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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

Omega Type

Head Chef
CS specifications

Name/username: (real name and username can be identical)

Age: (recommended 15-19, although much younger and older exist in original universe, very few appear as major characters)

Appearance: (can be written or posted as a picture)

Weapon of choice: ('Sword' Art Online here isn't limited to swords, feel free to crossover other fandom weapons, but make sure other users can actually picture it in their heads)

Special skill [optional]: (Awarded to players who meet a certain criteria, such as Kirito earning 'dual wield' for fastest reaction time in the original universe)

Personality: (pretty self explanatory)

Bio: (also self explanatory)

*No god-modding, it's obvious, but don't do it.

*Don't kill off another player's character without agreeing over OOC with said player, otherwise the worst that can be done is mortally wounding.

*Weapons of choice/skills shouldn't break the 'no-godmodding' rule. Go crazy, but draw the line at ridiculous.

*No vanilla Sword Art Online characters.

*If your Bio is revealed in-rp, actually reveal it at some point, don't just type that up to get out of writing it

Thanks, and have fun.
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Name/username: Kona hanazawa/Magnus Bleackrain

Age: 18


Weapon of choice:

Special skill [optional]: Allows use of double bladed weaponry

Personality: (pretty self explanatory)

Bio: (also self explanatory)

Personality: Kind,resorceful,pleasent to be around and always the person to go to talk about your problems. On his bad day's he isn't the best person to disturb he won't talk to you or maybe snap at you for some reason but other then that he is loyal to his frainds and a good person to trust.

Bio:ca i work that in the rp?
Name: Lana Mason

Username: Lana

Age: 15

Appearance:(but with the clothes in the anime)


Weapon: Katana and throwing daggers

Special skill: doesn't have one.

Personality: she is quiet and observing and notices things others don't, she gets angry easily and can also be arrogant, when you get to know her better though she is kind and is understanding and extremely trustworthy.

Bio: Lana's family had always been wealthy allowing Lana to do almost whatever she pleased, this lead to Lana becoming spoilt and slightly arrogant as she was an only child but secretly she is scared no one will like her.
Name/username: Melody Black/Silver Rhythm

Age: 17

Appearance: in reality her hair is black and her eyes silver


Weapon of choice: Sword shown in picture and a scythe


Special skill: Allows her to wield all kind of weapons as fast as she uses her sword(which is fast)


Spoiled brat it what others call her, but she's not that. She's quiet, mysterious, kind and a great listener. She can be cheerful around people she trusts and cares about, but it's be a bad decision to harm those close to her as she knows how to fight, due to her four older brothers, but she's mostly calm and rather hard to anger, she's also not one to panic.


Melody grew up in a rich family, being the youngest of four older brothers, they all got spoiled, but she the most, however she knows how to keep her act together, when the game was released she got it from her father that very same day, her brothers weren't that lucky. Her parents gave her more then them, but the four guys didn't mind, they love seeing their little sis happy. It clear to see she's spoiled, but she will never act like it, until the situation calls for it.

@Omega Type
Name/username: Akihiro Fujiyama/Hiro

Age: 20



Weapon of choice: Double daggers

Special skill [optional]: None

Personality: Akihiro genuinely cares about everyone they meet, even if they're strangers and may never see each other again. They value the happiness of everyone, and put others before themself. They are easily taken advantage of, due to their helpful nature. They have amazing patience with others, and get along easily with others. They are a natural follower, and a bit of a doormat. Due to being older than many other gamers, they've become a parent figure to some of the young kids trapped in the game. They are easily frightened by the idea of a fight, and try to avoid combat as much as possible. Therefore, their fighting skills are lacking.

