How does this not do the same to you then? Lol if anything, you'd this would effect you more. :p
No, because ADHD is characterized by short attention/rapidly shifting attention. I just read the one to two paragraph posts you guys put up, since they go up one at a time, and then I go back to the nine other things I'm doing simultaneously.
Well, I meant the mental rants in a joking manner
I actually do have mental rants about the roleplays I'm in; I imagine all the ideal roleplay routes I can take a lot of the time, and it helps me burn a lot of calories because the only way I can really relax myself is walking outside while I think about it. Fresh air does wonders for me.
Ah, cuz I was sure that this one would have given a few rants :p
Hours upon hours. I could probably write a book trilogy and a whole new roleplay with a compilation of my thoughts related to this roleplay.
Your trilogy book on the rants of this rp
In one of my tangents, I imagined a scene where Max jokingly offered to Loki to sing a romantic Spanish merengue song in the background while Loki was with Yuna, and Loki asked if he could actually do that
In one of my tangents, I imagined a scene where Max jokingly offered to Loki to sing a romantic Spanish merengue song in the background while Loki was with Yuna, and Loki asked if he could actually do that
Lol I think she might actually do that if she was in the mood to mess with Yuna.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 heya, can Mahan use his sun shield skill to become a human lightbub?

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