Sword Art Online [Inactive]


Clean Sock
prounst23 submitted a new role play:

Sword Art Online - Locked in a VRMMORPG with only one way out. What will you make of it?

Welcome to Sword Art Online
You come home straight from the purchase of the rarity 'Sword Art Online' and you just can't wait to test this treasure. A Virtual Reality MMORPG the only one of it's kind.

I require that you know the show to join this Roleplay. If you have not seen Sword Art Online and want to join this, please inform yourself by watching it.
  • [18:30 | November-06-2023 | Location: Floor 41 Front Lines((Look in maps))]

It's been exactly a year since 'The First Day' and the Lead group was preparing to infiltrate floor 41 now. In the moment of preparation Alphonse was observing the groups entering the battle and splitting from his current party to follow his duty. The Swamp was by far the most chaotic of the floors until now. Vines would cross through his path and slow is movement with his armor, but not nearly as much as the mud began to pull on his boots. Slugging forward he began to make his way back to his new party of strangers and the group. Alphonse began to ready his equipment as the lead guild strategized in the background. TorK(Party member #1): "Just follow the others and we will be fine!" Alphonse nodded ready for engaging before he began to take a good look at his 4 flimsy party members. 'Looks like I will have to tank for them again' he thought shaking his head and pulling his shield up as he moved to the front of the formation.

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Yuchi's heart was pounding as she trudged through the swamp with a smile on her face as she looked at all of the other players gathered. The pounding wasn't out of fear, but out of excitement. SAO truly was just a big game to her, and the fact that she could really die in it made it all the more fun.

Will I get to kill a monster... Will they let me near the boss.... Can I show off my new Sword Skill!? She thought excitedly as her smile grew wider. Her small frame and stature made it easy for her to walk around vines and hop on the dry spaces, rather than trudge through murky waters. It looked like she was skipping with joy. Her vibrant pink braids stood out amongst the dastardly green of the swamp, catching some peoples eye...

Because her attacking style was speed based, she wore very light armor. The kind that comes with your normal clothing. Her sword was tucked on her back, the sheath coming on her right shoulder, allowing for her left and more dominant hand to grab. Though Yuchi was ambidextrous, her dominant hand was her left.

She didn't have a party, she didn't have a guild, and heck. She didn't even have a lot of friends. She only had about 7 on her friends list, and 5 of those mostly ignored her. To anyone else here on the front lines, she looked like an idiotic child who was marching forward to her death.

Those who thought that however, were most definitely wrong.
BlackRose, a Solo Player, felt reluctant about partying with the other players, because she didn't want them to hold her back. Not that she was greedy for Experience Points. When she looked at her Friends' List, it was empty. Most players knew her for her selfishness however, as she does not often go out of her way to help someone in need unless it was in her best interest. This overshadows her momentary acts of kindness, although she would often cover them up with sarcasm and deny them if asked. To most, she was the definition of Antihero, or in her case, Antiheroine.

Since even she knew that Solo Players had their limits, she looked around for someone to party with. Her friends list, unfortunately, was empty. Instead of asking around, she decided to wait for another player to invite her to their party.
Roth had no one to group up with. It wasn't that he didn't try, it was more along the lines of no one wanted him in there party. He has friends that are in his new guild, but none that truly trusted him.

He spotted anther player without a party, she had black hair with a big red and black sword. Walking over to her and greats her with, "Hello."
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Alphonse watched the lightly geared Yuchi waltzed infront of the formation as it was moving ahead. "What are you doing? We are clearing this floor there is no time for casualties!" He rambled through his full helm before looking back at his party doing nothing, but "watching his back". He knew he was moving from their formation, if he ran forward so he opened his menu and opened the party tab. There was short contemplation due to the rarity of even getting into a party, but these people were just dead weight. He left the party ignoring their rain of complaints and ran forward to the wandering dunce as they lost the entire formation behind them. "We are wandering straight into danger, I hope you know that." he exclaimed to the girl as if she knew he was tagging along.
Yuchi giggled.