Bio: Akihiro never met their father, instead living with their mother and her girlfriend. They were given much love and attention during their childhood, and though their family never had much money, they were happy. They did well in school, although they weren't a genius, and entered college to learn how to teach. Their roommate bought the game, but happened to be busy that day and let them try it out, leading them to being trapped. Akihiro blames their roommate for being stuck here.
drummerboi said:
Name/username: Kona hanazawa/Magnus Bleackrain
Age: 18


Weapon of choice:

Special skill [optional]: Allows use of double bladed weaponry

Personality: (pretty self explanatory)

Bio: (also self explanatory)

Personality: Kind,resorceful,pleasent to be around and always the person to go to talk about your problems. On his bad day's he isn't the best person to disturb he won't talk to you or maybe snap at you for some reason but other then that he is loyal to his frainds and a good person to trust.

Bio:ca i work that in the rp?
Accepted, and yes, things like special skills, bios and personalities can be revealed in the RP itself.

Vxnessa said:
Name: Lana Mason
Username: Lana

Age: 15

Appearance:(but with the clothes in the anime)


Weapon: Katana and throwing daggers

Special skill: doesn't have one.

Personality: she is quiet and observing and notices things others don't, she gets angry easily and can also be arrogant, when you get to know her better though she is kind and is understanding and extremely trustworthy.

Bio: Lana's family had always been wealthy allowing Lana to do almost whatever she pleased, this lead to Lana becoming spoilt and slightly arrogant as she was an only child but secretly she is scared no one will like her.
Also accepted!
lowbrasskawa said:
Name/username: Akihiro Fujiyama/Hiro
Age: 20



Weapon of choice: Double daggers

Special skill [optional]: None

Personality: Akihiro genuinely cares about everyone they meet, even if they're strangers and may never see each other again. They value the happiness of everyone, and put others before themself. They are easily taken advantage of, due to their helpful nature. They have amazing patience with others, and get along easily with others. They are a natural follower, and a bit of a doormat. Due to being older than many other gamers, they've become a parent figure to some of the young kids trapped in the game. They are easily frightened by the idea of a fight, and try to avoid combat as much as possible. Therefore, their fighting skills are lacking.

Bio: Akihiro never met their father, instead living with their mother and her girlfriend. They were given much love and attention during their childhood, and though their family never had much money, they were happy. They did well in school, although they weren't a genius, and entered college to learn how to teach. Their roommate bought the game, but happened to be busy that day and let them try it out, leading them to being trapped. Akihiro blames their roommate for being stuck here.

Another one. (Yep, accepted)
drummerboi said:
when do we start?
I'll post up my own character, I held back a little because I wasn't sure this thread was going to catch anyone, and then a quick intro so you guys can link in.
Name/username: Kamien Heist

Age: 17



Weapon of choice:


Special skill [optional]: Revealed during story.

Personality: Kamien's social ability mostly consists of jokes based on a cold sense of humor, yet is more or less witless when pressured. Despite this, there is a limit to how much he can be pressured before he snaps entirely.

Bio: Jacksonville, Florida. Or home, as Kamien liked to call it. As a kid, he spent most of his childhood getting into fistfights or petty gang wars. At the age of 16, Kamien started to cut back on the 'gangsta' attitude as he started to get more of a grip on his life. He eventually earned enough money though part time jobs to move out and rent a flat in Japan before a work interview for a American trading company. Coincidentally, the Nerve Gear was released around the time of his transaction cross countries, Kamien eventually became curious to what all the hype was about.
Name/username: Taylor/Elisean

Age: (recommended 15-19, although much younger and older exist in original universe, very few appear as major characters): 16

Appearance: (can be written or posted as a picture): My profile pic

Weapon of choice: ('Sword' Art Online here isn't limited to swords, feel free to crossover other fandom weapons, but make sure other users can actually picture it in their heads): A sithe, like the one that used by the grim reaper

Special skill [optional]: (Awarded to players who meet a certain criteria, such as Kirito earning 'dual wield' for fastest reaction time in the original universe)

Personality: (pretty self explanatory): A shy but brave girl who loves animals and may overeact... okay will overreact. Is caring and loves everyone... except if they hurts someone she loves.

