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Fantasy Swan (with youngiiie)


Roleplay Availability
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๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€• ( ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡. )

Kwan had never really considered himself to be shallow especially not when it came to looks, he knew well enough that not everybody was made equally, he was easily reminded by that fact each time his eyes were lucky enough to consume Sebastian so earnestly. Even in the dim light of the vehicle, he looked other worldly with his soft yet alluring features; it was one of the reasons Kwan refused to let him go. Looks of this kind couldn't simply be looked upon by just anyone, no, they were meant to be cherished and then picked apart painstakingly before being forced back together. . .how badly he wanted to unravel Sebastian at the seams until he begged him to stop or better yet begged him for more but Kwan knew he would need to be patient if he wanted to keep this little bird to himself. While his money ensured Sebastian's spot beside him for now it was important to force Sebastian to relay on him first, Kwan wasn't quite sure what might happen once he finally got the man underneath him (or on top, truly he wasn't picky).
Kwan watched Sebastian intently as he leaned forward, dark eyes greedily devouring the image of his pink lips wrapped around the bottle nearly sent his self-control spiraling out the window though when it came to him, Kwan wasn't really sure if he had much control. He may have gotten Sebastian caught in his web however, he was equally as devoted to Sebastian whether he wanted him or not. The corner of Kwan's pale lips quirked up for a moment as he battled his urges to end this little game of theirs early; he'd nearly missed Sebastian's question though it didn't take him long to come up with an answer โ€” he thought about him in anyway he could fold him, so much so that Kwan was certain he knew what he tasted like at this point. God, he knew Sebastian would be so sweet. โYou, spread out on a bed full of cash just for my eyes only.โž Kwan muttered out with an unwavering gaze almost as if he could already picture the man before him in that very position; maybe he could. โWould you like that?โž
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" everything lavish, look at the way that i'm livin' "

sebastian had always considered himself attractive. he had known ever since he could remember. initially his narcissism had lead him to that conclusion, however over the years he realized that pretty privilege was real. it was perhaps how he ended up in the back of a limo with a man that showered him endlessly in money. kwan wasn't too bad looking himself, although, sebastian believed he looked better. again, narcissism. despite how money obsessed he was, he would never be caught dead getting showered in cash by someone that couldn't at least look decent standing beside him. the brunette would never stoop to such a degrading level. he had the confidence to seek out only the best of the best. ironically, it was kwan that had sought him out. seb had taken that as a sign by the universe that he was the one. after all, how could he resist such a nice face and such a nicer wallet?

when it came to getting his way, sebastian was neither ashamed nor afraid to get his point across. he liked to take risks and live life dangerously. after all, if he had wanted a comfortable and secure lifestyle, he could have gotten an office job. instead, he had been sharing hors d'oeuvre's with some of the city's most distinguished and wealthy individuals. when kwan glanced at him with hungry eyes, sebastian would return his stare with equally if not more hungry ones. he was determined to win and he would do anything to get what he wanted. tonight, what he wanted was kwan's undenied attention. not that he needed it, but the liquid courage he had downed a few minutes ago had begun to take effect. hearing the other male's response, the corner of sebastian's lips rose into a satisfied smirk. "treat me good and perhaps something can be arranged." the male replied. his eyes searched kwan's fance to see his reaction.

"your turn."
๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€•โ€• ( ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡. )

It wasn't much of a secret that most things in life were simply handed to Kwan due to the wealth of his father, while he had never had first hand with 'pretty privilege' he'd be a fool to ignore the 'Im family privilege' that came so naturally as if were his birthright. He didn't care whether it was because these people truly respected him or because of their fear of his father - power was power regardless of why. It was part of the reason why he gave Sebastian so much faux power over him and his riches, as long as Sebastian thought he was in control and had the power, Kwan would get what he wanted. At this point, Kwan wondered if he knew Sebastian better than he knew himself at this point; it was unintentional at first, the way he analyzed every little thought and action the man made, but Sebastian was unlike anyone he had ever met before it was clear his usual manipulation and deception simply would not work against someone just as conniving as himself.
It really wasn't Kwan's fault the way he wanted so badly to completely crush Sebastian in the palm of his hand, not when he looked at him like that and certainly not when he looked this good, in fact Kwan was almost certain Sebastian knew actually what he was doing to him and anything that happened was entirely his own fault. Kwan's shoulders slouched as he leaned further into the plush leather seats as he dabbled with the very idea of Sebastian keeping his word, his thighs spreading further to accommodate his tall frame causing the mohair fabric of his suit to stretch along his muscular legs. Not a single soul could manage to capture his actual interest for more than a few minutes and even then, when he eventually took them home and fucked them his interest had already run out. That was of course, until Sebastian. If it were anyone else sat in the back of the limo with him he would've already tired of this game but Sebastian was just so fun to rile up. โYou know you're my favourite,โž he cooed out as though trying to soften the blow of his next question when in reality he didn't want to, no, he enjoyed getting a rise out of the man โhow does letting me fuck other people sound, hmm?โž Kwan questioned in a low drawl, again, he had no intention of actually doing so (at least not at this point) but he was curious to see just how much of a handle he had on Sebastian currently - he imagined the answer may be a stern 'no' whether it was due to Sebastian displeasure in him seeing others or even out of fear that his gifts would start going to someone else but Sebastian was ever surprising.
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" everything lavish, look at the way that i'm livin' "

this entire time, sebastian truly believed that he was in charge. he wasn't aware of the manipulation that kwan was instilling on him or the subtle methods in which the other male slowly wrapped seb around his finger. all he saw was the riches that he was now swimming in. he presumed that he was just so undeniably attractive that his beauty alone had hypnotized kwan into throwing his life's savings at him. the real question was whether sebastian felt as obsessed with kwan as the other male felt about him. he couldn't deny that kwan was a very enticingly handsome individual with a face that put in front of anyone else, they wouldn't be able to resist. however, there was one face that he was even more obsessed with. his own. sebastian loved himself, too much depending on who you asked. every time he looked at himself in the mirror he felt such satisfaction that surely he was the prettiest man on planet earth. kwan would have to settle for a not so close second. that being said, sebastian was not very in tune with his emotions. if he had been, he would've realized that he craved the feeling that kwan gave him. the danger that came with being around him. the spark that the two had that could set the world on fire.