"If anything I would be the one who minimizes the casualties!" She said with a smile. She watched with her pink eyes as the suit of armor walked behind her.

"And I hope you know that I wouldn't need any help." She says confidently as she keeps hopping through the swamp, following whoever was leading the entire formation.

"I don't know if you can tell, but I seriously want to fight right now. It's been awhile since anyone cleared the last floor, and I want to slash into some monsters as soon as possible." She explained as she put her left hand on the handle of her sword, not drawing it, just gripping in anticipation for whatever battle may come her way.
"Have we met?" she asked the boy in a fairly blunt tone of voice.

Being one that isn't very social, she gave him a rather funny look. However, now was not the time for a Party up, so BlackRose steeled herself for Combat and drew her sword. She had to make sure that no one was to close to her, not wanting to hit other players by mistake. Her hair started flowing in the breeze.
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'Well this will be an engaging and insightful conversation.' He said to himself, as he unsheathed his dagger. He contemplated not saying anything, but he couldn't help himself and retorted with "Nope just trying social interaction thought you could use the practice to." His voice was dripping heavily with blunt sarcasm.
In the woods Tekkan was in, there were a fair few goblins. They were a fair few levels below him, but that was how he liked it, easy and safe.

A small scuttling behind him. He whipped round, and there was a small, humanoid figure, with a crooked nose, and green skin, wearing simple leather armour. The goblin didn't pose too much threat to him, but it could have a bloody good go at it.

Seeing that Tekkan had noticed it, the goblin leapt, dagger in hand, screeching its high-pitched war cry at him. Simply enough, Tekkan, moved his hand to his sword's hilt, and sidestepped the goblin.

As it stumbled, he drew his sword, and sliced at it in one movement. It fell, almost dead, and he finished it off, stabbing it into the ground.

Suddenly, around twenty goblins were running at him, less than fifty metres from him when he noticed. What was this? An event? He thought, as he held his sword, about to fire a beam at them.
"For your information, I'm a Solo Player. So that's why I don't really talk to anyone else. Don't really want to get close to anyone, save myself the pain of mourning. But I still know my limits. Not like I go to boss rooms and take on a Boss all by myself. A party is only as strong as its weakest link. Same with Guilds." She was starting to sound selfish and, to an extent, arrogant.

The last time that BlackRose had partied up with other players was during a boss fight somewhere between the 30th and 35th Floors. Underneath her Anti-heroic attitude and cold exterior, she wished to be more open with others, but isn't due to her reputation and supposed arrogance. Some players even accused her of having no friends. However, she did not argue with it primarily because her friends' list was empty.

She gave the Bloodheart, her sword, a nice long look as she continued traveling with the formation.
Roth keeping pace with her while trying to keeping up the banter between them."So there are only three types of Solo Players the arrogant ones who think themselves above every other player, the hated ones who do some act that puts them on everyone's blacklist, and the lonely ones who are terrible at social interaction and are looked at by everyone as rude or loners." After finishing his little informative spill about Solo Players he gave her a cocky smirk and presented her with a question. "So Cupcake, which one are you?"
Alphonse followed the wild war monger at a steady pace that began to tremble as he began to speak "W- well, I would no- not want you to get hurt s- so let me invite you to a party and prote- help y- you!". He smacked the back of his head as he knew how embarrassing that was. A few meters behind Yuchi he opened his menu and began the invitation process. He had removed his helmet as a sign of trust, but all there was to see was a sweaty mess of hair with a skin color gone red. (sorry the response is so short and unedited im on my phone and doing a load of chores..)

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Yuchi tilted her head to the side as he began speaking, well stuttering. She stopped a moment and looked behind her as you made the invitation.

"Well sure! I don't see why not to join, but don't be too much of a hindrance to my great and powerful battle attack!" She said with a smile and a wink at the end as she accepted the party request. She kind of sounded like some aspiring little child, reaching for whatever the highest goal would be to one at that age.

Yuchi at the moment was cool and level headed... For the most part that is. However, her mind was shouting at her to begin using her sword and slashing at the monsters.

