don't know if I should be scared or not of the Lona pillow thing..... But still, Loki will need some good reasoning because for now, Yuna is still straight.... but that's never certain, as I experienced myself XD
don't know if I should be scared or not of the Lona pillow thing..... But still, Loki will need some good reasoning because for now, Yuna is still straight.... but that's never certain, as I experienced myself XD
Don't be afraid. Accept the Lona pillow like Yuna has. Become one with it. Love it. For it is good and majestic.
Don't be afraid. Accept the Lona pillow like Yuna has. Become one with it. Love it. For it is good and majestic.
hmmmmm.... hmmmmmm.... need to think about that.... and by think I mean sleep... I'm going to bed. which is probably the signal for you guys to go absolutely apeshit again because as soon as I'm out of view, things tend to go crazy here. oh well, have fun ^^
Summer Breeze Summer Breeze also shouldn't you he alseep? It's like 11pm there girl. You got to get up in the morning and unlike Loki, you don't have a Yuna pillow to use XD

Lol nights Summer
hehe, yup, defenitly should be asleep. But... you see... I'm not ^^ it's called 'making bad decisions' or 'the to-sleep-or-not-to-sleep question' and I'm an expert at them ^^

oh well, time to be 'responsible' and go back to bed. see ya guys tomorrow!

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