sebastian watched with a neutral expression as kwan got more comfortable in his seat. he wasn't really sure what kind of question to expect from the other male but he was sure it would be something easy. after all, sebastian had no filter nor any reason to hold back anything he was thinking from kwan. he always said what was on his mind even when nobody asked. scratch that- especially when nobody asked. he could run his mouth for hours non-stop if given the opportunity to. his eyes narrowed ever so slightly when kwan began to speak. of course he was kwan's favorite. it was just him. right? with a low growl, sebastian leapt forward. he grabbed kwan's tie with his fist and yanked him forward so their heads were mere centimeters apart. he was kneeling on the seat in between kwan's legs. "try it and i'll make sure you can't fuck anyone again!" the male warned. if looks could kill, sebastian would've committed murder right then and there in the back of the limo. after taking a breath and realizing how riled up he had gotten, the boy huffed. he released kwan's tie and sat back down in his seat. he fixed his hair, crossed his arms, and turned away from kwan and toward the window. "what i meant to say was i don't care. sleep with who you want. it's not like they could ever live up to me anyways."
๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
( ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡. )

๐“šwan always found Sebastian to be amusing, each and every reaction he managed to pry out of the man was better than he couldn't every imagined, always so animated and overdramatic. So very different from the way his mother or even himself reacted to really, anything. His mother was always so collected and calculated when it came to giving a response to Kwan's consent pestering, knowing that above all he wanted one from her but not Sebastian, he could never contain himself not even if he wanted to. It was all the more sweeter knowing how easy it was to get him to react; Kwan barely even needed to apply pressure to his fragile buttons to get them to crumble. While Sebastian seemed to overreact, Kwan had always under-reacted; his brain not really able to process emotions the way normal people did. They were two sides of the same coin, so perfectly perfect for each other. It was one of the many reasons Kwan was so very obsessed with the shorter man, of course, his slander face and plush mouth helped too but nothing could quite beat the satisfaction he got from being within close proximity to him โ€• Kwan was willing to do anything to keep Sebastian within his grasp. This was a feeling he wasn't familiar with and it was honestly exhilarating, he'd kill if it meant Sebastian was his.
The man's mouth twisted in gratification at Sebastian's unfiltered response to his provocation, even when Sebastian tried to stuff his words back down his throat Kwan's expression didn't wavier in the slightest and especially not when the man lurched forward to fist his designer tie into a crinkled mess. His dark eyes pulled from Sebastian's eyes to his mouth watching the way they curled around his vulgar threats which only further added to his pool of arousal, yes, Kwan was certain he'd rather burn the world down than let him get away. He let out a breathy laugh that sounded more condescending than apologetic but then again surely Sebastian knew better than to think Kwan could ever be sorry. โC'mon, baby. Don't be like that.โž He breathed out shuffling closer to his retreating figure though with them being in a limo, it didn't take much to have his firm chest pressed against Sebastian's pliable body โI haven't even gotten to try you yet, how are you so sure?โž Kwan snorted out clearly continuing to push his buttons, though he already knew nobody would compare to Sebastian. Finally, the limo began to slow as they approached their destination.
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Sebastian Park
Crazy In Love

  • .




"My pockets ain't your pockets, I'm rich, my bankroll got it"

Sebastian had never been one to minimize anything. He had a "go big or go home" mentality. It was probably why he was so enamored by money. He wanted it all. That is also why Sebastian was such an anomaly when it came to his personality. He was not one to hide anything about himself from anyone. Not because he wanted to but because he physically could not hold himself back. He was as open of a book as they come. One look at his face and you could tell exactly how he was feeling. That also meant that he didn't hold back on letting people know how he was feeling either. Ever since he was a kid, Sebastian had always been quite an emotional person. He had gotten in trouble numerous times in school for mouthing off on his teachers after they did something he didn't like. He had made all of his therapists cry at least once if not multiple times. Somehow, someway, Kwan was able to push all of the right buttons to make Sebastian explode with rage. He absolutely hated the smug little grin that would appear on Kwan's face every time that he got upset. It made him even more upset. Why couldn't the man just shut up and give him money...

If Sebastian was fire then Kwan was gasoline. A perfectly dangerous combination. The male attempted keep his back turned to Kwan and give him the cold shoulder. After all, he could be calm.... right? Wrong. The millisecond that Sebastian heard Kwan's condescending laughter, his head shot to the right to stare him down. His eyes were narrowed into a deep glare. His lips were curled downward into a scowl. His eyes stared at Kwan's. Unlike before, there was something different with this look. Behind the anger was a warning. Don't play with me. Just as quickly as it came, it was gone and Sebastian's eyes returned to their everyday rage filled intensity. "Keep fucking around and you'll never get to. I can always find another dick to ride." The male responded, meaning that last part both figuratively and literally. It wasn't easy to stay calm when every bone in your body was urging you to scream but Sebastian was doing his best. He turned so his chest pressed against Kwan's, their faces close yet again. "I would've let you have me tonight but since you're so uninterested, I'll simply find someone else to replace you." Sebastian stated. If Kwan was going to feign disinterest, Sebastian was going to do the same. Kwan wasn't the only one who could play games and Sebastian was going to remind the arrogant male of that.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.

youngiiie youngiiie
๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
( ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡. )

