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Bandits' Quarrel


Donathan shrugged as Graysen left to his duty as silently as he came in. Now, teh that fuckin' grave... he thought as he walked the opposite direction of his partner. He peeked into several rooms, but none appeared to have anything resembling a grave. "Eh fuckin' map for teh map would beh great," he said bitterly. Never has he ever met a woman that has bothered his mind this much and worse part is that he can't even get in her pants. He let out a long discontent sigh.

"Want one?" she asked with an angry, impatient-like tone. She looked up at the church and handed Alexandra the box with the remaining chocolates, "You can have the rest." She engulfed herself in flames pretending to burn the church, then quickly returned to normal while looking back Alex, "Just kidding!" She said with a fake smile, but she really wanted to burn down the church. Obviously, it would be counter productive, so she'll use her negative energy elsewhere.

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Alexandra looked at Phi in bewilderment and concern She refrained from asking her what had happened, obviously something bad happened between her and that guy. She carefully popped one of the chocolates into her mouth
"Uh, well I just watched two people break into the church, so we apparently have some competition." She had also decided against mentioning that one of the guys looked very much like the man standing outside of her, no need to give Phi a reason to just burn down the church. Making her way to the dome doors, she tugged on the handles and they opened with ease. Whoever the guy was didn't re-lock the door behind him.

Graysen eventually came across what looked like a cave entrance in a seemingly empty room he found. Walking into the cave, he immediately realized that he was standing in the churches catacombs. 'Oh great, creepy place.' he thought with a groan as he quickly sent a text to Donathan telling him to come over to him. It was entirely dark, but just standing from the entrance Graysen could see the the lines of skulls staring back at him. "I'm hating this job more with every passing minute." he muttered as he felt along the wall, looking for some sort of light source to use. His hand brushed against a torch, he would've laughed at the cheesiness if he wasn't so freaked out about the catacomb. Even though Graysen was half demon, it was still weird that humans had these underground cave cemetery. He started to explore the cave with the torch in his hand, since Polo might have been buried in a casket in a separate room. Then again he had never been in a catacomb before, he was basing his information off horror movies he had seen.

I wasn't sure how the church is set up, I tried looking up pictures but i didn't get much. I figured a catacomb would be interesting xD
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Phi're eyes went wide... I get to take out my frustration... SWEET!!! At first she didn't follow Alex to the door. She was imagining all the possible ways of torturing and beating the crap out of whoever was trying to make their job more difficult. She engulfed herself in fire, again, and ran past Alex as she opened the churches door. Using the flames to boost her speed she ran into every room until her spotted a familiar looking silhouette holding a torch, "Need a light?" She threw a fiery punch at the man. Halfway through the punch, her fiery fist lit the man's face and it appeared to be Graysen. Oh great... I'm hallucinating... she thought upon seeing him, her fist millimeters away from his face.


Donathan felt he was getting nowhere. Every goddamn room looked the same. He sat down for a moment on a dusty wooden chair. Eh didn't thehnk findin' eh dead man would beh so hard... he thought as he rubbed his forehead frustratingly. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. For some dumb reason, he thought of Alexandra. He looked at it... nope, ye dumbass. He stood up again and started to head to the side where Gray was searching. Apparently, he hit the jackpot. He was sorta glad he didn't have to search whole goddamned place. He would have been bitter as hell. Well, more bitter than he already is.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra raised a brow in concern as Phi ran past her into the church in flames. She pulled the doors shut and locked it this time, if they tried to escape she would have a couple seconds. Phi seemed to have who ever was on that side of the church under control, 'I kind of feel bad for the guy.' She made a mental note to question what had happened at her hotel room. Deciding to search the other side of the church, she made her way down the dark hallway. She heard the soft footsteps of someone making their way around the corner ahead of her. Quietly opening a nearby door, she hid inside the room, keeping the door cracked open to see into the hallway. Her jaw almost dropped to the ground at the sight or Donathan walking past the room. 'So that's why you're in Venice.' She thought to herself slowly. Stepping out of the classroom, she folded her arms over her chest and leaned against the hall wall, "Fancy meeting you here." She called out casually to him. At least for once she could surprise him.

Greysen Malaki

Grayson stumbled back in confusion as a fiery figure punched him square in the jaw. With a hand on his bruised jaw, he looked up in irritation. "What the hell Don-" his sentence was cut short as he realized the person who had punched him was not his partner, but was Phi're. Now Graysen was completely confused, "Phi're?" He asked in shock as he leaned closer to get a better look at her face. He was sure his vision was tricking him due to the punch, but she was still standing before him, angry and flaming.

