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Bandits' Quarrel


Indecisive Being
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Bandits' Quarrel



First, steal a map that shows Polo's fleet shipwrecked in Borneo, carrying the Cintamani Stone Key from Shambhala. Then you must steal a Mongolian oil lamp which belonged to Polo from an Istanbul museum. The lamp contains flammable blue resin, which lights the map that shows Polo's fleet shipwrecked in Borneo. Find the Cintamani Stone Key from Shambhala with the map. It will gain passage to Shambhala through a temple in Nepal. The temple in Nepal will have a an Artifact worth millions. Retrieve it for me and I'll pay 1/3 of the total profit.
From your boss
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Donathan was shocked at the generous offer from his new, unknown contractor. Though he did not like working for mysterious contractors, but this sum of money was hard to not pass up. In addition, he was also trying to deviate from that lifestyle. The lifestyle of thievery. Sadly, his name is way too well-known now to not be harassed by potential contractors. They always find him. One way or another. "Oii, Miss Lennon. Eh got an emergency, eyy? I dunno when eh'll be back, but eh'll let ye know, Miss Lennon," he said on the phone to his boss from the Mineral Oil gig. It was a miracle that she allowed him to work with her. Apparently, she doesn't care about criminal records. 'As long as the job gets done,' was her words. For an old hag, she was pretty good looking, so occasionally, he'd sneak into her house and you know... Well, the job has been fun, but now he found a job that would end his need for work. Period.

Don was excited. Apparently, he's going to get a partner. His name was Gray something. Not that he cared. As long as the bastard does his part, he won't complain. He went to a nice hotel called 'Ai Cavalieri.' It was a pretty nice gig the new boss got for them. It had fancy rugs, fancy walls, fancy everything. The colors were warm and inviting. When he checked into his room, he saw a very shiny parquet floor, faux marble finish on the walls, antique furnishings and sophisticated lighting points with Murano glass sconces and chandeliers. Very fancy... Donathan thought as he walked in wide eyed. He jumped onto the bed and said aloud, "This is the life!" He placed his hands behind his head. @RefundTheLemons
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra waved her room key in front of the locking mechanism on her door. Her employer booked her a hotel room at the 'Santa Marina' in Castello, Venice. It was actually her first time visiting Venice so she was happy to hear that her partner would take a couple days to arrive, giving her time to explore the beautiful city. Alexandra was expecting to meet her today or tomorrow morning. The locked clicked open, carefully she set the brown paper bag she was holding on the counter. She had stopped by a glass shop where hand-blown glass was made, Alexandra loved collecting different glass figurines. Hopefully she would be able to get it home in one piece after this job. Her employer was unknown to her, the only information given to her was that she needed to find an artifact worth millions, and the first clue would be in Marco Polo's grave. Usually she would turn down such vague jobs, but the money was too great to pass up. That didn't mean she wasn't going to be on her guard at all time, especially due to the fact she didn't know who her partner was. Opening the curtains, Alexandra sighed at the disappointing view. All she could see was the building of another nearby hotel, 'Ai Cavalieri'.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen removed his black sades from his face as he entered the exquisite hotel 'Ai Cavalieri'. Though he was used to such a high class lifestyle, he still marveled at it's beauty. He made a mental note to take his mother here, she would love the endless rivers that ran through the city. Quickly checking in, he made his way to his bedroom. Slipping out of his suit jacket, he slowly and precising folded it and placed it on one of the soft armchairs. He knew little about this job, just one clue pointing to a man's grave. He kind of liked it this way, made the job more interesting and challenging for him. He wondered if his partner had settled into his room yet, their employer was nice enough to inform him they had a room next to one another. Graysen was in no rush to meet his partner though, he wanted to wash off his jet lag with a hot shower.


Phi're was recently hired by some unknown contractor. She wasn't sure what to expect, but the apparent contract dealt a lot of money. What bandit could resist that? was her first thought. As she flew to Venice, doubts flooded her mind. She still lacked experience when dealing with contractors like these. When she arrived, disappointment was her first feeling. Stepping out of the port only to find that the floors were used up, the buildings looked old, and to add that the colors were strange. On the rivers, she spotted several small, blue, pathetic boats. Sheeesh... Polo wanted to be buried here? Maybe it looked better then... she shrug as she went off to the Santa Marina hotel. There were two hotels, side by side. She went through her email to double check which one was her's. Of course... She thought with a sigh. Begrudgingly she entered the hotel and knocked on the door her roommate was supposed to be in. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. She wanted to just lay down in her room already.


