Marvel* Got it. I understand the names can be a bit confusing with all the different people. It's alright. I have to say tho. Loki and Prr are probably the closest in personality than all the other characters.
Except Prrr likes to toy with people to take advantage of them and come out on top. Loki is just as her name suggests and want to just piss people of and cause aimless chaos. Honestly, he has more in common with Mahan, who's giving off this whole "villain in hibernation" vibe
Except Prrr likes to toy with people to take advantage of them and come out on top. Loki is just as her name suggests and want to just piss people of and cause aimless chaos. Honestly, he has more in common with Mahan, who's giving off this whole "villain in hibernation" vibe
Except for the fact he cares about his friends and prr doesn't carr about anyone
RaynaFon RaynaFon Jesus Christ dude

I'm assuming your character can't permakill.... I hope

This looks like a job for.... GUNPOWDER MAN!!!

*max runs in with a cape*

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