Phi're closed her eyes... He sounds like him too. She shook her head, she's dealt with illusionist before. This couldn't possibly be the man she just spoke with earlier. "Cut this foolish illusion and tell me where's Polo's map!" she jumped high, spun her leg around, and aimed it toward the handsome devil. Phi was trying hard not to think about it. Just kick his ass and get the map. Just kick his ass and get the map. Just kick his ass and get the map... she chanted in her head. She planned to uppercut him with her fists then blast him with a fireball. That should get him talking. Then a little voice in her head said, 'Didn't Grey say he had to do a job at this late of night?' Phi're waved dismissively at the thought and continued chanting... Just kick his ass and get the map. Just kick his ass and get the map. This ass kicking suddenly got a little less pleasurable.


Donathan walked down the hallway until he heard a familiar voice. "Eh?" He turned to see who was speaking and jumped back with flames on the palms of his hands. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" his flames disappeared and he grabbed one of her breast to see if their real. "Sheht... ye're real." He left his hand on her chest, savoring the moment. Then it suddenly hit him. "Wait eh minute..." he looked down at her breast then back up to her face, "We're partners again?" It was music to his ears. Maybe this was why Greysen texted him. To let him know about their new hot member.
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Graysen was bewildered at her words, she was looking for the same thing. Which meant she worked in the illegal work field, seeing her throw punches only solidified his thoughts. Pinning her arms to her side, as gently as he could, pushed her against the wall. The sound of his torch dropping seemed to echo endlessly. Looking down at her, he was thankful at the fact he wielded same ability, although less intense. Anyone else might have burned, it was apparent she was angry. 'Maybe it's not because of me?' he thought hopefully, but he knew the source of her anger steamed from his abrupt leave of absence. "Chill, I'm not an illusionist. Unfortunately I am Graysen." he said slowly and calmly so that the words would sink in. It was too coincidental for him that she was also trying to obtain the map. Was she alone, or are there others? He glanced over his shoulder quickly to check for any unknowns.

Alexandra swatted away his hand and scoff at his question, "You wish, pig." she spat the last word out. Maybe it would remind him to stop touching her without her consent, but she doubt he would stop. It was Donathan after all. "So, just out of curiosity, how many girls did you fuck after leaving my room?" she casually asked with a tilt of her head. If she had to bet on it, she would guess between 2-8 girls. Or even guys, she wasn't sure if he went both way. The number of girls he has slept with alone was too big of a number without adding guys to the mix. Looking down at his outfit, she came to the conclusion that he was the guy climbing through the roof. 'Leave it to Donathan to over do it.' she thought with a sigh. Alexandra wondered how Phi're was doing with whoever Donathan was working with. Seeing how fast and heated she was entering the church, she figured Phi could hold her own. Maybe she'd find the map and they could leave quicker.

Phi're struggled within his grasp. She was surprised to be held without getting him burnt, "What teh hell are ye?" She asked aggravatingly as her Ignist accent slipped out. When Graysen told her that he wasn't an illusionist and confirmed his name, she paused for a moment. They were so close to each other, she couldn't help but to hold her breath. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head. She got onto her toes and leaned in. She breathed on his lips before kissing him.Once her arms were loose, she tired to pick pocket him, but he had nothing that felt like a map. His lips were soft, but not too soft. Perfect lips for a man. Sadly, she had to do her job, "Bye, Graysen." She kicked him between the legs and in a hot flash, she searched the room and left with what presumably was Polo's map. She ran to where she last saw Alex. She was moving so fast she ran past her partner and a man resembling her brother. She ran back, but this time she exclaimed, "I got the map! Let's go!" She passed them again and exited the church and to a nearby alleyway awaiting Alexandra.