As someone who never was quite good at emotions, whether that be understanding them or expressing them, being with Sebastian was like having a pocket note book titled ' Emotion's For Dummies: Made Easy For Beginners! ' never was he required to guess what the other male was feeling โ€• he wore it on his face and in the way he spat his words out like venom. It was almost too easy at this point; if ๐“šwan had the ability to feel bad he might've had the common decency to stop riling Sebastian up the way he did but unfortunately for him knowing he'd get the very reaction he sought out was too tempting to resist. Nobody else was nearly able to satisfy him in that way, not even his mother's outbursts could come even a tenth of the way to Sebastian's over dramatized flailing at his constant prodding. Kwan couldn't help but wonder how far he could push his lover until he'd simply had no choice but to combust, everyone had a limit and surely Sebastian's was far easier to find than others; he knew he had to be close if the way Sebastian's face began to contort just before he turned his back to him was any indication.
Kwan's mouth continued to turn upwards, unable to dim his glee the more agitated the man beside him got โ€• he enjoyed the way heat and rage radiated from Sebastian like a furnace. His eyes widened in sinister exhilaration as Sebastian's neck snapped towards him, finally allowing him to see the man's ethereal features again and perhaps if he'd been a less deranged person he might've feared his retaliation but truly it only gave him more gratification in the situation (something he was certain only made Sebastian burn hotter). His tongue slithered from his mouth nearly reptilian like swiping along his bottom lip to dampen it in anticipation at the grim omen that swirled in Sebastian's nearly black orbs, Kwan was well aware he was playing a dangerous game though that only made it more exhilarating. โwe both know you won't go too far, hm?โž he taunted in a low tone, his chest expending as the man grew closer in an attempt to fully consume his heady fragrance greedily, for Kwan this game was better than sex that he was certain of. . he was willing to give up the possibility of having Sebastian tonight. Kwan's raised his ring covered hand and gripped Sebastian's chin with a gentleness he was unaware he possessed until now though the caress only lasted a moment before he'd let out a sigh contentment and took his leave from the dark vehicle. As soon as the limo's door was cracked open, the muffled bass of music filtered in and the once dark interior of the car was bathed in a red neon light originating from the fluorescent sign that read 'BABYLONIAN'. The exterior of the nightclub screamed elite, the satin red ropes that prevented the less important (and fortunate) people stretched a few blocks which held hundreds waiting in hopes they may be granted entry to the prestigious club as it was no secret the building often hosted millionaires and high status celebrities; and as if the many bouncers out front anticipated their arrival the rope was unclasped quickly allowing both Kwan and Sebastian's smooth entry.

Sebastian Park
Certified Insane

  • .




"My pockets ain't your pockets, I'm rich, my bankroll got it"

Despite Sebastian's delusional perception of how his relationship with Kwan was structured, he played right into Kwan's hand every time. Try as he might, the male was nothing if not predictable. He had the same three factory settings. Joy, anger, and even more anger. It certainly was not difficult to discern which emotion he was experiencing when. He might as well yell out that he was angry by the way he'd glare or pout. His tantrum throwing would occur when he was really upset, something Kwan experienced fairly regularly. There wasn't always even something for Seb to be upset about yet he would still find a way to make a whole scene. He probably just liked the attention and liked that Kwan wouldn't ignore him. On a deeper level, maybe he knew that Kwan was playing games with him but enjoyed when the other male showered him with attention. On a more realistic level, the male was too focused on himself to even notice Kwan's antics.

Sebastian let out a low guttural growl as his eyes ripped into Kwan's soul. "I'll go as far as I fucking want. You don't own me. I fucking hate you why do you have to ruin everything." the male exclaimed, restraining himself from full on screaming. Something about Kwan's cockiness in these situations made him want to punch a wall. He hated the smirks he gave and the glint in his eyes that he got from taunting him.

As Kwan exited the limo, Sebastian took a deep breath. His desire to impress and flaunt in this moment was much stronger than his anger with his boyfriend. With a look of total composure, the male stepped out of the vehicle. He glanced over at the long line of hopeful patrons and smirked. Peasants, he thought to himself. With his back straight, head held high, Sebastian walked toward the entrance to the nightclub. He radiated VIP energy even though he really was the VIP to the VIP. As they entered the club, the male glanced around at the crowded room. He quickly spotted his target. A handsome and muscular man in his early 20's. He was dancing alone but also seemingly unbothered by it. The devious male smirked as he abandoned Kwan back by the entrance. He sauntered up to the man and whispered something in his ear.

A moment later, the man was at the counter to the bar ordering Seb a drink. Despite Kwan being the strategic brain of their relationship, Sebastian wasn't stupid. He had his own evil ways of getting what he wanted. Maybe it was his twink-like nature or his confidence but when Sebastian had a goal, he would stop at nothing to achieve it. He looked over at Kwan to make sure he saw his hand slowly come to rest on the man's shoulder. He allowed the man to wrap his arm around Seb's slim waist. If Kwan was going to taunt him, Sebastian was determined to make him eat his words. He was going to do exactly what his cocky boyfriend had teased him about. Sebastian didn't believe in moral high ground.

If they go low, you go lower.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.

youngiiie youngiiie
๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
( ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡. )

๐“šwan truly didn't take offence to the bratty way Sebastian tended to perform when aggravated though it wouldn't be a true testament to his character to ignore the fact that he usually was a little spoilt when it came to his actions, it was an expected reaction. He didn't mind letting the man bang his fist on the ground like a toddler when he desired, he also knew nobody else would ever want to put up with Sebastian โ€• his threats did not shake Kwan's resolve whatsoever nor did he mind reminding the smaller man his place. If it was a game he wanted, Kwan would show him what it meant to win. Sebastian's venom laced words only worked hard to fuel the blazing fire within Kwan's stomach, he loved the most when he struggled. So he barely spared the man a glance as he choose to use the clubs entrance as his own personal runway; he always found Sebastian's desperation to be something he certainly wasn't to be quite entertaining. Wealth was not a thing Kwan had held particularly high in regards, he did not look down at those not within his status, so the idea that Sebastian seemed to deem himself to a higher degree than those whom he was most like was interesting. Without hanging off anotherโ€™s arm, Sebastian too would be among the people that currently gawked at him.
The interior of the club was far more elegant than the sin that took place in every corner, black leather and red satin lined walls decorated the entirety of the building; the lights were dimmed and tinted a shade of scarlet shadowing the features of near by bodies unless you were pressed up against them. His lover seemed to have taken that literally, nearly immediately suctioning to the side of a poor soul who had no idea theyโ€™d just joined into their little game.
Sebastian had forgotten to take into consideration the most important part of the location Kwan had brought him to, he frequented this place nearly every night before heโ€™d decided on ensnaring Sebastian; this was Kwanโ€™s hunting ground at one point.

