Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]


Sir Sky, A Knight of RpNations Kingdom
(The Role play begins with you receiving your notes, they're identical to the one in the RP Overview)

Ozoiyas skipped down the long corridor, his tiny feet giving off small clicks and clacks all the way down. His white ears flopped up and down on the top of his head and his tale swung happily with each step.

Today the empty halls of the Academy would be filled with past and new students, which will be bustling through out the halls. Trying to find their single dorm or other classes.

The thought crossed Ozoiyas mind as soon as he came to a large wooden door at the end of the hall. Millennium made sure to make the corridor seem as though it went on forever, for dramatic effect.

What a dork. Ozoiya thought as he entered. To much of his surprise(sarcasm, pure pure sarcasm.) Millennium was asleep in his red velvet chair. His pirate like boots propped up onto the edge of his wooden desk.

Instead of walking over quietly and waking him up with a small tap on the shoulder, Ozoiya covered his ears to block out the blasted sound of the Headmasters snores and rammed his body into the mans ankles to awake him.

Millenniums feet slammed to the ground and he lurched forward knife in hand, but halted seeing as it was Ozoiya his closest thing to family.

"YuYu!" He called out happily glad to see him but stopped before continueing.

"Yu.Yu." He stated more sternly, his gaze like fire. As he dropped his knife on the desk beside them and reached forward tugging Ozoiyas bandages down so they covered his deep Maroon eyes. Millennium felt a chill down his spine as he yawned and stretched, those eyes. They only meant trouble and bad luck upon anyone except that dreaded clan.

"Today's the day correct?" He questioned pushing Ozoiya in front of him so he walked out the door first as he pulled his purple girl like hair into a loose pony tail. As he received a small nod from Ozoiya in return.

"Great. Mary!" He called out as they stepped up the stares of a small stage which was set up in the middle of the courtyard. Where students would begin to appear, rows upon rows of chairs set up in front. As called a green haired women appeared, her long golden sleeves swaying with her steps. Ozoiya quickly elbowed Millennium in the kidney.

"We don't want bugs flying in your mouth Millennium." Ozoiya stated with a scoff

"Whose the real dog here." Earning a glare from Millenium as they took a seat. The Head master sat quite loosely as Oz sat up tall. Never liking the idea of making bad impressions,

"I'll be doing most of the talking correct?" Mary inquired taking a seat beside Ozoiya as students began appearing and walking towards the chairs in front of the stage bags and suit cases in hand.

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It was an understatement to say that Emikia was just surprised when she got the letter. She was also very confused, mostly because her reading skills lacked, but that was beside the point. She was able to figure out what the letter said.

That had been the day before. Now, with medium-sized bag in hand and the key, she did what the letter had instructed. A smile appeared on her face at the portal. That was pretty neat. After looking back at the small house she had been living in for practically her entire life, the girl stepped through the portal. Sure, the house had cherished memories, but there was nothing left there for her. It was time to change her surroundings and get a new life. Maybe make friends that weren't birds and small mammals.

Emilia blinked her green eyes a few times once at the other side of the portal. She looked up at the building in complete wonder, having never seen a structure so large. It was bigger than a tree! Emi rubbed her eyes then slowly headed inside, smoothing down her dress, which had been her mothers. It fit like a glove on her.


Henry sighed as he got ready to leave. Clothes? Check. Notebooks and other school supplies? Check. Other personal items? Check. Barry (his pet bunny)? Check! Alright! Time to go then. Henry twisted the key in the air and just had to marvel at portal for a minute before actually stepping through.

It was like stepping out of a cave really. He had been inside his home, now he was outside a large building. The young man glanced around at the other students arriving. The bunny in his arms seemed a little shocked, but was pretty chill still for a small animal. Henry looked at the bunny and petted his head before heading into the school along with the other students. This was going to be a big change for him.

Desini stared at the envelope with a small black suit case in her hand. She didn't need much and didn't have many clothes anyhow. While studying the key that was in the envelope, she waited for her brother to hurry. Airen was gathering his things that he might need, though he didn't have much either. She wondered why he was taking so long. Cespar, who was standing behind her, grabbed the key from the envelope.

"Let's hurry. Airen has a key for himself, doesn't he?" Cespar said, waving the key around in his hand. Just then, Airen came rushing out of their small house with a slightly larger black bag than hers.

"Well, excuse me for taking my time. I didn't want to forget anything. I don't see why you, a mere Creature, are hurrying your master. I'm sure Yume doesn't like it," Airen stated with a hint of irritation in his voice. By now, Desini had learned to ignore their arguments.