Only one... Donathan responded the answer, but in his head. Then it clicked. Why would she ask in the first place? "Ye crushin' on meh, eyyy?" he couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth, "Ye jealous, Alex?" Before Alex could respond, a flash of fire passes right by them. "Who teh hell?" he looked to see who went past them, but the voice said enough. Phi're? It sounded like her. "Ye're partner's with meh sisseh?" he scratched his head, "wait eh minute... ye after teh map tooeh?" He looked from Alex to where he last saw Phi're. Ye got to beh kiddin' meh... he was up against an other Ignist and a blood one at that. Phi're won't be easy to catch. He's played tag with her and she's freakin' fast.
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra didn't know why she asked him that. There was no way she was jealous, just wanted to prove her point of him being nothing but a pig. But before she could dismiss his question, a blurry vision on fire passed her. It quickly returned and it was Phi're exclaiming she had the map before running off again. At least this would be a quick task thanks to her. He also confirmed her suspicion of their sibling connection, but he seemed too surprised for them to be plotting something against her, but that was a train of thought for later. Casually turning back to Donathan, she gave a quick smirk before delivering a right hook onto Donathan's jaw and kicking him between the legs. "And no, I'm not" she said bluntly before following in Phi're's footsteps outside. She looked as if she had been waiting five minutes for Alexandra to catch up. "So what are we gonna do? You're brother's gonna be able to keep up with speed wise." Phi knew her brother better than Alexandra did.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen was taken back by her sudden kiss, until he realized it was all a distraction as she kicked him in between the legs. He groaned loudly and crouched over in pain. That was the last time he was letting a woman take advantage of him on a job. After quickly regaining his composure, he ran out of cave of dead and out into the church hallways. She was too fast to keep up with, but she seemed to be the same race as Donathan, maybe he would be able to catch her and get the map back. Before turning down a hallway, he heard a female's voice coldly say something before the sound of her running disappeared. It wasn't Phi're, so she had a partner too. 'Why does everyone want this stupid map all of a sudden?' he asked himself as he turned the corner.
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Phi're leaned against the wall of the dark alleyway. Tapping her foot as she waited for her partner. She pushed herself off the wall once she spotted Alex, "Hey!" She said in a more chipper mood. She gave Alexandra a puzzled look, "Brother?" she cocked her head to the side, "um... not all Ignist people are brother's and sister's, ya know?" She can understand someone confusing all Ignist people as her immediate family. They all had orange skin and reddish-orange hair. She gets it, but its like saying all pale, dark haired people where Alexandra's family. "Don't worry about speed. I'm the fastest Ignist..." she pointed at herself proudly, "I even got medals." She crossed her arms with the map in her hand, "I'm here 'cause one of 'em guys know my hotel number... should I bunk with you or do we move to an other hotel?" She looked at her partner waiting for an answer. She was in no rush. If the guys found them, she can easily out run them. The map is safe with her. "Actually..." she shoved the map in Alex's pocket. "They'll chase me thinking I have it and you'll text me when you find a safe place for us."


Donathan walked achingly with his legs wide and his hands on his crotch. Finally, he saw Graysen in his line of sight, "Sheh fuckin' got meh hard!" He waddled out of the church then said with one of his fists shaking in the air, "Why meh balls have teh beh so big?" He turned around to look at Graysen disappointingly, "Why ye let meh siseh get teh upper hand, eyy?" He shook his head, "Ye makin' meh look bad."
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra ignored her comment about how Ignist people aren't all related, that was a topic for another time. 'Well now I know what she is.' she never really had the time to ask Phi or Donathan when they worked together. "We can't go back to the hotel, Donathan knows my room number too." She emphasized his name to try to get some sort of reaction. Thinking quickly she unfolded the map and placed it on the ground, she pulled out her phone and took a picture of it. It was just in case they somehow steal the map from them. Folding it back up, she shoved it back into her pocket. "We should probably go back and get whatever we need from our rooms before they go there." Glancing down at her phone, she looked for a marking on the map. "It looks like we're going to an Island, just off south of the Philippines, we'll work from there." she slipped her phone back into her pocket and waited for Phi's confirmation.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen would laugh at the coincidence of his injury if he wasn't also enduring the same pain. His jaw almost hit the concrete sidewalk as he yelled out "Phi're is your sister!?" he simultaneously yelled the question in his head. He knew the were of the same race, but he would've never predicated they were related. It didn't mean much to him now though, especially after she kicked him hard between the legs as she distracting him with a kiss. He felt really stupid for allowing himself to fall for such a blatant trick, never again. "And as if you can talk." he said motioning to Donathan holding his 'area'. "Did a girl overpower you?" he said mockingly, though Graysen couldn't talk because the same thing happened to him, but he didn't know that. Plus it wasn't as if he wasn't sexiest, he didn't think all girls were weaker than him or it was shameful to be bested by one. But he figured Donathan to be the type to think that.

