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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

"Tell you what, I'm not ze bitch here."

although he probably wouldn't say that outside of this shitpost or being absolutely livid

Elijah at some point:

I don't why I'm acting as if Kat would actually hate the guy, when she's been through worse. To be honest, the only thing that would irk her would be his attempts to give her a *nickname like 'Mon canard'.

edit: *petname
Elijah at some point:


1) Absolutely. Something or somebody needs to set him off at some point, preferably with disastrous results for something or someone

2) Who's Fear in the gif?

I don't why I'm acting as if Kat would actually hate the guy, when she's been through worse. To be honest, the only thing that would irk her would be his attempts to give her a *nickname like 'Mon canard'.

edit: *petname
Eli rn:

He's just Bowie whenever his French greetings get rejected. If you look past the cigar smoke you can see very tiny tears in his eyes because when he greets Kat he's just praying that she won't make him look bad in front of the others :'-)

EDIT: Holy shit

Eli trying to greet Kat:
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He's just Bowie whenever his French greetings get rejected. If you look past the cigar smoke you can see very tiny tears in his eyes because when he greets Kat he's just praying that she won't make him look bad in front of the others :'-)

I c a n n o t b re a t h e. Elijah is stealing my heart, and I just can't.
He's just Bowie whenever his French greetings get rejected. If you look past the cigar smoke you can see very tiny tears in his eyes because when he greets Kat he's just praying that she won't make him look bad in front of the others :'-)

EDIT: Holy shit

Eli trying to greet Kat:

Who knew the personification of Elijah's inner self was Bowie :o
Can this boy do anything without bREAKING EVERYTHING? Shit, shit, shit change the song! Play Let's Dance or something!

Ya know, the universe always tries to keep things in balance; Elijah being so perfect would just be unfair to the world and therefore it was destined for him to meet Yuna and Kat.
Bowie truly is Elijah. Elijah is Bowie.

Bowie truly is Elijah. Elijah is Bowie.


I love these Yuneli reaction gifs/photos the most <3

tre expressive
The wish box when it realized who Emmie invited to the party


#sassybox #toosassyforu

Lol seriously though you guys' characters are <3
I just realized that there are still some people that haven't posted... I know serendipity is still in, but we haven't really heard from nira ;3; i hope they're alive a bit
I'm so... worried about Emmie... is she okay.... is she doing alright.... is she alive .... these are the real questions
I'm so... worried about Emmie... is she okay.... is she doing alright.... is she alive .... these are the real questions
that's very true. i hope she's good cause karin's got a whole character arc lol (just kidding i really want to see emmie as a character being fleshed out)

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