen eye. Time spent as a mechanic had made him have an eye for stray and sometimes seemingly unrelated details. But a well-refined common sense and time spent around vampire hunters didn't really hurt that much, either. All of this, combined with the so-called "appraisal" skill that this world seemed to gift him for simply coming from another world. With this, he sought to look for any details which might have pointed to the fate of those around them at all. Were they picked up in a portal? Maybe they were really sucked into the earth. He'd take whatever he could get from the scene.

Once he was done with that, he looked at the forcefield Katja had made. It seemed to take the shape she wanted. But it wasn't as inconspicuous as she thought.

"Pretty easy to see, sadly. You'll have to time it right. But, might have a solution." Vince begins.

"Car holds one person on the passenger side. So I can have one other person with me. Given all the greenery of the forest, might be able to throw some sticks and leaves over it to make it harder to see." He says, looking about the forest to see how much he'd have to gather. "Plus, can help with the whole not fighting thing. Car has armor to keep you from having to drop the barrier from the old man. Then maybe Mr. Multidimensional over there can spring into action to try n' cut down whatever shows up." He says, motioning to Kurikara. Who had been saying a lot.

It was, however, when he made the suggestion that they speak on what they can do that he spoke up to him again.

"I drive an armored car. I make stuff. I fix stuff. I shoot stuff. I look at weird shit to try to make sense of it. Every now and again, I even hit stuff. For the most part though, I plan to leave hittin' stuff."

He points, his finger sweeping Okami, Rei, Yukan and Kurikara himself.

"To you four. Unless I have to. Think gun suits me better in a scrap."

HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Vitality)
Armor HP: 1/1 (F-Grade Heavy)

Actions: 1/3

1. Devil's Details - Appraisal E, Investigation F, Engineering F - Vince dedicates his skills to finding out information about something 5 feet in front of him. - E Grade Ability - 1 Post Cooldown

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 1 Post Remains
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Yukan Koyake

Language: "Common", "<Beastial>"​

Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six EMIYAman EMIYAman Karcen Karcen Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Vincent's suggestions seemed sensible enough to Yukan as far as the villagers forging weapons as well as the advice about what they shouldn't be doing to not die, as far as what Yukan could tell was a human Vincent was seeming pretty decent out of the lot he had met before. He also seemed to sensibly understand the value in Okami's plan. For Yukan this would not be the first time he would have been told not to put himself in such a vulnerable position due to him needing to assume a leadership position even if he was very content being the bait for the operation. He'd give a nod to Vincent of acknowledgement.

Yukan would give another respectful bow to Yoshiro. "<Thank you, I understand that while it may not be easy to accept, I can safely say this one at the very least is here to truly help.>"

What was a bit more concerning was when Yoshiro decided to be bait, and as objectionable as that plan was on paper, Yukan knew full well that it was not a good idea to start arguing with someone who was an elder of all people and the leader of the village when he was an outsider and didn't have much authority to stand on at the moment, even though he was hoping that would change soon enough when he could prove his roots..but nevertheless he would nod.

"<Your reasoning is understood. I will do my utmost to ensure no harm befalls you.>" Yukan would then follow the elder diligently, ready to engage whatever might come their way in combat if need be, until they reached the thick Forest line and Yukan saw the steps with his own eyes, something from another dimension was certainly possible. There had been that spirit which the Empire had been utilizing for their own gains at that very battle which he and Okami had been in. What if it was a demon or a spirit what would they do then? He didn't know anyone who had access to Vorpal with them as Kota wasn't there...

When they were at the end of the trail Yukan would attempt to use Heightened Sense [Smell/Hearing/Sight/Touch] to examine the surrounding area to see if he could get any clues, as well as Darkvision F and Sixth Sense Danger F if applicable. Yukan would also look around for suitable hiding areas at that.

He would then look to Okami moving his head to the others on occasion while he spoke,

"I agree it would be completely unacceptable if any harm comes to Elder Yoshiro under our watch, wherever we position ourselves must be discrete enough but also close enough to protect him..as for the protective magic ..it's relatively discrete, of course it would help if we knew if we were dealing with a more mundane stealthy threat or one which is other worldly but since Kurikara says he has the ability to detect if something evil is coming..perhaps there is a signal, to which Katja could be positioned in a place where she could then enable her protection magic to mitigate the risk once she recognizes the signal so even if our enemy is magic sensitive we won't blow our cover until our enemy is in our reach, and those of us who rely on primarily melee weapons and closer ranged techniques should hide closer to Yoshiro but still out of sight.."

