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Swan queen (ouat)

Regina smiled slightly. "Why thank you." She said with a smile. She ate her own meal. She finished within a few minutes.
Emma returned the smile and realized how pathetic she must look, to just be sitting there, again. "Where'd you learn the recipe?" she tried to ease the tension a bit by speaking, but it seemed to only make it worse
"Well it's genius." Should she ask about Henry? Would that be mean? She shifted in her seat and looked into Regina's eyes, "So, uh, how's it been with Henry?"
Regina blinked. "Er...good. Well, same as it's always been I suppose." She said, itching the back of her head.
"Sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked that, I know it's a sensitive topic..." she trailed off, unsure. "Nice going, Swan" she scolded herself
sqnicorn said:
"Sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked that, I know it's a sensitive topic..." she trailed off, unsure. "Nice going, Swan" she scolded herself
Regina shook her head. "It's alright. You didn't know." She said, frowning slightly. "So what's new with you?" She asked.
"Well, Mary Margaret decided that Hook was my 'true love'" she smirked. "He's not to bad, I guess, just kind of over-protective. Oh, and David decided that he was going to make sure that he would be a super fun dad-" she chuckled, "-and went to talk to Belle about it.Sometimes they're just complete idiots."
Regina chuckled slightly. "Hook's your true love?" She asked. She was doing a mediocre job on canceling her annoyance at that statement. "Good luck with him." She said smiling.
"I know, right?" she laughed and mocked " Oh, sorry, love. I didn't mean to make your face bleed with my unshaven face, although I find it devilishly handsome... (stopped mocking) He is kind of oblivious to the fact that every time he tries to kiss me I pull away"
Regina laughed. "One would think he'd know by now." She said chuckling. "So, what do you think about the whole Emma Swan and Captain Hook thing in detail?" She asked.
"I just don't think he gets that the last relationship I had landed me in jail, and I don't really open up to people. He just kind of expects me to be all loving and gentle, and my mom keeps pushing it, setting us up on dates. He always acts like I am helpless, and I have explained to him multiple times that I nearly killed him several times, and all he's done is steer a boat. Acts like his boat is his girlfriend not me. It's pretty annoying, but with Mary Margaret breathing down my neck whenever I'm with him, it's not like I have a chance to tell him... but whatever"
Regina chuckled a little more. "Want me to tell him?" She asked. She then picked up her plate. "Finished? If you are, I've got desert." She said smiling.
"Would you really do that, because that would be great actually..." A light blush crept onto her cheeks. "Oh yeah. Yum!! what's for dessert?!"
Regina smirked. "Of course I can!" She said. She took their plates to the kitchen and came out with two plates of apple pie. "I...made this." She said, placing the first slice in front of Emma.
"Of course. I don't even know what I asked" she laughed "Thanks! It's delicious!" she mumbled with a mouthful of pie. She swallowed. "Thank you so much for offering to talk to him."
Regina smiled. "Aww thank you!" She said smiling. She took a bite of her own pie. She blinked, sitting through the awkward silence.
Emma felt her face grow warm, as it always did when there was an awkward silence. "I noticed that when there's no one in mortal peril, this town really doesn't do anything. What the heck did you all do for 28 years?" she tried
Regina blinked and at a bite of her pie. "Mostly just been a mayor. " she said, looking at her food. She then looked at Emma and noticed her blush. "Um, something wrong? You're blushing." She said.
Emma just blushed deeper. "Oh... It's nothing, just nothing" she replied, her cheeks now bright red. "Just awkward" she added quietly. She shook her head and sat straight again, looking slightly flustered "Sorry about that."
Regina cocked her head to the side. "Are you sure? Because you're pretty red. Do you maybe have a fever?" She asked, folding her arms.
Regina shrugged. "If you insist. At least let me check your forehead." She said, finishing off her apple pie.
"Fine." Emma groaned, pushing the empty plate towards the center of the table and brushing the long blonde strands out of her face.
Regina got out of her chair and walked to Emma. She pushed her body against Emma and placed a hand on her forehead. "Nothing seems wrong." She said

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