Kwan ventured deeper into the venue choosing to only spare a single look at Sebastianโ€™s pitiful display of what he could only guess was revenge, the heady scent of gratification only become thicker the moment heโ€™d approached the exclusive section which was roped off identically as the outside was. Within this area were rounded sectionals that allowed people to have private parties with whom they desired, most of the booth were occupied with women and men alike inebriated with their choice of substance โ€• the booth Kwan approached sat on an elevated platform overlooking the general club area, despite it being rather dark Kwan could still pin point Sebastian and his new found company. Kwan smelt the overwhelmingly sweet fragrance before sheโ€™s spoken, her small palm wrapped around his clothed bicep before her face entered his view; this wasnโ€™t the first time theyโ€™ve been acquainted to one another. He had never cared to remember her name but she frequented this section far more than he did, hanging off the arm of whatever man had the biggest wallet bringing her girl friends with her. Kwan didnโ€™t mind, he always got what he wanted in the end. โyouโ€™ve been gone for so long~ we missed you.โž she purred out as she often did pulling him backwards and forcing his body down in a booth that contained a few other women, some familiar and some not. Their fragrance smelt tacky, nothing at all like Sebastian would wear, it made his nose scrunch in displeasure as one of the women leaned in burying her face within his neck โ€• it didnโ€™t take long for another to beckon over a bottle server on Kwanโ€™s card, of course. This method worked well for the women when it came to male party goers who were just happy to have gorgeous women surrounding them, they were always a little more cautious with Kwan than others, something was off with him they were sure.​

Tuesday, 13 February



park sebastian

  • While Kwan could be cruel, that often overshadowed Sebastian's own cruelty. He had absolutely no problem using the man buying him a drink for his own personal gain. Yes, the man was attractive, but Sebastian was leading him on. The only reason he had gone up to him was so that Kwan would get jealous. He was often sympathetic to other people's feelings despite the overwhelming emotions that he felt himself. Unlike Kwan who had emotional detachment, Sebastian was the opposite. His emotions were uncontrollable and he felt things in an extremely intense degree. That made it all the more questionable that he was so apathetic to those not in his immediate circle. The pair were truly made for each other.

    The male introduced himself as Cameron. Their glasses klinked together as Sebastian downed the shot that the older male had bought. The tequila burned his throat and he quickly bit down on the lemon slice provided to hide the awful taste. He was already tipsy from the shots he had taken in the back of the limo with Kwan and surely this shot was going to keep getting him drunker. He was upset and didn't want to have to deal with his own feelings. He just wanted to win this little game him and Kwan were playing and get wasted. Sebastian was so preoccupied on proving Kwan wrong that he didn't notice the game that Cameron was playing. The man bought them another round of shots in an effort to get the hotheaded male drunk fast. Sebastian downed his second shot and placed the glass on the counter. The room was slowly starting to swirl around him.

    Sebastian and Cameron made their way to the middle of the room, weaving between drunken dancing bodies. The male held onto Cameron's hand as they carved out their own little spot. Perhaps unbeknownst to Kwan, Sebastian was a fairly good dancer. He wasn't properly trained but he could throw ass among many other things. From the corner of his eye he saw a sight that made him want to burn the entire club to the ground. Some bitch was currently kissing Kwan's neck and he was just.... letting her?! His blood was boiling and it was taking literally every ounce of self restraint to not scream at him right then and there. However, he wasn't just feeling anger. How could Kwan do this to him? They were supposed to be in love- or at least in a relationship. Tears began to well in the younger male's eyes as he clenched his jaw. If this really was how low Kwan was willing to go, Sebastian was going to show him that he's not someone to disregard. By this point, the volatile male was already quite drunk. The back to back shots had hit and they had hit hard. Cameron appeared behind him and placed his arms on Sebastian's hips. If Sebastian wasn't so drunk maybe he wouldn't have yes he would have began to grind against the older male. However, he was feeling a wide range of strong emotions mixed with the fact that he was quite drunk. It was truly a recipe for disaster. Kwan had never even gotten to sleep with him and now he was pretty sure Kwan was never going to get that chance. He'd made a huge mistake. There was nobody like Sebastian Park on the planet and Kwan was going to learn how much he had just lost by letting that girl kiss his neck.


ยฉ weldherwings.

๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
(ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡)

๐“šwan hadnโ€™t taken his eyes off of Sebastian from the moment heโ€™d entered the roped off area, it was true he thrived in this environment not even a few months ago; indulging in multiple partners a night as if he couldnโ€™t get his fill but that was before he laid his eyes on Sebastian. It was before he decided he would stop at nothing to get him, it was unfortunate he had to play with garbage just to remind his lover who he should be loyal to. The muffled POP! of the Goรปt de Diamants bottle couldnโ€™t even pull his void-like stare from Sebastian, the women had yet to notice his overall lack of attention on them as they focused on acquiring a glass of the liquid gold served before them โ€• whether it was their job or not, they managed to up the sales of bottle services within the clubs exclusive area resulting in allowing them access to certain areas only money could buy. Kwan knew this, heโ€™d spent more than enough time with majority of these women; some of them heโ€™d probably only recognized from the back bent over a table top or maybe even the tops of their heads. It wasnโ€™t a lie to say he was an overall emotionally detached person but that even spread to his intimate life, without the ability of pushing his partners to their limits, to tears, he didnโ€™t gain the gratification he yearned for. It was like having the most intense itch but no matter how much to scratched at it, the feeling never seemed to dull. These women were nothing but an annoyance to him.
His eyes squinted in vexation as Sebastian and that sorry excuse for a human herded towards the sea of bodies swaying to the beat of the pumping music, it was harder to track the man's hands on his possession now. There were too many people, he leaned forward to try and get a better view but this only drew the women's attention to the revelation that they did not have his. The blue haired woman to the left of him placed her chilled glass on the table in front of them before making the bold decision to grab a hold of his clothed shoulder and swing her leg onto the opposite side of him, leaving her straddling his thick thighs. Kwan furrowed his eyebrows, his sliver lined hands shot up to grip her waist to keep her steady; clearly she'd been drinking for longer than he'd known her as she swayed unintentionally. His eyes pulled up to stare into her face with equal amounts of annoyance and perplexation, she had completely blocked his view of Sebastian and forced his back against the leather sectional โ€• her eagerness for his attention left a bitter taste on his tongue, it didn't have the same hypnotism that came with Sebastian's desperation for him. โFocus on us.โž The blue hair women demanded, the red lights settled in her features giving her hair an almost purple look; Kwan clicked his tongue in minor displeasure as she gripped his chin and forced his chin up, the one who'd been buried in his neck previously used this to her advantage and sunk her teeth into his pale skin.
There wasn't anything inherently wrong with these women, no, they just weren't who he was here for nor could they ever compare. She leaned down to place a sticky kiss on the corner of his mouth leaving a film of some sort of gloss behind, he grunted out in a grimace โ€• he had always hated this feeling of gloss on his skin. His hand traveled up her body to grip her throat, forcing her face away from his own though she seemed to enjoy the sudden rejection taking his action as something more than it was. Sebastian's boiling point was unknown to Kwan as at this point, he had no other view besides the woman's tits pressed to his chest.