"Hm, a gun? an invention which has certainly revolutionized combat...I like to think myself competent with the spear, I have also seen multiple battlefields and survived to speak of them, as well as assuming authority on past occasions for combat related operations."

Yukan spoke honestly, just trying to lay the facts out rather than trying to gloat or boast about his accomplishments. Regardless it seemed he was on board with a bait and ambush plan. Though he did seem a bit perplexed by 'car' thinking back before he nodded,

"Ah..I see you have an invention from the place called Widersia then. If you believe you can use it to help our mission then I see no reason not too."

Rei couldn't do anything but nod at the elder's proposal to make himself the bait. She didn't like putting their supposed client in danger but his reason make too much sense. Her and the Widersian guy would look and smell way different than the local beastkin. Even the tanuki might not be suitable for it, he looks more muscular than the villagers.

"Name's Rei. I'm not good at strategizing but I'm good at following order, so just tell me if you want something done, boss." She introduced herself and then gave specifically Yukan a thumb up. Every team needs a leader, and whether they want it or not the tanuki as the only beastkin would bear the role, the old coots in the village might not fully cooperate if its the other people. Besides, he looks like the most experienced here.

"Also, as you might already know I'm not good at being stealthy." She was of course referencing her previous attempt at hiding from them.

"So I will just climb this tree here and hope our target won't notice me. Tell me if it is a good hiding spot!" She looks around for tree that might be able to hide her and climbed it.

1) Climb a tree
Location: Taeko - The Republic
Time: Morning

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | Okami
Karcen Karcen | Katja
Maverick Six Maverick Six | Vincent
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Rei
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Yukan
EMIYAman EMIYAman | Kurikara


A fleeting, rare smile appeared on Yoshiro's weathered lips as he listened to Kurikara's words, the backhanded content seemingly sliding off him like water off a stone, yet the compliment was not lost on him. His expression carried a hint of wry humor. "One could say a sacrificial lamb, if I were one," he murmured, his voice tinged with the wisdom of age. Briefly, he opened his squinted, amber eyes, revealing a depth of resilience that had seen the village through countless trials. As he turned his gaze to Vincent and Yukan, the lines of weariness softened, just slightly, in the presence of these strangers who had come to help. "I'm relieved to hear that. I might have a few more years in me yet," he added, his voice carrying a note of quiet determination.

At the outskirts of the village, where the rice fields met the dense, looming forest, Vincent's [Devil's Details] and Yukan's [Heightened Sense] scoured the area for any sign, any clue that might have been left behind by whatever had taken the villagers. But the forest offered up no secrets. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the subtle, almost imperceptible, shift of leaves in the breeze. Yet, not a single broken branch, not a disturbed patch of ground, or a marking on the bark of a tree hinted at a trail. There was only a solitary pair of footsteps that started and ended inexplicably in the same spot. The realization settled like a weight on their shoulders: whatever had taken the villagers had not traversed the land in any conventional manner.

The area was fraught with potential hiding spots—overgrown bushes with dense, thorny brambles, trees with gnarled trunks wide enough to obscure a person. The shadows cast by the sinking sun stretched long and dark, creating pockets of darkness where anything could be lurking. These natural covers would allow the group to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, ready to strike the moment the enemy revealed itself.

Katja's [The Lord's Protection E] ability shimmered faintly as it wrapped around her form, its ethereal light almost imperceptible, melding with the gathering twilight. The barrier clung to her like a second skin, a whisper of protection that would likely go unnoticed by any who glanced her way—especially under the cover of night. Yet, the option of holding off on using this ability until the precise moment could prove more advantageous, its activation being as much a strategic choice as a shield. (Usually, to achieve an effect of not being seen, Selective and possibly Undetected [Vision] would be needed to be used in tandem with Barrier.)

Rei's choice of vantage point in the tall, ancient tree proved wise. As she ascended, the rough bark scraped softly against her palms, the climb steady and assured. High above, the branches spread out like a network of sturdy arms, each thick limb capable of supporting her weight. The dense canopy of leaves created a natural blind, obscuring her from view, while still allowing her to see everything below. From this perch, she had a commanding view of the area, ready to act at a moment’s notice.