As if leaving the two to their bickering, Desini calmly took the key from Cespar's hand, who didn't even seem to notice. Following the instructions on the envelope, she stuck the key into the air and twisted it. A large portal appeared in front of her and caught the attention of Cespar and Airen. Hurriedly, she walked into the portal, soon followed by the other two. Cespar grabbed the bag from her hand, carrying it for her and Airen adjusted his sleeves to make sure his tattoos were covered up.

In one moment, they were at their house, high up in the mountains. The next moment, they were in front of a large school building. With a glance around, Airen moved closer to his little sister somewhat protectively. He knew she wasn't good with strangers, and therefore made it his duty to keep her away from them.

"Hey, Yume! Aren't there some interesting people here? Look, look!" Cespar excitedly pointed to a few students with his long, dark, pointy fingers and turned to look at Desini, who was smiling. At least someone was enjoying it here.
Marilie shut the door tight and locked it. The voices of her adoptive parents getting stern, then giving up. It was like this on a daily basis now, Marilie gets in trouble for doing something wrong, and they remind her why she needs to be unseen. Growing up around normal kids when even your appearance screams weird has never been easy. She understood what was wrong, but this time it wasn't her fault.

Getting a letter addressed to her, Marilies parents assumed the worst. It really wasn't her fault this time though. There was nobody in the world who could know her well enough to write something to her. She waited until their voices were completely gone and opened it,reading through. It was a prank.. a joke. It had to be.. maybe. She tugged at her scarf for air momentarily.

Hearing closing in footsteps, she frantically searched for a key. When she found it, she heard a key slip into her own door. She hadnt had the time to gather supplies as the letter and key would be taken away if seen. "Be out in a minute!" Was answered with a "get out here with the letter!" She closed her eyes and tried to breath, barely filling a duffel with a toothbrush and at shirt. The door was opening and the used the key and....

Marilie opened one eye to find herself in a new building, rigid and barely holding onto a half open bag. She inhaled deeply and looked around, not yet keen on taking a seat.
Ozoiya short legs swung below the seat happily, his hands grip tight on the edge of his seat. A large smile appearing on his face, it filled him with so much joy to see others. The two months alone in the school by himself with Millennium and a small group staff had grown boring very quickly. His tail wagged joyfully behind himself, his unseen eyes hopping from one student to the other eagerly. Quietly to himself he thought of what each of their abilities could be.


Millennium yawned into a hand before waving Mary away,

"No need. This is a job for a man but tonight you and the oth-" His words became more slow as he continued cut off by Marys cold glare.

"Don't even try dirt bag." The statement caused Millenniums body to freeze mid-movement, his expression dropping. And rubbed his eyes into his scarred forearm pretending to cry as he spoke.

"Why are all of you ladies so mean to me, I just want a friend, a companion, a lover! Is that to much to ask?" He questioned desperately to the women. But Mary simply looked away her hands hidden inside of her sleeves, as he continued with his terrible act.

This was strange. Not once had Emilia been near more than four people, let alone a few hundred. It was a little uncomfortable actually, but she tried to ignore that feeling. She didn't think that key could take her back home, so it was already too late to change her mind. Why would she want to continue her life in solitude anyways? It was painfully boring to live like that. Nothing interesting and not dangerous ever happened. Most days she just looked for food then looked for something she had already done a hundred times over to do. That wasn't fun.

The girl with the ears, tail, and wings began looking around before she followed the other students to where they were supposed to be seated. Ears twitched at all the different sounds and voices. All the noise kind of her ears slightly. Another thing she had to ignore. Oh well.

After looking around for a short moment then realized she did not want to be the last one to actually sit down, she rushed to where all the people were gathering. Wow. There were more people than she had previously thought. That meant more chances to make friends. Great! Emilia smiled a little bit then took her seat in the front row. She put her fluffy tail in her lap and made sure it was clean by picking dirt and dust off of it.


Henry reakized that being there felt like just the first day of school, only with people that weren't exactly human. But, they still acted like teenagers. He even spotted a group of satyr boys actually ramming into eachothers horns like goats. He guesses that was normal for them. They looked like they were having fun at least.

Henry watched the boys for a moment before continuing on his way. It wasn't like he had not seen human boys do that before. It was called "american football". Henry smiled to himself at his little joke. He looked at the bunny in his arms.

"What do you think, Barry?" he asked his pet.

The bunny looked up at his owner. He twitched his little nose then began to groom his long floppy ears. The animal then closed his eyes and rested.