Bio: (also self explanatory): Develop in RP


Akane Itsuki/Xerias





(ignore the weapon)


Weapon of choice:

A blade held and gripped onto the forearm


Special skill [optional]:

Reveal During Story


In real life, Akane is a mess. People could say he's a nervous wreck, and some could say that he even has a personality disorder. No matter which one though, he still has trouble talking, and society in general. He generally avoided people, keeping to whatever family he had left, and close friends. He generally isolates himself most of the time. In game however, he acts a lot more different than he does in real life. He acts more naive and lighthearted, but still remains the nervousness he did in real life. He's not afraid to speak up, though, and is much more bold than he usually does. In both reality and the virtual reality he will constantly try to make other's feel better, even at his own expense. His personality will grow and change during the RP, though.


The reason for how Akane is in real life is due to his mother. As a child, Akane was abandoned, not for a noble cause, but just simply because he wasn't wanted. He was taken in by his Grandparents, but, obviously, the abandonment left a mark on him that led to several issues. Though he grew up like a normal child, he suffered from several of the Abandonment Issues, which have stayed with him most of his life. This, obviously, led to him going online to develop a new persona. Once he heard of the new VRMMORPG game, he knew that he had to have it. To actually feel like he was going on an adventure, to feel like a different person was what he wanted beyond all else.

And did he get one hell of an adventure.
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Saria said:
Name/username: Taylor/Elisean
Age: (recommended 15-19, although much younger and older exist in original universe, very few appear as major characters): 16

Appearance: (can be written or posted as a picture): My profile pic

Weapon of choice: ('Sword' Art Online here isn't limited to swords, feel free to crossover other fandom weapons, but make sure other users can actually picture it in their heads): A sithe, like the one that used by the grim reaper

Special skill [optional]: (Awarded to players who meet a certain criteria, such as Kirito earning 'dual wield' for fastest reaction time in the original universe)

Personality: (pretty self explanatory): A shy but brave girl who loves animals and may overeact... okay will overreact. Is caring and loves everyone... except if they hurts someone she loves.

Bio: (also self explanatory): Develop in RP
Accepted! But for future reference, 'Special Skill' can be removed from the CS if none is chosen, it just makes things neater.
Rhodus said:
Name/username: Ryu Haynes // Crimson Fist
Age: 17



Weapon of choice: Gauntlet (pictured above) and Katana


Special skill [optional]: RDS

Personality: Laid back and relaxed. Often facetious, not treating situations with the seriousness they require. In combat he can become vindictive and sadistic if the fight lasts too long.

Bio: Very little is known about the young man named Ryu Haynes. However, it is rumored that he is the son of an immensely successful business tycoon and that Haynes is not his real surname. He is also a prominent and skilled martial artist.

Could you elaborate on 'RDS' as the ability? I'm not sure what that means.
Zalarx said:
(ayy im late but that doesn't matter)
Name/username: Akane Itsuki/ Xerias

Age: 16



(ignore the weapon)


Weapon of choice: A Snap Blade held and gripped onto the forearm


Special skill [optional]: Reveal During Story

Personality: In real life, Akane is a mess. People could say he's a nervous wreck, and some could say that he even has a personality disorder. No matter which one though, he still has trouble talking, and society in general. He generally avoided people, keeping to whatever family he had left, and close friends. He generally isolates himself most of the time. In game however, he acts a lot more different than he does in real life. He acts more naive and lighthearted, but still remains the nervousness he did in real life. He's not afraid to speak up, though, and is much more bold than he usually does. In both reality and the virtual reality he will constantly try to make other's feel better, even at his own expense. His personality will grow and change during the RP, though.

Bio: The reason for how Akane is in real life is due to his mother. As a child, Akane was abandoned, not for a noble cause, but just simply because he wasn't wanted. He was taken in by his Grandparents, but, obviously, the abandonment left a mark on him that led to several issues. Though he grew up like a normal child, he suffered from several of the Abandonment Issues, which have stayed with him most of his life. This, obviously, led to him going online to develop a new persona. Once he heard of the new VRMMORPG game, he knew that he had to have it. To actually feel like he was going on an adventure, to feel like a different person was what he wanted beyond all else.