Phi're eyes widened as Alex said her brother's name, Donathan. She held her hand in the air, signalling for Alexandra to stop talking, "Did you just say, Donathan?" She blinked when she realized what Alex just said, "You slept with that PIG?!" She waved her hands in the air in disbelief. All Ignist men were pigs, but Don was the king. Some Ignist believe Don went international more for the women then the money. "It is completely none of my business..." she said trying to calm herself down. She remember them arguing in her room. It wasn't like Don to argue or even speak with a woman after sex. Was their something more? Phi really needed to mind her own business. She waved all the thoughts out of her mind. She awkwardly tried to transition the conversation to something else, "Yeah.. so let's get our stuff." She walked just as awkwardly as she spoke, away from Alex and to their rooms.


Donathan looked at Graysen oddly, "Ye know meh sisseh?" Suddenly, his balls didn't ache anymore. He stood tall, eyeballing his partner. "If ye fuck her make sure ye use eh condom," he said seriously. It was an Ignist tradition to have plenty of sex. It was a competition among all of them. Phi're was an odd exception which drove all the men in Ignis to drool over her. She was like their mother. Even though their mother tried to encourage them to bunny everyone, but Phi're didn't exactly follow the advice. Ignist do settle down eventually, but Donathan never really understand the transition from all the women in the world to one. Don, himself, has caught his father with other women, so he thinks marriage, true love, faithfulness is a myth. He crossed his arms cockily with a smirk, "Sheh may have won teh battle, but sheh hasn't won teh war." He gave a 'I know something you don't know' look in a very cocky like manner. "Eh know Alex's room number, eyy. Weh fucked last night," he lied between his teeth, "Let's hurry before teh find eh new room, eyy?" He ran up to a building, jumped and clung to the edge of a window and pulled himself up. He used any poorly placed brick or crevice to his advantage, pulling himself higher and higher to the top of the building. Until Alex's window was within his sight again.
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Greysen held up a hand to Donathan to signal him to stop his 'protective brother' sentence. "That won't be a problem." he said in a deadpan voice. They were unlikely to have another friendly conversation, let alone sex. He followed Donathan down the poorly lit street, claiming to have had sex with Phi're's partner, though he looked too convincing as he said the words. Little did his partner know that he knew his sister's room number, but he decided to say nothing. He just wanted to get the map back and finish the job so he could part from him intolerable partner. He ran up the stairs of the Phi's hotel, jogging slightly down the hallway to her room. She saw another girl standing in the hallway with her luggage, but made nothing out of it, considering she hadn't done anything to him yet. As he approached Phi's door, the girl spoke up. "Excuse me sir, could i ask for your help?" Greysen almost groaned out loud, by restrained himself. Turning back around to face the pale girl, he had a feeling of deju vu fall over him. "What is it?" he asked, his voice strained.

Alexandra was taken back by Phi's loud accusation. 'So she knows her brother is a pig, it must not run in the family then.' She had wrongly assumed since Donathan's sex drive was so high, so would his siblings, but her stammering of sex earlier in the day proved her wrong. She ran to catch up to with Phi, she looked uncomfortable. She waved her hands in a erratic manner, "No way in hell would i sleep with that pig!" she almost yelled dismissively. She didn't want Phi to think that way of her, because that wasn't how Alexandra operated. "But that doesn't stop him from trying." her annoyance was evident as she spoke the words, she just wished he would stop touching her without consent, maybe next time she'd break a bone or something. They had reached their hotel doors, the two guys were not here yet, but they had little time. Using her key card, she gained access into her room. All of her stuff was still packed away into her duffle back and backpack, save for her laptop. Placing it back into her backpack, she slunged it over her shoulders while gripping the duffle bag. Shutting the door behind her, she waited in the hallway for Phi with her phone in hand, contemplating where to go next. That's when the man from earlier jogged up to Phi's door. Maybe she could distract him long enough for her to slip by? "Excuse me sir, could i ask for your help?" she used her most innocent voice she could conjure up, luckily he hadn't seen Alexandra with Phi yet. "What is it?" she could tell he would rather be breaking down Phi's door to steal the map back than help a distressed person.