Donathan fell asleep on the bed. His mouth was wide open, snoring, and he drooled at the side of his mouth. He opened his eyes slowly as he heard loud honking horns outside. "What is tis racket, eh?" He stood up and opened his window. Awww sweet mama! He thought happily. Eh get to see through 'em windows of eh another hotel... Don loves people watching. Specifically, women undressing and forgetting to close their windows. "Eh couldn't have eh gotten eh better boss!" At the corner of his eye, he caught a familiar face. Of all the women he slept with, he couldn't remember this chick's name for the life of him. Maybe he didn't sleep with her. He tapped his fist against his noggin, "Think, think, think..." Nope, no luck for Don, but if he didn't remember her name, that means he needs to get her in bed. No better way to remember a name. "Eh'm coming after Ya, ye pale beauteh." He knocked on his partner's door, "If ye in there, Eh'll be out for eh bit."
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra's head snapped over to the door at the quick knocks. That must have been her partner, picking up a yellow package off the counter, she walked over to the door and opened it. She was surprised to see a female standing before her, she hadn't worked with another female in quiet some time, they weren't an abundance in their line of work. She took note that the girl was demonic elf, she had a feeling she met someone of that race before, but she couldn't remember who. It was going to bother her the rest of day now. Alexandra handed the girl the yellow package as she leaned against the door frame. "Your key card, some cash, and a history book on the place and Polo are in there. Your room is next door." she said with a tilt of her head. She offered a small smile and held out a hand "I'm Alexandra by the way." She wanted to get along with her, the last time she had a female partner she was snotty and overall conceited. Plus she didn't know any females in her line of work, it would be nice to finally talk with someone that understood.

Phi're looked dumbfoundedly at Alex. "I-I'm not your partner..." She looked at the pale woman with confused eyes as she tried to hand over some random personal items. She looked down at the items suspiciously. "I was ju-just knocking to see if you had an extra towel..." She paused for moment then said, "MY GRANDMA IS NAKED DO YOU HAVE A TOWEL?!" She yelled at Alexandra in a panic-like manner. She dwindled her fingers nervously while looking at a distant room. Phi're was imagining seeing her grandmother naked and made a face of fear and disgust.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra was taken back, she was about to apologize when the thought hit her. Smirking, she re-crossed her arms over her chest, the yellow package still in her hands. "It's too bad I didn't say anything about a partner." she said knowingly. The girl was obviously fit enough for the work field, and no one would knock on someone else's door for towels. This was a four star plus hotel, you would just call room service. She wasn't sure what this girl was doing, but it seemed childish. Alexandra had an odd sense of deja vu at that though, who did this girl remind her of.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen glanced quickly at the door, then brushed off his partner's words. All he knew was the it was a guy and he spoke in an informal manner. Hopefully he took his job seriously, his mother's cancer had recently gotten worse and needed the extra cash. Though it wasn't as if he was poor, he just wanted the best and luxury lifestyle he could give his mother, she deserved it after what she had gone through. He mentally shaked the thoughts from his head as he stripped from his clothes and stepped into the tiled shower. The room almost instantaneously steamed up as he relaxed under the hot water. The knots in his back from the plane loosened and he sighed in content.

Phi're laughed then snapped her fingers, "Damn! Ye got meh!" She cleared her throat quickly, "Ahem.. I mean, you got me... you GOT me," she corrected herself as she half-chuckled in embarrassment. She hated her accent. She preferred the traditional pronunciation of English, not her Ignist accented English. She stuck her hand out, "Phi're Mirrors or you can call me Phi. Nice to met you, Alexandra or can I call you Alex?" Phi're love pretending to give handshakes. She always manage to pull her hand away in the last second and say, 'Psyche!' Those old pranks never get old for Phi. Never, never, never.