I shall make the almighty one proud! She thought happily as her eyes sparkled.
Within the mixture of the group left behind by the full armored man and the overly-excited pink haired girl, was a duo who were mostly to themselves. One was a young teenage girl in much pink who comfortably and closely walked beside a much older solemn looking man with red hair much too long for any man...well for most preferences, at least. He was much calmer than her partner, who was struggling with the emotional balance of both giddy and irritated. "What the hell are we doing Shadow!? We should catch up with those other two and help fight the boss!" she looked up at him hopefully, as if waiting to be granted permission like a child. However, the man just shook his head. Well, if it could even be classified as a head shake. It was just a stiff movement to the left and right, it was hardly even noticeable. "Reckless. We'll catch up."

The girl didn't say anything else, just looked up ahead her cheeks slightly puffed in a manner of one pouting. It seemed like it was the end of that conversation (was that even considered a conversation?) before the girl opened her mouth again. "...They're killing all the monsters before us..."

"Aye, but they respawn. You know the video game logic." He said simply in that same, monotonous voice of his and as if to his defense, a strange reptilian-like monster (something you'd expect to find in a swampy setting) respawned, making the girl unsheathe her rapier. However, that took a second too long and the monster was mauled by a small fox creature.

"Awww! Luminitsa! That was my kill!" The girl complained, calling to her familiar after the monster was killed (with the help of a local member of the group). Luminitsa pranced over to the girl and began to leap but instead of catching her small fox, the girl jumped out of the way. "Sorry Luminitsa~ Not with those swampy paws of yours!" She giggled at the fox's irritated face as it was quite the attention hog and loved it's praise of being petted and loved. The conversation ended at that which was actually normal for the two. Though both a gemini, the young girl with the alias Ravita was the one who talked...and she did plenty of talking. In fact she made up for the talking that her partner, Shadowlegend, lacked. Shadow was more of the quiet and observant of the two. He said things short and to the point and sometimes his lack of words or...emotion frustrated Ravita quite often, though she was well at masking her feelings for the most part. But that was all a story for another day.
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@Roach of Wrath

"If you really must know...the third one; the loner that's socially awkward and comes off to everyone as rude." she said coldly.

At this moment, the loneliness in her eyes was starting to show for the first time since the first floor was cleared. Beneath her Anti-heroic attitude, selfishness and cold exterior, was an incredibly lonely girl who would like to befriend others.
As Yuchi had finished her party request Alphonse began to hear tapping in mud behind the mists of the bog. The crunching of branches and mashing of mud became more violent before a loud hissing emitted before them. They were being attacked by a stack of 6 E. Leeches[Maps] that had separated from the battle at the front lane. Alphonse readied himself for battle as he rotated to each of the animals on his end. Every now and then he would rush a look at Yuchi's end before noticing that 2 of the enemies were initiating an attack. One of the Leeches threw itself up toward Alphonse, but it was a short process as he simply bashed it with his shield and pierced it in the head it's skull which sent it into it's frenzy of digital disintegration. The other had simply been thrown back.The two other Leeches had made there way towards him as he was adjusting his shield for another block. "Are you okay?" Alphonse asked still trying to support his ally whilst he was occupied.
"Well my socially awkward Cupcake today we both find our selves without a party marching towards the boss, and you seem to be a strong player, I'm a strong player so...." He opens the menu and sends her a party request. "with the both of us working together odds are we are gonna be alright." He gave her a warm smile full of confidence.
Because there were 6 total, while the other 4 were concentrating on Alphonse, the 2 that weren't locked onto Yuchi.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" She called excitedly as the beasts made their way towards her.

Certainly not the prettiest enemy... She thought a bit sourly. But alas, they would be defeated. In one swift movement of her left harm, she had drawn her vibrant blue sword, it's blade shimmering ever-so brightly... Even in the dark of the swamp.

Her left arm slashed across the enemy to her left as she withdrew the sword from its sheath. She tossed the sword quickly over to her right hand and slashed the enemy to her right, producing critical damage and killing it. Tossing back over to her left hand, she struck the other again and it finally gave way and died, giving her a much anticipated kill as well as EXP.

