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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

Nisa Nisa do you still want to join? :-D We apologize for all the shit posting please don't leave we love u

Wish box example #1:

*Directs Eli to do something /f u n/

Eli: no I am not risking my dignity for that

Wish box: u mean the dignity u left hanging back at the
c a b l e c a r

And Emmie is totally alive you guys! Nothing to worry about! :-)
Nisa Nisa do you still want to join? :-D We apologize for all the shit posting please don't leave we love u

Wish box example #1:

*Directs Eli to do something /f u n/

Eli: no I am not risking my dignity for that

Wish box: u mean the dignity u left hanging back at the
c a b l e c a r

And Emmie is totally alive you guys! Nothing to worry about! :-)
I can't believe the wish box just killed Eli. RIP
me about Emmie

Wish box example #1:

*Directs Eli to do something /f u n/

Eli: no I am not risking my dignity for that

Wish box: u mean the dignity u left hanging back at the
c a b l e c a r


At some point the Wish Box is just tellin him shit that Yuyu and others would tell him
i just yknow really love not getting notifs for this it feels great 11/10 for inclusivity @ notif system

also kat x yuna needs to be a thing pls thanks
yuna's getting shipped with everyone, imma join in on the fun- karin x yuna = yurin (even though they probably won't speak to each other lmao)

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