The preparations were meticulous. Vincent, with the help of the villagers, assembled makeshift weapons—simple, but effective in a pinch. His vehicle was hidden skillfully, blending with the environment as grass, branches, and foliage were arranged to camouflage its metallic form. It would be there, unseen but ready, when needed.

The day in Taeko dragged on with a palpable tension in the air. The villagers went about their work in the rice fields with an undercurrent of fear, the usual rhythm of their labor interrupted by furtive glances toward the forest. Time seemed to stretch unnaturally, the hours crawling by as the sun dipped lower in the sky, eventually disappearing behind the horizon. As dusk settled, a heavy silence fell over the village, broken only by the distant croaking of frogs and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Location: Taeko - The Republic
Time: Night

When the sun finally set, the night embraced the village under a full, pink moon that cast an eerie, almost surreal glow over the landscape. The soft, ethereal light bathed everything in a pale hue, turning the familiar into something otherworldly. The villagers, as instructed, kept to their homes, their doors and windows shut tight, leaving the outskirts to the adventurers.

The forest seemed to come alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures—crickets chirped in the underbrush, and an owl hooted softly from somewhere deep within the trees. The wind whispered through the leaves, carrying with it a sense of foreboding.

Then, as if carried on the wind itself, a presence materialized before Yoshiro. It was as if the very fabric of reality had torn for a brief moment to allow this figure to step through. The humanoid presence towered over the elder, cloaked in dark, flowing robes that seemed to absorb the light of the moon. Their back was turned to the adventurers, offering no clue to their identity or intent. An arm extended from beneath the robes, revealing a pale, slender hand with long, bony fingers that reached out toward Yoshiro. The figure’s lips moved, but the words were nothing more than a low, unintelligible murmur, like the rustling of dry leaves in the wind.

Yoshiro, despite the ominous presence before him, did not waver. His stance remained firm, though the tension was evident in the way his hand clenched tightly around his cane. The elder’s teeth pressed together, his jaw set with determination, even as a cold sweat began to bead at his temple.

The moment was pregnant with anticipation, the air thick with the sense that something was about to happen. If the adventurers were to act, to prevent whatever dark fate awaited the elder, this was their chance. The fate of Taeko rested in their hands.
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Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Karcen Karcen EMIYAman EMIYAman
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |



"Whole lotta nothing here. Least it coulda done was shift some brush or something. Yeesh." He said, commenting on his attempt to scan the area for anything which might have been out of place. It looks like no one detected anything. From what he knew of "Beastkin" they tended to have good senses, but nobody seemed to mention anything of a trail so far. It really started to seem like the only way to get at this thing was for someone to be bait. Fortunately, it seemed like the goat man was taking it well.

"Man. You're gonna have me goin' to hell if I laugh at a joke like that." He said Yoshiro with faint grin, scratching the back of his head again. Everything.

As Yukan spoke, he realized sometimes, the novelty of things were completely lost on him at times. Especially outside of Widersia where cars were more commonly known. As soon as he came to this world, he practically high-tailed it there and became wrapped around in it's steampunk culture, arguably one of the closest things to the modern world if one could discount the robots and cyborgs walking around. So it was then that words like "Car" and "gun" were normal things again.

"Yeah. I think my "car" might be pretty useful. Maybe not. One thing I can think up, is I might be able to people in the trunk -- where I store my cargo, you know? Won't be comfortable. But if it works, I can move them faster than a carriage. More armored too. " He said, putting particular emphasis on certain aspects that might not come intuitively.

He'd have to be sure to . Somehow, he wouldn't be surprised if people couldn't fit. It'd assuredly be uncomfortable, and they'd be left in the dark. Would there even be enough room? If it came down to it -- women and children were going in first.

His eyes went up. Finally, the mysterious and yet timid lizard lady named herself. Like Katja, he looked upwards to check out how viable Rei's tactic was.

"Rei huh? Much better hidin' spot this time around!" He calls out, looking up at the lizard-lady. "See now you're looking less like a victim or a witness, and more like ninja." He takes his index fingers, and places them on both sides of his head. "Horns won't stick out so bad either. Might mistake 'em for sticks. Oh and no hissing this time. Don't think it'll scare whatever-the-hell in store." He smirked.

