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Fantasy Sword & Glory

@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] 's equipment is a quite unrealistic but I'll let it slide).

Answer to question two: Magic is taught, but is banned by the Eternal Fire (the most "popular" religion) but the followers of Vacrigar (heavily based off of Norse Paganism). Magic isn't stuff like summoning blizzards or a meteor storm. Little things that aren't used to destroy your enemies like seeing the future. (Note that most people that are followers of Vacrigar practice magic).

Answer to question three: This is a realistic RP in terms of plot, I don't want a plot with a dark god trying to destroy the world. Basically, I want this to be realistic so it would be dark. (I guess you could say it's like GoT)

Lol sorry for the shitty transitions for the answers. :P
I figured a dark knight would fit in with that, I plan on making an ordinary swordsman sometime. Also I changed Braxis' religion to Athiest so he does not practice any magic.
Claiming it might be based off elder scrolls might be a dangerous thing to say if we don't want magic to be very common, (Magic is everywhere in the elder scrolls, from the people to the weapons and armor to the enemies we fight and the potions that are used.) but I think I get what was intended. This does lead me to the question; If the greatest faith is against magic but magic is rather weak and cannot be used to harm people, what argument do they have against them? Can I have a character use something like magical manipulation against another, or bathe them in flames from my fingertips? Maybe my magic is used to grow rare plants, or create a shield of energy to guard me from arrows. Are any of those possible, and if not what exactly is the faith fighting against? I see evidence of precognition in there at some point, but nothing so far has been defined as possible or impossible. Though I do understand you don't want way powerful magics that will destroy the balance against an average fighter, it leaves the question what is possible in terms of weaker spells.

As far as character creation goes I'll make one when I get home from an event I have momentarily. If I am allowed to invent locations and people I likely will. World-building is a favoured hobby of mine after all.
@Zayuz If you want to add a new type of race and location PM me.

I will allow defensive spell, they have to be very high level mages, like court mages. As I stated in the overview, the Eternal Fire was easily corrupted. The Eternal Fire's leaders actually just hate other religions for no reason but they just say that they hate Vacrigar because of magic.
Darth Gangsta] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25184-zayuz/ said:
@Zayuz[/URL] If you want to add a new type of race and location PM me.
I will allow defensive spell, they have to be very high level mages, like court mages. As I stated in the overview, the Eternal Fire was easily corrupted. The Eternal Fire's leaders actually just hate other religions for no reason but they just say that they hate Vacrigar because of magic.
Speaking of which, can I make Dark-Elves?
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[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Accepted.

A single minute after posting - Now that's efficiency.
@Sharkiee If you're in the tavern we're in, it's empty bar for PC's. Just checking cause you said the Tavern so I wasn't sure whether you're in ours or not.
Varvarus said:
@Sharkiee If you're in the tavern we're in, it's empty bar for PC's. Just checking cause you said the Tavern so I wasn't sure whether you're in ours or not.
I'm in wherever, I'm not being specific for a reason because my character really isn't one to be all HEY GUYS I'M INVOLVED NOW TOO. So she can be in the tavern with your people :3
Sharkiee said:
I'm in wherever, I'm not being specific for a reason because my character really isn't one to be all HEY GUYS I'M INVOLVED NOW TOO. So she can be in the tavern with your people :3
If you don't wanna be it's chill, I was gonna react is all if you were. As you know Dwarf.
Varvarus said:
If you don't wanna be it's chill, I was gonna react is all if you were. As you know Dwarf.
I would be cool if ya did ^^

I tried to make it obvious she used magic in the tavern when she got mad at the barkeep.. so if you wanna use that, go ahead, it was nothing too obvious
Sharkiee said:
I would be cool if ya did ^^
I tried to make it obvious she used magic in the tavern when she got mad at the barkeep.. so if you wanna use that, go ahead, it was nothing too obvious
Problem is no barkeep in the tavern I'm in and it's covered in blood xD
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I don't think her character is in the same tavern we are, as said above I believe.

Just believe yo...
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I don't think her character is in the same tavern we are, as said above I believe.

Sorry I only skilled sharkies post. Helena is on the same tavern as the others as stayed by the fact she noticed the blood and mess and spoke specifically to the dwarf and such xD sharkies char seems to be in another place. My bad just ignore that last bit about her
[QUOTE="Lola Shimmer]On phone rn so it be a pain to edit

You're hiding the fact you're an elf right?
ok so i will be submitting a chara sheet fucking asap im super into this rp im just waiting on a friend to reply before i make an official chara to play with

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