Wait hold on. A unique dagger? Slow your roll there. It's still the second day. No one should have a weapon that strong. You're kinda pull it out your butt here Siz XD
Wait hold on. A unique dagger? Slow your roll there. It's still the second day. No one should have a weapon that strong. You're kinda pull it out your butt here Siz XD
Well, I just realized I forgot to Take into account the double strike thingy's damage bump and I got the base damage muffed up. It's actually more like a typical weapon for their level; about 16.6 damage per hit.
Well okz but 55 damage is alot, even using cross slash, you'd need to use the lvl 5 buff skill, which would then take them out of stealth, making him visible to everyone
Well okz but 55 damage is alot, even using cross slash, you'd need to use the lvl 5 buff skill, which would then take them out of stealth, making him visible to everyone
They WERE out of stealth, and they did have the buff skill, but the rogue basically stayed constantly in motion. It's unfair, I know, but the entire point of this one is to not win. If we stomp the bandits EVERY single time we encounter them, why bother with the tensionless subplot?
No no, I think you're miss understanding. I'm not saying we should stomp them, I'm just trying to make it more along the line of how a fight should work so it doesn't look like such a plot device. I mean truthfully, if the rouge wasn't stealthed, then with both Yuna and Max there, there's very little chance of that happening. Plus, the bandits never meet Mahan and co. so how do they even know we're on the same team?
No no, I think you're miss understanding. I'm not saying we should stomp them, I'm just trying to make it more along the line of how a fight should work so it doesn't look like such a plot device. I mean truthfully, if the rouge wasn't stealthed, then with both Yuna and Max there, there's very little chance of that happening. Plus, the bandits never meet Mahan and co. so how do they even know we're on the same team?
The rogue unstealthed to attack you.

I mean, I really don't know any other way of doing this. We will literally annihilate them if I make them any weaker. Hell, you'll probably still annihilate them since it's only a four second stun!
The rogue unstealthed to attack you.

I mean, I really don't know any other way of doing this. We will literally annihilate them if I make them any weaker. Hell, you'll probably still annihilate them since it's only a four second stun!

Yeah I should've nerfed that move but didn't have the heart to change it at this point
RaynaFon RaynaFon I mean, think about it like this; you're powerful enough at level 5 to instantly annihilate a person one level lower with 70 hp without them being able to move. Let the rogue have its moment.
Sizniche Sizniche If you want to go about it that way, I'd say, have the rouge use a teleport strike to Loki followed by a stunning kick, then have him use Cripple on Max so his speed goes back to it's days of not existing, then have the rouge use stealth to hide away, and then have to other two bandits notice Mahan's group. Seeing that they're out numbered, take their leave(bandit group chat or something. Could even have the rogue and warrior fight about it.) The party get's together and follows them back to the camp?
No no, again, I'm not talking about Loki taking damage, I'm talking about the flow of the post. It made the rogue look more op then it should be for to solo purpose of a plot device. So I suggested those set of moves so that the rogue can still have it's moment while doing it in a way any rouge could so it looks less plot devicey. If you see what I mean.
Sizniche Sizniche If you want to go about it that way, I'd say, have the rouge use a teleport strike to Loki followed by a stunning kick, then have him use Cripple on Max so his speed goes back to it's days of not existing, then have the rouge use stealth to hide away, and then have to other two bandits notice Mahan's group. Seeing that they're out numbered, take their leave(bandit group chat or something. Could even have the rogue and warrior fight about it.) The party get's together and follows them back to the camp?

Follow? Now? We've established that the rogue camp is 13 men strong, and Max is literally incompetent.

No no, again, I'm not talking about Loki taking damage, I'm talking about the flow of the post. It made the rogue look more op then it should be for to solo purpose of a plot device. So I suggested those set of moves so that the rogue can still have it's moment while doing it in a way any rouge could so it looks less plot devicey. If you see what I mean.

Again, the rogue literally has to be that OP because you're literally that OP and we have zero tension without someone who poses a threat to the main crux of the team.
Alright, this bandit attack is going to be more of a stretch to make work than it's worth. Should we delete our posts and drop it entirely?

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