"Anyway, I'll be out in town for a while. But I'll be back before nightfall."

With that, Vince had temporarily departed the group to make preparations.

An armed people was usually a lot better at defending themselves. That part went without saying. Whether or not it'd work against whatever the hell they were up against was one thing. But if they were cornered or if someone had to be taken, it was better than nothing. Plus it'd give people something else to focus on. If it was a monster, there was little telling how many there are.

The same had gone for attempting to fortify houses. That which didn't lock, he fixed. For windows that didn't close, he'd repair or board up as much as the people would allow. While doors could be locked, he kept one means of escape as he looked about people's houses. For the most part, people would find the foreigner rather quiet. Particularly given the fact that he couldn't speak the native bestial tongue. It seemed as though Vincent never really rested for as long as he was in the village, despite the hours leading up to their nightly encounter.

The last of the preparations will concern his vehicle, however. As time drew on Vincent would see fit to refuel it. Thankfully, the steampunk car managed to run on coal like any engine. And while he wasn't sure on the specifics, it'd been enough for him to get far enough. And after that, he emptied out most of his artisan tools save for bare necessities. Most of what he had would be kept in the space under his chair, emptying his trunk for potential occupants.

If they were still alive, that is.

Once within the woods, he gathered up whatever he could find and simply tossed it over his park car.


It was like a stakeout. While his car had been cleaned typically and the roof was extended, it still smelled of cigarettes. It might come as a surprise that the car maintained it's own temperature, mostly keeping itself insulated from the elements through "air conditioning." The windows were currently closed, keeping out bugs and pests. For him....it wasn't a bad place to sleep in -- in all reality.

The car sat concealed in makeshift camouflage and no light. Hopefully, this will be combined enough with the night for whatever's coming to not spot them before they spot it. Vince had been accustomed to waiting, having no shortage of missions in which he was simply waiting to evacuate people and outdrive whatever was taking them. Back in his world, he was good at driving, after all.

Despite being covered in bramble and leaves, there was enough space in between for one to peer through about as well as a bush. All the windows were closed.

With him was the "nun" -- or at least someone he thought was a nun. Though something had been scratching his mind about her. As he sat, leaned up against the steering wheel, he turned to Katja for a moment and then asked

"So does every nun dress like that where you're from or is it just hot here?" He asked Katja, a bit curious about certain people.

Just as the conversation started, it seemed fate saw fit to intervene as some fucking monster popped out of the air. The moment it started to manifest, Vince flipped down his faceplate.


"Buckle up." Vince's voice moved from casual to blunt in practically a heartbeat. He watched from beneath the cover of his camouflaged windows as something began to manifest in the air right before Yoshiro. The creature was poised in that every one of them was right behind it.

Should move so I don't hit anybody and so she can see Yoshi.

The engine purrs at the twist of a key. Movement of a stick shift is audible as internals orient from "park" to "drive." There was only a slight 1-second delay between his movements and the attacks of others before the pedal was put to medal.o


A purr turns to a roar. Wheels kick back dirt for a moment before the vehicle shoots forward. Vince feels himself pushed back into his seat from abrupt acceleration as the car abruptly begins to zoom forward. All the elements of the makeshift camouflage fell off. [Gas Gas]

With the turning of the wheel, the car begins to swerve off -- all-wheel drive aiding great performance on unpaved roads. Instead of closing the distance between the creature, Vince seeks to open it up. With a smooth turn and the pressing of the brake, the car drifted and twisted to a halt.

The placement was deliberate. About thirty feet away from the creature Katja, could spawn a barrier on Yoshiro at the edge of her range. The car was next to the creature and some distance away, allowing both the goat and the monster to be seen at once.

"Now." He said, window rolled down next to Katja. "Shield 'em!" He yelled out, making sure he was loud and clear.

With a hand still on the wheel, Vince popped out of the window with half his body, aiming at the creature as the others were presumably moving.


A bullet would fire from his peacemaker revolver -- seeking to slam into the creature's shoulder. Given the angle, it was less likely to hit a teammate since he was shooting from the side.

I wonder if a bullet will even work. Might be intangible, like the Kuri guy said.