And did he get one hell of an adventure.

Affirmative (I'm running out of different styles of 'accepting') and it doesn't matter how late the character is inserted, just slot them in like they were there the whole time.

Akagi Yamato/Aether

Age: 15



ARMOR: Minus the weird neck thing.

Aether also has normal clothes she wears when not in armor, which mostly look like Kirito's. Except hers has a red strip down the right sleeve.

Weapon of choice:

Twin Elucidators

Special skill [optional]: Dual Wielding

Personality: Cold and detached, Aether tends to be a lone wolf. The Epitome of a "solo player" as any, she really can't stand people in general. Which sucks, because she likes MMOs...so, usually she takes on the roll of a villain, mainly because she enjoys running annoying people off. But ever since SAO became a death game, she avoids people in general. Not a team player, she doesn't want anything to do with the guilds. Aether just wants to be left alone.

Bio: Will be told as the RP.progresses.
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Real name: Mei Kuroki

Username: Keimei

Age: 17


Weapon of choice: Kei wields a long, thin katana with a black and red hilt and a silver blade.

Special skill [optional]: N/A

Personality: Mei is the type of person who always tries to find the best in any situation she gets into, though she really couldn't find one for being trapped in SAO. She acts friendly and trusting towards those she joins forces with, and will do whatever it takes to defend those close to her. Despite her seemingly upbeat and kind impression, she is actually terrified by the world she's been trapped in, and the idea of dying far from the reaches of her loved ones.

Bio: Mei grew up in a relatively poor family, and their poverty led to many issues. Of course, Kei wasn't the type to let it get her down. She still had fun with her family, even if she wished that their financial situation could be better. One of her hobbies growing up was playing video games, even if she could only afford cheap retro games. It wasn't until she was 15 that she could afford a computer capable of playing more recent games. At this point, she befriended a girl who introduced Mei to her small game group, and Mei spent the next few years playing various online games with them. One Sword Art Online was announced, they were all excited. Of course, Mei had no way to afford the Nervegear, having just recently gotten a good gaming system. She had to save her money for other things, so she would be unable to join the rest of her group in playing SAO. However, as a surprise, all of her friends pooled money together for her to get a Nervegear and a copy of Sword Art Online, and they told her that they'd meet her once they were able to get the game for themselves. Of course, once Mei put the game in and began playing, she discovered that she was now stuck in the game world. Her friends wouldn't be joining her, and she may not even see them again depending on how she did. She vowed to fight hard so that they could all see each other again.
Name/username: Marcus S Black/ Arc

Age: 16



Weapon of choice:

Wolf's Bane- Received the weapon off a Christmas boss drop. With this he also received a wolf's armor cloak.



Special skill [optional]: Lycan Rage- The ability to enhance all attributes of his body, and senses. He gained this ability for defeating the boss by himself

Personality: Mischievous, Rebellious, Selfless, Caring, Conniving, Rash, Intelligent

Bio: Would it be all right if I explained it through the roleplay??
[QUOTE="Omega Type]Could you elaborate on 'RDS' as the ability? I'm not sure what that means.

Oh sorry about that. It's just an abbreviation for revealed during story
Xion136 said:
Akagi Yamato/Aether

Age: 15



ARMOR: Minus the weird neck thing.

Aether also has normal clothes she wears when not in armor, which mostly look like Kirito's. Except hers has a red strip down the right sleeve.

Weapon of choice:

Twin Elucidators

Special skill [optional]: Dual Wielding

Personality: Cold and detached, Aether tends to be a lone wolf. The Epitome of a "solo player" as any, she really can't stand people in general. Which sucks, because she likes MMOs...so, usually she takes on the roll of a villain, mainly because she enjoys running annoying people off. But ever since SAO became a death game, she avoids people in general. Not a team player, she doesn't want anything to do with the guilds. Aether just wants to be left alone.

Bio: Will be told as the RP.progresses.
Accepted. Go ahead and start posting!

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