Tuesday, 13 February



park sebastian

  • What tipped Sebastian completely over the edge was watching helplessly from afar as Kwan allowed some random woman to kiss him on the lips. The male was twisted but he had a heart and in this moment, it shattered. He was awful to Kwan and at times it may have been hard to tell if they were lovers or exes by the way he treated him but deep down Sebastian truly did care about Kwan. To see his boyfriend getting kissed by somebody else was the final straw. He had been holding back his tears and his rage for a whole of three minutes which was three more minutes than he was used to. It had taken everything in him to remain calm enough to not make a scene. However, this was too much. Tears began to flow freely as he finally let himself feel again. His constant heightened emotional state coupled with the shots fed to him by Cameron was the perfect storm for Sebastian's meltdown.

    He decided it was time to confront Kwan on the piece of shit, good for nothing, inhumane boyfriend that he was. As he began to pull away from Cameron, the older male grabbed onto his wrist in order to prevent him from leaving. Sebastian shook his wrist free. "Get the fuck away from me you fucking loser." he shouted, before shoving his way through the crowd. He didn't care to peacefully make his way through the crowd. No, he shoved whoever was in front of him out of the way. He was on a warpath and not a single person was going to stop him. He made his way toward the closed off VIP section that was guarded by a quite tough looking and muscular man. Any normal and reasonable human being would've probably given up at the sight of the bouncer. However, Sebastian was no ordinary person. He was a spiteful, hateful, and aboslutely wasted individual and in this moment, the bouncer could've been Dwayne Johnson and he still wouldn't have hesitated. He stomped forward until he was at the entrance. The guard placed his hand up as to say stop but Seb didn't even let him speak.

    "MOVE." he threatened with the most angry expression he had likely ever had. He was not someone to be trifled with right now and the bouncer realized that. As he walked on past he heard, I don't get paid enough for this shit, mumbled by the guard behind him. The angry male made his way over to the booth Kwan was in. Without a second thought, he grabbed the hair of the woman seated on Kwan's lap and yanked as hard as he humanely could. With a blood curdling scream, she collapsed onto the floor. "Get the fuck out you whore. He's my fucking boyfriend." He didn't even spare the woman a second glance. Not wanting to get involved, the other women quickly exited the booth, not without taking the expensive bottle of alcohol with them. That just left Seb and Kwan. He took a step forward and grabbed Kwan's neck, shoving him into the back of his seat. He placed a knee between Kwan's legs where that woman had been sitting and glared straight into the other male's eyes.

    "You're a fucking joke. Do you know that? A fucking joke. You are my fucking boyfriend do you understand me? Getting to stare at my hot fucking face and fat ass are the privileges you get from being with me. Don't think for a second that any of these bitches could ever live up to me. If you EVER pull shit like this again I will rip your dick off and feed it to you. Do you understand me?" Sebastian screamed furiously. The male was never one to mince words and he certainly was not going to hold back against Kwan after that traitorous display. His balance was off and his words were ever so slightly slurred which should've indicated to Kwan that Sebastian was quite intoxicated.


ยฉ weldherwings.

๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
(ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡)

๐“šwan was aware that he wasn't inherently a good person, he'd spent enough of his life observing the way others respond to certain stimuli after all, he knew that his general inability to feel would be quite concerning to others if they ever truly knew what went through his head; though he couldn't ever quite find it in himself to care. Sure, he put on his best mask and attempted to force some light into his eyes when he demanded his mouth put on a gentle smile but that wasn't because he wanted to. He quickly learned what people would expect him to say, or feel and even do โ€• it got him results. If he wanted something, he got it. All because of a stupid smile. Even now, he could admit that those results were often a little slower when it came to Sebastian but they always came. That he could count on. So naturally, it wasn't much of a surprise when Kwan picked up the sound of Sebastian's war path before he could see him; just in time too. He was becoming bored with the group of women's audaciousness while a part of him used to find it amusing knowing these people would allow him to do heinous things with their bodies behind closed doors just simply for the promise of free alcohol and the chance to be seen leaving with a chaebol's son. Their desperation was fun to toy with but now, having had the pleasure of playing with Sebastian they just didn't invoke the same feeling as before. No, he found the desperation to be unappetizing.
The blue headed girl on top of him had barely acknowledged the man's muffled, shrill screech but Kwan had. His mouth pulled up in a sadistic sneer as he watched Sebastian violently send the unsuspecting girl to the floor, his reaction to Kwan's game was entirely entertaining indeed! How Kwan loved the way Sebastian expressed himself without hesitation, there was nothing else like it to cure his boredom. In fact his eyes hadn't left Sebastian from the moment he'd entered the booth and they continued to be locked on him as he hovered over him in such a domineering stance (in the way a little fawn could be considered domineering, at least). His lips peeled back to reveal his pearly white, Cheshire cat like grin at the pressure Sebastian's thin hand invoked around his throat. This was better than even he'd planned for. Kwan's thighs pressed open inviting the danger that Sebastian's knee threatened against his family jewels, his eyes gleamed with unadulterated exhilaration as he peered up at him through lidded eyes.