At the moment, he didn't seem too intent on finding out, slinking back in through the car window and putting his foot on the gas in case the thing decided to come for them. In the event, the creature came for them, he'd have to be ready to move. Though the creature might have to chase the car at it's own peril, given those who were without doubt -- attacking it.

HP: 2/2 (E-Grade Vitality)
Armor HP: 1/1 (F-Grade Heavy)

Actions: 3/3

1. Gas Gas - Fast F, Energize F - The Car drives pretty fast. Go figure. Car moves up to 40 feet per action. - F Grade Ability - 0 Post Cooldown [Destination: 30 feet to Yoshiro's side]
2. Vince aims his gun.
3. Attack - Vince shoots the creature from its side.. [5 Effectiveness]

Note: Vince is carrying Katja in his car as a passenger.

F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Post Remain


The time between the planning and now Jayja had spent in decent comfort, not that she sought it, aside from the snell of smoke. Still a little cigarette smoke beat the snell of burnt hair and flesh. The labyrinth had been a horrid place filled with nightmares for every last sense. Still rather than make conversation Katja had done what she did anytime she had free time, pray. The car would have to endure the clicks of beads the rattling of small chains and repeated words said just quiet enough to barely be heard. The AC was only surprising in that the car had it, the world Katja came from had been as advanced as most would be in the mid 21st century. Though the cataclysm had really pushed them back fit awhile and katja had grown up somewhere not exactly known for embracing technology. All that said she might be one of the few that was not surprised at all busy what the car could do.

Just when Vincent started to ask her about her clothes and before Katja could respond to clear up that no she was not a nun and the clothes despite being a joke from a monstrous being, the labyrinth she had grown to used to it to just discard it. The lord worked in mysterious ways so perhaps she had been ment to have it despite its dark origin. Still before she could explain this the elder came under attack.

It was a good thing that Katja had both range and duration in her abblity. " God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Katja spoke the short phrase her Rosary in her hands and the barely there shimmer of the barrier appeared over the elders body as soon as she and Vincent were in range.



1 used The lords protection: Magic E barrier F Energized E Magic duration F Magic range F rank E cooldown 0 posts on the elder.

Cool downs

Notes: in Vincent's car
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Yukan Koyake

Maxxob Maxxob Karcen Karcen Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman

Yukan would have been lying in wait as he had on other occasions for the purposes of warfare. Sometimes ambushes were a strategic necessity and this was one of those occasions when there were so many uncertainties as to who their enemies actually were this time around. Even with a strategic upper hand being possible. Thankfully the Tanuki in this case was not the tallest person so he should be able to find some vegetation to hide in before the encounter (Discussed with Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi ): Okami was lying in wait near the frontlines as well so that they would be able to leap out and try to surprise attack whatever had been making people disappear, even if they were both working with just about an extended melee range.

Hopefully Yukan's darkvision would come in handy some in this setting as it was more than apparent regardless that the unknown threat had shown up, at hearing the car and seeing the barrier get cast, Yukan would leap out of the bushes or wherever he had presumably managed to hide that was close enough by for him to move over, which would have been the signal for Okami to come ahead with him and attack the figure also.

As he rushed over it wouldn't be until he figured he was in range to strike (About 7 ft away with his [Reach] , he would call out as he attempted to attack, "<I won't let you claim any more victims! Back to from where you came! >" Yukan would then attempt to plunge his Su Yari spear into the figure, the silvery energy of the force of the strike coming off as he unleashed one of his more powerful moves with a [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce attempting to pierce through the target's defenses and land a critical blow.

He would then follow up with a [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce attempting to strike this unknown enemy once again. All he could really hope was that this sort of attack would be able to strike an enemy such as this, as he wasn't even sure what their origin was, if it was something more supernatural and not from this plain that could get problematic quickly if their abilities were to function with a lack of vorpal in their toolkit.

1. Move until within 7 ft range so can strike figure without harming allies.
2. Try to Attack figure with [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Greater Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Penetrating C, Hot Shot D - C Grade Ability - 3 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his target up to 10 ft away with a great penetrating force ignoring up to four grades of opponent's defensively used item, dealing double damage if successfully strikes a weak spot.
3. Try to attack figure with [Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Penetrating F, Hot Shot F - F Grade Ability - 0 Round cooldown.

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