Phi're was trying really hard not to chuckle as Alexandra tried to fend for herself. Well, that's a relief... Phi thought as she walked ahead of her partner. She gave in to a curt laugh at lex's comment, "Yup, sounds like him alright." Phi're was curious as to how they met. Yeah, sure, they were both thugs, but they must have been in some cool adventure together. Alex seems to know Donathan like the back of her hand. Actually, cross that. There's not much to Don. He's just a pervert. Anyone can see that. She decided that that would be a conversation for another time when they're not rushing to another hotel. She waved at Alex playfully before entering her room. Her silly smile dropped at the sight of the flowers Graysen gave her. She ran her fingers through her curly hair in frustration as she closed the door behind her. "You're a bad guy..." she walked over to the flowers splattered on her bed and sighed, "like me..." How the hell could she even try to get with him now that he's practically an enemy. She even took advantage of him, kissed him and kneed him in the nuts. She really wanted to kiss him, but the kneeing part was a necessary evil. She wished she knew a way to turn back time and force him to stay earlier that night and they could have made a lasting memory. She was shoving all of the mess she made on the bed back into her luggage as the thought of Graysen frustrated her. The mess was proving to be a tedious pain, so she opened her door slightly to call out to Alex. She was certain she was done by now, "Hey, Alex. Just go without me. I'm going to be a bit." She closed the door without looking out. Even if Alexandra was in her room, she was loud enough to be heard. Phi was sure of it. Now, to fold all my damn clothes, so they could fit in the damn luggage... she rolled her eyes before getting to work.


Donathan was near the top of the hotel where Alex resided in. He climbed down the hotel's wall and realized he was on the wrong side. "Բարեւ , օտարական," he turned to see where the familiar voice was coming from. Oh, he was next to the mermaid's balcony. This could be useful, "Oh, hehehe.. Eyyy there." She walked dramatically, swinging her hips from side to side. "Ես կարոտել եմ ձեզ մի բան," she told him as she touched his chest lightly with her webbed fingers. "Ye mind if Eh use ye front door?" he asked as he awkwardly slide into her bedroom and tried walking away from her. She gripped onto his shirt and threw him onto the watery bed, "Կլոր երկու." Donathan gave the exotic, blue mermaid a 'please-don't-do-this' face. He shook his head trying to emphasize that he wasn't here to fuck her. "Մի խաղալ, տղա." Her voice sounded like it was getting angry. Maybe a quickie... Don thought with a shrug.
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Both Alexandra and Graysen's heads snapped over to Phi're's door at the sound of her voice. As Greysen turned his head back to face Alexandra, he jumped back away from her incoming fist. Before she had time to swing again, he rammed her forward against the wall, pinning her arms to her side. She struggled against his hold, he had a bit more strength than her. 'Hopefully she has the map...' his thought drifted as he searched all her pockets, all while still pinning her against the wall. "Hey!" she yelled as he pulled out the map from her front pocket. Shoving it into the inside of his jacket pocket, he pushed her against the wall as he backed away from her, his back facing the hallway staircase. He held up his hand, threatening her with the fire forming in his right hand, in response she held up her hand and brought up a blue wisp shield around her. She couldn't attack him though, if she did he would throw the fire at her and it would bounce off and start a fire, she could endanger everyone else in the hotel. He slowly started taking steps back before turning around and sprinting down the staircase and out the hotel, as he ran he sent a text to Donathan telling him he got the map back and to meet him in their hotel. Alexandra made a loud aggravated noise as she dropped her shield, watching his disappear down the staircase. She aggressively threw the side of her body into the door, hurling her inside. Alexandra saw Phi folding clothes and packing. "Your guy took the map!" she said announced to her partner. He might have gotten far, but Phi was a fast runner.
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Phi're was almost done packing, but apparently she didn't fold her clothing neatly enough and the luggage wasn't closing. She grunted as she sat on the luggage and try to close the damn thing. Her lack of expectancy to hear Alexandra's voice made her fall backwards as the luggage flung open. "Whaaaat?" she stood and was about to blitz after him, but Alex's comment hit her, "My guy?!" Then an idea came to Phi're's mind. She wasn't sure how thinking of Graysen helped her come up with the idea, but a strategy is better than no strategy. "Technically, they can't read the map without the oil lamp in the Istanbul Museum," she said to Alex with a knowing look, "Let's get the Lamp before they do and plan a trap to obtain the map from them!" She clapped excited as she knelt on the floor to try to close her damn luggage again.