Marilie watched as a green haired girl passed, then brought her attention to a kid who sort of reminded her of a puppy. She timidly approached the area, wide eyes taking in a million new things at once. She could practically.. or literally, melt at the sight. They all had full bags too. Hers... had one shirt and a toothbrush
Airen pulled Desini towards the end of a row of chairs. He didn't want her to sit by some stranger. Obediently, she followed and sat on the end, her brother sitting down next to to her. Cespar walked bitterly towards Airen. It was clear that he was trying to take her away.

"Oi, stupid big brother. Please stop dragging my master around. Your vulgar germs will get all over her," Cespar said before sitting on the ground on the other side of Desini. In many ways, Cespar resembled a dog, which was something Desini liked about him. With a gentle hand, she began to pet him.

Instead of arguing with him, Airen simply let out a huff. I don't see why she keeps that damn creature. Surely Syrin would be a much better companion, he thought. However, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, she felt a deep bond with Cespar and rejected any idea of leaving him. The only reason he was tolerating Cespar now was because of Desini.

"Big Brother, you look angry. Your face is scaring the other students," Desini said, gesturing towards a particularly small girl who was on the verge on tears from just looking at him. Airen let out a sigh before smiling towards girl, which seemed to make her stop crying.
Dan was very suspicious of the letter so many things unexplained like how they know about abnormality, how did they deliver it, why a portal? but it has teaching knowledge sadly school is full of people and noise "sighhhhhh why cant be life easy" maybe if i go i get more power.

"hmmmmmmmm" if it fails he will still have the hat power anyway its worth a try with that decision he takes the key and opens the portal

"knowledge here i come"
As it seemed all or a close enough amount of their future students appeared in the patio, Millennium stood up in the bright sun and stepped behind a podium.

"Welcome, Welcome! Find your seats, and find new friends." He exclaimed joyfully raising his hands up beside him a sly grin upon his face. Hiding his cautious thoughts, these students will have so little time to improve before what comes he thought dreadfully. Seeing as only a few where left standing he continued,

"I am Millennium Sweci your Headmaster, and your choice of attendance has filled me with much joy." He took a small breath, never enjoying the thought of speaking in front of crowds. Unless he was giving off orders,

"Now the life you have lived has now disappeared for the next ten months! Your choice to use the key provided has brought you here, to learn how to control those magical abilities of yours. As well to learn more about the world we live in. Many of the people around you will be your classmates or your friends, here you never truly know! So please be kind to one another. For I won't hesitate to take care of those who become troublesome." He stated with a mischievous smile.

"As well as your Head master I have chosen to teach defense and offense classes this coming year, which all new students shall be taking. You shall receive your dorm numbers and classes in the office soon after this meeting. If you have any further questions please ask a staff member, they'll be all around the school today. Or ask the dog child behind me Ozaiyo if you see him roaming by your ankles the small kid." He chuckled, and nervous laughter echoed through the large crowd. Millennium heard a small huff of air behind him, who he knew was from Ozaiyo.

"So, please. Be kind to one another and depending on last name line up in front of the office, not much of an intro but I've never been good with em." He finished stepping off of the podium and Mary coming replacing his body. Students began standing and walking towards the doors of the office,

"Please don't cause any trouble, line up in an orderly fashion!" Mary spoke loudly, hoping she was able to be heard over the rising voices.

Emilia looked up from her tail as the man on the stage began to talk. Her head tilted to one side as he began to talk. Ten months. Ten months away from home. Or maybe she wouldn't even go home after it was all done. She didn't really want to go home...she thought. Emilia continued to listen then stood up after the man finished to speak.

Now, what letter did her last name start with again? V? Yeah, that was the one. Amd that letter was near the end of the alphabet. That sucked. She would be near the end of the line then. With a little sigh, Emilia picked up her bag again and headed to the line. This was going to be quite an adventure, wasn't eat.


Henry sat down before the man started speaking. That man was rather young to be a headmaster in his opinion. Whatever. He must have been choosen for a good reason. Henry set his bunny on his lap and listened. When he wad done the young man stood up again along wiyh the other students.

Now to get in line. Alright, how was thid goibg to work out? Eh? He would figure it out. Henry walked around and tried to look for the "J's" to get in linr. Whrn he did he took his place and looked around. Barry had fallen asleep despite all the noise from the people.