โ 'course, baby.โž he rumbled out from his chest, pushing forward against the man's hand momentarily preventing oxygen from entering his own lungs as he forced both himself and Sebastian upwards onto their feet. โI'm yours, I know, I know.โž His words were purred out as if trying to tame an incoming tantrum from a child, roughed palms enclosed around Sebastian's cheeks as he coerced him to look at him with gentle swipes of his ringed thumbs. Kwan dipped his neck downwards to press his chapped lips onto the pink, blotchy skin around Sebastian's eyes leaving whispers of apologizes behind โ€• perhaps his attempts at manipulating Sebastian's anger into something else may not have worked had the shorter man not been so inebriated. He found it funny how little fight Sebastian seemed to have in him after Kwan forced such a rollercoaster of emotions out, it was typical for the man to become a bit more pliable after being brought down from such intense anger. โLet's go home, hmm?โž Kwan hummed already trying to maneuver his lover up and into his arms to make the idea of leaving more appealing to the unbalanced firecracker in front of him. The club allowed partygoers to use the back entrance, this provided some secrecy among the wealthy and famous when leaving with hook-ups or drunk, if Kwan could get him back there they could both easily slip into the awaiting vehicle and Kwan could get to work with rewarding Sebastian for being such a good boy.

Tuesday, 13 February



park sebastian

  • Never in his life had Sebastian experienced such a deep and restful sleep. It came from a combination of his drunken state mixed with the activities he had partaken in with Kwan. Seb had arrived at the gates of heaven that night leaving him utterly exhausted. He felt like he had been split in half but the younger male wasnโ€™t complaining. It was his first time sleeping with Kwan and it had been everything he had hoped for.

    Sebastian was nothing but a pair of shorts. He had been too exhausted after his bath to put anything else on. It was a miracle he had even been able to stand considering the events of the night. He rolled over to see Kwan still asleep beside him. For once, the male had woken up in a great mood. There wasnโ€™t a single thing for him to be upset about which was quite rare. He gently moved himself over so that he was lying on top of Kwan. With a warm little smile, he placed gentle kisses up and down the sleeping maleโ€™s neck. With a small snicker, he gave Kwan a little bite just to ensure that he woke up. He raised his head so that he was level with Kwanโ€™s. The first thing his boyfriend would see was his ultra hot, one of a kind, absolutely perfect face.

    "Good morning sleepyhead." Sebastian said sweetly.

    It was extremely rare for Sebastian to say anything sweetly let alone with a kind smile on his face. It was almost out of character by how constantly intense he was almost all the time. If he wasn't waking Kwan up by complaining about something, he woke up just plain irritable. He almost never woke up happy. Furthermore, he had a nasty talent at finding and vocalizing the worst in absolutely everything. Sunny weather? Too hot, too easy to burn. Cloudy weather? Gloomy and makes him miserable. Partially cloudy and partially sunny weather? Mother nature needs to fucking pick a lane and stick to it. He hates wishy washiness.

    Soon after, the cheerful male got up and walked over to his giant walk in closet. It was one of the perks of living with Kwan. He got so much space. His closet was practically the size of his old apartment. Deciding to treat his boyfriend, Sebastian decided to change his clothes in front of him. He slowly removed his pants, turning around to make sure Kwan got a good look. He then picked out a white t-shirt, and Vetements jeans.

    "You're in luck today because you get to meet my bestie!" Sebastian began as he shimmied into his pants that were way too wide for his body. "Her name is Katie Choi and she is the cutest. You'll love her." The male threw his shirt on and continued to yap. "We're gonna get brunch together and you're coming. She's literally my soulmate. Like she just gets me in a way nobody else does. That bitch can drink too like my liver suffers whenever we hangout."

    It was typical of Sebastian to just start talking... and talking... and talking. He never knew how to stop nor did he leave any space for Kwan to interject with his own thoughts. It was as if Kwan was just a sounding board for Sebastian to talk at. He could talk for hours on end unless Kwan managed to find a way to stop him. It was one of Sebastian's many talents. Somehow he never got bored of hearing himself speak.

    Five minutes later...

    "...and the craziest thing about this is that she wasn't even trying to. She just drank too many mimosas and ended up in Paris. You wanna hear the best part? Of course you do!"


ยฉ weldherwings.

๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
(ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡)

