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Realistic or Modern SWC - Strawberry Swing With Chloe!



❝ Be still my beating heart...


Breathe In. Breathe Out. Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Val's chest rose and fell against her white uniform blouse as she contemplated what we she truly intended to do today. Staring at the note on the wall that said "Debate Club was cancelled". She knew she had time to herself before her parent's chauffeurs came to pick her up from Goldridge Academy. She only ever seen the picturesque mountains from a distance and what little time she spent in Pinevalley were spent taking pictures with her father and his supporters. Sure, she'd caught a rare glance of nature here and there; however, it was another to actually experience the green lands itself. She clutched the straps of her backpack from her shoulders. When was she ever going to have time to herself like this again? Marching towards the exits to where the bus was, she took the spare change from her pockets and hoped it was enough for a trip there and back.

There was a loud rumble to riding a bus. Something she's yet to experience from the way luxury vehicles were made to ease and comfort it's passengers. She didn't mind that she was shoulder to shoulder with the passenger next to her. Her eyes were able to see the city of Sweetham from another lens. Like an onlooker to a Safari, the hustle and bustle of the everyday citizen fascinated her. Their clothing was most interesting. Bold graphic printed shirts, jeans with and without rips, a cacophony of colourful hats and shoes. It erred on towards a true side of whimsy that she wished she could partake in as well. From oversized and slouchy to the scandalous way t-shirts and shorts were cropped, she wondered if one day she could be so brave as to wear something other than the pristine uniform her mother prescribed.

With the constant stop and go, as the streets grew more familiar and the novelty of the site was lost, she turned and pressed her head towards her bag. She did stay up a few hours after her bedtime, if only to rehearse the arguments she needed to report on today. Her eyelids felt heavy. The pull of slumber was something she could no longer resist. A few minutes...

Y a w n...

Just a few minutes...

A heavy hand to her shoulders brought her back to her sense. "Last stop, kid. It's time to get off," a firm voice reminded her. The bus driver offered a tired smile as he pointed towards the exit of the large vehicle. She bowed her head, "My apologies." Gathering her coat and bag, she shimmied her way out the isles and outside the doors only to be blinded by the brightest light from the mid-afternoon sun. She wasn't in Goldridge anymore. That much was obvious when the sprawling mansions and perfectly manicured lawns were replaced by rustic bungalows and walls of trees. To her horizon was a kaleidoscope of green divided by the occasional brown trunk standing in the distance. The terrain was rather muddy and rough outside the paved road. But the air, oh how it smelled like spring rain, fresh and unlike the fabricated bergamot, smoked florals, and vetiver room spray that her mother insisted was misted around their home. No, this was much richer and completely woodsy.

Knowing her limited exploration was winding down with every second she stood still, she picked a random direction and marched on. As soon as she knew she was out of the public eye, she held her arms out to touch the low lying branches and leaves between her fingers. The ridges and ends tickled her forearms causing her to giggle to herself. This was so fun! Noticing that there was carved path for people to travel, she decided to throw caution to the wind. Nope! Not today! She went further and further into the unknown woods until she hit a clearing. Warm blue skies highlighted the blades of grass and the prismatic wild flowers like a pastoral painting. "Wow..." the words fell from her lips as she held her breath to take everything in. "It's so beautiful..."

Was this what heaven looked like?

Shedding the backpack off her shoulders, she ran to the middle like a child in toy store and flopped against the grass. There were sure to be stains on her uniform from the impact, but she could always get some help to wash that later. Her ragged breath grew more steady as she watched the clouds, lying on her back. She closed her eyes to rest again when a shadow cast itself above her. Wasn't she alone? She opened them again and the shadow was gone. She felt a light tap to her shoulders as she jumped, "AHHH!" It turns out she was sitting on someone else's spot. Velvet smooth, ebony hair and hypnotic brown eyes belonging to a beautiful girl made her heart skip a beat. She looked like a precious sculpture belonging to a museum. Her delicate features modelled by the hands of masters of renaissance.

Gulp! She swallowed the lump in her throat and looked to the ground. She couldn't look perfection in the face. "Sorry, I didn't know someone else was here. I'll be getting a move on," scratching the back of her neck. "Umm... do you know where the bus stop might be?"

➜ LOCATION: A field in Pinevalley | ➜ INTERACTIONS: Chloe ( . D O V E . D O V E ) | ➜ MOOD: Jumpscared by an angel


❝ How did someone like her end up here?


Breathe In. Breathe Out. Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Chloe's chest rose and fell with deep anger as she stormed up the hidden trail that led to her personal refuge. She could feel hot blood rushing to her head as the knuckles of her clenched fists gradually turned white, the gears in her mind crashing against each other violently as she recalled the secret she had just uncovered. A part of her still couldn't accept it; it was difficult to swallow the fact that the person whom she trusted the most, her father, had been lying about her identity all this time. He's not even my father! The girl silently seethed as she continued to hike the untrodden path, the quaint homes of Pinevalley disappearing further into her background as towering trees and lush bushes ceaselessly overcame her surroundings.

The sixteen-year-old could feel her heart constrict and drop with every step; she desperately needed to get to her safe spot and get herself to calm down! She ran a hand through her raven locks as she blinked away the tears that threatened to fall from her lashes. I can't be weak now! Yet, her knees felt shaky and threatened to fall apart beneath the weight of her trouble. I still need to find out the truth about myself and my REAL family. She placed a hand against a tree, its rough surface grounding her to reality as she cast her gaze ahead. Just a few more steps and she'd be finally there. She'd finally find her air in this suffocating world, her oasis in this vast desert called life, her peace.

From a distance, Chloe heard a voice. She peeked from the hefty trunk and saw a silhouette of a girl running in the middle of the clearing, the light hitting her form perfectly as if it was a spotlight and the rest of the world was her stage. In a flash, Chloe forgot her worries and found herself drawn by the strange girl, her earlier stomps deescalating into light steps as she approached.

The young lady laid with her eyes closed on a patch of grass when she neared. Chloe couldn't help but stare. If it wasn't for the rise and fall of her chest, she'd be convinced the girl in front of her was a doll. She looked so pristine with her thick wavy locks of brown and porcelain skin even though they looked to be roughly the same age. The Filipina felt uncharacteristically nervous when the other's closed lids showed the slightest hint of movement, immediately stepping away from her field of view before she was even detected. Wait, why did I shy away? Chloe shook her head before giving the unknown girl a gentle tap on the shoulder.



Chloe blinked at the sudden shriek, staring straight at the frightened ocean orbs before they mellowed down to a nervous look. She tilted her head when the girl averted her gaze and spoke an apology, before asking where the nearest bus stop was. It occurred to Chloe that the stranger was lost. Judging by her attire, the girl seemed to be a student of Goldridge Academy. The primness of her uniform, albeit slightly folded by her recent activity, greatly contrasted Chloe's casual outfit composed of a regular brown sweater and jogging pants. What is a rich kid doing here in the middle of a forest? She looked like a fish out of the water, or a very sore thumb sticking out! She just couldn't imagine this straight-laced student clambering all the way up. What was even more amazing was that she found Chloe's covert spot that not even her best friend, Zack, knew! What a weird girl!

The darker-haired female crouched down to her level and reared her head into the girl's field of view. "Yeah, I know where the bus stop is." Chloe answered, her brown eyes glinting with amusement as they locked on her blue ones. "But are you sure you want to leave already?" She rose an inquiring brow. "I'm not gonna eat you for finding my secret spot, you know?"

LOCATION: A field in Pinevalley | ➜ INTERACTIONS: Kei Kei | ➜ MOOD: Intrigued


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