Marilie lined up as a J and found herself behind a dark haired boy, surrounded by people she didnt know. it was unusual for her to feel shy but these were the most people she has seen in one place.
Cespar leaned his head on Desini's lap, letting out a sigh. She continued to pet his head. The thought of staying with strangers for 10 months made her a bit nervous. Hopefully, she would be able to get by with the help of Cespar and her big brother. She glanced over at Airen for a moment, who was beginning to look irritated again.

"What's wrong, Big Brother?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. It's just that, we have to wait. Because we're Y," he said with a forced smile. He didn't like making her worry about him, and acted as if he was happy about waiting. "I think we'll be put into different dorms. Are you alright with that, or should I talk to a teacher about it?"

Desini thought about it for a moment. It wouldn't be the same if Airen wasn't there with her, but then again, Cespar would be with her. So it should be alright. She shook her head and glanced up at her brother, seeing his face turn slightly sad.
Ozaiyo hopped down off the edge of the stage with a small stack of papers, names and schedules printed on the front along with a ring of keys strapped to his side. And a microphone in his other hand,

"People with last names after the letter K through S please start another line beside the A through J's. Ms. Mary with give you with your scheduals and provide you with maps, then those with S to Z line up here in the aisle in form of me. Once you have your scheduals please find your dorms and stay in them until further instruction!" He smiled setting the microphone beside him and onto the stages edge. Millennium before leaving patted Ozaiyos head,

"Good job YuYu!" He told him happily before leaving, waving behind him.

"I've got some work to do." He called before disappearing into the academy. Students began lining up in front of Ozaiyo telling him their first and last name.


Room 78. Ozaiyo Miyuyu and Airen Yumeka

Room 79. Henry Will Johanson and Dan Magelurk

Room 132. Emilia Lu Vixon and Sage Vienna

Room 133. Desini Yumeka and Marilie Lois Jude

Room 134. Annie Lewitte and April October Falls
whoa for the first time Dan was glad he was late for something crowd his worst nightmare well at least he heard what he needs to do not make trouble how hard can that be? but standing in line "no thanks"saying to himself. they were stranger after all i just levitate above till its my turn

pretty easy with this hat i would look weird but i didn't come here to make friends i come here to learn + they never said anything about not using your powers. Levitates over M.

Emilia heard another voice and looked towards the dog-boy. She blinked and did as she was told. She got into line and looked around at the people around her. She wondered who would be her room-mate. Hopefully somebody nice. They all seemed to be alright, but then again, she could be wrong. Emilia sighed and hugged her bag.

Once she got her paper she looked at it. Room 132. Alright then. Emilia looked around. She didn't really want to go to her room just yet. She had not yet seen enough things to be satisfied enough to sit in a room. So, instead of listening to the headmaster's instructions, she wandered off from the large group of people to look around. It wasn't like she was never going to her room, she just didn't want to at that moment.


Henry looked back at the girl who had got in line behind him. He gave her a little, friendly smile then looked forward again. Barry got onto Henry's shoulder and looked at the girl curiously. He rubbed his face with his little paws then continued watching her intently.

Henry got his paoer and looked at it. Well, he guessed it was time to go meet his room-mate. Cool. Henry got Barry off his shoulder and hesded to the dorm rooms. His room-mate better not ask about his bunny. He could not count how many times he had been called girly or "cute" for having a bunny. He wasn't girly or cute. He just liked bunnies.

Topper regarded the letter, looking at its peculiar seal and inspecting the fine paper that hid something within.


"A letter? What poor fool delivers mail to the wrong person so well?"

Curiosity getting the better of me, I opened the letter to gaze upon its contents, and I was surprised. It read:

Dear Ms. Lewitte,


You're abnormality, has won you an enrollment into Sweci Academy a school for the nearly normal. Here you will attend classes which will allow you to know the real history of our world, and help you control those abilities you where born with.

Yes, we know that this is a small note to send you about such a large topic. But trust us when we tell you that we hope for your attendance, for yours and those around yours sake.


Millennium Sweci


That small key which hopefully is there, if you stick it into the air and twist as if you're unlocking a door. A portal will appear, please enter it with what you'll need.

Hope to see you.

If there is no key, please call our service hotline!

But...I forgot the number...Dammit.

So the letter was for me...but this academy...Nevermind.

"One way to find out."

I thrust the key into the air, and I felt it stop in midair, like it had fit into a lock. My curiosity piqued, and turned the key, and stepped into the enterance.


'Well now...' I thought. 'This looks interesting.'