Just in case you were wondering... Her name is pronounced 'Fee-Rreh' The R rolls. Like the hispanic Rs

Donathan whistled at any and every female that came across his path. It took him half an hour to reach the hotel next door, despite it being only a few steps away. Once Don was finally in the lobby of 'Santa Marina,' he googoo eyed the receptionist, "Eyyy there, sweeht bae. Ye're lookin' quite delicious eh, might Eh sayyy." He grinned cockily at the blonde half-dead receptionist. He leaned against the counter and puffed up his chest. The pale-blue eyed vampire did one simple gesture, she showed her wedding ring on her left hand. "He doesn't have teh know," she responded to him with her middle finger. "Okay, ye don't have teh beh harsh." He stepped away from the counter and pondered for a moment as to what floor the mysteriously familiar woman was in. He scratched his chin in contemplation.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra's brows scrunched in confusion at the sound of her accent. It was as if she had met this girl before, but she hadn't. This was definitely going to bother her for the rest of time she was with Phi. She looked down at the girl's hand, unsure if she was going to pull away her hand at the last second, it was something human children did frequently to prank each other. She smiled at the girl and quickly shaked her hand before she could pull away "That's a pretty name, and yeah, call me Alex." It had been awhile since she had told someone that, Alexandra didn't have many friends. And the ones she did have were previous co workers, such as Andre. She wondered what he was up to currently, maybe she'd visit him after this job. Alexandra held up the yellow package to Phi "A gift from our mysterious employer." Her package appeared tucked away in her duffle bag after getting off her flight, their employer must have someone who works at the airport. When she entered her hotel room, her partner's package was sitting on her bed with 'Mirrors' written in black lettering on it.

Phi're raised an eyebrow and started laughing again, "Boy! You catch on quick!" She was slightly disappointed that she couldn't pull this simple yet satisfying joke, but there were plenty more people in the world to do it with. She took hold of the yellow package, "Well, Phibi would have Been easier for people to remember." She sighed sarcastically then laughed again, "Just kidding, I love my name too. Thanks!" She looked at Alex as Alex looked at her. The woman seemed to have some frustrating thought in her head. Phi're thinks she might of been the one who triggered it, but who knows. She shrugged to her own thought process and said, "I'm goin' teh shower..." Now, she, herself looked annoyed. "I'm going TO take a shower." She did another half-embarrassed chuckle. "Boy, you're pale." She mentioned as she looked again at Alex, then waved at her departingly. It was going to take some time getting used to looking at her new partner. "If you get lonely, I don't mind cuddling with women." With that, she entered her room and closed the door behind her.

Donathan was in the elevator. He pressed button on the floor he believed the beauty was in. Even though, there were plenty of beauties here. He was just determined to get that familiar one. For some reason, the remembrance of her face tugged on his heart. He hasn't felt that way in years. Hence, his determination to get her and himself down to business. Funky business. Atlas, the elevator opened up and he heard some chatter in a distance. To his luck it was the woman he's been after and some random chick, already entering her room. He missed seeing the back of the woman's body; this disappointed him, but he had a personal goal to attend to nonetheless. He quickly walked up to the very white, familiar demonic essence lingering at her own door. Her grabbed her hand, pulled her against his body and kissed her. When their lips touched, her name returned... Alexandra Smith. Yes, his old partner. They teased each other so much throughout their last mission, but they never don't IT. he's never been so close to any woman without having sex with him. This excludes female relatives, unless they were a hot second cousin. He felt his body on fire while he held Alex tight against him. He had to finish this. He tried smoothly move them into her hotel room while remaining their lips intact.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra stared at Phi's door dumbfounded even after she disappeared behind it. "Well... that was different." she mumbled to herself, that girl definitely reminded her of someone. Before she could do anything else, someone grabbed her and pulled her into a tight kiss. She was almost in too much shock to do anything, that's when she realized why the situation seemed so familiar to her. "What the HELL Donathan!" she yelled as she shoved the player himself off her. Slamming the door and locking it, she turned back to Donathan, and crossed her arms over her chest and made a huff sound. Her pale face was colored with a light blush, but she blamed it on her anger. Of course it was Donathan that Phi reminded her so much of, they were so similar it was scary now that she thought about it. The first and last time she worked with him he made such an easy job difficult for Alexandra. He was one of only people that made her lose her cool, and she had dealt with world's worse scum. Especially with his constant flirting, which for some odd reason brought a rise out of her, but she wasn't going to let that happen again. She took a few deep breaths and her face returned back to it's pale complexion. "What are you doing here?" she asked calmly with an arch of her brow, her arms still crossed over her chest.