Donathan finally finished his unnecessary business with the mermaid and to his benefit, Graysen already confiscated the map. He silently sneaked out of the woman's bedroom and heard his sister's familiar, enthusiastic voice. Get teh oil lamp before us, eh? He crept away slowly down the stairway and walked across the street to his partner's bedroom. He knocked and said jokingly, "Room service." His partner may have gotten the map, but he got them some juicy gossip.
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra watched Phi return to the struggle of closing her luggage, walking over she helped her re-fold her clothing. "Did you pack everything..." Alexandra muttered to herself as the click of the luggage brought immediate satisfaction. Standing up, she took out her phone and booked two tickets for the next flight to Istanbul, Turkey. Luckily, one was leaving in a few hours, which was just enough time to make it to the airport. Finalizing the ticket, she looked up at her partner with a smile "Looks like we're going to Turkey.". Going back outside of the hallway, she picked up her bags and proceeded down to the lobby to return their key cards. After a few minutes of waiting, the bus finally showed up to take them to the airport. It was just a little bit after four a.m.

Graysen Malaki

Graysen rolled his eyes as he tucked the map back into his pocket and made his way to the door. Sure enough his rude partner was there to greet him, stepping back to let him walk in, he quietly shut the door since it was early morning. "What were you doing?" he attempted to ask casually as he laid out the map on the table, but he was sure Donathan would take it as an accusation. He talked about Garysen not doing his job, what was Donathan doing while he took the map himself. 'Maybe having sex with some poor girl.' he thought with a laugh. That would be ridiculous.
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Phi're nodded and responded to Alex, "Yup, that's everything!" she hauled the luggage over her shoulder and followed behind her partner. Unsure what conversation she should start with Alexandra, she decided to not go for the safe route, "Sooo... how'd ye meht, Donneh?" Her accent slipped again, but she was way too tired to correct herself. For Pete's sake, it was four in the morning. She couldn't wait to get some shut eye. She would lean or sit on whatever was near when she got the chance. When the bus arrived, she happily sat even though they weren't the most comfiest of seats. From time to time, Graysen would slip into her mind. She would keep repeating, what if this or what if that, but was done was done. She looked outside the window of the bus longingly. He was perfect. He was a criminal like herself. Handsome, funny, charming, romantic... and he could take her heat. She smushed her cheek against the bus' window in discontent. Why him? Why now? Of all things he had to steal, why her heart and the god damned map?


Donathan flashed Graysen a cocky smile. "Eh was eavesdropping, ye seh?" He sat on his partner's bed without a second thought. His legs were spread apart and he leaned on top of his knees with his elbows, "Ye wanna know what teh girls plan to do, eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully as he watched his partner. He could tell Graysen had a lot of patience. Not many guys could handle him and the way he was. He liked him already despite knowing his partner probably really hated him. "They're going for teh lamp. Weh gottah go, champ." He got up as quickly as he sat down, emphasizing on the urgency of the matter with his silly mannerisms transitioning to a more serious face.
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra thought back to when she had met Donathan. "Well..." She started as she handed the bus driver the fare for the two of them before taking a seat on the almost empty bus. She was thankful to finally get off her feet, even if she was sitting in the most uncomfortable seat. "I was forced to work with him on an assassination contract about a year ago." She never did understand why two people were needed for such a simple task, but they got the job done and the pay was good. "He was so self absorbed I couldn't even get him to tell me his name, he just ignored me." Alexandra rolled her eyes as she said this, she could still remember the total frustration she felt when she had first met him. "Always crossing boundaries..." She looked away and mumbled grumpily "Even to this day." She couldn't forget the surge of multiple emotions from his surprise kisses. She crossed her arms and slumped back into her sit, this was going to be a bit of a bus ride to the airport.

Greysen Malaki

Greysen nodded at the new information Donathan had gathered. He was surprised he was actually making a contribution to the job and was taking it seriously. 'Maybe I misjudged him?' He asked himself as Donthan abruptly stood up. He would have to wait and watch before he made any final judgements, and possibly apologize. If he did turn out to be a good partner, he wasn't going to let his "manly pride" stand in the way of apologizing for his misjudgment, even if he never said them out loud. He knew vaguely about the lamp he was mentioning. On his plane ride over he decided to do a bit of research on Polo to keep him busy. He briefly read about a lamp he had made and was on display in Turkey. There were only a few ways to get there from where they were. "Do you like boats or planes?" He asked with a slight grin, it had been awhile since he rode a boat.