Sweci Academy was a very large place, almost as big as the castles of some kings! But Topper had been inside most castles, and took some very....valuable, items. Topper wondered what hints she would be capable of here.
Marilie shota warm grin at the boy andhis... rabbit? She was going to say something but he left. She sighed aftsr giving her name and started searching for room 133, eager to meet her roomate.
Hand in hand, the two siblings walked over to the small, dog boy with Cespar walking behind and carrying Desini's bag. When they received their schedules, the first thing Airen looked at was the dorm number. Number 78. He glanced over at his sisters, which read 133. He let out a long sigh before embracing his sister.

"Be good, okay? If you don't like your roommate, come to my dorm immediately, understand? I'm in dorm 78. Don't be afraid to come ask me for help, okay?" Airen spoke as if he was a mother, sending her child off to into the new world. It frighten him to imagine all the bad things that could happen to her if he wasn't watching. But if he knew anything, Desini was not the weakest or nicest person ever. In fact, she could be quite cruel in many different ways if she wanted to.

Desini nodded in her brothers arms. "Yeah, I'll be nice. Don't worry. Cespar's with me," she said before breaking away from him and heading to her dorm. She waved to him and began walking, Cespar following his master.


Airen waved his sister off before heading towards his dorms as well. Hopefully his roommate wouldn't mind if his sister visited once in a while. If he did, it wouldn't matter anyways. Airen would just have to force his roommate to allow it. He turned on his heels and walked towards his dorm room.
Marilie reached the dorm and crashed on the floor, layingand dropping her bag, trying to come to terms with everything that just happened. she waited for a minute before sighing, shutting her eyes and saying "im bored."
.....WHAT? room-mate as in sharing rooms well sh@t 10 months also Double sh@t well it could have Ben worse like a 4 group of people.

i just hope he wont ask to much about the hat or my weird way of sleeping "life really cant be easy sighhhh"Time to meet him
Ozaiya handed the last person in his line their map and schedule along with their dorm key his smile never leaving his face. The single paper that was left was his own classes and dorm, he knew it already but Millennium still chose to print him his. He stepped towards his room, hoping his room mate would be kind and not loud.

Once there he knocked quietly before unlocking the door and entering. His items where already set up on one of the two beds, his side neatly organized. Sitting on the edge of his bed he yawned scrunching his eyes shut before falling backwards and laying lazily on his own bed. Millennium nearly didn't allow him to have a room mate, 'YuYu you're so delicate I don't want you getting hurt!' The sentence filled his mind and caused him to sigh.

"So protective.." He mumbled running his fingers over the top of his white bandages.


Millennium looked out the window and out to the courtyard, the students seemed to already be making friends. And it made him smile, removing his eye patch he placed on the edge of his desk. In time for Mary to enter,

"All the students have what they've been given," She informed the headmaster orderly,

"Cool, I'll need you to help teach my classes by the way." He told Mary, not in a questioning tone but a stern one.
Topper looked at her dorm number, and made her way to the room.

"Room 134...hope my flatmate isn't a boring person."

I flopped onto my bed, which was reasonably comfortable. I pulled my hat down over my eyes and rested. My walking stick rested beside me, locked into the crook of my arm.

'Wish I still had a violin...perhaps I can procure the materials from somewhere.'

I smirked, and sighed.
Airen eventually found the dorm room labeled with the number '78' on it. With a sigh and his suitcase is his hand, he opened the door to see the boy from before lying down on the bed. It was a surprise that he would be sharing a room with him, of all people. But he wasn't going to complain.

"Hello... Ozaiyo, was it?" He said, recalling the boy the Headmaster was referring to earlier. It seemed as if those two were close, perhaps relatives?

In one swift movement, Airen threw his bag on the edge of the bed while he sat down as well, facing the other male. It had been a while since he even talked to someone other than Desini and her Creatures.


Desini and Cesar stood in front of the door to their room. The fact that a complete stranger may be in there frightened her. Just thinking about having to get dress and sleep in the same room as another person other than people she knew made her take a step back from the door. Seeing as how she was nervous about making the first move, Cespar moved in front of her, turning the knob and pushing the door open.

When the door was open, Cespar saw a girl laying on the ground. Unsure of what to do, he walked in and crouched down, poking her with his long fingers.

"Yo. Get up. Don't get in the way of my master when she's trying to enter the room," he said in a threatening tone. Yes, Desini promised Airen that she'd be nice, but Cespar never promised him anything.
Marilie, though finding this groups first impressions pathetic and rude was embarrassed herself and jumped up. "Haha whoops! Sorry, just thinkin.. im Marilie, and you.. two?"

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