As Donathan was pushed away, he sighed and rolled his eyes. Nope... Not getting rejected again... He thought defiantly. Ignoring her comments and questions, he leaned again to kiss her, and this time he held on to her tighter, hoping she might give in To their deep down lust they had for each other. He knows she denies it, but it was apparent in the way her body reacted to him. She wanted him. He never understood why she hasn't succumbed to him sooner, but he was determined that today was that day. He wasn't letting her push away again. He'll just Kiss her back stronger and more deeply. He never felt so determined in his life.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra was shocked that he ignored her completely and continued to kiss her, usually he would try again later but not immediately after she denied him. It seemed like he was more determined than usual, maybe it was because she hadn't seen him in months since their last job together. It was as if she had no control over her body, she could feel herself leaning into the kiss. And it wasn't as if this was her first time doing something like this, but it was always for a job. The only time she could remember doing it for her own personal pleasure was with guy who lived in the village she was born in, but that was a long time ago and they didn't exactly end of great terms. Alexandra brought her hands up to his shoulders and that's when she finally snapped out of whatever trance he had her in. Shoving Donathan violently off her and struggled to catch her breath. "You just don't know when to stop, do you?" she spat out in disgust, though it wasn't as genuine as she wished it was. Alexandra turned her back to him and crossed her arms, a million thoughts running through her mind.
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A loud THUD was made when Alex threw him off her. Donathan leaned against the wall his back slammed against. He sounded out of breath. Flames were flickering all around his body. He was hot. He only looked at the floor. His thoughts were racing as fast as his heart. His stare to the ground was quite blank. He didn't move until he heard Alex's exasperated voice. His eyes looked at her, but with intensity, almost passionate. He looked like he was about to jump at her and kiss her all over again, but he didn't. He simply stared at her silently as he was deep in thought. He questioned the mixed feelings he felt for this woman and why they have lingered for so long. Why her? Why now? Why... so desperate? Flames were almost seen in his eyes. She finally reciprocated. Though it was only for a second, he never felt a kiss so good. He's kissed plenty of women. Why her? Why now? Why... did he seem so desperate to have her?
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra's breathing finally evened out, she slowly inhaled and exhaled to calm herself. She brushed her cheek with her hand, still warm. Why did he always have this effect on her, it made her feel weak. And she did not like the feeling of being out of control, it made her uncomfortable. It was why she didn't have friends, people were too unpredictable. That's the main reason why he always bothered her to a great extent, but deep down she knew she had some kind of feelings for him. She wasn't sure what kind of feelings though, and that scared her. Feeling that she finally calmed down she turned back to Donathan. He was staring down at the floor with a blank gaze, it made her feel even more uneasy than she was before. Usually he seemed so sure of himself, but now he looked like he was confused himself. What was he thinking about? She crossed her arms tighter over her chest, she wanted to hold herself back from slapping him again. "Why?" she asked him simply, and she wanted an answer this time. Why was he here in Italy? Why did he suddenly grab her and kiss her like that? And why did he look so lost himself? All those questions floated around her head.

Phi're entered her room silently. She took off her clothes in a tired, robotic manner. She left a trail of her used clothes as she went to the shower. The water was steaming as it hit her skin. The regular human body temperature was 37 degrees celsius, but her normal body temperature was equivalent to of a sick human with a fever, about 40 degrees celsius. She was purposefully heating up her skin to burn bacteria more efficiently. Her temperature right now was 100 degrees celsius. Ignist rarely get sick thanks to their fire ability. Sweat doesn't even exist in their vocabulary, literally. Finally, Phi're cooled down and washed herself with soap to have the additional smell of cleanliness. Finally, she got out of the shower, dried herself, and made a mess out of her luggage to find her traveling outfit. She wanted to explore her surroundings a little more. She was thinking that whatever they had to retrieve was probably not going to be easy to get. She needed to analyze all her routes in case of emergencies. She's had plenty of those. She heard a loud thud next door. It was her partner's room. She rushed to put on her pants and boots. She hurried out of her room and quietly walked to Alexandra's room. She listened quietly to determine what actions she should take. She heard Alex ask 'Why?' to someone. This is not good. Someone is there with her, but who and why? She kept listening to understand the situation her partner was in.