It would be a lie to say that Kwan wasn't pleased with himself, of course he was, his night had gone even better than originally planned. He had gotten what he wanted and then some, while Kwan had known Sebastian well enough to predict most of his emotionally outburst he was still such an anomaly to him in other aspects which in hindsight was what made him so intriguing. He could never quite know what Sebastian might be compelled to do when pulled and twisted in certain directions. Though last night he'd at least gotten a small glimpse of the faces he made went bent in just the right way or when Kwan purposely abused his sensitive spots refusing to let up even when he begged him to โ€• the gratification of it all was unlike anything he had experienced before, it was a sinful indulgent he didn't want to ever stop. He wouldn't have if Sebastian's poor body hadn't finally demanded enough and so, he did the part that was expected of him by his lover. Bathed his skin with luxurious soaps and layered his body in scented oils that were no doubtingly purchased during his lover's insatiable shopping addiction; not that he minded much, it kept him busy long enough for Kwan to begrudgingly do the projects that were assigned to him for the family's company.
His father, Tae-Hyun, had yet to trust him with anything deemed important much to Kwan's satisfaction. Despite his own mother's protests of inadequacy on his part his father refused to hear it โ€• Kwan was the eldest son despite his obvious flaws and he was to act as such like his father had, the business and estate should be handed to him upon retirement, it didn't matter if Kwan had never shown any desire towards marketing while his younger brother could most certainly present an hour long presentation on the strategy of diversification. Life in general was a bore for someone like Kwan, yet, the talk of business seemed to double that in tenfold. He would much rather play with Sebastian.
Kwan, despite what you may think, was quite a heavy sleeper and he always had been. Whether that was due to something out of his control or his genuine disinterest in whatever danger most people feel while being so vulnerable, the world would never know. It wasn't much of a shock that Kwan didn't budge much upon Sebastian initial show of affection, but the sharp bite of his lovers teeth caused him to hiss out before cracking open a dark eye which immediately fell onto Sebastian's figure. The taller male made a small hum of acknowledgement to his greeting before he ran a palm over his face, kicking starting the rest of his slumber-some body to wake up, despite whatever mood Sebastian could wake up in Kwan's own body always took a bit longer to become as active as his lover's did. With a deep groan, he rolled onto his side to prop his sleep-heavy head onto his palm; dark lidded eyes observing as Sebastian got ready for the day. If Sebastian wanted to be a tease, the man didn't mind.
He had no idea where Sebastian was off to this early in the morning but honestly, he hadn't cared. The younger man often went off to do whatever it was he did though it was never more than an hour of silence, Kwan would hear from him eventually and then he'd be force fed a very long summary of what his day had been like, how the world was out to get him because they had not had his size in stock at some store so he'd threatened the store worker until she'd ordered it in โ€• a typical day in the life of Park Sebastian. โhmm? Is she cuter than you?โž Kwan drawled out seemingly that being the only point he'd taken from Sebastian's small rant, his tone deep with sleep still already poking fun at him so quickly after waking. He snickered with an air of audaciousness as he finally pulled himself from the warmth of their shared bed, Kwan approached the shorter man towering over him for a moment with a lazy smirk along his lips before he stepped around him to enter the master bathroom intending to prepare for his day of torture. He didn't mind joining Sebastian, it meant he had an excuse for not coming into office and to further pick fun at Sebastian. He didn't bother closing the door while he readied himself, Sebastian was talking after all and it was more than likely he'd kick it down had Kwan shut it in his face.
The dark SVU would be waiting downstairs for them as it often did during the week days, prepared to take either of them where needed.

Tuesday, 13 February



park sebastian

  • To catch Sebastian in a good mood was like seeing a zebra running through the streets of New York City. It didn't happen. And if it did, it was on borrowed time. Sebastian and pleasantness were like oil and water. Physically incapable of overlap for more than a few seconds. For the fiery male to smile as warmly as he was meant that somehow the universe had aligned in just the right way that the most picky human on the planet couldn't find something to complain about. The truth is, Sebastian was likely riding the high from last night. It was a night of many firsts. The first time sleeping with his lover. A truly wonderful experience until he ended up sobbing into his pillow. For as quiet as Kwan was half the time often due to Seb's inability to listen to anything but his own voice he was a beast in the bed. The shorter male was so exhausted by the end that he could barely even speak. Kwan had to carry him to the bath and back to the bed. It was the first time he had gone to bed without yapping in Kwan's ear. That morning Sebastian was feeling rejuvenated and he felt incredible. So much so that Kwan's taunting comment about Katie did not even bother him. Truly, this was a brand new Sebastian. "Love her to pieces but no one's cuter than me." the male replied, calmly but with a stern undertone. As if to say, don't push it.

    After a while, Sebastian and Kwan made their way down to the black SUV that was waiting for them outside. Sebastian took his seat beside Kwan and buried his face into his phone. He was texting Katie nonstop on the drive there. Sebastian and Katie met in high school. They instantly hit it off and quickly became best friends. However, Katie moved to Paris to pursue a fashion degree and Sebastian had not seen her in person in two years. He was extremely excited to see her once again and to show off his brand new boyfriend.

    The SUV came to a stop outside of a very trendy and upscale brunch cafe. It was one of Seb's favorite food spots in the city and he had yet to take Kwan there. He figured it would be the perfect place to meet Katie and to sit down and catch up. After they both got out, Sebastian pointed at the cafe. "Ta-da, I present to you the best cafe in the ci-"

    Before the male could finish his sentence, he heard a high pitched "SEBASTIAN!" Seb turned his head and saw Katie. She was only a few inches shorter than Seb was and wearing a baby pink dress. Her black hair was perfectly straight and came to a rest by her middle back. Making eye contact, the two let out shrill squeals of excitement before running toward and embracing each other. They hugged and continued to make noise before finally separating. It was only then did Katie notice the tall man standing a distance away. Sebastian followed Katie's gaze and then remembered that Kwan was there.

    "Katie, this is my boyfriend Kwan Im. He's my boyfriend or whatever." The male boasted, pretending that dating a member of the Im family was nothing special. He relished in the fact that he got to show off Kwan to his best friend. Katie let out a small gasp and looked back and forth between Kwan and Sebastian. After a few seconds of this she finally spoke up.

    "Oh my god Seb, like how on Earth did he pull you? Like, you're literally glowing right now. Like, glow up of the century. Oh my god, tell me your skincare routine. Wait- he better be buying you shit. Is he buying you shit? If not you better dump his loser ass." Just like Sebastian, Katie had a mouth on her. It was no wonder that the two got along so well. She could talk just as much as Sebastian could, if not even more. The two often spiraled because they would feed into each other's delusions.

    "He's alright, he could be nicer though. You'd think pulling someone as hot as me, he'd be more grateful but personality isn't everything I guess." Sebastian replied with a small roll of his eyes. Typical Sebastian, never missing an opportunity to restate his own attractiveness and insult Kwan at the same time.

    "Kwannie come here and introduce yourself." Sebastian said, calling Kwan over from the SUV that was only a few strides away.


ยฉ weldherwings.

