Haha what is that a new Breed in the skywalker family.
Jk...that sounds nice.

...man when is Mist gonna post.
Hey, tell me you wouldn't be upset if someone screamed and rang a bell waking you up right as you were about to have a nice dream
How is he Inconsequential.
Maybe he can find himself a boyfriend since thats the new thing.
How is he Inconsequential.
Maybe he can find himself a boyfriend since thats the new thing.
For the last time, my character is inflexibly straight.

If I was missing from the party, outcomes literally would not change at all. I did 20 damage total to the last boss (4 percent of his full health), and I'm weaker than most level 1's, even at level 3. Mahan make up for my absence in the party with twice the efficiency.

Well, at least I'm better at chaos than Loki, tho.
...Ok i'll stop because i don't want to be known as the person who likes that stuff.
Do what ever you want...its your character not mine and even if i was mine i wouldn't make him gay.
Hey, Ray, I actually thought Loki was gonna date either Leon or your boyfriends character, wouldn't he get jealous by the way? ;)

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