Donathan smoothed his hair back in a frustrated manner. He breathed in then out and decided to change the subject. He simply couldn't answer that one worded question. Not now at least. "Eh saw ye out ye window," he looked in the direction of her window and shrugged, "Thought Eh stop by and relive old times, eyy?" He rubbed his arm absentmindedly. He was thinking to leave without an other word. The distance between them was irritating him. He wanted to try one more time to kiss her, but he knows he's been pushing his luck. He stood straight and walked to the door and placed his hand on the knob. He didn't dare look back. For some strange reason, it would pain him to. He felt everything was put on pause. This moment was at a stand still. What was going on with him? He's usually a lot smoother than this.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra looked out her window past Donathan, sure enough you could see an open window right across the river. Maybe she shouldn't have opened her curtain when she got back. She could tell he was uncomfortable, but didn't know why. He was one of the most promiscuous person she knew, usually after she would deny him he would make jokes and instantly go hit on another woman. So why did he look completely lost and in a daze now? Donathan walked passed her and walked towards the door without a word, that made her angry. Of course he was just going to leave without actually explaining himself or answering her questions. When she had met him he couldn't even answer the simple question of what his name was before ignoring her completely. Making an exasperated noise, she waved her hand as she turned her back to him again "Whatever." she said in a curt tone. Walking away from him, she made her way back towards her bedroom.

Phi're's brow arched as she continued listening to the conversation inside of Alex's room. Well, they certainly were having a fight, but not the kind she thought it would be. The male's voice sounded familiar. Before she pin-point the male's voice, she heard him nearing the door. "Oh shit!" she cursed under her breath while hurrying to hide behind the wall, but decided to go down the stairs and mind her own business. She's not into drama and she's not going to get caught up in her partner's drama. First, she walked around the hotel both Alexandra and herself stayed in. Then, she observed the neighboring buildings. There was another hotel, several old looking buildings, and a restaurant around the corner. Speaking of restaurants, she's hungry. The restaurant, Sapori Venexiani Ristorante, didn't look so fancy on the outside. But, that fact that the restaurant provides free wifi, was a win-win for her. There were many framed pictures on the walls of the restaurant, particularly of the landscape/cityscape of Italy. She sat at the bar and looked through the menu handed by the bartender, "Vuoi qualcosa da bere?" She looked at him with wild eyes. What the heck did he just say to me? she thought as she looked at him dumbfoundedly. She assumed he was asking her what she wanted. "That," she pointed at some random green glass beer bottle in a fridge they kept. "Nastro Azzurro," he said with a large grin. He nodded in approval, "Hai un buon occhio." The bartender placed the beer on a coaster before Phi. Phi're didn't know/understand more than half the things on the menu. Since there was an Italian flag and a German flag in two different sections of the menu, she assumed she had two choices: Italian or German food. She continued to look at the menu indecisively. She was considering to flip a coin for it.


