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Realistic or Modern SWC - Kitchen Nightmares: Birthday Edition with Drea and Zack!



❝ Let's hope everyone had a heavy lunch today because the chicken might take a while…


“It’s the culinary equivalent of cooking trousers. It tastes like it was sewn up in the 1960s.”

Val’s eyes widened as her jaw slacked open to the scene unfolding in the tablet screen in front of her. She could see Gordin Ramsaid chew up and spit out a piece of what supposedly was medium rare steak. She understood that he was a tough critic; however, he always made the most creative insults she's ever heard.

"It's dry. The colour is matches my grandfather's old paisley button up. The only thing missing is the faint odour of moth balls."

Yikes! That must hurt. But he wasn't wrong. Having tasted steaks from fine dining restaurants before, she assessed that the steak was more well done than anything else. Then again, she didn't fair much better in the kitchen herself. Dishevelled brown locks tied together in a messy bun framed her white dusted face. An incident of being too close to the kitchen island whilst mixing a bowl of scrambled eggs and flour - she's afraid. Water ran from the drain washing the chunks of the mixture caked between her fingers. Why didn't she just cater food today again? Was it that she wanted to impress Zack, Drea, and Amelia with her cooking skills? At least she didn't have to crack too many eggs this time. The sixth time was the charm, right?

The chef's scalding commentary faded into the background as she flitted her way to the double oven. She estimated the time was about half an hour since she's put the chicken in again. But everything was still pink. Having stuck her hand into the machine, it didn't feel warm neither. She remembered turning the dial on several times only to get a ding. What a useless feature that was when the darn thing wouldn't even fire up! She could try letting it cook in her balcony. She had half a mind to simply go to the store and buy a giant magnifying glass and fry it like an egg the way kids tested how warm the sun was. Do they even make chicken-sized magnifying glasses?

She pulled the phone from her back pocket to test her luck. The biggest one she could find wasn't quite big enough for her chicken. A pigeon, perhaps? But who has the time to trap one of those from outside? Her guests were bound to ring the bell any second now. Without quite knowing it, Val turned the dial to the timer once again as she stuck the chicken inside. "Please, please cook!" Mumbling to the machine like a prayer to cooking gods. "I will donate a thousand dollars to the farmer that raised you!" She brought her arms forward and bowed to the oven.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

That was them! She quickly slammed her tablet shut from the table. Gordin was supposed to inspire her, but ended up as a distraction. Three episodes down and she still had no chicken and was half way to making the French omelettes she's seen in Youtube. Well, it didn't look bubbly and aerated yet since she hasn't whisked it, but she will once she gets back to the kitchen. The island - still littered with egg shells and a small trail of flour dust - proved the difficulty of her endeavour so she swiped them away to the sink with the nearest dish rag. At least she had the fruit that she laboured in cutting from the morning. She took the frozen foods from the freezer and laid it out on the table.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"I'm coming!" she ran past the marbled floors and the high ceiling from the kitchen to the living room. The walls were decorated with framed pictures of her friends and co-workers in SWBN; albeit, little interludes of child-like drawings from Julia. She didn't care that none of it fit the chic modern interior white walls and golden candelabras. These were the pictures that made the space feel like home. She wiped her cheeks unaware of the white streak on her forehead before ducking out of the apron on her chest. With the crumpled fabric on her hands, she opened the doors and welcomed everyone in.

"Hi everyone! Please come in!" she smiled, moving towards the left side to allow everyone through. She heard Julia giggle and point to her forehead, "Yeah, sorry for the mess!" Following behind the group, she mentioned as they made themselves comfortable, "I hope everyone's in the mood for frozen mangoes and peaches!"

➜ LOCATION: At Home | ➜ INTERACTIONS: Drea ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum ) and Zack ( AI10100 AI10100 ) | ➜ MOOD: Praying and bribing her way to appease the cooking gods


I wonder if Val ordered food...


Julia's little giggles were accompanied by Drea's own chuckles as she saw Val open the door to reveal her disheveled form. She had just arrived a moment ago after the Maylards did. "Greetings everyone!" Drea greeted, in her hands was her skateboard and a bag with a Tupperware of Maja Blanca as dessert for the celebration. It may have only been two years since she had met these people but Drea had found herself at ease around them.

It's been a while since she stepped foot on Val's house, and even then Drea always marveled at its mix of sweet and homey and elegant and classy style. "Oh don't worry about the mess. Cleaning is easy-" Drea stopped as she saw the Kitchen Island with broken eggshells, flour, and well, eggs. The sink had scattered blobs of batter, most likely trying to get it off with water.


Drea's eyes moved toward the oven. She walked over to find it turned off with no heat emanating from it. "Val, were you..." She opened the oven and took out the tray, its pale skin clear of heat or spices. "Were you making chicken for us?" She took a sniff, Yep, definitely no spices yet. A laugh escaped from her lips, it was both funny and endearing to the young woman that Val took the time to try and cook for them even when she knew she was horrible in the kitchen.

"You need to preheat your oven first and marinate the chicken before you cook it, wanna know how to use your oven and cook a whole chicken?"

➜ LOCATION: At Home | ➜ INTERACTIONS: Zack and co. ( AI10100 AI10100 ) Val ( Kei Kei ) | ➜ MOOD: Happy!


❝ Good Lord in Heaven...

Zacharias Maylard

Amelia had done her best to entertain Julia while Zack prepared a batch of spaghetti to bring over to Val's house for her birthday. Once they were finished, he dressed Julia up and the small family made their way a few houses over to Val's abode. They were soon joined by Drea at the door and he gave the kid a pat on the head as a greeting as Julia came over and played with her with Amelia's hands firmly on Julia's shoulders to make sure she doesn't tip over and fall in her own excitement.

"I feel like I'm dreading seeing something." Zack wisely commented as Julia pointed out the mess that had reached Val's forehead.

"Psh, don't listen to this man's temper. It can't be that bad. Amelia commented as she followed the others inside. Marveling at the mess that was the kitchen aisle, she nodded to herself and carried Julia up. "Or maybe it is. I'll entertain Julia while you three... arrange this. Don't pop a vessel, Zacharias."

Zack let out a deep breath as Drea inspected the oven where the chicken had been left inside. With no heat since Drea was able to take it out of the oven without burning herself. He should have it in himself to get a bit frustrated but he couldn't help but sigh and just shake his head.

"This reminds me of your stove incident." He said as he moved over to the aisle where eggshells and flour were scattered about. He had to take a moment to think of what she wanted to make with these ingredients— just like he often did when Val and Chloe would come over to his house with just ingredients and expecting looks— and nodded to himself.

"I'll clean up this work station while you teach her how to properly cook a chicken." He said as he moved around the kitchen with practiced expertise, having been over too many times over the course of their many years of friendship. "I hope you didn't send in the oven for not working properly, Val." He idly commented as he began clearing the counter of the broken eggshells and placed them into a plastic bag for later disposal.

LOCATION: Val's house | ➜ INTERACTIONS: Drea ( Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum ) , Val ( Kei Kei )

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