๐—ž๐—ช๐—”๐—ก ๐—œ๐—  โญ ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐๐จ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ ๐จ ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ž๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐„๐•๐ˆ๐‹?
(ษช'แด แดษดสŸส แดœ๊œฑษชษดษข แดกสœแด€แด› แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแด…๊œฑ ษขแด€แด แด‡ แดแด‡)

It would be an under exaggeration to say that ๐“šwan did not have practice in being a boyfriend, in fact, he didn't have much practice in being anything really but it would seem a lot of things would have to change in the name of getting Sebastian. He would play the part needed of him. So, he sat and feigns to listen to the very long history between Sebastian and his proclaimed best friend after being sent a warning glance. While it was true Kwan didn't care, he mostly just couldn't grasp the idea of keeping someone close who realistically gave Sebastian nothing but alas even the blind could see that Sebastian craved nothing but to have his pride stroked โ€• that had been the very reason Kwan had caught him easily so, really, he supposed he did get something out of it however shallow it may have been. Sebastian liked to believe he was high maintenance but once you'd observed him long enough there was really only a handful of things you needed to uphold in order to gain control. Kwan wasn't even the least bit thrown off about Sebastian's apparent good mood today, it was only natural after Kwan had made sure to diligently check every one of Sebastian's boxes the night before; Sebastian was more rewarding than a game of Baduk. Kwan always found Sebastian entertaining even before the shorter man had known he was within Kwan's radar, each reaction he managed to elicit from the man was better than he could have anticipated, always animated and overdramatic. It was even more exhilarating knowing that everything would work out exactly as he had planned even if, occasionally, there were some bumps in the road.
Kwan's dark eyes glanced through the car window to the cafe they'd stopped in front of, it was typical of what he'd expect of Sebastian โ€• it was upscale of course and seemed to fit his expensive taste well, it didn't take long for his lover to throw himself from the vehicle clearly anticipating the arrival of his friend. He hated that anybody else could elicit such a reaction. Kwan followed soon after, his eyebrows furrowed under the fringe of his hair as his eyes trailed after the shirl shriek of his boyfriends name; unfortunately it seemed Sebastian wasn't lying about them being alike. His hand flexed in annoyance as he momentarily watched the two interact, watched them touch. Had his phone not buzzed in the pocket of his jacket bringing him back to earth in an instant his mind may have wandered to more violent solutions to Sebastian's friend. His fist unclenched before he reached to fish his phone out finally dragging his heated gaze away from their display of familiarity to read the screen of his phone; it was his younger brother. Kwan didn't bother reading it, he didn't care, he swiped his thumb across his screen sending the message into the abyss to properly be ignored.
His grasp on the phone tighten, threatening to shatter the glass before his vehement emotion came to an abrupt pause at the call of his name, he exhaled collecting himself in a moments notice before glancing up. It was clear Sebastian expected Kwan to continue the charade he'd bragged so much about to Katie, he was only finishing the game Sebastian had started after all. He pocketed the cellular device while taking long strides towards the two, his plush lips pulling up at the sides awkwardly until it settled into an expression of friendliness โKwan Im,โž he introduced himself putting on a show of offering his larger hand to her seemingly to shake in a proper greeting bending his towering stature politely however, he brought the knuckles of her fingers to his mouth, pressing a kiss of salutation to them โI've heard much about you, all good things of course.โž Kwan purred out audaciously before releasing her hand and placing his own along the small of Sebastian's back, he tilted his chin down to peer at Sebastian his eyes sparkling with mischief โShould we head inside then? You must be hungry.โž he cooed out, offering his elbow to the woman to escort and began to lead the two towards the doors of the business.

Tuesday, 13 February



park sebastian

  • sebastian was beyond excited to catch up with Katie again but also to show off his flashy new toy a.k.a. kwan im. of course he loved kwan, but he equally loved showing people who he was able to pull. that feeling in and of itself rivaled the feeling of love itself. sebastian thrived off of others' jealously of his looks and lifestyle. he loved the glances he got when he walked down the street wearing the newest pieces from his favorite designers. while it appeared kwan was winning their game, the truth was they were playing very different games. the fact that sebastian got unlimited access to the im family funds was sebastian's goal from the start. on that level, he had already won ages ago. he got to live the lifestyle he had always dreamed of with no limitations. additionally, he was with an extremely attractive man who spoiled him filthy. while unaware of the game of chess that his boyfriend was playing, he was getting all he needed to make it all worth it.

    his eyes narrowed the moment kwan kissed katie's hand. it was subtle and gone just as quickly as it had come. he had decided to let it go and possibly have a meltdown about it later. for now, his good mood was not going to falter that easily. they hadn't even made it inside of the restaurant yet. sebastian had not forgotten the horrid act of betrayal his boyfriend had committed the previous night at the club but was determined to not let his boyfriend's antics ruin his day. after all, he had not seen katie in such a long time.

    the trio walked into the restaurant where they were greeted by the server. the server welcomed them inside and sebastian pointed them to the table in the corner. what he liked about that specific table was the view of the city. the establishment was situated on the top of a hill and that was the only table with an unobstructed view of the sprawling city. he had made sure to reserve that table for them. correction- he had played the 'im family' card in order to steal the table from the unfortunate couple that had reserved it already. the name came with benefits and as the boyfriend of kwan im, sebastian had decided to use that to his advantage. not that kwan needed to know the specifics of his day to day life in such detail.

    sebastian sat down at the table and ordered iced coffees and an assortment of pastries to arrive ahead of their meal. he took a sip from his coffee and glanced over at katie. "you won't believe-" they said in unision. they both made eye contact and then broke into laughter. both had gossip they had wanted to share. sebastian's gossip sessions always took forever whether he was talking at kwan or talking with somebody else. "okay you go first." the male relented, a surprising move. he usually wouldn't hesitate to go first and to make it all about him but that just went to show how close the two were.

    "remember buck-tooth britney from freshman year? curly hair, mismatched clothing she got from marshall's? bitch guess what." katie began. if one were to read a transcript of their conversation, it would be unclear who was who given that they gave the same mean girl energy. "she's dating that loser ned from math-letes. he got her fucking pregnant. she's been posting non-stop on insta to her forty followers."

    "god they better hope that baby turns out better than them. shopping at marshall's? i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." sebastian replied.

    "bitch she didn't shop there she stole them off the clearance rack." katie replied, causing them both to laugh.

    "what do you think kwannie?" sebastian asked, deciding to try and make an effort for once to include his boyfriend in the conversation.


ยฉ weldherwings.


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