She smiled brightly as she looked back over to you, resting her sword over her shoulder.

"Need help?" She asked promptly, and with a smirk. Yuchi wasn't one to brag about her sword skills, but come on, they are pretty darn cool.

That was definitely bada**... She thought exuberantly.
BlackRose accepted his Party request. This was the first time someone has sent her a party invite since the boss fight about five to ten floors ago. However, she did not smile, as she did not know on weather or not she was going to stick around with him after the Boss Fight. "This Boss shouldn't be anything too hard. With players of our Calibur anyway." she commented.
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"So, what do you think the boss'll look like this time!?" Ravita asked, getting anxious about the oncoming battle..whether or not that was a good kind of anxious she wasn't quite all too sure of. Her companion just shrugged, as he never has an opinion for much. "A giant piece of bacon..." Bacon. That was this man's ultimate food obsession, aside from chocolate and marshmallows...Ravita had that feeling he didn't really take care of himself in the real world, though he was tall and lanky thanks to metabolism. Ravita dwelled on the thought of a huge bacon piece as a boss monster, thought up it's moves and possible weapon and...she shook her head. Even for her, this was ridiculous!

As not much appeared visibly interesting ahead of her, Ravita looked around to spot others in the group talking and making parties for one another. "Um...do you think we should be social? You know...party up for the upcoming battle." But Shadow didn't even as much think it over. "Nah, people cling." Ravita sighed silently and to herself. Sometimes she feels like he's trying to hint at her.
Roth looked at the the health bar right below his seeing the name BlackRose. He could not help himself he had to comment on it. "BlackRose? Now is that an emo or goth name?" Chuckling at his own joke before stating "I'm just gonna stick with Cupcake. If that's okay with you." His joke an attempt to get her to laugh or get mad anyway to get her to show a little more emotion.
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"To answer your question, its neither. Black is just one of my favorite color, the Roses are my favorite kind of...flowers. And sure, you can still call me cupcake if you'd like. I don't really mind." she replied. 'Is he trying to flirt with me or something?' she thought.

Since she didn't exactly get the joke, she just continued to maintain her Anti-heroine facade.
'Fine if jokes won't humanize you than maybe something else will.' He thought to himself before changing the subject. "Hey have you ever been camping on floor 22?" He began to to spin his dagger in his hand before continuing. "It has some of the nicest lakes and great climbing trees. It's probably the perfect place to just lay back and relax."
"I have a house on that floor actually. If I ever feel like I need a break from being on the front lines or from Training, I just go over to my little retreat on the twenty-second floor. Got a nice view of one of the lakes actually." she replied.

Now that she thought about it, BlackRose thought that she should head back to her little retreat after the upcoming Boss Fight. She normally takes two weeks off following a Boss Fight after the Boss Fight she took part in when she was on Floor Twenty-Seven, as by then she had enough money to get the house. As for her two weeks off, one week was for relaxing and the other was training her skills before returning to the Front Lines.
'Do I need help?' he thought to himself as he looked at the three enemies left. "I'll throw myself into them and whilst they are chowing down on me you kill them, alright?" exclaimed Alphonse without thinking. He ran into the crowd of E. Leeches and began to hit them with his shield as they got some attacks on him, but this was not anything his battle healing couldn't handle. He swiped through them with his spear only to do a small amount of damage due to his low amounts of training and mediocre weapon. He had taken his role as tank and waited for Yuchi to finish them with her attack damage as he took the hits from one of them each time he hit one down.

As the chaotic frenzy of battles were going along a heavy roar emitted ahead, and a horrific figure came through the swamp, knocking down trees as it made it's way to the raid groups. From the creatures large column flew a soldier of the front lines and shattered into his digital mess. Alphonse had stopped all his actions to view the monstrosity completely ignoring the smaller animals tearing at his shell. He quickly equipped his helmet once more and charged through the creatures leaving Yuchi back, but requesting her to assist with the boss battle. Across his screen the name [swamp Ancient lvl 53] built up with it's Health points standing at [7400/8000], because the now destroyed proceeding formation had already taken their hits at it.


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