Phi're listened to Alexandra's amusing yet brief story about Donathan and herself. It looks as though she's quite affected by him. "Ehhh, don't mind him. Just a dirty little boy who never learned manners," she let out a laugh, "Heck! I could have easily came out like him, but luckily, I had a good motherly role model. Sadly, Don took after our scumbag of a dad." Finally, the bus came to a halt and they've reached their destination. "Welp, lets go!" She dragged her luggage down the hall of the bus and out the door. The airport had a lot of people despite it being so early in the morning... How do they people do this willingly? she thought.


Donathan let out a cocky laugh when he saw Graysen's surprised reaction, "Phi're is such eh big mouth." He ran his fingers threw his hair with a silly grin, "Eh'm sure ye would have enjoyed that about meh sis." Donathan loved innuendos. Especially sexual ones. He knew Phi're was still a virgin, so he liked throwing her out there to other guys. She's a picky woman. Don scratched his chin pensively, "Since weh have teh map, weh don need to worreh about 'em goin' anywhere." He let out another chuckle, "Heck, they can do our job for us and weh just have teh steal from 'em!" Don just realized he didn't answer the question, "Whatever ye want, man. Eh don care."
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Alexandra glanced over at Phi as she smirked, "I try not to..." she mumbled quietly as stared out of the bus windows, Italy was beautiful even at night. Eventually they reached the airport, you couldn't tell by the number of people bustling to their gates that it was 5 am on the weekend. She brought her hand up to shield her eyes from the bright white lights, a sharp contrast to the dark morning outside. Since they were a bit early for their flight, they picked up their tickets and went through security. Every time she went through security, she was always reminded of how cautious and invasive humans were. As they walked into the waiting area her stomach growled loudly, which made her think about when the last time she ate was. Looking around at the food court options, she looked over at a McDonald's and looked to Phi for confirmation. "Wanna get some breakfast?" Alexandra always did love their pancakes.

Graysen ignored Donathan's comments about his sister, he didn't really wanted to be reminded of how easily he was tricked. His partner's previous urgency vanished as quickly as it came, saying that the girls would do their jobs for them. He rested his hand on his chin and thought about their situation and what to do next. As shocked as he was to admit it, Donathan was right. Phi and her partner wouldn't be able to do anything without the map, which is in his and Donathan's possession. This might be his last chance for awhile to take a breather, this job seemed to have gotten more complicated and longer than it originally did. "That's true." he nodded his head as he agreed. "I'll book us plane tickets for tomorrow evening. Are you cool with that?" Walking over to the door, he opened it up and leaned against the door. He would hope his partner got the hint and would answer and leave so he could finally get some sleep himself.

Phi're squinted as they entered the well lit airport. She blinked a few times until her eyes adapted to the lighting. She followed Alex around like a zombie. When she mentioned breakfast, Phi're looked dumbfounded. "Breakfast?" She repeated. "I could use a bed right now, but whatever," she saw her partner eyeing McDonalds. She sighed as she walked towards it. Staring at the menu half-asleep. "Just give me those egg burrito things," she waved lazily at the dollar menu where she spotted the item she wanted to order then sat down on one of their metallic, bright colored chairs with her forehead resting on the table.


"Yeah, yeah... ye should just say, 'Tanks Don. Ye teh best!'," Donathan said cockily. He made a mental note that Graysen gets annoyed at the mention of his sister. He should mention her more often. He waved dismissively at the guy when he walked towards his door, subtly telling him to get out. "Yesh, goodnight to ye too." He left and happily went in his room. Showering briefly the. Heading straight to bed. Finally, a day away from Alexandra. Don twisted his mouth to the side with the thought. He hoped he won't dream of her tonight.
Alexandra chuckled a little bit at the tired look on Phi's face before she walked away and slumped down at a small table. There was no one else in line, since it was so early in the morning, so she didn't have to wait long. Taking their trays, she walked over to Phi, who seemed to be sleeping. Setting the tray careful in front of her and sat down across from her. "You better eat up," she unsurprisingly went with the hot cakes and started pouring syrup all over them. "Airplane food usually sucks." Her mouth was full of food so the words came out jumbled, but she couldn't help it, the last time she ate was yesterday morning. The hot cakes were gone in almost a minute, Alexandra sat back in her seat, happy that she finally got to eat. Even if her exhaustion was catching up with her, she'd be able to sleep on the plane.

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