Donathan heard Alexandra's disappointment and frustration with the one word she spoke. He couldn't help, but to look back at her. What a nice ass... he thought. "I want ye, Alex," he admitted as he still had his hand on the door. "Eh'll beh back," with that, he left her room. That was enough of an adventure for him today. A woman got out of her hotel room before him in her bathing robe, "Oh, mama..." Don said without a second thought. Her light blue legs and her webbed feet made him squirm. "Aren't ye a beauteh?" he said to her as he leaned against the wall before her room. She fluttered her black piercing eyes at him, "Բարեւ օտար." Don arched his brow, "Ain't that teh sexiest language Eh ever heard." The blue woman smiled and adjusted with one hand the fin on her head, "Դուք , կարծես թե, դուք գիտեք, թե ինչպես կարելի է ունենալ լավ ժամանակ." The woman reopened her door and moved her webbed fingers in Don's direction. He's assumed this is an invitation. He went into her room. Her webbed fingers laid on his back flirtatiously. She gave him chills. Their temperatures seemed to be completely opposite. "This is going to be interesting," he said before she closed the door behind them.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra only heard the sound of the door shutting before she decided to go on a jog. Pulling out her duffle bag, she quickly stripped from her current clothes and changed into her workout gear. Grabbing her phone and a pair of headphones, she made her way out to the hallway. Tucking her key card into her pocket, she glanced over at Phi's door and sighed. Her and Donathan were so alike, but she actually liked Phi, she didn't just randomly grab her and kiss her without explanation. The sun warmed her instantaneously as stepped outside the hotel. Putting in her headphones, she blasted a workout playlist she loved and started jogging. Passing Donathan's hotel she looked up at the building admiring the beautiful architect, that was until she crashed into a tall guy. Pulling out one of the headphones she looked at the guy to make sure he was fine "I'm so sorry." she said apologetically as she continued to job passed him. She only got a glance of the guy but for some odd reason he seemed familiar, though she was getting that feeling of deju vu a lot today.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen got dressed into his usual attire, which was a a shaggy black suit. He looked around the room, it was a nice place but there wasn't anything to do. He had never been to this part of Venice, so he decided to take a walk around and familiarize himself with the area, just in case. As he walked out of the hotel doors, the sun shined directly in his face causing him to block it with his hand. Unfortunately he didn't do it fast enough and a smaller female ran into him. She seemed around his age and although she was small, anyone could tell she was in shape. She apologized to him as she continued jogging, he waved it off "It's fine." he slightly mumbled, she was already gone around the corner. Walking down the street, he came across a small building with the sign of 'Sapori Venexiani Ristorante'. He saw a bar and immediately made his way to it, Graysen liked his liquor. As he sat down he took notice of the only other person at the bar, which was good looking firey elf. The bartender handed him a menu, which he waved away, he had ate before reaching the hotel. "Vuoi qualcosa da bere?" It's a good thing he was fluent in many languages, they were easy for him to master. "Basta un gin tonic." It only took the bartender a minute before producing the drink in front of him. "Grazie." he said as he tipped the glass near the bartender's direction, he responded with a nod of his head before wiping down the bar.


At the corner of Phi're's eye, she saw a handsome figure with a dark attire. Damn.. she thought... he probably doesn't speak a wink of English either. She let out a frustrating sigh and she stared at the foreign menu. The bartender approached her again, "Avete deciso cosa mangiare?" With one hand, Phi covered her eyes and her other hand spun the menu and pointed randomly at it. She peaked to see what she randomly chose. "Pizza," why didn't she see that before. Oh wait, its cause she hates fast food. She slapped her forehead. "Così si desidera una pizza?" She looked up at the bartender indecisively. Should I just get the damn pizza or attempt to try some other shit? Now that she thinks about it, this is why she never left Ignis in the first place. She didn't have to worry about silly situations like these. She had to get jealous of her brother's success and travel the world too, "Ugh!" She pulled out her phone. Maybe she could use google translate to communicate with the damn Bartender. She chugged her green beer momentarily while trying to signal the bartender, 'One moment.'

Graysen Malaki

As Graysen sipped his drink as the bartender approached the woman asking her what she wanted to eat. Out the corner of his eyes his saw that the girl was struggling to communicate with the bartender, she must only speak English. He heard her frustrated groan as she pulled out her phone, most likely pulling up a translating app. He chuckled a bit at the situation before turning to the girl, she looked even better now that he was fully looking at her "He asked if you wanted the pizza." he explained in a deep voice. His voice and eyes, the left one was a light blue while the right was blood red. "What do you like, I'll translate for you?" he asked with a slight arch of a brow. There was no doubt that this girl was beautiful and he could hear a slight accent, which he was into, but he couldn't tell since she just said one word. Her outfit resembled something you would wear in hot and desert like environment. Obviously she wasn't human and he was good with that.

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